The First Evolution

Chapter 10, Goddess

"Not bad!"

Guarding Land can't never end by the people around Fanglin Rock.

"It is much better than I imagined!"

Rand is a typical Germany, about forty-five years old, strong, savvy, doing things is also engraved as a mechanical.

He is the German Defense Police Ninth Brigade, participated in the Kosovo War, the War and Herzegovism War, stayed in the war of Afghanistan for five years, with rich combat experience and command experience.

After retiring, Rand entered an security company. Finally, the company bankrupt, he came out to make a mercenary.

Listening to Ramd, a black man wearing a white suit immediately smiling:

"Mr. Dear, what kind of person? I will definitely not play the pattern! They are the backbone of the liberation of the lines, and the Chinese instructors have trained for three months. Half a year ago and the government troops met. No loss! "

This black is a military scorpion, just known as the middleman called Moti, usually in front of the warlords who are not blinking, they are fierce, even the President of African countries.

But here, he can only talk to Land to talk.

However, his words have caused Fanglin Rock interest and suddenly ask:

"These people are training in Chinese instructor?"

Although MoDi did not know Fanglin Rock, it judged from his position of his position and his identity was "protected" high-level, so the eyes were very sharp, and immediately said:

"Yes! Training their instructor, Li, is Bruce. Li's Li! Training method is very scientific and advanced."

Fanglin Rock has not spoken, Cresbo is already in the air:

"So you said, is so many people training this Li Teacher?"

Mocadon, laughing, laughing:

"Of course, Li Tong official is only the captain of the training team. Most of the training team is still our people, but they all have a diploma. In the deep China Shijiazhuang, I have gotten the elite of the University diploma!"

"Ha?" Fang Lin Yan said it is incredible.

Moti misunderstood the question of Fanglin Rock, some dissatisfied:

"You, I can be true! Don't believe you."

Then he took out the phone and pressed a few times, and called out a photo handed over.

However, rigorous Land is a pre-front of Fanglin Rock and checks it to the mobile phone.

Fanglin Rock is open, I found that there is really a matter, and the mobile photo is a diploma, written above:

Abdullah June 30, 2007 to September 22, 2008 at the Chinese People's Liberation Army Shijiazhuang Engineering Infantry College, the special combat tutorial, qualified, specialized.

Document issuance date: September 30, 2008

President of the School of Machinery Infantry, China People's Liberation Army: ***

At this point, Moti's guy actually really took out the dry goods, what can Fanglin Rock still say? Directly compared to a thumb.

Soon, after a successful convergence of success, the broadcast on the boat rang:

You! Welcome to the iron cross, time is urgent, not to say, now publish the next itinerary:

First of all, you have two hours to familiarize with this vessel, of course, you can use this time to take a rest.

Secondly, after two hours, it will enter the official action time. At that time, the vessel will have a powerful monster. This monster is transformed from the latest biochemical technology. Your mission is to kill it. !

Once this monster died, you will receive an additional bounty of $ 2,000 per person! (For black brothers, mercenary is counted)

We prepare adequate food and medicines on the front deck of the vessel, please queue up.

I wish you all good luck.

After hearing an additional bounty of $ 2,000, the black people underneath were screaming, screaming, even someone can't surpass excitement, directly holding Ak, holding a fire against the sky.

For them, it is impossible to make a handful of more than a dozen dollars on the streets, and even the incident of the people can say that it is endless.

Don't say $ 2,000, these blacks present are in advance, and there is no more money to 200 US dollars in advance.

Looking at these big old blacks, the replenishment of the deck, then the scene suddenly became confusing, seeing the three-fold big bargaining, the black pressure, the big mother, the big mother, is similar.

It is better to have a few machine guns to start charting, and the "Sudden Mind" scanning sound and smoke immediately shocked the chaos, followed by the machine gun, put it flat, threatened.

In a short half-minute class, the black hole's machine gun mouth successfully maintains order, and the old black and old is a ten team, and begins to receive the backpack with food and drugs.

Among this backpack, there is five high-calorie chocolate, five compressed biscuits and two bottles of fresh water, and the drug package is a strong intensive agent and two military special stimulants.

This military stimulant is actually high-purity poisonous ice, which can make the soldiers injected into the inquiry pain and fear, become crazy and bloodthirsty.

This is also the hidden rules inside the army. The more developed advanced military, the higher the purity of the fonate, the better the effect!

This is actually normal, the battlefield is not kebit, a rebounded bomb can live, so it will not take into account the long-term harm of drugs, addictive.

Everything that can improve the survival rate and combat power can be used, you don't have to use others, you will eat big losses!

There is a future life, and the dead does not need anything.

I saw this scene, Fanglin Yan frowned low voice:

"Distribute this kind of thing can be made in advance."

At this time, a man wearing a suit next to Land heard the words of Fanglin Rock, the guests of the guests:

"Sir, this is the case, if you want to issue these substances in advance, you can only transfer it to the corresponding master of the liberation of the line."

"But, in accordance with the urine of this guy, I can finally send it to each soldier's hand, but I will never have a serious impact. These guys will be very low."

Ivan is a doctor's diplomatic doctor, and his explanation is still very reasonable.

At this time, the big priest faintly said:

"Let's go."

