The First Evolution

Chapter 23 Hidden Occupational Information

That man said:

"After he ended, Mr. LS we arranged fully pressed, and after the end of the battle, there were several people to find him to buy relevant combat data!"

"The people who buy data are probably related to the relevant data and evaluations, so they have attracted these people."

Jin Ke is incredible:

"How many people are it now?"

The staff is beautiful:

"The four bits have been settled, and there are two departments that have paid."

Jin Ke is a black, and the promotion will get this result, and it is enough to let you get the contract!

However, he has already appointed the grandmother before half an hour, and also in order to clear his own dry system, specially fake a request for leave, indicating that he will manage the pseudo in the promotion in three days ago. .

Now, this spoke has entered the personal files, which means that Jinde is not only in a single silk, but also in the next week, it has to face several times in the next week. , Black and purple bananas.

This is desperate thing, it's really a gift that I can't help but vomit.

At this time, another supervisor: Valley has been going over, but he knows the news that the Jindefi is open.

It is also understanding that it is intention: This rotten stall is not playing with you! Valle can't help but pick it up.

Valle was definitely anger, but only silently enduring, who told himself not to wash a dragon service!

He did not expect this, and the guy called the wrench can still keep your heart, and the data he collects and its own feelings can be forth.

Not only that, because he is obviously higher than the strength of everyone, so there is a certain authority, so people get the data are recognized, but they have to sell slightly, this is really getting Valley dreams. Have a smile.

At this time, Golden Squared, Valley is the head of this project, and it is his words! Looking at the joker siling, he said, he said, then the staff chatted with Jin Ke:

"Wendeng! Go to your business! The Jindley's class leader is no longer the person in our sales office."

Wen Deng listened to the launched in the future:

"Ah? What is going on?"

Valley's Tao:

"Before half an hour, the Jindley class was working, and the branch was transferred to the administrative deputy authority, and there was no relationship with us."

Wendeng is not a fool. I heard that this is immediately understood that the priority, it is contemptuous, and it is contemptuous.

"Okay, I am going to be busy."

The golden face is very embarrassed. Valley has stepped forward, loose loose tie, biting the teeth and brugging:

"Golden, I was very good at the time, everyone as a project, together to retreat together, huh, you are good, I don't have to take it right away, I want to push me a person!"

"Oh, the thorns in your eyes wrench, but it is a big Fu Xing, Fu will! You think that our project must be thrown, but also can live back, now, facing your sixty Years old bald boss, congratulations, now you have to squat next to his desk every morning! "

Valley said in a few words, suddenly thinks that the thoughts will be connected, and the eyebrows are thrown, hahaha's looks and then turns around.

Jindley was ashamed and angry, and she was very strong. After Zhang Zhang, I wanted to say anything, but I still didn't say it. Tears were switched in my eyes.

There is no need to suffer from poor, before, this group of colleagues will face the destiny of the destinative sitting on the cold bench, and Jinde felt that he went to the headquarters to fight against the old high color ghost.

But I saw that the glory of myself was all eaten. I was originally in the following little pawers. She felt that the old chicken pants zipper was not so fragrant, and she squatted a few minutes in the morning. Time under the table is also extravagant.

So I want to funeral, squatting in the side of the wall crying.


When Fanglin Rock and Goat, it was actually wanted to leave. If it is not expected to go back to the road, those staff suddenly be very enthusiastic about their own people, cold and cold, and they are very uncomfortable.

Goat feels something inexplicably, which does not do this X organization staff actually have that Stockholmia? The more you are more and more happy?

The result was a few minutes, and a supervisor called Valley was active. After the cold, I would like to thank Fanglin Rock as a very intense gentleman cloud, and then took the initiative to give a card of Fanglin Rock, after any business range in X organization. If you have interoperable, you can hit a seven fold.

Fang Lin Yan became surprised. After taking some, he knew that the front and reappearance of the things, smiled and explained that he didn't do anything, but it was true feedback to the data analyzed.

And this is still a paid service, I also received money.

So I don't have a good time before and your organization, but I will not violate my own guidelines to discredit this profession.

After Valley sighed, I finally said that I came to lobby Fanglin Rock Truth!

This guy is also very flexible, this promotional meeting is, in fact, it is very obvious that the "uncontrollable factors" of Fanglin Rock, people almost think that this time, but has achieved excellent results.

Simply put, Fanglin Rock is very powerful guy, giving these buyers in the scene, impressed with authoritative, high trust in the relevant data provided.

Therefore, Valley thinks that what you have to do is to turn the uncontrollable factors of Fanglin Rock to control ------ he brings a copy of the information about Fanglin Rock, and decides to turn it into oneself.

So Valley gives a sincere price! If Fanglin Rock is willing to transfer the magic swords, and every time you draw a two-hour promotion of X organization's promotion, then he can apply for the best price once a year.

Fanglin Rock only needs to pay 10,000 universal points and five-point potential points, you can successfully transfer the monster! And there will be no additional costs.

Such a price goat listened to a lot of shocking, because it is really white vegetables, additional conditions are also very loose, and the promotion will be based on Fang Ran, and he will determine the time, then only two hours, finish people.

The first three priced conferences Lin Yan needed to come to the front, and it will also give the scene and commission after ...

Fanglin Rock considers the thirteen, then the enthusiasm of Valley is also shaken:

"Sorry, Mr. Walle, the professionalism of the Magic Swordsman is actually unique, but it does not match the plan for the reinforcement."

"I want to make up the weakness, but the center is attacking!"

I heard the reply of Fanglin Rock, Vallei did not have a doubt or disappointed, but he listened to Fanglin Rock continued:

"But I heard that every career, but also derived hidden careers, I don't know if the swordsman is there?"

