The First Evolution

Chapter 19 Chapter 19 Resort

After receiving this phone, Fanglin Rock leaving the curve, exquisite and floating, if the hidden lathe and parts were quickly rushed to the chapel, and then he saw the big priest in the second floor.

At this time, the big priest is standing on a beautiful teenager.

He has a beautiful golden curly hair, tall, probably only a sixteen or oldest look, very thin and weak, ready to say, as if there is a saying, not only this, but An aleon is still inserted next to her ear.

Under normal circumstances, the male insertional words will give people a very strong violation, but I don't know why, this beautiful teenager looks very harmonious with this Fengsiao, as if the two are one.

When Fanglin Rock came in, this beautiful teenager was even quietly shrinking, and it was ashamed.

The big priest looked at this beautiful young woman and then facing Fanglin Rock Road:

"The origin of the magic rock giant is completely separated by the goddess. The power of its origin is more modern, so if you use this source of power to shape the gods related to plants, land-related gods, the meeting is half-metric."

"This time, you have the biggest force, so the goddess will comply with your requirements, and the power of this source is used to resurrect Yasinos, and he has become the first place from God. "

"Yasgen, this is a long knight, and there will be a lot when you may deal."

Fanglin Rock immediately went to the front, passionate with Yasgen Toss:

"You are the best! I have several big projects here waiting for the joining of your plant. If you don't have you, my plan is directly deadlocked."

Yasgen Toss cheeks have some flourish, soft way:

"Since the Templar, I am just the messenger of Fengsi, is not the god of plants."

Fanglin Rock haha ​​laughed:

"It doesn't matter if it doesn't matter. In our world, the space is too much!"

"Especially the field of plant gods, since what hybridization technology, what is fertilizer, preferred, grafted, genetically modified, Yuan Longping, etc., the gods in this area want to absorb the trophies in this area. Therefore, it is the secondary space, so you want the god of plants to be difficult. "

Yasgen is a bit stunned. Although Fanglin Rock said that he knows, after these things are combined, it feels strange to the whole, and I can't help but look at the big priest Tri Turkia.

The big sacrifice sighed a mouthful:

"Jastos, this world is very different from our previous world ... You first adapt it to it."

Fanglin Rock is also a laugh at this time:

"Reassured, let's convince the things to be given to me! Due to this time, although there are many variables, if it can solve it, it is also a disaster, goddess can also get more power."

Big sacrifices:

"Well, this is what I want to say to you, but Ding, you have to be in the heart, there is a terrible trait on him, actually can swallow the prolitus, the key is Concealing goddess. "

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Know, I will be careful, as long as the weakness of Ding: Lussia is still, then he can't escape my hand!"

"Right, I actually have a thinking that I want to negotiate with you."

The big priest nodded:

"you said."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"The goddess is not mentioned before, I think it is very lacking in the force, so this time I want to get the source of the source and the feathers of Warkili, referee the referee of the religious referee."

Big sacrifices:


Fanglin Rock Road:

"In fact, I feel that if my goddess really has a grasp of the latina, then there is a ready-made evil dog why? Just pull the rope on the neck of the dog, then the headache is someone else."

The big priest suddenly louded in front of him:

"what do you mean?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Lucia is placed in the United States, almost no one will grab it, and tell Ding, Lussia left the goddess to die."

"When it is normal, but Ding can only see Lussia every month. If you want to see her, then you will do things for the goddess! Give the goddess, two people can be together for a few hours, big work It is a reward for one day. "

The big priest was stunned, and it took a while.

"I only reward this time, will it be too little?"

Fang Linyan suddenly turned over, the woman's concern, and the man is different! Does she care about can't control it?

So Fanglin Rock can only smile:

"If we are really Lussia, then a little time is nothing, the problem is that she is just a high imitation of the cottage manufactured according to the description ... The two people have too long together, not It will show a flaw! "

"Of course, if you want to do this, it is very important. The goddess creates Lussia must reach the fake, otherwise, but let the tiger return to Mountain."

The big priest has been sinking for a while:

"Zeng Body, you will wait for a while, first talk to Yasin Tobes."

Fanglin Rock knows that the priest must contact Goddess, communicate this, it is estimated that the time consuming will not be too short.

