The First Evolution

Chapter 20 Subscription AE

But the eyes of Ding Dan are tightly staring at the woman on the front altar, and the mouth is constantly muttered in the mouth:

"Lucia, Lussia ..."

Then after a few seconds, but Ding directly fell to the ground and licked his face with your hands.

It can be seen that from the double-handed finger gap, blood,

This is obviously his blood tears! !

The feeling of the feelings of thousands of years of feelings, broke out, but also unable to vent it, but Ding's only thing is to hurt themselves!

Wait until his emotions calmly, Fang Lin Yan said:

"I don't want to lie to you, this Lucia strict sense is not your Lucia."

But Ding is looked up, and his lips are said:

"No! No, she is so like !!"

From his trembling voice, even heard a fear!

Fang Lin Yan came to him, kneeling, then looking at his eyes seriously:

"I carefully investigate your previous experience, Lussia is under the big sigh of the pope, from the soul to the body, it is already asze, and the Pope Gree Gaoli II is still the important time node of the world."

"If you want to change the historical events he participated, it will give a very huge price! So, I try to do my best, use the goddess, the Athena's pot has received her soul, then This is a core re-produced a Lucia. "

"Do you understand, now this woman in front of you is equivalent to another person who uses a little incomplete home from Lu Xia, which is accurate, with the daughter of Miya, Lussa's twins sisters. More appropriate! "

"For this reason, you must feel that she is very familiar, and some are very strange!"

Speaking of this, Fanglin Rock is a little anxious .......

(How is your TM still did not respond? Laozi is not able to make it!)

In fact, Fanglin Rock is lying this time, but it is deeply "nine shallow one", ah is not right, it is the essence of "nine true and one fake", that is, the nine truths are blended and a fake, let people prevent .

Of course, the supreme realm of lie is to weave a lie with ten truths, that is really impeccable.

The only lie in Fanglin Rock said is that this woman is creating with a silk soul of Lucy! He and the big priest have carefully discounted, think that this lie is not broken, but the probability is extremely low.

Only if Pluto Hardz is designed to the Strong God of the undead, they can distinguish the true pseudo! But Ding is strong, but the route of the Hell Devil is almost impossible to know the mysteries of the soul.

For a long time ... but Ding spit out long-lasting, staring at the "Lucia" on the altar:

"I know, let me look at her again."

It is about ten minutes, Fanglin Rock Road:

"Sorry, take you to the world, it is to consume the goddess of the goddess, your visit can only be here, give her a difference."

But Ding greedy looked at Lucy, who was lying down, keeping a look at the posture.

Fanglin Rock has already grasped his weakness and faintly:

"Lucia wants to resurrect, you need a lot of power of goddess, you are the son of the purgatory, and the environment of the environment is not in, standing here, I have to consume the goddess of goddess, you hope that the goddess is anger to interrupt her resurrection process ?"

This sentence says, but Ding immediately stood up, but he had always been turned to see the past. He saw this scene. Fang Lin Ran was also a breather, and the "overall situation has set" four words.

After the arrival of Dan Dan, Fanglin Yan said to him later:

"Lucia can be reheated by the goddess, I am a big strength, I have a long time, but the resistance encountered is still very big. If you want to go back, then you must make a sacrifice."

But Ding Dudao:

"Is it going to give up my spiritual resistance? For her, I am willing to sacrifice myself."

Fang Lin Yan listened to laughing and laughed:

"Not so serious, just need magic that this hidden source force."

But the dite is slowly nod.

It can be seen that with the nodding of Dan, another shroud, it has been wrapped in a large amount of olive tree roots, and then slowly take it into the ground, obviously being taken by Goddess Going to be fertilized.

Fanglinyan looked at the Ding Sudoku:

"I have also loved a woman, although I love you so deep, but I also feel like you for your mentality."

"This time you work with me, so I will try my best to let you be with Lussia."

But Ding suddenly lifted his head, and it seems that there is a flame in burning!

"What are you talking about?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"I don't like to say some unrealistic words, but when I am, the transaction between us, I still take care of your interests?"

"You are the wish of your millennium, now I have a little right?"

But Ding Muran, until Fanglin Rock is ready to leave, nodded slightly.

Fang Lin Yan said:

"So, I hope that you will be more about my trust ------ If you still want to be with Lussia."


