The First Dude: Dark Emperor, Come To Fight!

Chapter 2206: Unprecedented unity

The high-level officials of the three clans discussed together and made several important decisions.

On that day, the large spar screens on all the buildings in the virtual world flickered, and then Ning Yanchen, Xi Qingyou and the leader of the Yaomeng appeared inside.

Ning Yanchen was the first to speak: "Dear friends of the three clans, there is a very urgent matter to be announced now, please pay attention!"

The cultivators of the three tribes could naturally recognize their identities, so they stopped, or came out of the game and other places, and looked straight at the two and one monster.

Ning Yanchen saw that the attention of the three clans in the virtual world were all attracted, "I believe everyone already knows that the Zerg has sent a battle post to us, but we have now found a more serious situation, in..."

He talked about the seal and the alien nest in general, but he didn't say anything about Shang Xuantian this time. These things are just secrets that Xuansheng knows, and there is no need to publicize them.

After listening to Ning Yanchen's words, the expressions of the three clans present changed, either solemn or worried.

Seeing this, the leader of the Yaomeng immediately stood up and said: "Now we need to form a powerful three-tribe army, and in a month's time, we will have a decisive battle with the Zerg fish and the net. The monks above can rush to the target to join our army."

With a solemn face, he continued: "Then protect our homeland together and destroy the Zerg!"

"Protect our homeland, I'm going, I'm going!"

"It's really unbearable to destroy his mother's Zerg, I'm going too!"

"Go and go, the big deal is death, and the insidious and shameless grandchildren of the Zerg must pay the price."

"Go, definitely go."

"I'm going to prepare now, and I hope to continue playing dungeons in virtual world games in the future."

"Come on brother, see you soon!"

There are many **** people and demons in the three clans. They were so angry and excited when they heard the words of Ning Yanchen and the leader of the demon alliance, they said goodbye to their friends, and then exited the virtual world, preparing to go to the seal place.

Even some people and demons who were originally cold or timid couldn't help but stand up.

If the Zerg is not destroyed and the alien nest is not sealed, few of the three tribes in Xia Xuantian will survive.

In this case, they are also willing to fight with other clansmen to protect their homeland.

The contradictions between the three clans have always been great, and they are hostile to each other and even war, but in front of the common enemy, all that will be put aside and united!

Over the past few years, the virtual world has basically become popular, and even people in the relatively remote towns of the three clans have used bracelets, so the news from Ning Yanchen and the leader of the Yaomeng alliance spread to the three clans almost quickly.

Many people rushed from the sealed places of various cities and towns.

The three clans also formed a relatively large team of Zunpin Array Masters, and established an array in the larger cities of the three clans that directly teleported to the sealed land.

The teleportation formation was established, and the travel time was shortened a lot, and batches of legion monks and monks who volunteered to join the legion came one after another.

There were also many more tents and wooden houses outside the sealed land within a month. As the time to break the seal drew closer, the surrounding atmosphere gradually became tense.

There are tens of thousands of Zerg drilled out of the Zerg in a month, and the defense is getting more and more strict.

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