The First Evolution

Chapter 17 Top Tame

At this time, this scene is of course a favor!

That branch looks very common, just ordinary olive tree branches!

There are also two pieces of green leaves on the branches.

But in an instant, this terrorist enemy is directly killed!

This is a big priest to shoot directly. She belongs to the kind of that generally not shot.

This flat-pair of twigs directly passed through the hidden magic nucleus, seals all of his war!

Even if it is the most tenacious vampire and demon, the two kinds of vitality is the most tenacious, which is a species that is not dead, and it is difficult to return.

Because the wound of the chest is like a constant no-hole, it has always made his vitality to lapse until it is exhausted.


After a minute, the sky was shot on both golden lights, and several universities flew out, and the wreckage of the mites, the worship of the magic rock giant was flying into the goddess.

When I saw the event, the most of the people were "wow" cheering, especially those who made cannon gray, some people even squatted down the pants, showing black long straight batches, and then put the trousers towards the pants I throw it on the sky!

Although this battle is a burst, but because Fanglin Rock stands up in time, pull the magic but Ding, the main perspective of Ding, so that the loss is much less than the goddess, even even the casualties of the cannon ash are also less casualties. Big half.

After all, they expected the enemy that the enemy of the crowd Malfas, this guy has several large-scale killing skills, and the harvest is a good hand!

The next trivial miscellaneous thing, Fanglin Rock, they don't have to handle it, naturally there is a professional related person in the church to handle, the goddess is also very atmospheric, and the feast is over, Kresbo and Messe are both. Successfully got the fortress of the Holy olive fruit that enhances the foundation attribute.

The goats and vultures are voluntarily ran to help (Shengharm fruit is not effective), but they have sent a glass of wine by the big priest.

This glass of wine is a famous name, called Olyia toast, after drinking, MP value can grow up 50 points permanent, see Fanglin Rock has some eyes, he does not regard himself as a foreign man, directly reached out Take a hug.

As a result, the big sacrifices did he took the wine pot:

"The holy wine is invalid to you."

Fanglin Rock is shocked:


The big priest faintly said:

"Because you have already been modified in advance by the goddess, otherwise, how can it be the body of the mortal, to show the ban on the battle law?"

Fang Lin Yan listened to the future, there was no way to say, transferred to the temple knight, and it is indeed amazing to his personal property, but what can you say, but still want to take a cup to taste it.

But the goddess will make a knife again:

"This pot of wine, almost consumes the goddess for a month, and you want the goddess strength to restore more slow, drink two mouth."

Fang Lin Yan is completely speechless at this time, can only put the holy wine and then sigh.

At this point, for Fanglin Rock, everything must be improved to the heart of the goddess ....... Of course, he is from the unselfish, loyal mentality!

And A.e, wholesale manufacturing herbs from space, St. Chun Ethi, a little relationship!

This time, the feast can be said to be the guests of the guest, and a teammate is drunk loudly, and then in a large group of black-compressed east-sheated grinding very sharp scratch steel knives, back I wake up in the Presidential Suite.

Even the most afraid of my wife's Max is also letting all the parcels, enjoy it ------ this can be the best seafood feast of the span plane, delicious juice, fat and beautiful meat, although the mother of the family is big, mind Although fine, it is impossible to catch another one.

However, when the teammates carnival, Fanglin Yan took a cup of coffee for a long time, and then stood up, directly went to the office in the manor.

At this time, the big priest is rapidly handling a variety of matters, and she keeps energetic status and then makes the most intellectual judgment on various matters.

People who have deal with the big priest know that unless it is a particularly important guest, otherwise, the maximum can only get a fifteen minutes here, so her work efficiency is very amazing.

The office area of ​​the big priest is as high as 3,000 square meters, accounting for a whole floor! Her own room has only two hundred square meters, but the waiting area is divided into three major regions, a total of nine waiting rooms.

The top three waiting rooms are designed for VIPs. Its decoration and configuration can be almost equivalent to Presidential Suite. These three waiting rooms also occupy a thousand square meters.

Fang Lin Yan was waiting for two hours, watching the last guest leaving, this did not let the rest of the people, they entered the guest room.

