The First Evolution

Chapter 9 Well

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Fanglin Rock also knows the principle of this kind of murderous pig team, isn't it the high-end version of the pyramid scheme? What's more, even if he doesn't understand, can goats and vultures do not understand? Can someone do not understand?

Mainly Fanglin Rock feels too tired, and does not work with your own philosophy.

Therefore, he thought that he could only start from the aspect of continuing to expand team members. This is also urgent, and it can only be mapped.

Looking at the rest of the lotus potential and universal points, it is also a small wealth. Fang Linyan considers that he wants to increase his skills, but he also listened to the goat, he mentioned an intelligence, that is, transfer It is best to save a universal point and potential point before.

Fanglin Rock didn't understand at the time, but the goat quickly explained that people who can live to become a senior contractor, must have been a bit of a good alien, or a good equipment, or to create a certain skill A set of effective skills systems.

Therefore, for this already perfect skill system, even if it puts the potential points and ten thousand universal points, it is just a browning, and it is definitely there, but does not have a change in ribs. .

However, once after successful transfer, you can get additional strengthening skills, immediately build another skill system around the core skills of this profession, or the skill system that strengthens version.

These ten points potential points and more than 100,000 general points are put in, the effect is immediate.

The improvement of combat power is definitely very obvious.

So after you sink, Fang Lin Yan also chose to stay, because he felt that his transfer was in this two world.

After in-depth understanding of the profession of the Magic Swordsman, Fanglin Rock felt that it was not suitable for you, this is the root cause of his turn.

Its reason is very simple, Fanglin Rock now has high dodge and Athena, and the future can also show the invincible time of the three seconds, the survivability is not missing.

In terms of melee, Fanglin Rock has a call for a call, Huichun: the cross-rope of the tribune, plus the tangled rope of the Dongzhang, the bonus of the Basic Bars LV10, the same, also very much.

Then now, the short board is remote attacks and auxiliary.

At this time, Fanglin Rock, remote attack is completely dependent on the dragon, but the attacker of this place can only use two words as the enemy is enhanced.


Therefore, Fang Lin Ran wants to think, thinking that the Magic Swordsman still mainly focused on himself, not the best choice, especially after the difficulty of the gold main line, after the world hero.

Next, he will not say that Fanglin Rock directly went to the training ground to continue to sweep the rain.

During this period, the goat was in the market, and it was also a link to a lot of excellent equipment in the team. They saw their mouths of water. Unfortunately, they asked the price, they were very high, they could only have an eye addiction.


Time is quickly launched, everyone's things are almost busy, the source beads (Melt) submitted by Goats also come down, according to the goat, this reward is one choice.

The first option is to give a squeezed hunter's identifier, such, skill power, personal basic attribute, HP value, MP value can increase 10%, and also get an additional task option, but sometimes Will be summoned by the space to perform the task, do not say, the task is sure to be dangerous.

The second option is a S-card props called the ball.

This stuff has two major uses, of course, two choices, or let you specify the task to reduce a difficulty, reward, or make the task that you specify unchanged, but rewards enhances a grade.

Before the goat was very clear, I chose the ball of the enemy. He is in the heart, and it has become an elite seedlings. Once you are called, there is no reliable teammate in front, he is small. Don't be too fast to crisp death.

Without this diamond, you still have a porcelain.

Application about the "Squado Entering Captain" is also approved.

Of course, the 80,000 connections consumed by the application are from Fang Ran! !

This makes Fanglin Rock meat pain, more people, this travel fee is really expensive.

Not only that, the goat and others (excluding Fanglin Rock) will get a negative state after entering, that is, in this world, it is a fight and killing, and it will not get any direct benefits (only to them), Unable to receive any relevant tasks.

It means that you are in the past pure tourism, don't think about what mission is going to fight, of course, it is necessary to take a risk, just do a good job in making white workers.

So a man gathered in his private space under the leadership of Fanglin Rock.

After reading the tall, Fanglinyi, Fanglinyi, I think it is a little inseparable. It is a veritable old break ... Next, Fanglin Yan roughly tells the upcoming enemy. , Then provide your own battle ideas and make the rest of the people.

As the saying goes, the three stinkkers have been priests, and a man is not what the leisure generation, so I started your other words to add the rest of my thoughts.

These ideas are all right, bright and upright, so Fanglin Rock decisively adopted, and a large correction of their own plans.

Next, a man in the leadership of Fanglin Rock, successfully came to his world.

This time, the two of the goats and vultures were the road to the light car, and the Cresbo and Mesis were the first time.

Of course, after seeing glamorous and strong big priests, it is also looking at Fanglin Rock with admiration, I think this guy is still very powerful, even such beautiful women can get it.

However, according to the goat's statement, there is nothing in the head, nothing more than eight words:

Based on stems, kneading just .....

The goat then touched the big bag on the head of the head to tears.

Seeing a reach, the big priest intends to go to Zhang Luo follow-up, but by Fang Lin Yan directly to the wall of the wall:

"Wait, our plan should be modified."

