The First Evolution

Chapter 92, Mountain Rain

Everyone in the legendary team is very clear, Fanglin Rock got a good thing of the legendary quality, it can be said that it will make the upper limit of the team improved a big cut.

"Let's take a look again? Do you go to Zhang Fei Zhang San?"

Vulture should have tasted the sweetness of the sweet, Mohuu.

Fang Lin Yan shrugged his shoulders and sighed a mouthful:

"If you want to, let's hurry with Huang Tian Yu flash!"

"Ha?" The vultures were shocked: "What?"

Fanglin Rock has not a good way:

"Since I can think of Zhao Yun's best escape route is a walking road, then I don't think that Deng Heshi can't think of it."

"Don't forget, they are afraid that it is prepared for this long battle for this long, there must be a plan for all kinds of emergencies!"

"So, Zhao Yun caught in the later stage, there is a great possibility that Deng Heishi did not want him to go at all! When Zhao Yun entered the desperate situation, they appeared again, so they couldn't make Liu Zen fishing in her hand. "

"So, we suddenly put a rod inserted in, which is equivalent to disrupted the whole plan of others!"

Speaking of this, Fanglinyan looked at the people around him, meaning deep:

"Brokenness is like killing parents! Moreover, we will become a fortune !? You guess, now Deng Shibisgo intends to do what?"

Surprising by Fanglinyan, the rest of the people have a chill, and no one has said something to continue to do the task, and one by one is smart, and the hand is open.

And after twenty minutes, the soil next to suddenly crackled, followed by a very strange beetle, and I was drilled out from the inside.

This beetle has a gifted long nose. Its science should be the creature of the noseva, just look at the appearance of the rock, it is definitely not generated normally from nature.

This guy climbs, the West climbs, and finally the place standing before Fanglin Rock, and then stopped.

After a few seconds, this guy fell directly to "", you can see it immediately, there is a yellow smoke, you get rid of the sky, you will be alive, it is like a signal that is moving!

So fast, someone quickly came, and viewed around the surroundings, after almost ten minutes, Deng this guy was also coming.

He looked at the place where the beetle was last stayed. It seems that there is a starlight in the eyes, and it is only a way for a while.

"They finally appeared here, but it should be the ability to use it, flying directly."

Bisch jumped from the tree at this time:

"Is it going back to the space?"

Deng shook his head:

"No, no."

The way in Bisch:

"Very good, then continue to find!"


Fang Linyan, I only felt that I turned around and returned to Jiang Xinshazhou.

At this time they were surprised, and there was a significant change in the island. The most obvious thing is to have more people!

And it can be seen that the increase in people have about 17 eight, most of them are fine and big and high, and the weapons used are not uniform, but most of them are sticks, hammers, ax, and their commonality is right. Black cloth strips on the arm.

This is obviously the habit of developing from the yellow towel ....... The yellow towel army is with Huangbu, and in order to hide the eyes, they use the black cloth.

In addition to these extrinste majors, I have come three Taoist priests.

These three Taoist said that the routine Taoist image of the fairy style bone, the face is kind, and so on.

One looks a blind man, and the other is that the two ears are cut off, and another face is the beard, if it is replaced with a monk, shaving the bald, saying that Lu Zhizhi is also believed.

After Fanglin Rock and others returned, they were directly smoked by these three Taoist priests. The opponent's fierce and spicy eyes are really uncomfortable.

It seems that the Taoist is just their part-time job, and the Jiangyang thief is their main occupation.

At this time, Fanglin Rock first went to seek Zhang Zhi, but it was still stopped in the grass, which was still close to Zhang Zhi, said that Holy Gu is closing. Under the helpless, five people can only find a more tangible Lee.

Before the goat, I was more familiar with Li Dagu, and I went to the cold. After two sentences, I said:

"Uncle, how did this come back, feeling some is not right on the island?"

Li Da visited a mouthful:

"This is actually blamed for me too careless."

Fanglin Ranki said:

"what's happenin?"

Lee Gota Road:

"After the Shenggu took the sky, she had the blood of the sages, so it was very easy to inspire the power, and the successful refining of Muni and the two is one, regardless of it. The present teach is again reproduced. "


"This is a good thing."

Li Da visited a mouthful:

"This is a good thing, but it is also a bad thing."


"How do you say this?"

Lee Gota Road:

"That said, the and Munju, who brought it back, actually from essentially,"

"But after it is refining, it is one of the second to the Shenggui, which can be called Muni!"

"This is like a wood. If you put it alone, you can only burn it when you use the firewood, once you will match the bow string and sharding, that is, killing tool!"

"Ordinary people bring the wood into and out of the town, there is no tabogen, but the arrow will enter the city, it will be focused on or even arrested."

The goat listened to it later:

"What do you mean? At this time, the Shenggu is in the same time, it is a big trick?"

Lee Gota Road:

"Just like this, the current holy girl has resumed the strength of the past, but it is because of this, so her strength also attracted some small people."

"Before half an hour, the holy aunt was hit when the waterfront was hit, and the injury was quite! If there were people in time, then they were almost worked."

"So, in order to enhance this defense, we specially adjusted the elite in the year, and three yellow towels to enhance this protection."

Fang Lin Yan "Oh" has a surprise:

"Is there such a thing? Is the holy aunt still recovered the strength of the past?"

Lee Da's smile low:

"The Shenggu is good at creating a disease and saving people, and there are very few things such as fighting."

Fang Linyan listens to him, suddenly understands, the feelings are only the pure help of Macon / sacrifices! Then this surrounding defense is also said to have passed.