At this time, the big priest is looking at a statement, and when he saw Fanglin Rock:

"You came?"

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"This call accident, even beyond the risk plan for us beforehand, although the goddess did not happen, but I can feel that the process of goddess absorbed is not smooth."

Big sacrifices:

"Yes, the roots are still in that but Ding, the obsession on him has been stretched for thousands of years, it is very difficult to fight!"

"And the body of the hidden murry rock giant, is also injected, the magic soul of Ding Ding, has produced the soul link, so the three people are in Ding, and they will become a line, the resistance is very large."

"And but Dan is a soul of the soul, which is equivalent to the strengthening of space-branded, and he also absorbed Prometheus, and it has a certain understanding for our means, which makes the goddess are somewhat helpless."

Fang Lin Yan Shen said:

"I also talked a few words with this, I found that his obsession didn't seem to have a long life, but a woman."

The big priest faintly said:

"Now it is basically water, but Ding's pursuit is indeed a long life, but this is the witch Lussian asked him to do."

"Lussia absorbs the blood of the charm, the heart is changed, and the evil is getting angry, she wants to get the longevity, but the pursuit of Ding is just with her."

Fang Lin Yan stunned:

"is that true?"

Big sacrifices:

"Yes, it is basically sure."

Fang Lin Yan squinted his eyes:

"From ancient times, the most robust fort is often broken from the inside!"

"If you are hard to do, then we don't try it soft?"

The big fear frown:

"How come soft?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"I have been considering a problem before, but the guy looks like the stone inside the toilet, is stinky, but he also has obvious weaknesses, that is, Lussia!"

"If we can control Loussia, then but Ding is not only trouble, but will become the most loyal servant of Goddess!"

The big priest slowly shook his head:

"Do you think that the goddess does not think about this? Of course it is impossible, even in-depth investigation! Carefully read the memory of Lussia in the deaf Qu."

"At the time, Lussia was a virgin and beautiful virgin in order to pursue the longevity and beautiful, and even controlled the young and beautiful women. They want to go to the young and beautiful virgin, and press the blood to press the medicine. "

"In order to facilitate the extraction of blood, Lucy is invented a hollow steel portrait. There is a large sharp hollow stripping in the portrait, push the victim into the iron image, close the cover, and the barbing will pierce into its body, The source is constantly released, which is the infamous iron house. "

"Lucia's atrocities have been exposed, which triggered the attention of the church, and attracted the penalty, according to the judgment of the goddess, it should be close to the high goddess, the power of the high god, shot ... but Ding Neng Live, because he is a soul, but Lussia as an affiliate spirit, it has been asze, how can it be reunited? "

Fang Lin Yan laughed, his chest has a bamboo:

"It doesn't matter, there is a space about Lussia, those parameters should be the latina, and we have these information."

Big sacrifices:

"what do you mean?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"I mean is still not clear? The song is destroyed, forced to drop, but Ding is also hit by the spirit."

"Here (Fanglin Rock refers to his head) has also been a problem. Now I see that he devours Prometheus, and it is not good."

"So, he wants to latine, will we give him one? I will get one by the record in the soul!"

"First find a madman who is loyal to the goddess, and then sent it to Korea or Hollywood, take it out of Lucia's look, then let her remember the memory in Ding Ding, then remember, and then arrange but Ding and it touch ....... "

The big priest is in front of him:

"Your magazine is too rough, in fact, there is a better way, please shake a goddess to create a Lussia in the goddess, in this case, human and fascinating characteristics can make eight nine points."

"But it is not good to deal with this area, let alone, but there is no special identification technique between Dan and Lussia so long.

Fang Lin Yan smiled:

"But after Ding is hit, it has a significant personality, and we told him directly that Lussia can resurrect, he can pick three and pick four? You can rest assured, this matter is given to me! "

"Not only this, you can't get it is the best. We have to control the time to get along with Lussia, let them meet once every other time, so that Ding is the mind is thinking about it. How to meet with the next time I meet, I will not feel that she is not alive. "

The big priest is deeply talented:

"Good! I will communicate the goddess."