And he is also an acute child, directly came to Yasgen Toss, took his shoulder:

"Hey, my friend, telling the truth, you have to thank me."

Yasgen's face is a little red, very a little handless:

"Yes, I listened to the big priest, the goddess did not plan to resurrect me ..."

"Hahahaha!" Fang Lin Yan is cool: "That is what they don't know how you are! Many times, mind is more important than muscles."

It is said that Fanglin Rock directly took Yasgen to walk out, Jastos, a little fearful look at the big priest to close your eyes:

"But ... but the big priest is still here."

Fanglin Rock is very simply said:

"Don't worry about her, she should be idle for a while, come and come."

Obviously, Yasgen is not a strong social ability, nor does it know how to refuse someone else, can only be very helpless, followed by Fanglin Rock, soon come to the back of the flowerbed.

Here, it is the Ning god flower that planted in Fanglin Rock from the adventure world. This thing is very useful!

Nowadays, there is still one of the three giants in the priest, but it is unfortunately that her ability is still limited, and they can only let them live, then a small breeding, a large-scale cultivation is still not arresting.

After coming here, Fanglin Rock is against Yasgen Toss:

"This plant is very precious variety, can you let them thrive here?"

It is mentioned that there is something within your own division, and Yasgen Tosson changed, it became a concentration and serious.

He walked directly into the flowerbed of Ning Shenhua, and he could see it. The branches of these Ning Shenhua have begun to sway, as if they are welcome!

Yasgen Tos squatted and gently morared a branches of the neighborhood. After a few seconds, the surprise lifted his head to Fanglin Rock Road:

"This is a very wonderful plant! It has a very unique way to breathe sunshine, in the blades and flowers, all over a wonderful energy."

"It's really incredible, I have never seen this energy! But you can have an impact on the gods!"

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"Yes! They are very precious, and Pan Yu priests do only make them live, there is no way to expand ethnic groups."

Yasgen Toss is nodded:

"Let me try."

After returning to the plant, after the area of ​​your own, Yasgen Torns also changed the big change. From a shame, the beautiful boy became confident and decided.

At this time, he showed a few unique style!

Yasgen stood straight straight, closed his eyes, deep breathing, suddenly appeared in the wind, the surrounding plant leaves were in the rumor, very fast, Yasgen Toss muttered :

"They are taking my own distress to me ..."

"The sun is too strong, so that the petals and leaves of these strange flowers are sunburned."

"The water is too much, so their roots have been fighting with rot."

"Ah ..................................................................................................

"Sufficient moonlight is what they want to set out the fruit, successful reproduction prevail!"


After a while in the flowerbed, Jastoso opened his eyes, and he won his eyes:

"This is really a special plant, I have never seen such a magical plant, I will come over tomorrow, I will build a unique flower tree belonging to them!"

"I will design it in this kind of flower tree. If you come, their reproduction is not a problem."

He said, one side is gentle to touch the blades of these Ning Shenhua, and the appearance and goat touch the bristles of the half-man girl, or Fanglin Rock looks like a wrench!

Next, Fanglin Yan took him to visit the garden next to him, and the two guys have now had enough nutrients, and they have grown more than ten meters high and the chest is more than five meters. .

However, Fang Lin Yan is very clear, this is just a beginning, especially for the mountain Nangfu, it can support a city's terrorist creature! Where is this, just it's a baby.

Obviously, Jastos is a god of hyacinth. It is the potential to see these two guys. When he touched the mountain Nanyu, after heard the horror potential of its body, I couldn't help but Fanglin Rock. A sense of emotion:

"The goddess is on! I used to travel to the world before I entered it. In the snowy countryside in Scandinava, I have heard that the legend of World Turktera Hill, in this legends, our world It is made up of a big tree! This tree has even nine kings! "

"If this tree has prototypes, then I believe that after the growth of Mountain Nanyu, it is the tree of the world!"

Fang Lin Yan sighed a mouthful:

"Shan Nangfu actually has a lot of hidden dangers. When its father entrusted to me, his body is born, it is also dying, can live to the priest of Goddess is carefully carefully taken."

"It can be expected that in the process of her rapid growth, it will inevitably encounter a lot of trouble, so you will take care of her."

