The First Evolution

Chapter 97 God Song and the Hat

There is no doubt that after the transaction, the tripartite is more satisfied!

The hunting king is no doubt, finally paying the wish, the cost of paying is also within its scope, mainly because of the high-order props in religion, it is difficult to sell high prices.

The real money, is Arakat's epiphanism (set shield), but Melt's Taya stone spear is also a strong equipment that can be compared with the legendary equipment.

As for the Zer0, this is a little loss, and it has probably pays almost 20% market premium. But the gold ownership of the gold main line will sell at least 10% of premiums in the market.

He had a 10% premium and got something you like. This can be said to be true.

For the legendary team, Arakat's merit is something that is in a happiness in Max, and the song is a religious props for Fanglin Rock. It is a pure-auxiliary dark gold equipment, but it is very practical. .

After the transaction is completed, Fanglin Rock has can't wait to get the props called "Divine".

This appearance of this is like a thick giant brick, which is painted with gold, silver and purple ink. It is a mysterious face.

The first look, it seems that this face is smiling,

But after the two eyes, I found this smile in this face, actually contains extremely vicious means.

Only in the side can see that this stuff is a thick abnormal book. It is even behind the miserable illusion, like God is roaring, like a magic.

Not only that, near the book will also sound the strange voice from time to time, this sound is sometimes like a magnificent symphony, sometimes it is like a hunger, and the sapphires are invincible.

Such a scene of Lu Lu is generated nearby, it is really a self-satisfied.

After a few seconds, a detailed attribute is also in front of your own eyes.

Divine music (incomplete)

Quality: Legendary

Currently chargeable progress: 98%

To use this prop, you must perform the soul binding, the equipment bound to the soul cannot be traded! Unless it is bound to death.

Description: In a seemingly peaceful world, suddenly there has been changing a day. It was originally parasitic to some sub-planes that were sent to the home. The organisms survive in these special child are invaded, causing great trouble to the main world.

After paying the great consideration, these sub-faces were seated, and the abnormal organities ran out of them were also killed.

However, these abnormal organisms are also in the way in reproductive, and the blood of these humans and demon is therefore called the monsters, those who are sealed are called "the world" .

According to the different genes of their own mutations, the fighting power of the monster is also very different. The leader of this is a man called Ding Ding.

He has a pure white hair, blue eyes, wearing a coat that seems to be reddish, usually using black and white double guns and a powerful big sword.

Originally, the character of Ding is very special, which is a person who is very indifferent to any business, until a stray cat who is adopted is saved by a little girl named Lucia, and the heart is slightly open.

However, after a month, the little girl named Lucia took away a monster from "the world".

But under the anger, it directly broke into the world that was named "Hell". After a series of difficult battles, Lussia was rescued.

But this time, Lussia has died, forced to help it, but Ding can only inject the blood of the charm of the magic of the fascination, so that it makes it a beautiful man with dark-skinned skin and fresh red hair.

Later, but Ding and Dani were killed in the next two worlds called "Paradise" "Purgatory".

These monsters in these worlds are very powerful. The roots of their strength are from negative villains in the hearts of people in the main world, so they can not be eradicated, and they cannot kill them, and they can only be defeated and temporarily seal.

However, but Ding can draw strength from the enemy that is defeated by himself, it is used as itself, so the stronger the battle is stronger, and finally, even a feat that makes countless people amazed.

Successfully rescued Lucia, from the other two in the world, there was a glimpse! But Ding is considered a legend.

However, when I mounted my life's peak, but the mysterious disappearance, only a strange book: Divine!

This book records all the experiences of Ding Ding in hell, purgatory, heaven, these three in the world.

Even the legend can summon the devil, devil, and even angels that have recorded in it, and satisfy the summoner's wishes!

Most people who have this book are not rich and expensive, flying Yellow Tengda, but these people tend to violently violence in life.

Therefore, people also regard this book as evil ominous things, but there are many people who have a lot of ambitions and walking, but they have a huge power, in the pursuit of it.

Ability: Spirituality (Passive), Divine Clave Any place, will continue to absorb the strength of the surroundings, even have a variety of negative energy, so some spiritual events often occur around it.

Ability: Shock (passive), for spiritual, demonic creatures, demon songs can play a shock, slavery, suppressed, so after the gods lose their owners, they must be slavered by them. These organisms fight.

Ability: Crazy (Passive), Holding Divine Comel, will continue to suffer from harassment of the demon, every time you will suffer a judgment of the "Missuan" curse, this judgment is related to the willpower .

Once the judgment is not passed, then this organism will become crazy.

Ability: It is now chemical (active), injecting energy into the gods (the energy refers to the energy refers to the generalized nature, including the unlimated spiritual force, mana, mental force, ",", when it reaches a certain threshold You can take the initiative to make a variety of demon, devil, and angels.

The nature of the creature is a projection, and it is difficult to kill, fall, rewards will be a grade, but if you, you can despise it, it is wrong!

Negative strength: the disabled, the propan (Divine Comedy), has suffered an unknown powerful attack, so it has suffered serious harm, and it has fallen into a sleep. If it is a soul, it can completely wake up recovery Then it will be promoted to the qualifier level.

Inscription: When you stare at the abyss, the abyss is staring at you.


There is a saying called "It is better to teach people to give a fish". Fanglinyi let the hunting king to find things about religion, demon, but I have agreed to give yourself this stuff!

