The First Evolution

Chapter 96 Chapter Hunt's Compromise

Fang Lin Yan listened to the goat, and suddenly felt very speechless. If the comics pattern came, it was a big mouth of a Q version of the crow desperate, and the behind is a row of black odds ...

Messe is originally wanted to take a tanning of the city. It is said that you have to get together, as if you have to get together, you will be able to be angry with a lot of justice readers. Duck!

However, wait until Fanglin Rock sits on the style of the style, when drinking a hot air-grinding coffee, it does feel that this occasion is more suitable for negotiations.

After everything, he nodded against the goat, the goat said:

"Then I started to connect ........ , Alteba is spent on the blood, actually use holographic projection."

"He is not a person in this space, if you come over, it is deducted according to minutes!"

After the goat said that after about ten seconds, I saw a trembled light ball next to it, and I still jumped, I have been jumped, I have been separated for a while, and the light ball gradually expanded into a human form.

When this is the first time, it is still quite abstraction, it seems that it is like a black and white TV from the 1980s. There is still a lot of interfering grains on the image, but it will slowly stabilize, and finally become The projection of Alteba, like the real humanity.

"Mr. Dear, good evening."

After the signal is completely stable, Alteba is still polite, and it is not hidden in a smile.

Then he looked at the praise from around:

"It's really a magnificent castle, very spectacular."

Messe nodded:

"Thank you."

Fang Linyan's mouth smiles with a deep smile, it looks very relaxed on the back of the back of the chair, except for the previous Alteba's rhetoric, there is no response.

However, Alteba is very clear, and this time I can't reach a satisfactory agreement, in fact, this person in front of them.

Therefore, Alteba is very simply throwing a topic that is interested in everyone:

"When you leave the three countries, the Blood Ax Bisko and Deng have already rushed in the heart of Jiang Xinshazhou."

"They carry a picture called eight gold locks. At that time, they took four minutes to rush to Jiangxinshazhou, and the cloth will take four minutes."

After listening to Alteba, almost all the people of the legendary squad smashed a cold, while using admired eyes to look at Fanglin Rock! !

Eight minutes, if they delay eight minutes, then they are not good to be directly screaming.

Alteba looked at Fanglin Rock. He saw him inenty.

"After you left, Bisch and Deng did not stop, but the eight gold locks were put down, and then raided the rudder of the five bucket."

"They rely on the powerful power of the eight gold locks, successfully killed a military officials called Li Dagu, and hurting Zhang Zhi, killing the water she stayed, snatch from his hand. Legends Quality props: Tianxue (residual volume). "

I heard this news, and everyone is shocking in my heart. I know what horror is the danger of the previous face!

Even if Fanglin Rock didn't expect that Deng and Blood Ax Bisko would help people have expanded this place with eight-door gold locks. If the legendary team is still staying, then it must be an end of the group. ! !

Alteba continued:

"At that time, when Jiang Xinshazhou Wars, we didn't have a court here, and he didn't see the scene of the battle. However, it is certain."

Alteba said in the future, deliberately selling a joint, and found that Ben Rock actually closed his eyes, still a cold, only to continue:

"Bisch, they should summon the soul!"

"Become an important plot of time nodes, there is a certain chance after death will drop the soul."

"This thing is not the same in the various worlds, such as the three countries called aid military order, such as the Westward World is called the demon bead ......."

"It is very simple to use, after use, you can summon the important story of the war to fight for you, and time will disappear. Of course, most of the assistance orders / will be disposable "

Vultures are immediately in the team:

"Head, what should you get to Zhao Yun's soul?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Well, the description will be classified into a helper order."

The goat is surprised at this time:

"That should not be! Even if there is a presence of the soul, the defense power on Jiang Xin is also very strong! In addition to Zhang Zhi, there is also a good, there is a rare, and also add to three Taoist Taoist. "

"They can't summon Lu Bu, the soul of the class of Ciwi is."

Alteba faintly said:

"The power of the eight-door gold lock, can block the skills of everyone in the live array, very powerful, especially for those who are good at Xianli in Wukou Mi Road, can make their combat power down seventeen points."

"Not only that, the personal skills in the array will get a certain degree of increase. This is almost inevitable, and the five-kimodao is almost inevitable."

After hearing Alteba's commentary, everyone suddenly realized, not only, but more felt that he was quite wise to evacuate.

At this time, Alteba is the first:

"I don't know if you still have something to ask? I will know anything, and if you don't have anything, you will pay for my owner."

Fang Lin Ran finally opened his eyes at this time, then smiled and laughed:

"Oh? Really knows that there is no uncomfortable?"

Alteba is very solemn:


Fanglin Rock said softly:

"I only ask a question. If you can really know that there is no unfair, then the previous thing has been revealed."

Alteba's face suddenly became solemn:


Fanglin Yan is sitting straight and looking at Alteba's eyes:

"Your master hunting king should be a transaction with Deng, you are responsible for dragging us in Jiangxinhazhou, I want to know what it is, what is Deng they pay?"

Alteba hesitated for a while, then slowly said:

"Three rigidans."

