As a result, this professor listened, and then released the light, and then asked Turk to show these two books in front of him (holographic projection could not turn the page).

This professor sinks, very simply giving Fanglin Rock with a high price of 20 points! And said that this price will not be given anywhere else.

Fang Lin Yan listened to it later, saying that the truth is not really expected to sell this price, so there is no bargaining price.

And he just mentioned a request, that is, Professor Ke Bugi has to tell yourself, why is this price to buy these two books.

Professor Ke Bugi quickly agreed. Wait until the two sides have received these two books, this is very frank:

"In the ancient history in the East, Before Zhou Dynasty, it was Xia Dynasty, and before Xia Dynasty, it was said that there was still a dynasty."

"The relationship between the DPRK and Xia Dynasty is similar to the Sui Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty. The two are very close (Li Yuan, the big public, Li Shimin, the daughter, Yang Yi, Li Wei, Li Wei, Li Wei), so in the ancient During the period, it often will be called Yu Xia. "

When he said here, Fang Linyan suddenly understood that the shackles of Xia Xia book sold out, I was only afraid that I was related to the history of the long river!

Finally, Professor Kehibao:

"However, the text on this book is written with the mysterious pictograph of the Oriental, and the other He Tiet Wen has not appeared in any record."

"However, I have seen it carefully, the text used in Yu Xia Book, is similar to the text in He Yen, and the two are likely to be in the same era. This is still very research value. "

"Not only that, I can go into the mysterious text scanning used in the book to the copy, and then try to decrypt it. After a book, the font sample collected by the computer will also become more, such Parsing is shorter and more accurate. "

"And I have a problem now, there is a big relationship with the East Ancient Xia Dynasty and the DPRK! These two books are likely to be the breakthrough of my research. Even if there is no value, things from the gold main line are still There is a collection value, you know, anything that can be taken out of the adventure world has its extraordinary! "

Fang Lin Yan listened to Ke Bug's explanation, although he knew that it is definitely concealed, but also knows that he talked at least half of the truth.

Make a meeting, it is possible to say such an extent, so Fanglin Rock nodded slightly. It is considered this.

Then Fanglin Rock walked out of the door, according to the arrow on the retina, came to the sale of the X organization next to it.

Because Fanglin Rock has not yorened with this organization, it is not possible to get a guest's VIP treatment. They can only come to the location of a bank ordinary withdrawal window, and he heard a synthetic sound from each other:

"Mr. Hello, welcome to the X Cosmic Exploration Service Company, I am a salesman D6, what can I help you?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Mr. D6, I have received a message in short ago, saying that my personal property has reached the request, satisfying the front of the Swordsman ....... then won some prompt information, and finally It's here. "


"Oh, this is this! Yes, our company has a lot of explorer and exploration, in the excavation of some ancient civilization sites, it is indeed some information, mastering the employment method of this occupation "

Fang Linyan nodded nodded, nor to talk, knowing that there must be below.

D6 then said:

"However, if you want to work, you need to pay a certain price."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"This is a matter of course, can you say a specific point?"


"My main responsibility is the acquisition or sale of all kinds of news, with the location of related remains, minerals, mysterious areas, the coordinates, what you consult is not within my terms of reference, so please take a moment. The guest room has a manager who is responsible for this business to explain to you. "

Fang Lin Yan nodded, and then the area he sat down was slowly landed down. After felling for four or five meters, he began to transcend, and finally came to a guest room.

The meeting room and capsule technology can be said to be Datong Small. It is less than ten seconds below Fanglin Rock. It has automatic slow and slow, and a cup is put on, and the green tea soup is hot, At a glance, you can find it, it is a very oriental blue-and-white porcelain cover bowl.

Then, a high-tech girl came over, dressed as a standard OL dress, long legs black, but did not know why, always looked at Fang Lin Ryna Union thought of the customer service that I once met .....

After a self-introduction, the girl called Jinke is right, and Fanglin Rock has first opened the way:

"You have a deep investigation of me, you can accurately grasp my basic attribute situation, then give me a message in the first time!"

