The First Evolution

Chapter 1 Big Red Packet

After getting a food, Fanglin Rock and others are amazed, and they have patted the shoulders of the goat, praising him, really have a great vision.

Although this stuff is amazing, the whole three negative ability, the mammoth is also a soft shrimp, but it is really big! And everyone is used!

Not only that, this dark gold equipment is still a +4 upgrade product, which is very rare.

Why is the ZERO to take this useful thing? It's because he is a big black hand, what you want, what you want! And this is not a mysterious, but it is eager to exist.

Why do you say this, the reason is very simple, Zero's occupation is called the massacre!

This is a very horrible career. This career is that after activating the skills of the "Music", the crit rate (double) will reach 100%, and the duration is up to 30 seconds!

In this case, it can be said that once he is stared at him, then put a set of words, it is really a slaughter.

Not only that, in the "Slaughter" duration, it can increase the chance of explosion of high value items.

However, such a strong skill, it is impossible to do not pay the price, its price will continue to go to the mold. For example, when upgrading skills, give you a large piece of ordinary options, and it is like a bloody key. Parallel goods.

Therefore, for Zero, even if it is wearing this eggs, its effect is no ovulation, because the negative effect of the birth is too strong.

Not only that, before Zero can use the edible brain cap to your teammates! But in the first two worlds, his team was betrayed first, and then he was raided, and the reliable teammates around me were light.

So, the food of the merits is really unhappy to use the use of Zero!

And he has a props called the fate roulette. You can specify the highest value of items in the box when you open the box. Don't gamble.

So I was eager to improve the strength, I looked at the key of the Mao Gongdu of the gold main line. After listening to the introduction of Goat to Ma Plant, I felt that this big wizard's equipment was in the sky, the result is cheap. Fanglinyan.

If you don't want to hunt and Fanglin Rock, they exchange Melt's keys, then the hunting king will fight for a brain cap.


After the tripartite completed the transaction, he finally had a big heart, the member of the legendary squad, after eating in the Castle of Max, and all planned to return to its own real world to rest.

With the rest of the people, Fanglin Rock is also ready to make it, but at this time, the vulture is coming.

"Head, walk together?"

Fanglin Rock Road:


After the two left the Messe private residence, the vulture said:

"When you leave, Kresbo told me that you want to formally join our team."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"I have no opinions on this matter, I don't know how the rest is."

The vultures laughed, such as reminding the heavy way:

"Head, you have passed the OK, and the rest of the person said."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"However, when Kray was in the face of the enemy, it was very good, but you also know, he and the hunting king came close, and the hunting king's human heart and strength were abnormal Terril, even can be used to eat people without spitting bones. "

"So, if he wants to enter the team, you can only do a temporary player first, which is equivalent to a observation period, this point you want to tell him clearly."

Nodded noddion of the crumbs of the vulture:

"Head your concern, I understand very well, I will definitely say it, then I will go first."

Fanglin Rock nodded, and then the two were separated.

The next thing doesn't have to say more. Fang Lin Yan directly returns to his own world. If you don't tell, you will return to your room, then you will start to make up, then sleep directly in bed, sleep, and sleep.


However, when this time I sleep, Fang Lin Yan slept very unrest.

He only feels that he has been doing a duplicate dream. This dream is very monotonous, and he seems to have come to a world that is both ordinary and strange.

Everything in this world ... includes architectural style, dress dress, advertising, etc. It seems to be the level of the 1990s.

Fang Linyan can not move, as if it is bound to be bound, his position is not moving, but in the end, he stopped at the entrance of the building that seems to be slight.

A few slogans on the side of the building:

"If you want to be rich, you will have a lot of trees!"

"Plan to give birth, resolutely take off ....."

"Boy girl is treasure."

And the door of the building is hung by a brand:

"Feng Yue County Orphanage."

Suddenly, dreams wake up! Fang Linyan opened his eyes, and found that he was full of sweat, and the moonlight was quiet from the window.

After a while, Fang Lin Yan felt a lot of mind, but the mouth is dry, so it climbs up and drink.

After drinking water, I couldn't sleep. I always feel that there is a feeling of unsuccessful, and people are still bored, so I simply go out for a walk.

At this time, it was the morning, the moon is like water, and the garden next to it is slightly blowing. Listening to the sound of the wormide, suddenly I feel irritated, occasionally encountering patrol guards, and all the rites of Fang Lin Yan , Singing.

Fang Linyan is going to step, come to a lush olive tree, the night wind blows, the green vanes have a generous sound. At this time, the Fang Lin Yan will feel, can feel that there is something in the distance. Summon himself, and the decisive turned and walked toward the distance.

On this way, Fanglin Rock has no longer encounters someone. In the air, it began to shine a little mysterious silver light, as if the star is condensed into an entity, and it feels gorgeous and fascinating.

Not only that, the original door that is closed is automatically opened in front of Fanglin Rock. Fanglin Yan came directly to the core area of ​​the manor, and the garden behind the goddess.

Although at night, the flowers are still in full swing, emitting the fragrance of intoxicating.

The front is even more likely, and I found it carefully. I didn't know when there was a lot of waterfalls on the mountain. I was shocked.

In front of the flowerbed, there is a beautiful woman in a long skirt. It seems that "you come" three words, but it seems that there is no sound.

