The First Evolution

Chapter 16 is a victorious victory

However, the monster but Ding is a purgatory creature, and the skin rough meat is the biggest feature of this guy. For ordinary people, it seems to be a common god penalty in the collapse. It is completely a small hurt for him.

Fanglin Yan did not expect to be able to play, he wants to have the monster but Ding was blown up.

Then he took the wound in front of his chest, just jumped into the aerial garden, and then stabilized on the unicorn, the unicorn did not say, the legs ran, this obvious is it. Long term.

And Fanglin Rock is a hand that grabs the neck of this degenerative creature, and another hand is to start to deal with the wound on him, such as anastomic, suture, etc.

Eat a king and odor tofu (blue quality: food), give yourself a one, then put a bond (blue quality: bandage)

This piece of food and a bandage is twice that of ordinary food and bandage, but it also has a significant negative effect:

During the recovery, it cannot be attacked, otherwise the continuous recovery effect will be interrupted.

At this time, Fanglin Yan also received a prompt from space:

"Contractors ZB419, your month's black time is successful, you successfully summoned a mechanical laoke and a mechanical fear wolf."

Seeing this prompt, Fang Lin Yan gave a big atmosphere.

After the unicorn ran out of the fifty meter, the monster but Ding re-appeared in a wolf aerial garden. He looked at Fanglin Rock, who quickly went away. He looked directly in the past! !

At this time, the scorpion of the rationality is restored, but Ding will not let go of Fanglin Rock.

He is in the same year in the world, just like a person in the bottom of the water, it seems to be safe, in fact, the oxygen and physical fitness in the body every moment is passing, and it is impossible to add.

The enemy is the main battle to obtain a constant supply.

If you can't die, you will face a full feast of enemies later.

Then, the enemy will continue to escape, and then repeat the previous operation again, and stronger people will die.

After the monster but Ding has a wings, the speed can be said to be very amazing, even if the unicorn is galloping, the distance between the 50 meters of the district is for him, it is a little meaning that you can catch up with a few seconds.

The problem is that Fanglin Rock has handed over to hand in hand for so long, how could it be to prevent it?

Don't look back at all, I started to pay attention to the movement of the monster but Ding through mechanical lane.

When you see the wings of the monsters, you will immediately leg with your legs.

This unicorn beast is a degenerative creature, and it is still living in the country, which means that its essence is actually the same as Yifenna. It is the believer of Goddess, just because the believers feel that he is dead The shape should be a unicorn ...

Therefore, Fanglin Rock and the communication are quite convenient, and it is notified to inform the legacy of its coping.

So, the monster but the Din wings moved, this unicorn is immediately a 90-degree big turn. If it is a journey of the car, it is to press the drainage, the limit drift, AMP more than 400 Point fairy operation.

But the explosive impact of Ding is fast, but it is the fast arrow that does not have a bow.

So I looked at the unicorn made this kind of drift change, but there is no way to change the way halfway. I can only look at the other side when I whistling. I watched the other side. After ten meters, Ding has resumed the control of the body, and can only start catching up.

There is a long way to eat a long, the mismuth, but the Ding followed the unicorn twenty seconds, it is immediately a wings!

Don't tell, the unicorn is a timely drift steering!

However, this time the monster but Ding really just fans the wings. When the unicorn changed to the drift, it slowly slowed down, it truly launched "explosive assault".

This time, the monster but Ding feels that he has completed the crushing of the enemy IQ:

Laozi predicts your pre-! I don't want it? Is strong? See how you still run?

But the monster but Ding Millions did not expect that the other person actually escaped again!

Although the unicorn was deceived, it was not slow, but the Fanglin Rock on the back did not, the mismuth but Ding really shocked, he was in the back of the ridge of the unicorn, and then borrowed Flying out in another direction next to it.

Not only that, while flying out, there is a pair of wings acceleration behind it behind!

(Isn't it a wings? There are also labor resources!)

The light wing is the auxiliary style of Ivesinna to Fanglin Rock, called the wings of the belief, and can't let Fanglin Rock fly in the sky, but he can allow him to glide in the air.

Unfortunately, the duration of the light wings is only five seconds, and the cooling time is up to three minutes.

When the monster but Ding seems to rush to the train sprorted, when the poor unicorn crushed, Fanglin Rock has taken the light wing, and quickly glides out of 5 or 60 meters toward another direction. At the same time, I still don't forget to tell Yvrina:

"I didn't see it, this is the correct usage of cannon ash."

"If the monster but the Ding kills this unicorn, he will waste the precious seconds."

