The First Evolution

Chapter 2 gives a sacrifice

The first priority is urgent, or continue to help the goddess,

After all, Athens is amazed. Once the technique is used, it is really wanting, especially after the black male hand in Fanglin Rock, it is called a bottom sign that can be re-killed at any time.

Don't say that there is an upgrade version of "Athena's You" after waiting for yourself.

In addition, from the perspective of long-term development, Athena's resurrection of a plant field is also imminent from God.

The holy olive tree in one of the goddess incarnation needs him to care.

Two giant trees carried by Fanglinyan from space: Clicic and Shan Ningfu also needed the beauty of the power,

It is also necessary to cultivate from God from the space.

More importantly, Fanglin Rock remembers very clear. In the future, it is a successful upgrade of his "Athena's Gu". It turns into the power of God Shield, which is also a special props. It is gold Apple!

Golden apple in Greek myth, isn't it a big road? This thing must also be embarrassed to the god of this plant.


And the next thing is to continue to make energy blocks. This place is also a lot of benefits. It is worth mentioning that Fanglin Rock has not been able to specify the embers of summoning, this option is gray, the above instructions are also very simply straight :

"This mechanical biological damage is serious, and it is necessary to recover for a long time to reconnect, and when the next summons will be summoned, you may not accept your response ..."

It is only a deep apology to this Fanglin Rock. Of course, there is also a deep apology.

To tell the truth, this is really he can't do it. NND directly uses the awkward embers to block the big trick of the cloud brother! What is this fairy operation?

Reflections, if you are this poor mechanical creature, then it will not respond to the call of the worsum.

Fortunately, the next world is no longer the difficulty of the gold main line world, so Fanglin Rock intends to continue to be summoned, even if there is a proud monster of Lion Wang Xiu Ma, you can live, just to enrich your own information The library.

As for the remaining universal points and potential points, there are free attribute points, and Fanglin Rock is planning to return to the space.

And the rankings can also improve to the captain at this time, which is also a thing that is imminent in the eyebellar.

After ordering the idea, Fang Lin Ran wants to think, then press the bell to find the human hand:

"Arrange a car, I am going to the outside factory."

There is no doubt that his request will soon be satisfied. After this time Fanglinyan has entered a state, it will enter the state of energy blocks in the future.

It is difficult to start, after the start of Fanglin Rock, the rest of the engineers also cooperate with tacit understanding, production can be said to be abnormal.

I found that after entering the right track, Fanglin Yan looked at the time. It was already a noon. After paying two, he returned to the manor, and then arranged to see the big priest.

As a result, someone came back to return, saying that the big priest was not in the manor at this time, but flying to the French Saint Michel mountain.

It is said that there may be mysterious remains of O'Dezing, so you must personally go, after hearing this news, Fang Lin Yan is also a slight stunned, and immediately understand, why didn't you see her last night? ....

One thought and this, the hearts of Fanglin Rock actually seems to be a felection of stolen feelings, but there is still a slight loss.

After hesitating, Fang Lin Ran wants to think about Ivinna, saying that it is important to offer to Goddess.

After all, this time Fanglin Rock is a strong proppine of the legendary level, and the power of the containment is not small, even the existence of organic soul.

Divine music can be easily mastered by Fanglin Rock, because he is actually with the power of Noah S number, naturally can easily suppress this legendary props.

This is like ancient times, the book students who have no chicken is only a sacred wish, they can go straight into the big camp alone, and they will kill people like numbness, and the leadership of the soldiers are like a cloud. The rights of the soldiers, making them self-supporting Beijing is a truth.

Once the song is given to the goddess, it will be like a drop of water into the oil pot, which is not a cautious Fanglin Rock wants to see.

Ivrina heard quickly came, at this time, she looked extraordinarily a person, looking at the scorpion of Fanglin Rock, there is also a lot of fun, but also in unintentional use. The bright red tongue licked the lips.

When this movement suddenly made Fanglin Rock, he won't worry, hurriedly positively colored:

"I have a sacrifice that is not a small, and there is also a very special soul binding effect. Once I take it, I will give it to Goddess, I can't say anything."

"So therefore must be willing to be free, etc., in advance, the full preparation is indispensable, once out of the spill, it will lead to an abnormal enemy competition."

Fanglin Rock can have no forgetting, the world of his birth, the same risk world with the remaining space warriors!

Different songs are the strong props of the legendary level. Even if the value of legendary equipment is higher, once his wind is spilled out, it will come to compete for people.

When the enemy turns into a space warrior that does not have to use its polar, it will completely deteriorate out.

At this time, Ives were serious, and I was serious, seriously:

"Is this awesome? Then you can't be too anxious, I need to prepare."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Well, you are more and more cautious here."

Then he thought about it, added:

"So, from I started to offer the goddess, all the sacrifices presented, it is more than this time, the value of this sacrifice!"

According to this sentence of Fanglin Rock, Ivesina's face has also changed, and the right color:

"As far as the current situation, the goddess usually stays in the God of the country, either in the power to repair the gods, or just take care of the convictions of the sleep. Even I have to hoster the ceremony want to know the goddess, That is also at least an hour! "

Fanglin Rock is curious:

"What is the big priest?"

Ivrina did not know how to knew his mouth, some reluctant way:

"Ten minutes."

