The First Evolution

Chapter 22 Peak Route

Fifteen minutes quickly passed, the introduction will officially open, and then see the following performance area began to rise, car, etc., in the area of ​​almost two thousand square meters, perfectly restored a street. .

Immediately, the performers invited by X organization appeared, and started to release the various skills of the Magic Swordsman in this venue.

This guy is still quite a big bag, wearing a bright red cloak, the long sword in the hand is burning on the skill of skill, so it is very cool while running jump.

He shows the magic swordsmanship skills to see that the destructive power and power are still quite good, and it is also very obvious for the addition of weapons.

Finally, this performer is a very ferocious variant crocodile fighting, this is a big majority in just 30 seconds, and the flying sword of the performer is seven or eight times, and then freezes It became a giant ice.

The performer faintly, while the sword was iliated, the elbow was lifted, hit on this giant ice.

Ice cubes and variant crocodiles simultaneously broken, chemically do little dusty, it looks at the momentous and unparalleled for a while.

The performer is naturally a merged and ready to leave.

However, at this time, a contractor of the bystand drunk, jumping directly from the side, the big channel:

"Slow! These arrangements do the mean? This mutated crocodile looks like it is hungry for a few days, then it is estimated to be hurt, you also have a hand?"

"Come, and I have a shot with me!"

In the event of such an emergency, the rest of the staff were rushing to discourage. However, the contractor's gesture was very high, and it was very full of lives, but also said a lot such as "hitting you like an early morning road".

In this case, when this contractor shouted the high price of "30,000 universal points", the performer finally nodded.

Fang Linyan saw a few minutes, shaking his head, pulling a goat ready to turn around, the goat is surprised:

"What happened to the head? I haven't finished yet."

Fang Lin Yan sighed a mouthful:

"This kind of performance is turned off, and it is nothing to think."

Goat surprised:

"What performance bureau ........ What? You said this, it's really a bit like a play."

Fanglin Rock is more paying attention to, it is very small, because he is here to visit, it is not a field.

But the goat is not too much to prevent, and the voice is a bit higher.

As a result, he said that there are several people next to them, and they will feel that cats are greasy, they have shaken their heads, and then prepare to leave!

The host is also a little can't be defeated. It is a bit bigger, which is a bit bigger, so it is a bit bigger, so it is a bit bigger.

At this time, a woman was rushing down, and he was very paralyzed with Fanglin Rock:

"Mr., please don't trust the river, misleading our customers!"

Fang Lin Yan is somewhat stunned, and it is found that it is the first to receive his own gold! I want to leave her a bad impression before I have never, now I have burst.

Asked her question, Fanglin Rock did not want to take care, and the woman quarreling this kind of thing is that it is not good. If you win people, you will think that you don't have a gentleman, noisy, will make you feel more no face.

Therefore, Fang Lin Yan smiled slightly, pulled a goat turned and walked.

However, Fang Lin Yan wants to go at this time, but there is no doubt that Jin Ke feels that he has said that the other's pain, so there is no words to be able to gray!

In this case, how can she be willing to let him go, after all, several contractors have shake their heads. After this responsibility, they are sure to be borne.

So, Jinke immediately called the person next to:

"Guard, stop them!"

Fang Lin Yan listened to her, and suddenly felt some inexplicable:

"Hello, have you made a mistake this crazy woman? Are you tm? Is it?"

Turned to a circle and then smiled and said:

"What do you do, I am a VIP who is invited by the invitation of invitations that you organize, this is Noah S number, I am doing something wrong, naturally there is room to punish me, what you are, you also dare Let me stop me? "

Jindley wedn his words, the sharp said:

"You said hello to the mouth of the house, intentional troubles to destroy our views!"

Fang Linyan reflects lithic:

"I don't say eight? The two of you under the challenge is still in the show, you can see it in a look, this is what I am talking about him?"

"Auntie, please, look for the actors to find two dedication."

So said by Fanglin Rock, the remaining people were suddenly suddenly tasteless, and the head turned directly.

The following two are also very embarrassed, the audience is running, and the people under the stage will definitely enter the sage time, no motivation.

However, it is definitely a very uncomfortable thing to be a very uncomfortable thing to be a bitter, everyone is a contractor. What is TM?

So, the red brick man who was first played in the leader, pointed to the nose of Fanglin Rock:

"Kid, who do you say is an actor?"

