The First Evolution

Chapter 31 Dark Gold Ring

Originally entered the way! The thirty-first chapter of the 19-year-old dusk is very fast, and the tram stopped.

Then, a man came out and entered a bar. Now it is around 8 o'clock in the evening. It is a good time for the bar.

They have to sit down after a box. After some drink, I will decline to accompany the wine, and the goat brings a tip of the servant, which is very polite, please take a rest outside, because I need some private space. .

After a man took five minutes here, the vulture came in from the outside, and his right hand was behind him, and he entered the box before I took it out.

The hands are full of blood, wait until you sit down, and open a bottle of wine to clean it. This is that there is no wound in his hand, these blood is all others.

If you don't wait, please ask, the vulture:

"I really found a tail, and still the aboriginal, I have already made him, but the other side has to fight against it, so I have to go down."

Fanglin Rock said softly:

"This King team is really a bit, this can be in us!"

Kresbo frown:

"We are too passive, only the thief, there is no truth of the thief, in case each other, learn to take us, when it is the key, it is really not dead, you have to take off the skin!"


"So what do you mean first?"


"Yes, I mean this means, first hurt them, cry, let them hear our names and tremble, we can rest assured that it is going to do things."

"Otherwise, the goats and wrenches are separated from us, they are likely to face the enemy's strong sniper!"

Obviously, the statement of Cresbo makes everyone a little bit, and nodded.

Ou Mi is slightly sinking:

"Yes, our contradiction between the King team is already uncomfortable, first snap them, we can have a stable big rear! I am going to arrange."

"If you want to kill them, then the best way is to attack both sides! We have to use Hagg's power, I think, Hagg must be very interested in knowing where to murder himself."

Fanglinyi suddenly added:

"I remember that Dumbledo and Hagg's relationship is good?"

Omi sinks:

"Of course, Dumbleo is a very heavy feeling. When he understands his own traits, it will be cautious in the interaction between interpersonal relationships."

"And this has become more and more cautious with his sexual orientation, and it is more cautious with Green de Wo."

"Hagger is one of the only two people who can get Dumbledo friendship in the last thirty years. The relationship between the two should be a private friend."

"What, do you say Harry Potter and Dumbledo? I think it is not kind, it is more similar to the family and granddaughter. After all, Dumbledo's orientation determined that he did not have blood relationships. "

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Since this is the case, we don't know this matter directly to Dumbledo?"

"This old man is one of the most powerful people in the magic world, and his relationship is definitely not weak."

"And we don't need to do too much, just pass this matter to Dumbledo's ear."


"Right, we now practice Ao Luo! From a certain extent, we are also law enforcers, and have a born suppression for that bisquin!"

Omei is satisfied with the point:

"Yes, this is also why I am going to remind you when I enter the world, I must choose the reason for the Camp of the Magic Department."

"In this case, the choice of main line task is in my control, and our identity will also form natural suppression for competitors."

When Omi said this, Fanglin Yan is slightly discomfort, because he is a person who is very powerful, so once it is controlled, it will definitely reject.

But it is a woman in Omi, which makes the discomfort of Fanglin Rock and have been diluted. After all, there is a famous saying that the man is conquered by the world, women conquer the man.

It is the fact that most men can accept from the two perspectives of physiology and psychology from the two angles of physiology and psychology.

If a man said to the brother when he was a string: Today I was hung by a guy, then the opinions of this group of friends must be helping to come back.

But if this man is saying that he is girlfriend / wife, the friend's opinions are mostly can't resist, then close your eyes and enjoy it ...


"In this case, we simply directly in the name of the Magic Department, send a circular to Dumbleo, and his old man will dig the King team. The guy is flying."

Omei Lei is popular:

"Yes, I have a relationship with the Ministry of Magic, and this person should be very willing to show the real rights of Dumbleo."

After that, Omi took out a small bag. After opening, Omi slammed it, he saw that there were a lot of bright powder from her finger gap, but before they were exposed to the floor. It has not disappeared thoroughly.

After a few minutes, there is a bit like a guy who is a mouse is drilled out from the shadow of the corner. It must be noted that the corner does not have a hole!

This guy's fattening looks very cute, and the pink bow on the tail shows that it is the master, and the owner has no doubt that there is also a beautiful girl.

Not only that, but there is a custom backpack behind it, there is a sign of H.

Then this guy came directly to the Omemi, the two furry little claws held in front of the chest, the bright eyes seemed to speak, this kind of naturally revealed, the expression can directly melt the hearts of most of the teenagers .

However, although Omei is a girl, it is a unclosed exception, she simply shakes the small bag in her hand:

"Listen, Singba, if you want to be the remaining things in this, then you have to send me a letter to your master, then come back to find some remuneration."