Fang Linyan saw her, the first eyes feel a little strange, but it is more familiar to the two eyes.

She seems to be like Ivrina, but it is like a big priest Tere Toronia.

In her body, there is a pure girl's life, but there is a fearful majesty, a pair of morning stars like a scorpion, but also mysterious and vast, as if to put all the universe all things into the pupil.

This woman slowly closer to Fanglinyan, and then took him with innocent smile, and a unsolicited fresh breath was wrapped in Fanglin Rock.

The feeling is like a forest after a heavy rain, the bright green leaves are dusty, and the nature of the nature produced by the sun shines, and it is like the soul of the people!

If you are from autonomous, Fanglin Rock will be walked in the water in the water, during which the surrounding garden shines, it is more frequent, like a star, like a bead, a bright diamond, like a gorgeous firefly. .....

Of course, when Lynn Rock did not find out that when he was walked forward by this woman, the clothes on the two people have begun to gradually transparent, geared, and finally there has been a big mosaic. ......

At this time, Fanglin Rock already had a feeling of hand, he only felt that his blood pressure started to rise, and his breathing began to urgently, and the hormones in the body began to secrete.

"I am going, why didn't my hand not listen, how do you stick it out?"

"Don't, this is not!"

"Ah? Why do I take her pants?"


After a series of psychological activities that do not intensely and not complex.

Fanglin Yan is the most essential desire of male creature, and starts if the fire of the stars can be like the original, and the speed is quickly spread, then the instinum has overwhelmed the reason, and the beginning is quickly expanded and then fierce!

(572 words) here)

After a while, Fanglin Rock spit out a sigh of relief, and only feel that the whole people are in a lazy happiness.

He closed his eyes, lying on a clean flat blue stone next to the waterfall, only thinking that the soul seems to be trembled with extreme excitement.

It is still full of strength, but half of the fingers don't want to move, and even the breathing is slightly adjusted as much as possible. I am afraid from the beautiful and empty realm.

Soon, Fanglin Rock felt a pair of soft little hands on his body, and then began to massage, this pair seems to have a strange magic, and it is possible to put Fanglin Ran's fatigue and sleepy. Everything is crushing out.

After a while, Fang Lin Yan opened his eyes. At this time, I was giving himself a massage, and his heart suddenly gave birth to a feeling of feeling, I can't help it:

"What about she?"

Ivesne Nna:


Fanglin Rock Road:

"It's her!"

Ivesen said:

"There is no other person here? Who do you say? What is the name? What is the length?"

When Fang Linyan suddenly, the woman's name did not know, not only this, when you want to recall its appearance, even if you feel a vague, it seems like a big priest Tere Toriya, but it seems Some like Isenna in front of it.

But after thinking about it, I feel that my memory is more embarrassed! The only thing you can recall, actually that the eclipse soul!

Looking at the fascinating colors on Fanglin's face, Ivesen smiled:

"Where is the rest here? I have always been with you."

Fang Lin Yan is about to talk, the face in memory is faintly affected, and Ivinna has coincided with Evinna. It is really like illusion, and he has a hard feeling.

And at this time, he felt slightly, blinking, I found that Ivrina has been smiling, she was originally wearing a white priest, but after being wet by the waterfall, suddenly It is transparent to the touch.

At this time, the smile on the Face of Ivinna is still holy, but her body, and her hands, but it is as tempting like a female demon.

After her distance between her and Fanglin Rock, she suddenly had a freshly mixed smell of rosemary and lavender, and Ivrina had a loud laugh, that is like a stealing. The little fox, she bite the ears of the bite Lin Rock and then low:

"The knight grows, I used to be a friend with Aflodi (Greek Love God)? They have a skill that can make men get the extreme joy, do you want to try?"

Fang Lin Rock didn't know how to answer, and when he wanted to answer, it was found that his mouth has been blocked by a smart and soft tongue.

(This is due to the respect of Aflodi, and saves 1024 words again)


When a hungry person is always easy to eat when faced enough food, then brought yourself to yourself.

Fanglin Rock also made a similar error at this time.

He has returned to his own room, and then it has fallen into a tasteless state, those who have been waving in the brain, and the small bugs who have almost playing soldiers have been abroad, so completely resumed reason. .

At this time, the heart of Fang Ran is a little annoyed. When lying on the bed, I always feel that the waist is a little bit, I can only pull the pillow pad on the waist, this feels more comfortable.

"Is this after I promised to transfer the Templar, the goddess returns?"

Fang Linyi has a good understanding.

After lying in a while, Fang Lin Yan shook his head and scattered the distracted thoughts in his mind. Stand up and prepared to start a machine (era).

Spaqi, where is the woman who has a lathe?

But he had a mirror, and he saw the same thing on the next table.

"what is this?"

Fang Linyan took it over, the expression on his face was very stunned:

"Red Packet?"

"Big red envelope !!!!"

A few big-denominated euro weak sprinkles on the ground .......

At this moment, Fanglin Rock almost crazy, and I was so anxious that I had to pull my hair:

"My TM is actually sent ....... red envelope? Ah, ah, which one is?"

After depressed for a while, Fanglin Rock finally returned to normal, and then started to take out the paper and pen, and began to listen to what they had to do next.

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