"If he keeps a sense of reason, he will not kill the unicorn, then he can only be played by this unicorn."

In the face of this enemy who does not leave the hand, the monster but Ding really is anger to extreme, and suddenly, it is again aligned with Fanglin Rock throws a burning sage! And because the last time was misleaded by "discretion", it was also carefully corrected with the estimated error.

As a result, this is the horses that must have once again with Fanglin Rock ...

The monster but Ding almost vomiting, why did you fix the ball back?

The reason is also very simple, because the refractive index caused by the refractive light is re-changing every other period, the refractive index of the monster but before Ding is used to correct the ballistic, isn't it a sword?

Fortunately, the magist but Ding is a hundred wars, and the heart is very firm and continue to catch the other party.

But before his "explosive assault" cooling, Fanglin Yan has directly brought into the woods .....

The next result is to be imagined, in the woods in the woods, the running of Fanglin Rock is not affected, but the "explosive assault" that Ding Can not receive it is a bit annoyed!

After it rushes, it is less than you want to break the five or six trees! This will greatly affect the speed of the assault, giving the enemy a bigger buffer time.

At this time, the monstered but Ding has been abolished, the state is still slowly declining, and the other party makes the delay, it is really a very disgusting positive.

Not only that, when the monster but Ding caught the opportunity, when the wings were shocked, the other party actually turned back, and a lightning was smashed.

This electricity will not be hurt to the key part of the left arm, and it is hurting the monster but Dan is going. The problem is that there is a break effect of 0.5 framing, just like the car just stepped on the throttle. I have been a brakes.

So the magist but Ding's skill is directly interrupted into the cooling state ...

After the two sides, the monster but Ding finally blocked Fanglin Rock, but this time Fanglin Rock's health is also resumed.

After the two fought, Fanglin Rock was once again played, and the wolf was unbearable. But this guy actually was shamelessly injured, using powerful fourth-order antiseraride: words, and Wing Chun: Boxing, giving the magist but Ding's right knees caused a slight injury.

The monster but Ding angry, when he would continue to pursue it, he was helping a wild beast. When the magist but Ding Jizheng was in force, he was bitten by this beast. The wound on the right knee. After Suddenly I lost a balance and fell.

It is not to say that this beast is the mechanical fear wolf of Fanglin Rock, and this guy will immediately turn it away.

The monster but Ding is a cleaning of it, but it has escaped five or six meters of Fanglin Rock, but it will not take much more time to the mechanical fear.

The monster but Ding just roared, and the distance between the two or six meters between the two was not a distant .

But inside the woods next to it, actually rushing out a group of Mercedes-Benz half!

These semi-righteous horses are also derived, and the guy headed is far from a long set. It will pull it with the exact set of Fanglin Rock, and then catch it in the air. Fanglin Rock turned and ran.

The remaining half-man horses have assaulted to the mons, but Ding launched the charge, twenty and half horses horses rushed, blocked the sight of the monster but Ding!

Under the anxious, the migraries but Ding Bun played two or three, but there was no eggs, and the rest were still entangled up, because as long as they arrived, they can live for a while. Rebirth, of course, take a certain resource.

The monster, but Ding, although they can't hate these guys, but his heart is very clear that the other party can't do it.

The more time spent on these half-men, the better, it is best to put a big move, helpless, can only scream directly.

But he wanted to go, the rest of the half-man horses refused to let him go, and they took out the set of classes, and these half-men were not attacking him, do their best to interfere with their actions, see the monster but Ding It is really scattered, really scattered, really deeper the essence of beef sugar.

Of course, it is not practical to rely on them, but also for Fanglin Rock to win the buffering time of ten seconds. The half-horse horse is also running more than 100 meters, which makes the monster but the tantam No old blood spurt out ...

In the next, in the vicious circle, Fanglin Rock relied on the supplies carrying it, and the remaining aerial gardens were recovering, foot and monster but Ding were more than one and a half hours.

When the magist but Ding's right knee is interrupted, after the movement has lost its mobile, the ending of this battle has been controversied.

In fact, if there is no advantage of the main battle in the country, there is no more than a hundred gods of gods, and the sacrifice of more than 30 degenerative creatures. Fanglin Rock wants to win this battle is really infatuated!

With the end of the last hair, the magist but Ding is desperate. It is called a unwilling desperate sign against the sky. The outer shell of his meter begins to burning out the raging purple flame, which looks also Magic is also true.

In the flame, the magic but Ding's magic shell burned, and there was a strong man, the upper body passed through the boss, and I wore a red leather pants!