Golden Wesk smile:

"No, you can receive the relevant news in the first time because we have made a deeper cooperation with the S number, once there is a space warrior that meets the corresponding conditions, the space will transmit us in advance. "

Fanglin Rock smiled and looked at her, pointing at the table with a bowl of bowl of tea:

"Oh, what is this?"

Golden Ross smiled:

"You enter our store, we will adjust the basic information of some guests, this is to pay to your space, and have to sign a confidential agreement, so you don't have to worry about your information."

Fang Linyan saw this woman (suspected?) Said that the drip is not leaking, it is very simply:

"I still have something, have a long way to say, I heard that you have the news of the relevant Magic Swordsmanship, you will take a look."

Golden silk is sweet and smiled:

"Okay, let's take a look at the corresponding information first?"

Then, her fingers gently in the empty, and I saw the corresponding gorgeous picture inside the air next to it, nothing more than the swordsman orthodontics cool and killing the four-party related highlights.

Fang Lin Yan looked at a few eyes, I felt that I didn't taste, because this thing is like the NBA player's highlights, completely relying entirely on the shirt of the editor, the lens + fragment is applied properly, and Zhouqi seems to have O'Neill.

From these lens edits, you can only see that the Magic Swords is good at fighting the elements to fight on weapons. In this case, you can take a needle to make a trying method for different enemies. It is also quite obvious for the team's improvement. .

After the introduction of some detailed information, Fanglin Rock grass has been overwritten, and there is already a fixed number in the heart, and the label of the chicken ribs will be put on this profession.

Finally, I have a polite question: If I need to transfer it here, what price?

Jin Ke smiled and handed over a contract. Fang Lin Yan wanted to turn around and wanted to turn around, let alone a long row below.

So what is the first article?

1. The magic swordsman who transferred by the Group's channels must be in the next ten adventure world, and at least eight corresponding tasks are performed freely, and the task will be determined by the adventure world experience.

If the task failed, then it will not be recognized. If it is a continuous execution task fails twice, then it will be additionally punished.

(Specifically, the continuous implementation of the task is fails twice, then the task for the X Group's free execution will become nine times.)

2. Before transferring the Magic Swordsman, you need to pay 100,000 connections, 10 potential points.

...... Five provisions will be saved.

Seeing Fanglin Rock turned to go, Jinke looked also to have preparatory it, smiled:

"please wait a while."

Fang Lin Yan sighed a mouthful:

"What are you waiting for, your transfer conditions are too outlined, is it not close?"

Golden Wesk smile:

"If Mr. Wrench thinks that the conditions we give now are too harsh, in fact, we have another contract."

"Just this contract is a strong person who has the arms of the captain."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Oh, if this is the case, then this contract is related to the rank?"

Jinke Road:

"Yes it is."

It has also been handed over again. This contract looks too much, it is very clear. It is clear that you can bear all the expenses of Fanglin Rock to the Demon Swordsman, but Fang Lin Yan is successful, You must help them redemption: comet red crystallization.

At this time, Fanglin Rock is still unable to redeem, and it is probably in its exchange list after the level of rocky rock is upgraded to the school.

Looking at this contract, Fang Lin Yan Shen, still shake his head very simply, stand up and prepare to turn around.

At this time, Jinke has some doubts:

"Mr. wrench, our contract is really relaxed! Do you still have something?"

Fang Lin Yan turned his head and looked at her, faintly said:

"Will you spend 10,000 pieces to buy a limited edition d cup of inflatable doll?"

Jinke was shocked by Fanglin Rock this as if heaven and the general problem of Tianma is shocked. It doesn't understand his intention in a time.

"Mr. said."

Fang Linyan asked:

"You will tell me, will it?"

The professional smile on the face of Jinde is a bit stiff, but it is still only:

"will not."