The one-party person followed the big priest to the ship's long room, and there were more than four surveillance rooms to control the movement of the ship, each surveillance room has more than two hundred square meters, with more than 300 webcam.

At this point, the plan is actually very simple. When you arrive, you will directly call the corps Malfas to the boat! Then by the cannon gray to consume the energetic and combat power, then the mercenary is the second generation of the cannon to continue the attack.

Finally, Fanglin Rock and other people and big priests shot.

The war is a standby means in the goddess of the goddess of the goddess.

In fact, this battle plan was a multi-faceted disease. For example, the goat came out, it was directly to summon Malfas to a small island, and then did not say first, first detonated the explosives around it. A good.

Max is a way to make a nuclear weapon to give it a meeting.

But these proposals are all vetoed. First, Malfas is living in the lava lake, then this is not to say, definitely is a fire immune, the high temperature killing of the explosion is invalid.

Not only that, when Fang Linyan watched the battle, I found that Malfas had a skill and very sharp, some of the shadow of "Otte", can turn into a tempering shadow in an instant.

At this time, Malfas is inselective, unable to harm the metamorphosis state, it hides this trick, but there are several attacks!

Therefore, after the nuclear bomb is lost, the high temperature is no killed, and Malfas can directly open the skills to avoid the power of the nuclear weapon. The most powerful moment will not play too much effect.

To the nuclear explosion, the world's attention, the Greek government is a non-nuclear country, and the Swindang rocks will be alarmed by super-largest countries and mystery, which will lead to unnecessary additional attention. It really got lost.

So I discussed again. In the end, I decided to put the battle place on the freighter, taking the sea tactics hard filling!

Why is the freighter, of course, it is to make Malfas to pursue the rats when attacking, this is in the lake, and it is quite uncomfortable once it enters the cold environment of the deep sea.

At the same time, it is a very necessary thing to consider before fighting, once it doesn't matter, take the speedboat to escape.

In the ocean environment, Malfas, who likes to purge, high-fever, will definitely be seriously subject to seriously.

Of course, there is still a premise in the sea tactics, that is, it is to break the defense.

Therefore, after discussing with the big priest, I found that the goddess had to be the main auxiliary, giving this bad feast murs, making the defense, which decreased to even AK can cause slight injuries.

In this case, the ant more bites are the possibility of establishment.

As for Athena will not curse this kind of thing, this problem is excessive, this is the goddess of wisdom as a god!

Athensa will not only curse, but also very proficient, more than a half of her curse is very miserable.

The most famous victim of the Athena curse is the Murdusa. This unlucky child not only cursed into a snake monster, and later, the head was also cut down in the god Duns.

In addition, there is a Lüside of the girl, Araknet is not self-tact, launching the goddess to challenge the weaving, and finally unfortunately defeated, was curse by Athena, becomes a big belly to the woven net magic spider!

There is always a matter of everything, only owed to Dongfeng, time silently launched the past, Fourth Five people fame after the environment on the boat, returned to the control room, and then nodded against the big sacrifice.

The big priest has closed his eyes. After a few seconds, there was a lot of feelings of the mountain, and the sudden gas field was perfect.

The surrounding priests, madness, etc. are all fell to the ground at the same time, and even even the employed mercenaries can't help but fell to the ground, can't exceed! !

God is so prison, the god is like the sea! !

This is the shock from the heart, which is the fear of the depth of the cell. This is the instinct of low-level creatures to face more high-level life forms! ! !

The god god Athena directly fell to the big priest, with it as one! !

This is the highest level of gods, relying on this temple, Athena can break through the world's resistance, short-term fallback.

Of course, this is also because of the special reason for the big priest, change the person to withstand the gods, then this person is likely to die directly after the gods.

And it is more unfortunate, and he is even more exclusive. The goddess is estimated to be halfway. He will take it directly, it is dead.

Please note that it is really dead! Don't think about it.

At this time, the double-eyed pupils of the big priest have been chemically shaped, and they are present, if it looks more, it is more important to find that their pupil is a little bit of light, just like a clear starry sky. Thousands of stars continue to endow the scene.

Positive Lord is coming, Fanglin Rock has now been bundled with the depth of Athena, not to mention the public, it is definitely gives the women's gods, and the knee is fell to the ground, and the right hand holds the boxing in the chest. Cavalry. .

Then, the goddess did not leave, and the rest of the people hurriedly followed. It can be seen that in order to save time, the goddess is simply not going to work, directly from the 16th floor of the ship master. Go down.

It is very simple to get down on the 16th floor, but actually doing it is really shocking.

Because the goddess did not take the stairs, but directly on the top of the railing, there was no empty thing!

In normal physics, this behavior of goddess usually results in another mechanical event, called the free fall of earth gravity.

If you change it into a popular name, you are jumping.

However, what mechanics, gravitation, for higher order life, is existed at all.

The goddess stepped out, stabilized, then there were thousands of people, and the temperament is noble. The next step will go down, and the gorgeous black gold robe behind him is flying in the sea breeze.

The thing she is doing is very ordinary, that is, in the lower building.

The only thing is not ordinary is that there is no step at all at her feet!

Ling your emptiness!

When the goddess walked to the queen position of the freighter, it was already seen by many liberation organization members. Such a beautiful woman who gorgeously gorgeous, and they all produced a sense of soul, as if they look at it. It is awkward.

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