The First Evolution

Chapter 18 Negotiation

Fanglin Rock said:

"How can this be? Can you communicate at all?"

The big priest has a heavy point of attention:

"Yes, the magic is, but Ding is not sent."

Fanglin Yan lowered, in the case of a while:

"In fact, the previous magic is indeed communicating with me, maybe I am defeated by my hand?"

"I didn't have a lot of grasp of this matter, but now I am with the goddess, and I hope that the goddess will become a desire to become a high god, so I can only guarantee the best for this. for."

Soon, the big priest took Fanglin Rock to the chapel, the goddess of the goddess has been repaired at this time, and the golden brilliance is even more wins.

At this time, although it is already 11 o'clock in the evening, the believers who come to the worship still Sichuan flow, the stream is endless, there are many devout believers who are in front of the gods.

Even some people see the woman's sacred, tears, and very excited.

Not only that, in the seating area of ​​the chapel, it is placed three or forty simple normal wood stools. They are all suffering from people. They are full of seats. Some people are waiting in line with a rules.

Among the people on the wood stool, there is a swearing old man, there is a young man in Fenghua, which is described, and there is a rich rich.

The only thing they are in common is: the face smiles, and the mood is quite.

God loves the world, everyone is equally, these eight words have been reflected here.

This seating area is so popular, and the big priest is specially consumed, and it is arranged here to be a "sacred ceremony".

This faunction can remove people's illness, the body and mind of the people, most people stay in the law after an hour, the body and mind can get a certain degree of purification.

To arrange this permanent law, it is still very big, and even after the arrangement, the goddess does not continue to take effect, and it is necessary to continue to pay the power.

However, such a pay is also beneficial to the goddess.

The place in the rear of this chapel has become a "miracle" that has become a "miraculous place", anyone who does not believe in the goddess, is pulled here to take an hour, usually to convert directly.

Fang Lin Yan also saw a white hair, the tycoon of the suit revolution directly rely on a plain wooden bench next to it, this tycoon is a famous boat king.

He is deeply affected by the spirit, almost all special medicine, still in vain, even suffering from severe depression, several times, I want to commit suicide, only after coming to this place, I can sleep in two or three It's good to feel.

If you want to come to this "Holy Land", it is not a lot of money, but the devout of the goddess!

The devout is here, the god will inform you to come to the holy land, no need for tickets and any credentials, but those who have not summoned the goddess will not enter.

Of course, the big priest is also allowed to be gold, such as the boat king, I heard that the goddess needs a big boat, bitter, and be sure to protect his own iron cross.

Finally, the goddess will receive his dedication for it. The return is that he can sit on the holy place every week. Of course, the intentions behind this are also very obvious. The boat king has three or four days to continue to suffer from spiritual weaknesses. Torture.

At this point, the goddess should be used as a goddess, and the two directly stand in front of the icon, but the believers next to them are related to them, as if there is no seemingly.

Then, the light flashes, the two disappeared in the original place, in front of this icon, the external Fanglin Rock and the big priest are both own, and there is not so much time.

After returning to the Chinese, Fanglin Yan looked at the unique scene of the world, couldn't help but smile:

"I will take me now, but the buta guy can be a cow, I don't see the coffin, I don't have dry goods, how can I persuade him?"

The big fear frown:

"What do you want to dry?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"At least to prove that Lussia is being resurrected by us?"

The big priest reached over the two unicorn, indicating that Fanglin Rock rose, and the two came toward the Olympia Mercedes, then the big priest said:

"Since you call you, then of course there is evidence."

Fang Linyan took a breath:

"So fast?"

The big priest is proud:

"The goddess is the god of wisdom, of course, it is."

"After presenting this idea, the goddess extracted the memory of the goddess, determined that Lussia was seriously injured, and he dranked the variation of the blood of the charm queen."

"This is a lowest level of magic! It is very different from Dan Ding."

"But Ding is a new race, combined with the new species of human and devil!"

"And Lucia is just a variant human beings, just because the body gene fragment is contaminated / alienated, there are some characteristics of the charm."

"Therefore, it is not difficult to simulate the same species like the creation of Lucia, especially in the God of China, the goddess is the ability to make the ability. Now Lussia's body has been restored, and the memory is being injected."

Fang Linyan took a breath:

"So fast?"

Big sacrifices:

"Of course, the goddess is also terrifies how much fees, after all, Ding Ding is also a person who has been branded, she also riders what varies!"

Fanglin Yan microphone said:

"So, what kind of tricks do you plan to give me a conviction?"