Jastos immediately:

"This is my classification! Even if you don't say that I will carefully take care of her, watching a great plant thrive, such a thing really thinking about it is exciting. ! "

Looking at Yasinos excited eyes, Fang Lin Yan smiled up, such a plant God is what he expect!

Although this guy is very handsome, it is still Apollo's male pet, but these are not important. It is important that he is really very fanatical for plants, and it is specialized in the operation.


Among the next two days, Fanglin Rock has frequent import and exit, the reason is to communicate with Ding Ding.

In fact, when Fanglin Yan encountered Dan Dan, the first sentence of this guy said that Fang Lin Ran said with a cold sweat. What is he said?

This pair of men is cold and cold:

"She is not Lucy!"

Fang Lin Yan almost, has no reply: "What is it?"

As a result, when Fanglin Rock lame, the brain has been replied, but it is found that the right hand of Ding is still holding the hair, and suddenly the long-term gas, so it shows a tough attitude:

"Oh? Do you think she is not Lussa's words, then just, I will go to the goddess to terminate the process of resurrection her!"

After that, Fang Lin Yan turned and went! Who is a dog! But the heart jump is undoubted but accelerates a lot.

As a result, when he had just turned a half step, but the rumored voice rang:

"Wait ..... I wait!"

But a difficult road:

"Or continue to resurrect her."

Fanglin Rock turned and told:

"Oh? Why do you want to be in Lussia?"

But Ding was a little later:

"This is not the problem you should know."

"I know what you want, as long as you can resurrect her, I am willing to let go of the soul shackles, let you take my own source!"

"But before this, I want to see her!"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"See the side is not a problem, but Lussia is very good, the body has been resurrected, but the soul is still incomplete, and now it is still being carried out by the goddess of the goddess, you are sure you want to see?"

But Ding Shen breathed a few mouthfuls:


Fang Lin Yan deeply saw him:

"But Dan, you are a respectable enemy, so I will make it easy for you within the permission."

"But if you are going to see what you want to do, then I am sorry, you have to say goodbye to the current tolerance."

But Ding Dudao:

"Before you see Lussia, you can't just want to hurry!"

Before coming here, Fanglin Rock has a series of follow-up to the big priest and others, so he nodded, and then waved two gods, let them escort, but Ding followers.

Of course, for the sake of insurance, Ding Ding, who left the golden shield, was set up a "chain of sin". In this process, but the Dan is very cooperative, and the old man has left the cave with God. .

Fang Linqi observed, a person who was imprisoned by long-term imprisonment, he would have a little excited when he suddenly saw the scenery. Even if his mouth did not say, but made a deep breath, overlooking the far, and the active hand is thing.

However, but Dan has no normal reaction at all, but it is not interested in overlooking the beauty of the sea.

Fanglin Yan saw his pupil, all of them were dead, just like the midst of the volcanic ash, it is completely desperate! Even this desperate penetrates, affecting people nearby.

Soon, a man came to a woods at the foot of the mountain, there is a branch of olive olive trees to thrive, it is obviously a big last one than the rest of the trees, and under the olive tree There is a altar!

It can be seen far away, and there is a purple blond woman on the altar, and the hands are on the chest. Although because the distance is far away, I can't see her expression, but I can feel it. That kind of peaceful and peaceful atmosphere! !

But the breath of Ding suddenly turbid, from his breathing, and even heard a kind of madness and crazy! Even the golden chains on his body began to have a burn-in-red red.

Fanglinyan stopped and looked at Ding:

"Calm, but Ding!"

"You know how much effort we spend in order to get the soul that Lucia left."

"Do you know how much is she now !!?"

"Also, I want you to understand, now Lucia, is resurrected with the goddess of the goddess, and the Purgguan's strength is not in!"

"If you don't want her to die, I want her to live well, then restrain my emotions!"

However, before the diamond, the words of the two, but one involved in the topic of Lucia, he immediately calm down, breathe, and quickly spit it out.

This tone is like a Yanlong spur, spurting a lot of ashes with a lot of Mars, very hard to take a look:

"it is good."

Next, Ding immediately carefully close, and it was an surprise, it was also a debut, and he was not willing to move forward when he came to the altar.

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