He lowered his head, the previous white hair was hanging, could not see his expression, only to see blood in his underworld, a little fell on the ground.

And he smashed the big sword of the cracks into the ground, and the hands and dead, the hands of the swords of the big sword, still stubborn, biting the teeth! !

When I saw this scene, Fang Lin Yan sighed a little.

Such an opponent is still worthy of respect.

Fang Lin Yan went forward, at this time, it was in the world, and it was clear that the other's health is only 1 point. It is in a weak state of death, so he is not afraid that the other side can get what moth.

"If you change a time, change a place, I am definitely not your opponent, this battle, I win."

Fanglin Rock is very sincere.

But Ding does not speak, but the mouth is always talking about anything.

Fang Lin Yan listened carefully, he did not respond to his words, but repeatedly read a name:


"This woman should be the girl in Ding. It is still not forgetting to her now."

I thought about it, Fanglin Rock said:

"Now the privilege of the song is already handed over to the goddess, you have no ingredients, soon it will be dissipated."

"Do you have any wishes? If you are within my ability, then I can do it for you."

"Wish?" But Ding muttered.

Suddenly, he lifted his head, and he breathed his face:

"I want Lussa resurrection! I want him to live !!"

Fang Lin Yan sighed a mouthful:

"Sorry, I can't do this, let the disorder resurrected, that is the field of God."

But after Ding heard this sentence, suddenly returned to the previous auto-abutment state.

However, after this sentence, Fanglin Yan suddenly stunned, then looked at Ding Ruo.

After a few seconds, Fanglin Yan hit a referring to the sky said:

"Hey, Ivrina? What should I end this?"

Ivrina excited:

"Well, Yes! I just told the goddess of the battle here. The goddess felt that this war can be made, and the loss is so small, really makes her very happy."

Fang Linyan looked at it but Ding said:

"How is this guy to dispose now?"

Ivesen said:

"and many more."

After ten seconds, the cloud palace on the top of the Olympia mountain suddenly shoted a golden ray.

Then I saw this rays on the head of Dan, I stayed on the head, and then quickly launched, the golden rammates made a lavender, and then formed a spindle-shaped prisoner will be trapped, and Xu floated to the sky. among.

It is quite similar to the shape of this prison, and the column shape of Patnong Temple is quite similar.

Then Ivesen said:

"This guy is the gods, the goddess is already determined, and the freshman Prometheus has been killed by him."

"So now he is defeated, it is still far from death, because his strength comes from the desire in people's heart, but you know, you have to destroy your desire is a difficult thing."

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"So this is nothing to do?"

Ivesen said:

"This is the goddess to simulate the power of Pluto, create the prison of the trendy, the shortcomings you have seen it, you need to lock the opponent and time consumption! Of course, the advantage is that there is a jail of the death of Ming Hadis. power."

"This is specifically for the prison of spiritual organisms, once trapped, it is almost impossible!"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"In this case, take me out, I am a living, and there is too long than the profession in the God of China."

Ivesen said:


Fanglin Rock suddenly said:

"Wait a minute, you have to cooperate with me."


Ten minutes later,

On the iron cross,

The Magic Rock Giant has already turned a large-scale dark red rock block, and she collapsed in a cabin, and his fineness has been directly inhaled to the golden snake stick of the big priest.

Only the magic is hidden in crazy struggle, relying on his own amazing speed and complex terrain on the boat in the sorrowful, and his speed characteristics, and the talent of blood recovery, but also caused a small casualty for the cannon on the ship.

At this time, Fanglin Yan jumped from the void, and then he continued to appear two kinds of light wings. After a gliding in the air, it suddenly aligned the mitigation.

His choice is very cleverly, it is, the magic is hidden, just facing a round of madness, when you catch a person ready to take it.

At this time, Fanglin Rock has not disappeared from the double basic attributes obtained from the Dorses. Whether it is strength or agility, it is, it is actually a bit of death.

Magic, the madness, but by Fanglin Rock, it hurts from behind, it is difficult to break away at a time. At the same time, the two legs, the two seem to be high as the hidden situation, and the sky is changed. It became a living target.

Maxi is like a big joy, immediately seized the opportunity to live crazy, and even the people hired by Athena also refused this opportunity.

At this time, Fanglin Rock's foundation attribute finally started, but the drop is not fast, almost a second full property dropped 1 point,

Therefore, when Fanglin Ran footed restricted to the hidden ten seconds, he was out of this hidden tenth, and it was directly shocked, and at this time, the magic had a branch.

This branch has a thorns that the chest is in its chest, and the knock is stiff.

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