This time, there were no more accidents or assassinations. When they arrived at the airport of Xiangdao, the group got into the car that the Yan family sent to pick them up and went directly to the Yan family's old house.

The front three cars and the back three cars were full of bodyguards, and the middle one was a modified bulletproof extended Bentley, with Yan Bohan and Ning Xi sitting.

After the accident, Yan Bohan called to tell his grandfather about the assassination, so he sent so many cars to protect him.

Of course, among them, there is no lack of Master Yan's attention to the three Master Ning.

The car drove all the way to the courtyard of the Yan family, and the housekeeper had been waiting for a long time!

He personally opened the car door in the back seat and greeted the three of Ning Xi with a smile on his face, "Welcome to Master Ning, Master Jiu, and Master Long!"

When Yan Bohan called before, he focused on mentioning that Tiningxi was under 20 years old, but Mr. Yan mentioned him to the housekeeper, so he didn't show any surprises.

In my heart, I was still quite surprised. It was the first time he had seen such a young master.

On Hong Kong Island, there is not no young and powerful, but at least they are over 25 years old.

In view of the previous phone call by Yan Bohan, the housekeeper was very polite and respectful to the three of Ning Xi.

Since the old man Yan used the healing talisman, his spirit has improved a lot.

It's hard to even get out of bed from half-lying, to the point where you can go downstairs or sit in the yard with a cane and breathe.

The housekeeper and Yan Bohan accompanied the three of Ning Xi into the living room, and Mr. Yan was reading a newspaper.

This is a habit he has developed over the years, and he reads the current affairs and financial newspapers every day.

Seeing that the grandson came back, there were three more young people beside him.

Mr. Yan immediately stood up with a cane, with a gentle smile on his face, "Master Ning, Master Jiu, and Master Long have heard their names for a long time. After seeing the three, I really feel old, please take a seat!"

To be honest, for such a young master, this is the first time he has asked to help with errands. If it wasn't for the phone call his grandson had made before, he would have no idea.

However, thinking that the three of them should be ancient martial cultivators, I couldn't help but have an expectation in my heart, like a drowning person trying to grab the last straw.

Ning Xi smiled and greeted politely, "Yan Dong has praised it!"

Jiuying still looked like a cold and arrogant son, nodded lightly to Mr. Yan and sat down.

With a clean smile on the little turtle doll's face, "Yan Dong!"

Soon a servant served tea for the three of them.

The old man Yan said with a smile: "This time it is really thanks to the three masters. Otherwise, Bonham would be in trouble. I must thank you all."

This is from the bottom of my heart. The grandson of Yan Bohan is his lifeblood. Now he is seriously ill and has not fallen down, so that the grandson can successfully inherit his property.

Ning Xi smiled, "Dong Yan is very polite!"

He didn't refuse the other party's intention to repay his gratitude. After all, it was a fact that they rescued Yan Bohan.

Just as Mr. Yan was about to speak, a voice came from the door of the living room, and then a middle-aged couple walked in with a handsome young man and a pretty girl.

"Dad!" The middle-aged couple smiled respectfully and addressed Mr. Yan first.

"Grandpa!" Then the young man and the girl shouted respectfully.

Yan Bohan saw the person coming, with a gentle smile on his brows, got up and shouted to the middle-aged couple: "Dad, Mom!"

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