Fanglin Yan said:


Goats thought about it immediately:

"This stuff seems to be the special product of Liu Bei camp ... I have seen it before, and still hidden special products, buyers need to complete a task, capture the enemy's arms can unlock this purchase option. "

"After the single item is purchased, you need to wait 60 minutes to refresh, it seems that it can eliminate all abnormalities, or very easy to use."

Alteba listened to the nodded:

"Yes, it's right, it's all right."

"After the owner got these three marching, it was directly gave it to Zuo Ci, which was closed. At the same time, he told him that the Qingyu sword has been greatly sacrificed by the five buckets, and Zhang Yuan, who will take a micro-Tong Tianshi ..... "

Fanglinyu Xu spit out a long airway:

"I said that how the hunting king will pay attention to the falling of the Qingjun sword, it turned out that he actually hit this idea!"

Then, Fanglin Rock eyes bright:

"So I used three row of military commandments, I was unusually unusually, and then I got a micro."

"The hunting king is playing the role of the Yushu, and finally, Zhang Yuanmai, successfully captured the sword?"

Alteba silently took a later:

"Yes it is."

"Hahahaha!" Fang Linyan suddenly made a madness.

After he laughed for two or three seconds, the rest of the legendary team also suddenly laughed.

Why laugh together?

Because these people in the field have seen the attributes of the Qingjun sword, I know that although the stuff is the name of the artifact. In fact, it is really water, even if I get it, I can only be in this. It's cool in the world.

Not only that, Fang Lin Yan is getting a green sword, because the rest of the time is sufficient, I can try the power of playing for a while, and I will kill another servant of the starry teacher Deng.

But the hunter is even after gotting this Qingjian, even if it is always holding it, he can only hold more than a dozen hours. Once you leave the world, you will disappear directly.

Not only that, when Fang Lin Yan got the sword before, Fanglin Yan got the news, the news was also clearly understood:

"There are only two ways to get a green sword under normal circumstances."

"The first article kills Xia Houn in the case of no external force (the plot character,", there is a small probability in his key. "

"Article 2 is to kill Cao Cao in the case of no external force (drama people), there is a lot of probability in their key."

The hunting king, although the magical extension of the majority of the news, it is impossible to know such a confidentiality. Because of this, he digs that this is a good thing. Although he can't say Bai Feixun, it will definitely disappear.

After a while, Fanglin Rock's laughter was stopped and went to Alteba:

"Okay, I am talking about this person, and the previous thing will take a summary."

Then he sink:

"In fact, it is now looking. The behavior of hunting Wang's gods will not be wrong. As long as this is in hand, then the benefits are certain high, of course, may not reach the expectation of the hunting king."

Alteba smiled:

"No, adults are very satisfied with the things that the Qing Yan Sword is finally traded, but also use the Oriental proverbs to describe his situation at the time."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Oh? Which sentence?"


"Lost Dong Yucheng, Hui Sang."

Fang Lin Yan smiled slightly, raised the wine glasses in his hand:

"Then I congratulate the hunting king."

Alteba is slightly behind:

"So before we said good deals?"

Since the topic moves into the field of yourself, the goat immediately took the end:

"The transaction can not be reached, do you want to see what the hunting is what we want?"

Alteba laughed, Xu Xi:

"Since I come, then of course, I will have a few satisfied."


So next, I entered the wattle of the lip guns of Goats and Alteba, and both parties have begun to negotiate, and they have taken their own cards.

As a result, the two were almost about half an hour, and Alteba suddenly said that he was originally to the royal gods, and there was a dark green key of the mountains and the wizards.

However, after the two things have been enjoyed in their own news channels, there is a friend who is very interested when I know that the two things are still from the world of the gold main line, it must be involved in it.

For more than one buyer, the original two parties have become three-party transactions, and they are not too big. Who is selling? The key is to sell a good price.

After the buyer called "Zero", he saw that he did very much like the key to the royal family and Mao, so he also played a lubricant.

So this trok is finally ended after a lip gun tongue, which is time consuming for two and a half hours.

It may be a big negotiation, but the two people of Alteba and Zero are cross-space projection! This is amazing, it can be said that it is a common point in burning.

Even if the two are the double identity of the seedrunner / selected, there are many privileges, but according to the goat estimation, these two people have consumed at least 80,000 general points for maintaining this inter-space projection.

Not only that, the two sides conduct cross-space transactions, each item of props / equipment to participate in the transaction should charge 10,000 universal points, which is almost 100,000 general points to lose.

The result of the last two parties is as follows:

The props of the legendary brigade / equipment: shooting the hand transfer letter / / / / 8 big meat buns / Melt's bloody key / Max is using the double hand shield

Legendary Team Tips / Equipment: Arakat's Epiphany (Set Shield), Divine Comel, Food Brain Hat (Dark Gold), FRC Rock Carbon (5)


The props of the hunting king: Arakate's epiphanical, Divine, refined furnace carbon (10), 70000 universal points, 5 potential points

Tips for hunting kings: Melt's bloody key, 6 meat buns, shooting hand transfer letter, shield master (skill book), Messe used hands huge shield


Zero props / equipment: Shield master (skill book), edible brain hat,

Zer0 Tips / Equipment: Mao Gan's key, royal god, refined furnace carbon (5), 70000 universal point, 5 points potential points.

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