After chatting with the big priest, Fang Lin Yan intends to continue to return to his room for machine. As a result, he came to his entrance to find out what is wrong, the room door actually wreck.

Not only that, listen carefully, there is more breathing of a person in the room!

At this moment, Fanglin Rock's mood suddenly tense: Assassin? pagan? spy?

Of course, it may be the rest of the space warrior! !

These hypothetical ideas can be said to be shine in the heart.

After a deep breath, Fanglin Ran is gone in the end, in fact, the heart is ready to attack the psychological preparation!

Then, when I was waiting in Fanglin Rock, I suddenly found out why my bed was a riddle. Thin thinly subside is like someone sleeps above, and it seems to be very slim.

Not only that, but also a pair of high heels in the bed, ! ? The two round black covers above the bedside table look very familiar? What is the mirror of the hollow embroidery?

Suddenly, Fang Linyi immediately gave birth to a prognosis:

Sure enough, there is a secure! !

Sure enough, there are people who want to be damn! !

Therefore, he is very simply going to go, first take off the cumberses on his body, avoiding the speed of impact yourself for a while!

Next, Fanglin Yan twisted the hot body, activating the waist, promoting its blood circulation to make it critical to the chain.

Then he quickly rushed to the bed, this assassin looks very fierce, so he must first send a man.

However, in this case, Fanglin Rock came to the bed before the bed, and the white arm who was suddenly stretched out suddenly and was dragged in.

Magic high!

Obviously, Fanglin Rock is not a person who is so easy to admit. Although the head is blocked in the quilt of the big bed, it can't see something, but it is decisive to launch a fierce counterattack.

Visual is invalid, then it can only be used to find the enemy's harm.

Fang Lin Yan took a sigh of breath, this taste is really a good aftertaste ... The brain can't help but ran on the beach of the sea, then find the source of the sea, so good to learn from Circuit in Kugauss:

First, a Q plug, then a W directly go to silence, then AAAAA is seven eight, and finally picking a R (this is a big trick of a hammer, this is a big trick, this assassin will take this assassin. Honest is true!

Of course, killing a thousand, self-injured 800, the space is small in bed, Fanglin Rock is also strive to attack by the enemy, the fighting of the two is just beginning ...


After an hour,

The battle is still in the fierce!

Even even the door is not heard, so the room door of Fanglin Rock suddenly opened.

Then the lamp is also opened again! !

Fang Lin Ran was shocked, and suddenly he took out from the quilt. It was not someone else to stand at the door. It is a big priest Teretoonia!

She looked at the naked Fanglin Rock, and the messy scene inside the room was turned off, but he wrinkled with his nose and then said:

"The goddess has God, you change your clothes."

Fanglin Yan has been stagnant for three seconds and smirks:

"I, how do I change this now ..."

The big priest faintly said:


But there is still no meaning to be turned to the past.

Fanglin Rock can only take a deep breath, very embarrassing lights jumped out of bed, and then put on pants and clothes with the fastest speed to come to the big priest:

"Okay, let's go."

The big priest lifted the Pakistan and faintly:

"Go to bathe, do you want to take a smell to see Goddess?"

Fanglin Rock is very grievable, but he does not dare to face his mouth, and the heart is dark.

"Labor is just blowing a blow to the sea, and the mouth of the sea has a taste of the sea. How can I live?"

However, he said nothing, but the body is still very honest, and the old man is going to the bathroom next to the bathroom, and the waist is rushed to his waist with hot water.

Today, the waist is an extra overtime, you have to maintain it ...

When Wulinyan washed, there was a dress and found that Ivrina on the bed was gone.

(This will not be evaporated by the big priest directly)

Fang Lin Yanyi couldn't help but appear a terrible thought.

The big priest looked at Fanglin Rock, of course, he knew that his mind was fighting, and it was very angry in his heart. He was still very light on the face:

"follow me!"

After the two came to the outside courtyard, the big priest sighed a mouthful:

"I have encountered a trouble, we sent people here to the magic but I would like to communicate, but the other side seems to be sculpture, and I will not respond at all."

"The goddess said that since you propose this suggestion, then give it to you to be responsible for this matter."

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