This "Divine Comedy" is obviously like a controllable devil / devil / angel, as long as it is filled, it will continue to produce the constant output of energy.

Not only that, Athensa also gives the soul, because her willingness that she collects is also a kind of energy that can inject energy. In this case, she finally solved her big problem.

In fact, this thing to help Athena is bigger than that Lin Yan imagined.

Athens's Shensi wants to continue to improve, and the most important thing is of course still from believers, this is like a basic substance that a baby is going to live, less milk powder, water, air.

However, there is only milk powder, water, air, but it can only make it barely.

This child wants to thrive, you have to be nutritious, steak, salad, sandwich, ***, rice, dumplings, , not only this, but have an appropriate exercise, etc. ...

This is also the case for the new gods like Athena, killing different depaxual organisms, with different souls and flesh as food, and the best way to quickly improve the thrill.

At this time, Max is also a satisfactory attempt to equip the new tolete of Arakat, which is used as a huge shield, and the use method is not born before.

However, when Arakat's epiphany was split into two sides of single-handed shield: after the Garcat of Arakat, Messe founded the mystery.

It turns out that Arakat's greed is a standard single-handed shield, but holds the Arakat's blood in the right hand, but its shape looks similar to the wheel blade, and its edge is shining, very sharp.

And after holding the macity of Arakat, Max is also a relevant tip, saying that this shield has the use of weapons, but it is a category of heterogeneous weapons. It is necessary to learn from the use of heterogeneous weapons to use it.

Once you have learned the relevant skills, Max can remove the right round of the left shield and enter the state of attack and defense.

Goat is more understanding, I heard Max, I immediately said that there is still such a skill book on the market, and the market is present, or it is either very cheap, or very expensive.

It is very cheap, it is called it yourself. If you want to turn your turnover, it is very expensive to deliberately put the goods, you want to sell it to the urgent need to earn a high price.

So the goat said that he will be more than enough, if you don't work, you can only buy a high price.

The next piece of the heart is the special equipment that the team is applicable! Why do you say this? Because it is a pure-auxiliary nature of dark gold equipment, you can't wear it to fight, you can only use it safely.

The appearance of the eating brain hat looks very a bit is very fraigade. It seems like a skull of a beast, Bai Yessen's Zhang has a big mouth, and his Dreson!

Among the positions of their eye nest, there are two sectors of green flames that are not beating, from the shape, this stuff can be directly hooked directly with the evil organisms such as the death.

After wearing a meal hat, the whole person's biggest head, even the eyes are covered in it, it seems like a bone dragon, the posture can be said to be extremely horrible. .

Fang Linqi tester later, it was found that both eyes were blocked directly by the hat, and because the hat was very heavy, the cervical vertebrae also felt considerable burden.

And the properties of the eating brain hat are also appeared in front of him:

Cincerny (eating brain cap)

Number of strengthens: +4

Quality: Dark gold

Note: This is a skull that has had a brilliant history of Green Dragon. It has been resting in the Longzhombus minus in the two hundred years after dying. It is rumored until this sacred geographic is raged after being broken.

It is not enough, the ship carrying this dragon dragon is at the end of the endless sea, unfortunately encountered the storm and the ship is destroyed, the dragon is also quadruple in the storm, and its skull has been in the sea. The squid man took away, and then used evil to make a sacrifice as a totem.

It has been a year, and the ethnic groups of these giant scales began to grow very amazing, and they also made them unintentionally robbed the empire, which made the empire have attached to the empire, directly exclude luxurious mirroadlines.

The giant scales were annihilated, and the totem was also seen in Alibaba, dismantling and tried to refine with a new technique. After many failures, Alibabar adopted a special approach. The refining is made into a special equipment.

Negative ability: resentment (passive), the resentment of a large number of big scales on the eaten cerebellar, if you don't pay enough flesh, then you can't activate it, once you wear, your health will Will be deducted by 80% in a short time!

Negative strength: dark black dragon (passive), this green dragon's residual soul found that the remains of his death were amazed, so it was also very angry, will not release dark Heilongwei.

The wearer will continue to suffer its influence, and the moving speed is reduced by 10% every 5 seconds until it is reduced by 90%. Even if you take your heartbroken brain, this negative effect will continue until half an hour. Will fall back.

Negative capacity: the deadness of the dead (passive), the wearer will continue to be affected by the negative effects of the undead, and the full property is temporarily reduced by 25%, and the last time is 60 minutes.

Ability: Seventh Feeling (Active), Cincima Sa is in alive, there is a magical intuition, often can pick out the best option to yourself in a variety of choices, this intuition is not related to luck, perhaps Use the seventh sense to describe the more appropriate.

After this ability, the wearer can be made: open the bloody key, forging equipment, upgrade capabilities, etc.

A little supplement of low value options, the probability of the items, which makes it decreased (5% -8%).

The probability that the items appear slightly, the probability of appearing is increased (4% -7%).

The probability of fluctuations are related to the quality of the item, the quality of skill.

Additional Ability: Extraction, this capability is derived from an additional option for equipment +4, which is intensified to the ability of the capability, and the probability of which it is bonus is 2%.

(That is, if there is no extraction, the probability is reduced to 3% -6%, the probability of the increase is 2% -5%)

Inscription: Pay tribute to the outstanding alchemist Alibaba!

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