Soon, the two came from the foot of Olympia, and then Xu Bing hills, soon came to the cave of the mountainside.

Big sacrifices:

"But Ding is inside, we are waiting here, you can send the trolley immediately."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"it is good."

Sure enough, how long did it, a mad smashing his wings, handed it to Fanglin Rock one torped hair.

Fanglin Yan said:

"Is this the hair of Lussia? But the explanation on the song is not the case, saying that Lussia's hair is bright red."

The big priest faintly said:

"When Lucia originally drunk the charm blood, his body has changed, its hair is bright red."

"But wait for her gene to be stable, it is a lavender hair. If it is true to send fresh red hair, it is only bad, I am afraid that it is broken in an instant."

Fang Linyan took a breath:

"I really didn't expect to hide a trap here, the goddess is not the name of the wisdom!"

The big priest smiled slightly:

"Go ahead."

Fang Lin Ran wants to think, I will go into the cave. I originally made this life should be a goat, but this guy is not a goddess of the goddess, and I have a huge spending for the goddess, so I can only go out of the horse.

This cave looks not big from the outside, but when Fang Lincheng goes in, I will find a good day.

It can be seen, but Dan, the magic rock giant, and the mitigula is detained in three different places, guarding their guards, similar to the medieval mask armor knight, see Fanglin Ryna Deputy Gift.

I can see it after the future, these three prisoners were locked on the rock wall next to, and they were a good gold-chain chain!

The chain is a heavy illusion, and even directly penetrates its body, and the possible resistance to kill in the cradle.

The surroundings around the three prisoners are covered with a giant golden mask. They have no response to the entry of Lin Rock, because the golden shield is one-way transparent, they are inside any sights, And can also isolate sound.

Fang Lin Yan passed through the mask, came to Dan, and found that he still appeared in both eyes, indifferent looks, lips were constantly licking, listening carefully, still heard him muttering Cime of "Lussia" three words.

For him, Miss Lussia is already a part of its soul!

Seeing this scene, Fanglin Rock's mouth revealed a smile, now come and see how important Lussia is more important to you.

He very simply took out the card before the gods sent, and then but Ding said:

"I have brought you a gift, don't ignore it, otherwise you will regret life! Because, you will miss the only chance to see Lussia once again!"

Fang Lin Yan said very slow, so the words have not responded in front, but "Lussia" three words, he immediately slowly lifted his head:


But Ding's voice is very empty, it is very slow, but there is a strong heart to die!

"Lussia has been dead for a few hundred years, and in the Shengguang, it has been ashes, and then blown away by the wind, there is no way to let her resurrect."

Fanglinyan bruises and said:

"You said that there is nothing? Do you know where it is where it is? It is a world! It is a world that creates the world!"

It's just that Fanglin Rock is found, but his own open, but Ding slowly hangs his head, it looks self-contained any topics other than any Lucia.

In the face of such oil and salt, the oxy sauce, Fanglin Yan sighed a sigh of relief, I found that this kind of person can't talk more to him, directly on the dry goods, so I took a breath, "Lussia The hair "took it out, the stall inside the hand:

"What do you see?"

But Ding continues to burial, silent, and does not communicate with Fanglin Rock.

Fanglin Rock Dark Road This king is really not seeing coffin, it is not used by such people. It is really a kind of charm, and it can only be said:

"This is something she taken from Lussia, don't you want to see?"

But Ding Dudao:

"It's impossible, Lussia has ........."

Then I can't help but lift my head, and I am going up and down! !

At this time, Fanglin Yan is like ethical, in fact, the moisture of the corner is secretly observing the movement of Ding Ding. After that, after the sudden reaction is abnormal, suddenly, it will go, then don't say it.

"Wait !! What are you doing!"

But Ding is screaming.

Fang Linyan faintly said;

"Since you feel impossible, then you don't have to talk."

But Ding Yu is dramatic and shaking:

"Where is your hair from your palm?!!? Give me !!"

Fang Linyan smiled coldly:

"Are you as my slave? Just talk to you, you refuse, now ask me!"

But Ding is anger, caught the chain crazy and shake, and even the entire golden mask is blinking in the dark:

"Give me !! Give me !!"

Fang Lin Yan did not say, turn around, let him have a happiness.

Now Fanglin Rock feels that he may not be the best facial person, find a animal trainer, but the most appropriate.

After a while, he took a smoke outside and estimated that the Ding was stopped, and then went back, then stayed directly.

It turns out that the guy is still crazy, there is no way to die.

