The First Evolution

Chapter 93 Gold Main Line

In the face of Cresbo, this series of jewels, there is some sluggish.

To be honest, Crespo is a bit, but the eyes are still really, he analyzed these things, even Tinyan did not take into account.

Mcis said at this time:

"Since we are now in a very dangerous state, and it is estimated that there is no hope to become a yellow towel within three hours, then just leave, the risk will be getting bigger and bigger, but the benefits are almost zero "

Now Fanglin Rock, the main line task on their body has been conducted to the third step, elite.

This task statement is very clear, there are two major restrictions.

First: Task completed restrictions: 50 people, once fifty people have completed this task, then the remaining people will be eliminated.

Second: There is a limited time, only for four hours of time.

However, Fanglin Rock has completed the hidden task. After Zhang Zhi, after returning to Zhang Zhi, I chose the extra time for six hours.

But this extra time they did not continue to do related tasks, but I chose to explore the secret of the suicide note, and finally I simply helped Zhao Yun running.

Consuming to now, the remaining time of this six hours is only a few, only one hour or so, I want to complete the chance of the third step.

So, now give up the flash people, it is still advantageous,

Of course, it is to open the opponent's chasing. Of course, this series of main line tasks is not bonced.

When I think of this, everyone is somewhat reluctant, this is the mission reward of the gold main line, it is bound to be very rich, do you want to try it again?

Goat suddenly suddenly said:

"I just used the privilege of the selected people to query, the evaluation of the continuous tasks completed in the top two steps was very high."

"So if you give up on the third step, the reward is can't get it, but there is a compensation. The previous cumulative reward will be included in the review."

"However, you must take the initiative to give up to get compensation. If you have arrived, there is nothing."


"What is this? Is it half of the surrender?"

At this time, Fang Ran is very simply:

"Everyone wants to think about it. If I take your focus on the main line task, I don't cost energy in the rest, so now I will definitely continue, successfully receive the gold main line task."

"It's just like this. It is really much higher than what we are gains now. The Qingyu sword must be can't get a hand, and Xia Hou En does not want to kill, let alone helping Zhao Yun escape from birth."

McCis frown:

"If you say this, it is true that it is true."

"There is no way to get rid of it, I'm going to follow the main line, it is definitely no way to make a long-awaited Deng, Bisg, hunting king, big Jian Yur, etc., can only be formulated in them. Frames and rules are doing things, any effort and struggle, actually all in their planning ........ "

After the analysis of Mc. and Fanglin Rock, the analysis of McS and Fanglin rock has also come out from the previous distress.

Yes, everything is lost,

If you want two people, the people who are beautiful, and finally the endings are both hands.

Obviously, I chose the normal way to do the main line task. I can only be a piece of chess, even if it is difficult to listen, I can only give others as a dog, the other person eat meat you drink soup.

Fanglin Rock chooses to have a lot of time, then there must be some things.

So very fast, vulture and Kresbo also said that leaving it, let's get enough things.

Not only that, if you give up, just this series of main line tasks have not been rewarded, and you can also get half of the losses in the multi-off evaluation.

But the rest of the things will be given, such as the final reward!

Especially for them, the fate of the plot of the plot directly affects is a lot, such as Xia Hou En, such as Liaohua, such as several generals who should be killed by Zhao Yun.

These "unexpected" that he made will get a very big bonus, and it is also quite a good time.

After watching around, the goat is also a little lax, and it has made a big yawn:

"So when is our time?"

Max suddenly said:

"If you want to go, let's inform the hunting king to trade with us!"

Max is still alone, after all, his current eating guys, the big shield has fallen into a serious damage.

The pair of kings who have been exchanged came really hot.

Fanglin Rock said softly:

"The hound king is very realistic, and it is very utilitarian. If we are in a hurry, then it will be compressed by him."

"We must not contact him now, according to our own plan, you must know, take the initiative to ask if he is not us! Let's believe that if you fail, his loss must be bigger than us, once active contacts If you are passive. "

"Now, give you ten minutes to deal with some cumbersome, you can't leave Jiangxin Island, can't act alone, and a collection of ten minutes."

Kresbo frown:

"We are now on the island of Jiangxin, and there are water around them, and here is just strengthening alert, everywhere is the guard guard, so be careful?"

Fang Linyan recognizes the truth:

"Brothers, it is not the safe area within the space within the space! Here is the same crisis, and you can also attack everywise!"

"In this ghost place, don't say that you and me, it is not safe to Zhang Zhi and Xu Wei, which may be done, let alone is us?"

"More importantly, if I have not guess, this continuous task continues to extend, the final content of the gold main line task, very likely ..."

When I said, Fang Lin Yan sells a joint, deliberately closing, not to say it.

The rest of the people are a bit anxious, even if Kresbo can't help but ask:

"You even tested this? Then what do you say?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"If it is speculated alone, then it must be difficult to infer the truth."

"But, in conjunction with some details, you can still make some reasoning."

Fang Lin Yan said, directly squatting down a few turns on the ground.

"Our first main line continuous task is to improve reputation."

"Second Main line continuous task: It is a food."

"The third continuous task: It is a fate of the ace."