Varle nodded, very solemnly:

"The Swordsman as the advanced profession of Swordsman, the same also a very vast occupation, of course, there is a hidden branch."

"It's just that it's related to hidden career requirements, and trigger conditions are very harsh. We don't have permission to get relevant details, let alone is a recommendation person."

Fang Lin Yan smiled:

"I just have a translimate letter here. I don't know if this trick can make me understand the relevant hidden branch information?"

Valley said:

"Ah? Do you really have a trill?"

Fanglin Rock also did not waste, directly took out the chapter of the sublimation.

Varli looked at the chapter of the sublimation of the dark golden rays. At this time, it was a little shocked. I immediately pressed the ring to come to hand, and then the younger brother said:

"I will go to the special test instrument inside the safe. I immediately issued an application immediately. You go to contact the Director Jamir, and he also needs to sign it on the application."

About 20 minutes later, Walle took the special detector, then took it over.

"This ... this is a special detector?"

Fanglin Rock and the goat suddenly shocked.

It turned out that this so-called special detector is actually a huge ice, and the height of ice cubes is at least half a meter. When it is frozen a flesh, it has rotated half of it!

The head itself can't see anything that is expensive, but the top of this head is wearing a pleasant crown!

Therefore, it is eye-catching, but in a strange and horrible atmosphere, wearing an evil and solemn atmosphere.

Valley refers to the chapter of the sublimation, and then facing Fanglin Rock:

"Sorry, because of the hidden professional transfer, it can be said that it is talented, so I have to verify it."

Fanglin Yan doubts:

"How to verify?"

Valley Road:

"It's very simple, put it on the ice cubes of the special detector."

"I promise that it will not cause any damage to the trolley."

Goat frown:

"No, this thing is very precious, if you don't know how to clear the detection principle, then we can't allow it."

Valle laughed:

"Okay, this is the case, our demand for transferred letters is because this contains a very special substance, which is called soul gold."

"It is the most unique place to extract from the powder dropped after the ghost death, its effect is not limited to human beings, including unlimited human beings can be strengthened, and more critical is no side effects."

"There are about one-third of the transfer of people with soul gold, and the remaining although there is no soul gold, there is another element called the moonlight, but our organization is not very lacking, so you can't use the job hidden career. The benefits are exchanged. "

"So, according to the organization's regulations, we will only recognize the entries containing soul gold, and then provide a convenience of hidden occupations for the relevant holders."

Goat frown:

"Listening to you is, when you transfer, you will take this trick to take the soul gold? But our transfer is not just transferred, and there is an additional plus . "

Valle ridiculously kids:

"Two, please rest assured! All the additional bonuses of the transfer, will be reflected in the hidden occupation of the transfer, and even will be added, please be sure to rest assured."

Fang Lin Yan listened to the next time:

"Oh I see."

Then he will hand in the chapter of the sublimation.

Looking at the dark golden rays issued on the sublimation, Valley was obviously more cautious, wearing a white glove, and then put it on the ice that frozen the ice.

Immediately, the people next to Walle have sent a tray, and it can be seen that it is a similar to the ancient European horses.

Valley picks up this colony, then gently move the strings, it seems that there is no sound, but the surrounding air seems to be trembled, and even the line of sight has seen a slight distortion.

Obviously, this stuff is sent out to transcend the human ear frequency, not there is no sound, and with the continuous dial of Valle, the is also a bit of blue flames began to appear.

Immediately, the people in the people present are not with a proud voice:

"Ah !! Who is in disturbing the long sleep, who? I want his soul to scream in the fire!"

Varli sighed, very simply, very simply:

"You can ignore these nonsense words, it may be great prior, but now it is only the existence of fertilizer."

"Fertilizer?" Goat curious.

Valle plays hands to continue to move the strings.

With his dial, this self-proclaimed soul flame in the eyes of Kitz III is getting more and more prosperous, some even getting from the body, but is absorbed by the crown on the top of its head.

Kitz III has also begun to grow pain.

At this time, the goat and Fanglin Rock also looked out that the dead spirit of Kitz III was completely a battery, used to support the top of the head!

It is worth mentioning that this crown model is the simple type, simple, even some of the gold hoops similar to Sun Wuki, have more decoration above, is set to a big gemstone.

With the more and more soul flames from Kitus II, the gem on the crown is also deep, look at it carefully, as if it is like a human pupil, it is full of mystery and intensity.

Then, on this gem, it automatically projected the appearance of the sublimation, and then began to change the color.

"Red is red !!"

Valley started excited shouting.

Because the principle of identification is very simple, this gem will resonate with the soul gold. After inductance of the soul gold, it will be red.

The higher the content of the soul gold, the more the red, the more they are in the gem! !

In the end, this gem is present, but it is bright red, it looks very dazzling, and the members of the X organization next to them began to applaud.

Such purity soul gold is already very rare, although according to the record, the high-purity soul gold can make this gemstone red to the purple, but that is only the legend, no one can really have seen it.

"A level! A level!"

"Is it really."

"This time, it is a big customer."

"The bonus can't run ..."

"If you want to go to a holiday?"

"Haitian Shengyu, deep water bomb!"


Listening to the whisper of the subordinates, Valley sighed, at this time, the situation had already been taken into the part, such a customer's attitude is not said to come out, it must be a full retention what.

At this time, Valle is surprised. The result will not be made by the results of the previous promotion. At this time, this trick came out in front of him is a shortcut to the promotion of the promotion of the promotion!

After determining the video, Valle is reluctant to launch the chapter of the sublimation, and then gave Fanglin Rock:

"Please pay, Mr. Wrench."

Fanglin Rock nodded, then said:

"Can this?"

Valley Road:

"Yes, next headquarters will evaluate your great trill, then determine which related hidden careers you open."

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