The big priest stunned:

"Oh? How to change it?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"First ... then ....... then ..."

After some explanation, the big priest looked at Fanglin Rock with a horror:

"In this case, the plan has to be changed."

Fanglin Yan shrugged:

"The knife is not mistaken, and then said, do you think this plan is a good, still does not change?"

The big priest made him glanced, and finally touched several calls, but the plan would need to be extended after five hours, let Fanglin Rock stroll around.

Of course, what top-level model, international meeting, yacht, married, ....... All is not arranged!

At present, you can't waste your physical strength and energy in some unnecessary sweats.

Fourth Five people at this time is the best, so I will stroll around with a sightseeing mind.

Surprisingly, Max looks very familiar with Athens, the door to the street layout, and even very accurately found some local famous snacks, and these things are guided by them. unknown.

As a question, I realized that Max once read college in Athens, and also had a lingering love with the female classmates of the same class, although it was still separated, but the streets of Athens were full. Full memories and .

Max is very sad about this, so he will pay two girlfriends.

Well, yes, the initial memories are three people, Mes, girlfriends a, girlfriend B.

After listening to Max's memories, everyone felt to destroy the three views. I think this kind of thing should happen. However, the cruel truth is, the goat has been obscurity, no fortunate, no regrets New tires in the year ...

Sure enough, behind each of the sea king, there is a can't bear to look back, and the blood tears memories!

After a while, a man started to enjoy the natural food, they said, laughing, very relaxed, time quickly started to go.


After three hours,

Miti Linnie, at Athens City,

The western district of this cargo port is clearly being passed by specialty, usually entering and exiting container trucks, there is no desperate worker.

Several police cars shine with the police lights in front, the middle is a row of luxury cars, and the luxury car will follow the three large-scale routing, there are dozens of police motorcycles to escort the two sides of the team, thereby visible, At this time, the goddess's forces have expanded here.

After the vehicles stopped, Fanglin Rock, the big priest and others drilled out from the inside, and the peers also had Evinna and a brancher.

At this time, the police officer led by the team should receive the command and then evacuate.

After the police were evacuated, the armed staff who came out from the rear of the large-scale routing from the rear, these people were armed to teeth, murderous, and were "the University of Macedonia" European Classical Research Society " The fierce mercenary, a part of the five teams.

In order to come to come, it directly pays up to $ 20 million of dollars.

However, this payment is the current "Macedonian University European Classical Research Society", it is the nine bull. One instrument in the personal laboratory of Fanglin Rock, the price is even more than 30 million.

This helped people have been warned when they accept their tasks, saying that they may come into contact with some supernatural phenomena, and also have targeted training. Some teams feel that they have signed a confidential agreement. .

However, there must be a courage, there must always be a prepaid for the desperation of millions of dollars, there is also a reward of five million dollars after the event.

For them, the poor is the most terrible thing.

But this is not all the strengths of this action, and a man is waiting for a while, and there is two cruises on the sea.

These two water consumptions exceeded the cruise ships that were loaded with more than two thousand trained armed people. They were all watched, and the portable AK was old and the old black, hired these people, only spending only Two million dollars are not.

Employing these people is not difficult, because in the south of Greece, Crete is three hundred kilometers in the south, it is a chaotic Libya, where there is still a war state, and there may be small-scale / or even large-scale battle.

In fact, the $ 193 million remuneration paying by the University of Macedonia's classical research, almost half of them directly into the pocket of the middleman.

These guys who come to sell, everyone can get their hands, that is, one hundred dollars can't be, then I can get some invisible benefits:

For example, the second-hand camouflage military uniforms on these people (it is already very good for them), distributes AK filled with bullets, and three meals after boarding.

The key is to be as good as this, the big old black is full, even if it is a danger of life! Because they are also dangerous in hometown, and there is no such good benefits at all ...

One of the black people supported, the five teams mercenaries immediately loosened, their most feared things, knowing that the host is indifferent to their lives, regarding himself as a cannon.

At this time, it is clear that the big group of cannon ai is already in place, then they don't have a bow.

At this time, a man also started to board a giant cargo ship next to it, this cargo ship used "10,000 tons of huge round" to describe it, that is really insulting it.

It's like you have a birthday for Song Meilled in 2000, saying that I wish her a long time, it is completely coming, because her old man is 101 years old.

This giant wheel is called "iron cross", which is also the property of the University of Macedonia 's classical research. Drainage is 390,000 tons of horror.

Its propeller has reached 227 tons, which can carry 12,000 standard containers, and it takes 7 million US dollars filled with oil!

In front of it, what 10,000 tons is really just a brother, and still often use the left hand to hold the one ...

Fanglinyan, after boarding the ship, the vessel pulled the whistle and slowly entered the sea, and the other two crusts were followed back.

Three ships came to the high seas in accordance with the international passage of the territory, and then the connection channel was started, and the employers on the two cruises were transferred over.

It is surprising that although these big old blacks look messy when they are idle, they stand up at this time to start the whole team, the team, the team, and move, actually seem like a model.

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