"Looking at this series of tasks, the basic route is climbing in the past, after the third step is completed, from a tourist turn into new expensive relying on military power promotion, and because it has become a fame One member, it is still very powerful. "

"So, after getting this identity, after the status, what kind of sensational world can make a history of history?"

After being inspired by Fanglinyan, the rest of the people took a breath:

"Is it ......."

"Could it be !!"

" ?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Yes, the last gold main line task, most is the first to assassinate the situation."

"Hunting killing Cao Cao, we kill Zhang Lu, Deng they kill Liu Bei."

"This goal is also in line with the definition of the three countries!"

Krespon muttered:

"This difficulty ....... is too terrible?"

Fang Lin Yan smiled:

"If it is not difficult, can it be called the gold main line? Ok, don't worry, action action, don't forget all the battle."

"Oh, yes, there is, I don't want to act alone, don't hopes to pin it on these guards. If the other party wants to shoot, then it must be a raid of the Thunder, and it is uns, and it will not be dragged with water."

"So, goat, you and me the danger at this time is the biggest ----- You are the best killed, I am the biggest hatred, so we have to be careful."

Fang Linyan said so, the goat is very simply:

"Then everyone can act together !! Is there anything to handle anyway?"

When everyone thinks, I feel that it is such a truth, and I have kept the battlefighter to go to Li's big glint, directly protect the goat.

At this time, Fanglin Rock looked at Cresbo:

"You and goats share the contact information. If you fail to complete the transaction in this world, then let's take your trophy, you will send you the child."

"Goat is selected, he gives you a remote delivery of something."

Kresbo nodded:

"Ok, no problem."

After Li Dagu, a man found that the battle of the body was really much, and after discussing, the focus directly on the redeemed center.

This stuff is a uncompromising general product, hard notes.

Just like China's ancient dynasties, how can the interior of the industry, how can the food / egg can eat, but it can be used as a hard inflexible to be object, and the transaction value will not decrease.

Inside the supply: The highest cost performance is "fresh meat big bag". If you eat one, you can instantly restore 120 health, and you will not share CD times with the drug.

A fresh meat bag + a bottle of treatment agent can directly recover almost 250 health values ​​in a second, when it is the time, even the life of life is the boundary line of life and death, not to 250 health values ?

More importantly, fresh meat big bags are full of big tattoo, Li Dadu is there without restrictions here, and this stuff can also be traded casually!

After retiring 10,000 steps, if you can't sell it, do you eat him not to eat?

Therefore, after discussion, a man is discussed, and it has done a buns who are buns wholesalers.

And after they exchanged the buns, Fang Lin Yan as decisive:

"Let's go, we are ready to return."

Messe is a bit an eye:

"But Hunt Wang ..."

Fanglin Rock said softly:

"If he really wants the Melt key, it will pay close attention to our movement, then the shield you want must be you, even if we return to space, he can find it."

"If he changed his mind, he didn't want this key. So, we will wait for a long time, he will not come, but will add our risk to us. You can rest assured, I also hope that the hunting king will find a good religious holy. What is the expectation of the transaction, isn't it better than you? "

Mesz sighed, and felt that Fanglin Rock said this reason, so he nodded silently.

Fanglin Rock is turned cold at this time, continue to say:

"Of course, there is a possibility and the worst possible."

"That is the hunting king and Bisgo, they have been conspired! Deliberately take trades to catch us, let us stay here for a while!"

When I heard Fanglin Rock, Cresbo and others were taking a cold, and only a chill had a cold in the back ... all gave a lot.


Ten minutes, turning the moment, watching the last trading period of ourselves is coming, Fanglin Rock is very simply in the team:


Then he launched a request to the space directly:

"Apply for abandoning the current task and return directly."

Space feedback rapid appearance:

"Contractors ZB419, you have completed at least one main line task (although not received), it meets direct regression conditions."

"Do you make sure you want to give up the current task? Direct return space?"

Fanglin Rock Road:


Space comes out tips:

"Return to 30 seconds countdown execution, 30, 29 ..."

With the beginning of the countdown, Fanglin Rock and others also have a stopwatch illusion that is inversely rotating, and even the sound of the answer.

However, when the countdown arrived in 15 seconds, I suddenly threw a snowball from the distance, "" smashed on the head of Fanglin Rock.

This snow ball is very small, probably playing 23 damage, but hurt is hurt, and suddenly interrupted Fanglin Rock!

Fang Lin Ran was originally strictly presented, and immediately played it immediately. After the backhand is a dragon and flashing, the person who shifted the Fanglin Rock will counterattack in the first time. So immediately hide the tree next to it immediately after shooting.

As a result, Fanglin Rock's dragonfly flashed out and actually did not call him, directly "", there is a big tree.

This is big! Obviously, these people around the patrol were alarmed, and several people came over this side.

The old three bamboo leaves in the Taoist three brothers were also smashed over, and they used the cold gaze to count Fanglin Rock, and then a word:

"Kid! Here is the banquet area, disturbing the rest of the holy, I got your skin !!"

How can Fanglin Rock will save oil? He immediately loudly:

"There is a traitor, and it is intended to be the holy aunt, and I found out that he actively attacked me later."

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