It seems that the woman called Lussia is just like a switch, as long as one will press it, then but Ding will enter unlimited crazy mode!

Fang Linyan is in the heart of the heart, but the more you become, the more you feel, the more people think that this can be used, and there are too many things ...

One, this, Fanglin Rock returned to the mask, but Ding immediately glaved him with blood red eyes, roaring loudly:

"Give me !! Give me !!"

Fang Linqi will open the hair of the hair in the palm of your hand, the touch:

"Do you want it?"

But the eyes of Ding's eyes are so great, and the "giggling" sound is issued in the throat, and the lips are dramatic:

"How? How? !!

When you say the two words behind, the voice is somewhat swallowed.

Seeing his reaction, Fanglin Yan is in his face, re-holding this haired hair in the palm of your hand, but Dington once again got a mad, caught in a crazy shake chain.

Fang Lin Ran is not used to him, when his face ignited the lighter, then close the hair:

"I still want to see Lussa's hair, then you have to be old, listen to it ?!"

Seeing that Ding continued to be mad, Fang Lin Yan quickly put the flames and licked the fire, and a series of "Zi" has passed, but Ding is roaring. There is a painful meaning in the voice. Fang Linyan will take the fire, he suddenly Quiet.

At this time, Fang Ran stared at his eyes:

"Do you want this now?"

But Ding is like a hurtful beast, and there is a violent breathing, then nodded.

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Then let's make a deal, I know that there is a soul link between you now with the magic rock giant, unlock you with the soul link between him, this touchya's hair is yours."

However, the Ding looked a few times, suddenly closed his eyes, then hoarse voice:

"I, why, promise, believe in you?"

It is estimated that the long-term nonsense is, so the pattern of Dan is different from ordinary people.

Fanglin Rock said softly:

"You don't have to choose, can only believe me, how? The mouth sounds says that I love Lussia, is it not to take it for her?"

But the eyes of Ding have been big, and after a few breaths, the evil eyes stunned to Fanglin Rock Road:

"Well, unlock it."

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"You are waiting, I will confirm it, it will not exceed one minute."

He left the mask directly, then walked out of the cave against the big priest:

"A good news, at least the gods will not do useless work this time."

The big priest is in front of him:

"How to say?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"I have made a transaction with but Ding, I gave him hair, he solved the soul link with the magic rock giant ... This, even if there is anything to fold, we can also have a harvest this time. "

There is no doubt that Fanglin Rock is still very secure, and this situation is, as long as Ding is not lost.

The big priest is also happy, immediately closed his eyes and clenched the golden snake stick.

It can be seen that in the prison, there is a large number of roots in the feet of the magic rock giant, as if the end is the same. It is the power of the goddess olive tree.

The magic rock giant has snorted, but it is a big shock.

Because the force of this olive tree has eroded him several times, it was killed by Ding Ding.

But the obsession of Ding is very terrible, plus the macro of the goddess, so the force of the goddess is difficult to erode.

However, this time is not the same. Under the caughtion of the magic rock giant, the goddess is actually leaving directly, and it has went deep into the most critical part.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The magic rock giant screamed.

"Boss! Help me! Save me!"

Obviously, he will not get any response.

The magic rock giant suddenly seems to understand what, suddenly trembled:

"You ... you betray it !? You have to withdraw your soul chain ?!!! I curse you, curse you will be burned in the hell !!"

Gradually, the sound of the magic rock giant is getting lower and weaker ... finally disappeared.

At the same time, the big priest opened his eyes, and the road with a high school:

"It is! The magic rock giant, I have already been completely controlled, and it is not difficult to transform it."

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"Yes, then I will go with but Ding to complete the transaction."

So he stepped towards it, after entering the scenery of the trapped, the two words will not be said to have handed out the head:

"It is yours."

However, the Ding Dibling raised his hands and held this hand in his hand. He was shaking in a dramatic.

Fanglin Rock is very simply said:

"Let's take a look, then think about me, think about me!"

"I want to tell you that furrant is sometimes an incompetent manifestation, and there is still a hopes in calm down."

After that, Fanglin Yan turned directly to go.


Four hours later,

Fanglin Rock has long left the leader, and also took a shower for a while, at this time, it is the whole machine that is glow. The whole life is active, and the good lathe will make a sound, others don't know, I thought it was in the room. Many mosquitoes.

Suddenly, the phone next to it suddenly rang, and Fanglin Rock had some impatient and then talked about a few words.

"What? Good! I will come here."

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