Other high-level executives all turned their attention to Ning Yanchen.

Ning Yanchen nodded and said: "Yes, if we delay for three months, we may be more fully prepared, but aren't the Zerg the same? They also have these three months to prepare better."

"But if they can, we can't!"

I don't know the situation of the alien nest now. If I dragged the initial alien nest into a mature stage for three months, I would regret it!

The high-level people present were all smart people, and they naturally heard the meaning of his words, and their faces were a bit ugly.

How can the **** Zerg be so hateful, since they appeared on this continent, they have no peace every few years.

As the commander of the alien race, Xi Qingyou was also sitting in a high position at this time, she thought about it and suggested: "The top three tribes decide whether to release the seal now or three months later by voting for the minority to obey the majority. "

In this case, whether to untie or not to untie is decided by so many high-level officials of the three clans together, and the final result cannot be blamed on her family Xixi.

Ning Yanchen and the leader of the Yaomeng also agreed: "We agree."

They are not good at making decisions arbitrarily.

The other high-level officials also had no opinion, and immediately voted to decide.

The final result is basically a complete downfall, with 90% of the top three tribes voting to unlock the seal and fight against the Zerg now.

"We can't stand the various intrigues and tricks of the Zerg, and directly **** their ancestors for the eighteenth generation, this time we will fight!"

"Yes, either we die or they die!"

The high-level members of the three tribes here are all excited, and they already hate the Zerg.

Ning Yanchen also guessed that this would be the end, and asked Ning Xi, "Xi'er, are you sure you can unlock the seal now?"

Ning Xi nodded: "My four arts are almost integrated, and now I have more than 70% confidence that I can unlock the seal."

"However, I suggest delaying the release of the seal for a month, until the three clan armies are arranged and then unraveled, which will also facilitate direct battles with the Zerg."

Since you have chosen to start the fight in advance, you have to be prepared, and you cannot act in a hurry.

The Insect Emperor can make hundreds of thousands of Zerg as cannon fodder, but the three of them cannot do the immoral thing of making so many monks cannon fodder.

What they have to ensure is the maximum ability to reduce the casualties of the three races participating in the war.

The leader of the Demon League said, "Ningxi's proposal is very good, and I agree with it."

"The army of the three clans is almost assembled now. It can be sent in batches from today, and it should be almost completed within a month."

"I propose not only to assemble a large army to fight against the Zerg, but also to announce the matter of the alien nest, so that all the three tribes know, and let them know the sense of crisis that the nest has been destroyed under the nest."

"Then as long as the interested monks of the three tribes can join the army that resists the Zerg, they can make a contribution to the protection of our homeland, Xia Xuantian."

Inside is the old nest of the Zerg. I don't know how many Zerg there are. The total number of monks gathered by the three tribes is only 300,000, and the number is estimated to be a lot worse than the other party.

If all three clan members were launched, the situation might be much better.

The deputy commander of the alien race nodded and said: "I agree with this point. If the alien nest really erodes the entire interface, no one will want to live in peace, and anyone who is interested can come and participate."

Other high-level executives thought about it and thought it made sense. It would be better to keep this kind of thing public. Everyone united to fight the final battle of life and death. Anyway, there was only one result, and no one could escape.

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