Goat curious:

"The Triple Tang is the year of the year of the year?"

Li Dache revealed a smile:

"What is the long? They are the three brothers of the family, the outer number is named by the poisonous snake, the boss is called the mountain wind, the old two is called the meadow, the old three is called bamboo Yeqing, they are not good, and the character is quirky, you don't want to touch Delica, or less. "

Goat nodded:

"Okay, thank you."

However, Li Gazzi's next sentence is tonized to let Fanglin Yan frowned:

"To be honest, I have a little prejudice to you, but you will not say it, this time, this time, a few rooms are also a few people, this really let me look at it. The gold does not change, this now seems to have a bit of reason. "

"Save the holy, is it a ride?" Fanglin Rock tried questions.

He is very clear at this time, and the world has a ride, all of which is a three-time warrior. It means that the space warrior among the five bucket is more than five people?

Li Daishi smiled:

"Yes, they will go out to do things, you can meet when you come back."

Fang Linyan nodded, but his heart gave birth to an ominous premonition.

Five-Buckedian said as a hidden forces, it is estimated that there must be difficult to add difficulty, but the threshold is absolutely not very high, so there is a newcomer to come in and normal.

However, the time and timing of these newcomers have always had a little deliberate feeling, deliberately, is like a group of people who are rushing to themselves.

At this time, Fanglin Rock is very clear, and the group of people looks unlimited before, but now it is already in jeopardy, the surrounding situation can be used in all sides of Chu songs, such as thin ice.

Because the few partial power can be said to be sinned by yourself, Deng Hibisgo will do not have to say it, and it is also the greatest force.

And Jiangdong's space soldiers must have no good feelings on themselves, even if they will not conflict with it, secretly make a hi, if necessary, who will not fall after the stone?

The hunting king seems to be neutral, but this person is a obvious opportunityist, Fang Linyan believes that if there is a chance to kill himself, directly get the bloody key he wants, then the hound king will not hesitate to start.

The rules in the space are weak meat, survival, hunching kings will only communicate with strong people and and gas, the weak will only become his sacrifice.

At this time, there is a new prompt:

"Important Drama: Liu Feng war dead!"

"Important Drama: The Lady succeeded from the long battlefield."

"Time Important Node Drama: Zhang Fei Chenggong offers from the Long Shupo Battlefield."

"Changchunpo battlefield shutdown condition is triggered, the Changtongpo battlefield officially ended."

"The Long Shupo Warringfield is officially closed, triggered the critical point rule."

"Four hours later, all people who have not completed the third step of the main line will receive a mandatory task: elimination."

"All those who have been eliminated will enter a basin in a certain basin, and they cannot leave this basin until people survive in the basin."

"Anyone who has received the third main line task: elite people, even if there is still stay time, you can also choose to leave in advance, but this behavior will directly lead to the third step of the main line task: elite failure."


The appearance of these tips is to cover the contest for this gold main line world, and it is a successful number.

For Liu Bei, I killed a righteous Liu Feng compared to the history, but my wife's wife was alive.

This seems that the strength of Liu Beijun has suffered from weakening. After all, the Mrs. Warm cannot go to the warm bed with children.

However, after Liu Bei, Liu Feng became an excessive person, and Liu Feng became a risk in Liu Beijun.

In such a case, there is no trace of dismissing this hidden danger, even if it is a wife Liu Bei is also willing, let alone can't return to the lady?

Not only that, the emergence of elimination tasks is, but also a practical experience of the horror difficulty of the gold main line, just want to receive the task is so difficult! Not to mention, don't say it is done.

For the current situation, if the legendary brigade will continue to stay, then iron is to receive the elimination task.

In this way, according to the plan of Fanglin Rock, there is still the strength of the legendary queue, and there is no qualification to obtain the gold main line task! ! It can only be advised in advance, this difficulty is really a fleet.

After a while, Fanglin Rock said:

"Goat, how is your blood mission?"


"The advancement triggered here is a progress bar, which is reasonable to get a corresponding task or prompt."

"But now the progress of the progress is 117%, I actually I haven't obtained advanced trigger tips, so I suspect that there is no corresponding task clue in this world."

"Of course, there is a possibility, that is, the trigger condition of the world of gold main lines is too harsh, not more than 150% of it can trigger."

Kresbo listened later:

"According to my estimation, it is likely that this ghost world is too difficult."

"You have more than half of your blood, which is related to the advanced fire organism. After all, it is necessary to use it to purify the dragon blood, but this world is the fantasy world that belongs to Dongquan, in such a background, the fire bio, Strength is often very powerful. "

"According to my understanding, the powerful fire system of the Dongfang is not much, Bi, Suzaku, Jinwu, the fire unicorn, then almost gone, this is the Suzaki, the fire unicorn belongs to the sacred beast level, one appears in the world It must be alarming that, even if you appear in front of you, you can only be poisoned. "

"The monsters such as Bichi are not small, but the god of the Yellow Emperor, and will also fly, although the strength is inferior, but it is not possible to fly away, still difficult!"

"As for Jinwu, it is more difficult. First, it is directly that the sun is not called, and it seems to be a group, and a group of people will make a group! I only live in empty mulberry!"

"Also, I have heard that some high-order blood tasks can only be completed separately. Do you determine that we can help you after trigger?"

"So, I think you can't trigger this bloody, because the world's fire is creatures, you can't trigger it, you are not triggered, now more progress strips, the next world to trigger The income is greater. "

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