Fang Lin Rite successfully convinced but Ding, letting him lift the hidden soul, the goddess is equivalent to gaining benefits.

In particular, if the goddess of the goddess is a hundred units before Fanglin Rock, the goddess is before, it has fallen to 70 units when he resurrects Prometheus.

However, after the original source of the magic rock giant, the goddess of the goddess rebounded to 95 units, and successfully harvested one from God Yasin Toss!

After getting absorbed the source of the hidden, the goddess of God can increase to 130 units.

Not only that, she has achieved smoothly ----- That is to make the galville of Walky, in accordance with the original plan, according to the original plan, according to the original plan. .

However, lost "Divine Comedy" this artifact, for Athena, it is really a hot hut, you can't abandon the huge temptation of it is derived, but but also take the soul of the magic, but there is some mouse to pull the turtle. The feeling of the next mouth.

Finally, it is still only on the lobbying of Fanglinyan.

The current goddess and Fanglin Rock are also close, and Fanglin Ran has a group of teammates to make a plan, but more importantly, Fanglin Rock is now eaten by the name of Ding Ding!

This guy has been alone for thousands of years, and the thoughts of Lucia have reached a sick point, so even Fang Linyan is in order to tell him that the goddess is just Lussia's alternative, but the but Dan is also awkward!

His behavior is probably similar to his wife, but also married a little scorpion.

Fang Lin Ran once again saw Ding, after a lobby, but Ding was a while, then nodded.

This time, Fanglin Rock also made a bold move, directly saving the real world outside the country, and then invited the goddess to unlock the chain of the chain of his chain, this time, even the but yourself is also a horror. .

Looking at the hot coffee in front of you, the blue sky is white, but there is a sparkling sea, but Ding is a little bit, this is not confused by the beautiful scenery, but it is not expected to be overwhelmed. Free day!

At this time, Ding's mentality Fanglin Rock is still very understood, laughing at him, then patted his shoulders:

"Everything will be fine, we slowly start building trust."

Then, Fanglin Rock pointed to the Napoleon pasta in front:

"Do you want to taste the mouth? The taste is very good."

But Ding looked at it, shaking his head slightly, but he added a few seconds:

"I am not human, I am a purgatory physique, human food has not had any taste to me."

Fang Lin Yan smiled:

"It doesn't matter. If you want to do it back to human beings, you can ask Goddess to make a body."

"Well, this time, I have to ask your help, of course, this matter is also very important with Lussia."

But Ding immediately:

"you said!"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"In this world, although it is the era of final law, it is also more than a god."

"The goddess of the goddess has developed to now, and there is also a lot of trees, there is a evil from Dongpu, and sent his hand and wanted to deal with us."

"He sent it under the hand, it is very difficult, and the goddess is a distracted thing, and it will definitely waste a lot of power."

"Not only that, the information we have got off, the man who was sent is called the epiolet, and its origin is very useful to the goddess. It is straightforward to make Lussia's resurrection progress accelery."

"So, if you can kill this guy, I can ask God God, let you and Lussa are still a long time. If you can return success, then Lucy's consciousness can be restored, but also nodded The basic movement of the head, just don't know if you are willing? "

But Ding Dudao:

"Where is the doodle of the crow?"

Fang Linyan gave but a photo of Ding, and then patted the shoulders of Ding:

"I will arrange people to send you to find him. Of course, I will go with a peer together. You don't have to take care of anything along the way. You only need to take your hand."

But Ding Muran took a while, then nodded slowly.

Here, it is in fact that Fanglin Rock has a lie, and the opiolet is actually not to come to the goddess trouble, this guy is a demon outside the Weaving Department.

The reason why it will appear in the sight of the goddess, because the dud dog is actually the enemy of the five branches, the two must be hit by five differences, but have suddenly found that the five branches suddenly stopped?

So, the doubtful opily of the nature war began to raise the fallen of the five branches, and seeing this old opponent is hidden, I want to have it.

As a result, the epioxan found a thing when he was traced, that is, the five branches appeared to have left Japanese local, and then the development of the Islands of Overseas!

So he traced the footsteps of the five branches came to overseas. Although he did not find the trail of this guy, he accidentally found that it is still a blank place, is suitable for developing his believer!

So the Dudousian dog has temporarily puts down the willingness of the trace accommodation, and directly came to this fertile soil to start developing believers.