Another short child is violently jumping:

"I am fighting? You TM is not a blood! I dare not try to try it, I don't know you, I don't know you!"

Fanglinyan has seen him at a glance in such a mouthful of his mouth, and directly gave the next place! After landing, I got a prompt:

"Contractors ZB419, you have entered the arena area, you can fight here, but when you enter the dead, you will default to you to transfer you outside the site."

"The current auction rules are: free fight mode."

"In this mode, it is forbidden to take medicine, prohibit the use of props, and hide the information related to yourself in battle records."

Because when you read the tips, Fanglin Rock was more focused, so he fell to the eyes of the people, and people think he was in a daze.

The short child saw that Fanglinyan actually landed directly, and it seems still still in a daze?

So I don't want to be angry, I don't say it directly to him.

Is this guy's identity? It really is!

The key is that this time invited him to perform, or a manager of the X organization, saying that this promotion is high-level concern. If you can do it, then you will be taken care of it. .

Therefore, the short child is special, and the guys who have come to Fang Lin Ran came hate, and they directly sacrificed their powerful serial ax!

First of all, this guy is a knife to the governor Lin Ran straight over! !

Why didn't you be? This guy is a bit strange? (Refuel plus Fanglin's dodge)

Then, this guy is a knee, this time! How do these other people don't have something wrong? (The damage is too low, absorb all by Athena's bless)

At this time, the short child is a bit panicked, and I have been going out for two strokes, and I'm doing it on the other side. The other party doesn't care, the long drive is straight to the front of themselves.

The short son roared, unwilling a punch, I have been aligned with Fang Lin Yan, Fang Lin Yan forward, after eating this punch, it has already rushed to the other side! I grabbed his neck and slammed it on the ground.

It is said that there is still in the sky, and the short son still wants to come back. Like Fang Linyan is like stepping on the mouse, it is already a pain behind it. Finally by Fang Linyan, I took the neck, I used it, I triggered a competition. The protection rules of the field will be sent to the side of the floor.

This is the complete basic attribute is suppressed. The adventure world experienced by this short child is relatively small, and the evaluation of Take the evaluation is better than the weakness of Fanglin Yan, and Fanglin Rock will constitute it. Rolling, so this guy is just like a son, it is called it!

Seeing the short boroughly beaten, and the other party also gently as if the left is walking, and there is no longer. The red cloak is also "", knowing that it is unfavorable today, and meets hard ignition.

He is going to talk, but he has seen Fanglin Rock, he also walked over, this is Fang Lin Ran wants to come anyway, and the X organization is sinned, it is better to collect this opportunity to collect it. Related data.

There is a short-sized front-end, and the red cloves have already filed the spirit of the twelve points. First, I will replace the weapons I used to use: A very low ax.

This ax is a single-handed ax, but he is taken in his hand, and it is octave to shoot with the cement on the site!

In this case, even the "flame" special effect is attached to it, but think about the screen, a man who is full of red cloaks, the hand burning cement shovel, is it a strong migrant worker Do you want to come out?

Then under the intention of Fanglin Rock, the red cloak is gone to him.

Fanglin Rock is not flashing in the same place, it is necessary to hard to eat this, but after this ax, Fanglin Yan's body surface actually appeared a green olive leaf, properly picking this ax ... .

It is the dodge of Fanglin Rock up to 30% or more.

After the red cloak, the bite of teeth of teeth is a ax, but the familiar olive fiction shows again .......

Dodge is triggered! !

Fang Linyan saw this scene, I couldn't help but feel a little fun, and there was some regret!

This is not triggered when this trigger is docked, and how do you come in this competition in this competition? When the crust is not good, the enemy is not good?

Unfinished red cloaks immediately took out the third ax, this time did not dodge again, but Fanglin Yan still looked down, although the battle record did not display the attribute value of the other party.

However, Fanglin Rock looks at the reduction in MP, and immediately has some slight surprises, because the actual damage value of this enchantment weapon is much higher than you think.

Not only that, but it should still be a mixed damage, and the arm of Fanglin Rock is cut off on the arm, indicating that its inclusion should have the nature of "penetration" or "real harm", can break through the defense damage of magic shields. Go to its body.

In the face of this red cloak, Fanglin Yan played clearly without the last child contractor. After all, the other party has been transferred, and a series of combat systems have been established around the profession of the Magic Swordsman.