Fanglin Rock continued to ask:

"So a thousand pieces! Discount big bargain, as long as a thousand pieces of inflatable dolls! Also give high simulation plastic joins fifteen cm !!"

The golden face has been white, and it feels that he has suffered a malicious apricot harassment and tuning, angry:

"Please pay yourself, Mr. Wrench !!"

Fanglin Rock continued to ask:

"Do you want!? Do you want?"

After Shoulinyan continued to ask a few times, Jin Ke screamers:

"Don't, don't !!!"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Why not?"

Jinke is also a senior professional manager. Soon from the previous shame, it will react it in the previous shame. After calming the mood, I barely smiled:

"Mr. wrench, if you feel that there is something unsuitable, we can talk about it, you also have a person, there is no need to make me joking."

Fang Lin Yan shook his head and seriously:

"I didn't take you to joke ------ cost-effective, such a high inflatable doll, why don't you want one?"

Jin Ke she took a sigh of relief, or patted it, loud and smiled:

"Mr. wrenches, you are laughing, of course because I can't use it."

Fang Lin Yan nodded, and there was no expression:

"Right, this is the reason I don't want to talk to you again."

After that, after Fang Lin Ran, Jinke took a good time, this came back.

It turned out that Fanglin Rock was in turn of the way to answer her: our contract is really relaxed! What is your concern ...

------ I don't use this career for you, I still care!


After leaving the X company's office, Fanglin Ran wanted to take a 10-point free attribute point at 8 o'clock, and dotted in the order of 3 points of 3 points intellectual 2 points.

So I bounced the relevant tips when I was:

Character ZB419, your naked foundation points are 150 points.

You successfully triggered the upgrade of the finer hunter. Are you ready, want to open an elite brewer trial?

Fanglin Rock did not expect this else's elite hunter trial actually opened so cool, couldn't help but ask:

"Can you give a specific process of elongated seed hunters trial?"

Fanglin Rock was originally a testicity, and the result actually gave him a series of tips:

"Compact ZB419, according to your current rank, there is an extra additional bonus, you can get a limited information about else's trial."

"First, the elongated seed hunter is divided into three parts, the first part is accepting related tasks, collecting related resources and materials."

"Because it takes a large amount of energy and resources to be consumed, the relevant resources and materials are collected, so they do not have time limits."

"So I want the first part of the material collection process tend to reach several worlds, so it is recommended to open in the first time, and the total completion time of the elongated seed hunter will also be calculated, the shorter completion time, get the completion time The higher the evaluation. "

"You must first complete the first part of the elite gunulent trial, in order to get the next relevant trial information."

Fang Linyan asked:

"So if I start to perform an elite seeder trial, will I start calculating the calculation time?"

The prompt is also rapid appearance:

"Will not collect the tasks of related materials / resources, will generate after you enter the next adventure world, you will start to start at time after receiving this task."

"At the same time, please don't try to inquire information or news related to the elongated bachelor trial in any way. Of course, you can't disclose any person to disclose the relevant task details or intelligence, otherwise the task will be canceled."

Looking at this prompt, Fanglin Rock immediately realized a sharp problem, immediately raised questions again:

"So can my companion or the rest of the people participate in the collection materials?"

Reply will soon come:

"Can, but they can't get the use of this material."

After getting this series of news, Fang Lin Yan feels that you will be quite busy with your next world!

1. The main line task is to do,

2, the blood of the goat must be helpful.

3, the world is the world of gold main lines. If you still have to distract in this ghost, it is undoubtedly dying, but the honorary task of the next world should also do it.

4. Collection tasks of elongated seedlings trial.


Haven't entered the world, Fanglin Rock has already feels troubled, and only feels bore.

At this time, you can see the benefits of large teams. People are very powerful. Many mechanical labor, simple labor can make the rest of the people, but the strong needs to focus more.

However, the drawback of large teams is that some people will be exploited.

This type of mode in which the MLM is done on the interests of sacrificing the bottom.

In this way, the hidden dangers are quite large, and the high levels in the team are like a steel wire.

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