In fact, this is normal, the big priest Teret Toriya is the chief priest of the uncomfortable, which is close to the first person under the goddess, and Ivesina is only one of the three major bodies. It is definitely the status is obvious. Not as good as she.

In fact, if it is not a big priest, it is not there after the return of Fanglin Rock, and it will not come to her early.

After listening to the answer of Ivesinna, Fang Lin Yan smiled slightly:

"Nothing, you are going to prepare, I am waiting for you."

At this time, I saw that Ivesnna went to the goddess of Goddess, and there were many female priests with many women, and a man was worshiping.

Not only that, Ivrina is directly holding a ivory dagger, giving his wrist, and blood immediately dropped into the gold sacrificial bowl next to it.

After you can see her blood drops in a bowl, it is actually rolling like dew on the lotus leaf. It seems that it is a bright red bead, which is a variety of small and small, actually has a cruel, falling. It is very strong in the eyes of people.

Then, a man began to sing prayers, sounded sacred and rhythm, and Fang Lin Yan stayed next to it later, and actually surprised to find that his full property increased by 3 o'clock, the duration was 24 hours.

At this time, he suddenly realized that he is now a hidden professional temple knight, so it is a normal thing in this sacred atmosphere.

At this time, the church forces is quite bigger, so that the goddess is raised, so the goddess has also begun to spread the influence of the church with mad believers, and training the madness, and then starts to establish temples across Greece. .

So very fast, accompanied by Ivesen's sing, there are many believes that have gathered, and they started loudly.

At this time, Fanglin Ryna heart moves in the heart, can't help but think that if you are a prayer?

Previously, his inner is still very excluded, because he always feels that he and the goddess are both independent cooperation. Since everyone is a right partner, is it a little too ignite to her?

However, after last night, Fanglin Rock's mentality had a subtle change, which seems to be big and cheap, and there is no big deal.

What is the thing of the keyboard, is not frequently played around the world?

Therefore, Fanglin Rock did not do any special independence, directly in the last single knee skilled in the festival, and closed his eyes in his heart.

The result was only less than five minutes, I saw the goddess of the goddess, but also formed a silk, the illusion, the petals and the like falling, and the air came to see the sound of the average sound.

Many believers are crying, desperately smashed, and the mouth is too high, those illusory, the petals through their body, suddenly make them spiritual, disease, such as rebirth general.

At the same time, I saw the miracle of the goddess, and the rest of the feuds in the estate, believers also came, fell to the ground, the name of the holy name, sing the goddess of magnificent.

After harvesting a wave of credits, an invisible force will pass from the goddess of God, and then softly and firmly invade the believers.

Then, a snow-white owl flew out from the mind, flying directly, directly on Fanglin Rock's shoulder, is the goddess owl avatar.

Fang Linyan suddenly shocks, because there is a soft voice in my mind:

"What is the urgent matter to see me?"

Fanglin Rock also told Yatian, which told Athena in the information related to "Divine Comedy" in his memory, and also passed the "Divine Comedy" once exposed.

Suddenly, I saw that the corner of the goddess of the front of the goddess was in a slight fighter, and it revealed a smile of the heart! !

The gods pay attention to the moods and not in shape, like the goddess, actually laughing directly on the god, and it is almost the unique thing.

Not only that, immediately there is a white ray to fall from the sky, and Ivesinna that will be the main sacrifice is a shroud, and even the film olive tree leaf illusion slowly fall into her body, this is clear that she suffered from Shen.

Not only that, but it is also a lot of olive leaves, it looks like a decoration, in fact, this is a greatization of this grace.

With this blessing, Ivesen suddenly stood out from the three main sacrifices, and the status has grown on the rest of the two, than its big priest Tere Torlia is only short half-presses. .

Then, the bright holy song sounded in half empty, and Ivrina has begun to accept God before I am in the style.

After a while, the abortion near the god began to disappear, this is the symbol of Athena has returned to God.

The gods can't stop in the main position, otherwise it will be exclusive for the power, and the power will be getting bigger and bigger ------- Follow Ivesen to stand up, then The first two steps came to the bottom of the god and turned and turned over to the rest of the person:

"The goddess, has closed the manor in the recent time, strengthen security, scattered."

At this time, Ivesen's position is the place where the general priest is standing.

When the big priest is not there, it is a daily business of the three main rituals. Now it is directly clarified that she hosts the manor affairs, which makes Ivesen are happy.

After the man heard Yvesnna, he went to retreat, very fast, and the temple returned to quiet.

At this time, Ivrina walked over, and then naturally kept him, then low voice:

"You go back to the room first, I will change your clothes and then come to you."

Fang Linyan nodded, and then returned to the room, and quickly found that Ivrina actually replaced a casual dress to find him.

At this time, she is wearing an elegant and elegant yarn long dress, although it is relaxed, it is very highress, although there is no jewelry, but the unique temperament plus the black frame glasses wearing, it seems to be like it is A syndrome female college student.

When the two came, the two came directly, and then Fang Lin Yan quickly took it quickly toward the city of Athens. When the vehicle stopped, Fang Lin Yan saw outside the window, and suddenly said:

"What are we doing here?"

It turned out that they have come to the most core bustling area in Athens, not only this, next to the famous monuments under the sun shine: Athens Acropolis!

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