The result is not to say, the goddess left the dark kiss of the gods soon heard some bizarre strange things, and it was determined that cults began to fight ash, so they got directly.

After receiving the report, when the big priest Tello Liria is going to the French to host the relics, this is temporarily delayed. If Fang Lin Ran has not given the "Divine", then the goddess must ask He went to discuss a crowdo.

The "Drum Wolf Wolf" of this time Fanglin Rock has also been discussing the conclusions.

The opioid dog and the five branches can become the enemy, enough to explain that the strength of the two is on the same grade.

And after Ding Ding, Fanglin Yan can be very clear that the strength of this guy can be said to be a steady dundity dog.

In this case, as long as the layout is slightly arranged, then the dove is not too difficult.

However, it is necessary to build all the premise of achieving this, but the most distressed thing is that the most distracted is that Dan is now exchanged with people other than Fanglin Rock now.

According to the analysis of psychologists, this is because the sake of Ding himself is proud of the person, will only recognize the people who defeated themselves.

This means that Fanglin Rock must host this series of things! The problem is that it is necessary to re-enter the space, start the next world's risk, so at this time can be said to be very urgent!

Under the helplessness, this kind of thing is also a thing of Fang Lin Ran. There is no way!

Time is like a ditch, and it is always squeezed.

The goddess is also a bloody to him. Not only sent Ivesinna to send a big red envelope, but also took out the big moves like "Athena's horror", it was hanging in front, not from the Greether Lin Yan, **** , Hard work, reputation.

Next, I don't have to say more. The goddess is directly arranged by charter, straight to South Korea, and then boarding the ship to Niko.

A series of layouts beforehand, such as chanting the sky, to prevent the other party, etc., all handled by Fanglinyan, another main sacrifice is next to him.

It is worth mentioning that the type of Elakia is the kind of kind neighbors (5 years old), should be the welfare of the big priest specially to give Fanglinyan .......

The next series of combat processes don't say more. When you have a slap, Wulinyan, who is looting, just looks at the dudian, but it is died directly!

This time, but Ding didn't even enter the magist form. At the human form, the left guilt, the four-party, the opioid dog exhibited a variety of evils, still in front of his face, it was not fighting.

After this battle, Fanglin Rock is also somewhat curious, I can't help but ask but Ding said:

"You don't use people in the time and play? I think you are very amazing in combat power."

However, Ding was half-embarrassing. If the rest of the people ask him, it must be directly ignored, but the face of Fanglin Rock is still giving, so after a while, the way is simply:

"The morphological survival of the mismor is more tenacious, and the gods can modify the physical law."

His answer Fanglin Rock only read halfway, the magist form is more resistant to understand, but what is the relationship between the second half and does not need human forms?

As a result, in the end, the vultures knew that the answer later, but the bullets had to follow the physical rules in human forms.

However, if God goddess is directly modified, such as remote physical attacks can only be 5 meters long, such as the remote physical attack limit speed is 5 meters per second.

In this way, this firearm is completely abolished!

This modified physical law seems to be a little incredible, but in most worlds, the light speed is one of the limits. One of the physical laws. The limit speed with the remote physical attack is 5 meters per second. It is actually the same essential matter.

In the native world of Fanglin Rock, the speed of light is = 10,000 kilometers / sec, and the vultures of the native world, the speed of light is = 10,000 kilometers / sec, but Messe's native world, the light speed is = 10,000 kilometers / sec!

This discovery was initially, but they didn't feel surprised, but later, there were many similar things to usually.

Just when I chatted with Fanglinyan, Ela lana had commanded four priests, and then busy in the surrounding ancient law. A group of mad believers began to help hit their hands, and quickly completed the construction of the law. .

In the center of the ancient law, it was the wreckage of the crow of the crow, and his soul is inhaled to a strange neck pottery pot, the surface of the pottery pot is densely labeled with Athena.

This is the famous Athena pot! Legend has it with the pot of Athena, which is mixed into the goddess blood, can even be imprisoned in the Haihuang Poseidong!

At this time, this Athena's pot is just a substitute, but it is also enough for prisoner dog.

Then, under the leadership of Elakia, the goddess of the goddess began to sing, and the ancient law has an illusion of the giant snake in the ancient law. It is an increasing part of Athena's snake.

With the advancement of the singing process, Ela lana has opened his wrist with a white bone, and then there is a lot of blood flow into ancient law.

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