At this time, I made a branch of Lin Rock in the future, this guy was in the "fire" route on the fire, electricity, ice, and dark four branch routes.

According to the information introduced, the fire is the magic swords of swords, the pursuit is harm, and after the arms of the weapon, it can be hurt from the sputtering group. After attacking the enemy, it can make persistent combustion damage.

After a few minutes later, Fang Linyan has a bottom in the heart, and it is very loving, and a jump is separated from the battlefield, and then the red cloak:

"Your strength is very good, how is this time?"

The red cloak is still a bit of the heart, and Fang Lin Yan is almost unable to attack with him, and even the skills have not been used! This is in order to test data.

If you are not your interest, then I am only afraid that it will be ****. When you are, you will be able to put it on the ground.

So the red cloak is still very frank:

"You are very strong, I am not an opponent."

Fanglinyan poses:

"The flame enchantment is very powerful, and there is also penetration and sputtering effect, very strong, flat hand."

When he finished, he was very simply returned to the table. As a result, a man who was watching next to him and the goat walked over, and the goat smiled:

"Head, this brother is very interested in your previous battle, you want to spend five thousand universal points to buy the relevant data you just get."

Fanglin Rock is bright, the goat is really a good thing, can talk about a business anytime, anywhere, this business can do! The five thousand general points are the same as the white, immediately said:

"Of course, no problem, what data do you want to know?"

After the two were exchanged here, there were three people showed a very interesting. As a result, they also bought data. Finally, they bought the four people in the data, there were two games on the spot, saying that they are willing in X Organize here's amenities.

Among the remaining two, one is that the property is not yet, so at the recommendation of the salesperson, the deposit of 30,000 universal points is paid, and only one person should consider.

Finally, I came to a good news, a person who bought data in Fanglinyan, sent relevant data to a friend, this friend is also very interested, directly payment!

Such a peak is turned to the road, and the X organization will like this.

Because this promotion will have the first priority, at least the two signed transfer is the line, the three words, it is still,

The four are excellent, can take the bonus and salary!

As a result, when Fanglin Yan is played, the X organization has already talked about three signatory people, one is directly affected by this side, directly turned, and the remaining two people start playing.

Seeing this promotion will be directly smashed.

In this case, the golden face is blue, hurriedly called, and the skirt is a promise to pay for the price of the whole set. It is difficult to transfer himself, it is to clear the relationship.

As a result, Fanglin Rock finally took a few minutes, the situation peak turned, first of all the short subscribers were directly hitting this scene on the ground or very recruited.

And each other will know that Fanglin Rock is a master! If you are not a master, you can take the initiative to fight against each other?

Next, Fanglin Rock and Red Cloating is also very eye-catching. After all, people come here, they are a bit of heart to the swordsman, of course, Fanglin Rock is a very purposeful test, so the data obtained Reliability is very high.

In this case, no one thing, it seems to be a way to come to the venue, and finally, it will be a step, but it is quite pushing the Chongemark Swordsman. The two contractors who have intended to no longer sway, decisive contract.

Not only that, and three customers are also decisive!

So this suddenly turned into the peak circuit. The people who organized most of the organizations thought that they would directly pocke into the street ------ even the golden silk of one of the hosts directly runned, and the result was a very successful promotion. Will, where is this?

Fang Lin Yan did not expect that he was originally a bit of the game, but it gave this promotion to promote the effect of promoting the hit, maybe it is the way he comes out, it makes people feel true.

Of course, let the next decision, there is a very important reason, which is the strength of Fanglin Rock.

People are always more convincing, convince those people who are stronger than they.

Fanglinyan has directly made a subtle reliable psychology in the face of two opponents. It will of course be very real.

(Dangdang's big name "said that you are really a rainy rain .....)

At this time, I was glad that I fled the breeze, I came back to pack things.

Suddenly, I suddenly found that I was fuss, such as the colleagues who lost the examinations actually kids, and the Yuanqi is full of filling the feast scene. This surprises are not similar to the child, and immediately grab a person inquiry.

This person still doesn't know that Jin Ke has already arranged to take it away, and the way is happy:

"Oh, you don't know, you said that you said that it is hard to engage in guys, actually our blessings! Because of his relationship, there are two people who have decided directly, and two customers pay the deposit! "

Golden Square is serited:

"This ... how can this !!"

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