Ning Xi looked up at the four of them, first glanced at the middle-aged couple, and then at the pair of children behind them.

There was a hint of surprise in his eyes, and a playful arc appeared on his lips.

Father Yan gave Yan Bohan a loving smile and nodded, and then sat across from him.

Mother Yan was very fashionably dressed, and the makeup on her face was also very delicate. A person in her fifties looked like she was in her thirties.

With a gentle smile on her face, "When did Bonham come back?"

"Mom, I just came back today!" Yan Bohan replied with a smile.

The two young men and women also greeted Yan Bohan, "Big Brother!"

Mr. Yan's attitude towards the family of four was a little light, "Why are you back?"

Father Yan replied with a smile: "I heard from the housekeeper that your body has improved a lot these days, so come and take a look."

Seeing his son's filial piety, Mr. Yan gave a faint smile: "It does recover a little."

"Who are these three?" Father Yan set his eyes on the three of Ning Xi.

Yan Bohan immediately introduced, "Dad, these three are the masters I invited from the mainland to treat my grandfather!"

Father Yan was stunned for a moment, then his face sank, and he said to Yan Bohan as if he was rarely angry: "Usually I think you are quite stable, why are you so nonsense now?"

"Dad?" Yan Bohan was a little puzzled.

Father Yan frowned and said, "Your grandfather is not in good health. We want to hire the best doctor, not a feudal superstition to find a master."

Then he continued to point out to the three of Ning Xi: "There are a lot of master liars now."

Putting on an attitude that he only believes in science, "I have contacted the best medical team in country M, and they will come to see your grandfather in two days."

When Father Yan said this, Yan Bohan felt a little embarrassed.

His father had always been kind and pleasant before, and this was the first time he had taught himself in public like this.

But what he is most worried about now is not that his father is angry, but whether the three of Master Ning will directly get angry because of this.

After all, whoever is being ridiculed in public like this, or even a liar, will be unhappy.

"Dad, I've seen the abilities of the three masters with my own eyes, so it's not what you think." He tried to explain, and repeatedly cast apologetic eyes at the three of Ning Xi.

Father Yan frowned deeper every day, "You are still too young, there are many tricks of liars nowadays."

"Bang!" The old man who suddenly sat at the top slammed the teacup in his hand on the table with a gloomy face, making a crisp sound.

He glanced at his son lightly, "I asked Bonham to invite these three masters. You are rude!"

Immediately, he apologized to the three of Ning Xi, "Master Ning, Master Jiu, Master Long, I'm really sorry, this son of mine has been abroad all the time, so he doesn't know much about some profound arts in China, so there was a misunderstanding. I hope the three masters will forgive me!"

The grandson finally invited the three masters to Xiangdao, and his son returned with this attitude. What if he lost his popularity?

He never doubted Sun Tzu's words at all, so he believed that the three masters were capable.

Father Yan disapproved and said, "Dad, you dote on Bonham too much. How can you let him play around with such a big thing?"

"Even if you believe in the so-called Feng Shui masters, these three are too young. What kind of masters do they look like? I think they look like three liars."

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