This is just a nod, and then refers to his shoulder bag behind himself.

Omi took out the strips, brush brush, wrote some information, then put into the shoulder bag behind Singba, and then patted his head:

"Bring back the letter back, you can get what you want."

After Singba heard it, in the face of the shadow with a very different agile with its own volume, then disappeared.

After this big mouse is left, the goat is amazing:

"Is this a magic pet?"


"Yes, its master is my friend in the Ministry of Magic."

When you mention two words, Fanglin Rock suddenly remembers a person,

That thin, unfolded, talking to young people who have some oral, but in recognition of creatures, it is a neutral warp.

He should also be a member of the Ministry of Magic.

I have also fighting side by the world, and the relationship is not bad.

He is assist with the teaching, the whole name is called: Robie Lazier Filofore Scarmond.

This guy finally was fooled by himself, I plan to write a call: the magical creature on the tip of the tongue ....... I don't know if his wish is it?

Just a hundred years have passed, I haven't changed, and he is estimated that it has been done.

However, before the respective respectively, Robs also left an owl contact information, would you try?

Fanglin Rock is thinking, the result will be a prompt soon: Say because he has no magic pet to pass the information, can only send it through Noah, do not tell, need to charge 3000 general points ...

Fanglin Rock can only sigh, honestly being slaughtered.

When I was waiting for Singba, a man was put on Omei, let her wear a baby cap and start enjoying the happiness of the box.

what? Where is the box?

Of course, they came out before they sneak attacking the bloody key to the King team.

Their raids added a total of four people, and the boxes opened by the four bloody keys were of course a very happy thing.

Especially in the blessing of the eating capsule.

Finally, things that come out of the four bloody keys are quite rich.

First of all, those monostous mean cast materials, idle items, Lin Lin's total sells 30,000 general points.

Second, it is the most concerned equipment, this is the most expensive thing to be called: the dark gold ring of the natural enemy is the remote sniper contribution.

This dark gold ring has two large and mouth-watering properties:

Agility / perception / +7

Effects: kidney.

Attacking the enemy's two waists, making this important organs, severe pain, will cause 2-4 seconds of dizziness to the victim, and cause 30% of the current health damage.

The cooled time of the kidney is 3 minutes and must be launched in the case of the enemy without finding the entry.

The higher the enemy's health, the longer the dizziness caused by the kidney, and the enemy's health is 100%, the dizziness is 4 seconds.

Injury caused by kidney injury ignores defense, but the damage caused by the plot characters will have the upper limit.

Because these two attributes are too strong, this only called a rutary ring has a very strange negative property: killing.

Whenever the holder returns to her main world, because the pressure of the space is lost, the inside of this dark gold ring began to feel it, and the holder must put it on it, and hunt one hundred hands. The large-scale fierce animals are sacrificed with their souls.

Otherwise, all the addition of this ring will be invalid.

After some discussion, the vulture took this ring, just because he triggered the condition of the kidney is perfect!

Of course, the sniper with an ultra-long range can also trigger kidney hit, and unfortunately there is no such talent in the legendary queue.

The remaining silver plot equipped is taken away by Omi.

Thirdly, something worth mentioning is actually a medal called the free space. This thing looks generally, and the description is also very simple, but there is no material to sell to space can sell 15 points.

After a man is full of smile, the mole that is called Sinba is also rushing. It bits his left paw, full of looking at Omi, behind the shoulder bag has drums.

Omi will throw a small bag to it, it is happy to hand over the shoulder bag to Omi.

And there is no reply in this bag, only one photo, the photo is a forty-year-old aunt, wearing a chicken heart.

In the moment of seeing Omi, the old aunt on the photo was surprised:

"Omei, do you know? Dumbleo actually reply within three minutes after receiving the letter! And this is the first time in his five years to respond to people in the Ministry of Magic!"

"There is no doubt that the big man who looks like the heart is very high in Dumbledo, and Dumbledore will start looking for the clues I want to be ambush, and promise to owe me a person!"

"This is really great. I have never heard that someone can get Dumbledo, and you are my lucky star !!"

To put it here, the old aunt couldn't help but show a sweet smile, even the pleats on the whole face, then the photos will be fixed, followed by ashes.

After hearing these things, Fanglin Rock and others also showed a smile.

Goat is a smile:

"Now, King organization should not be too much effort to find us, because they are about to face an anger of a Bugo's more powerful guys!"

Fanglin Rock suddenly remembered one thing:

"Right, how many KING organizations in Om, Magic,?"


"The Ministry of Magic is not much, but I have been investigated by them and have got some basic information."

"But ... this is enough, because this is a magical world, and the tracking method can be said to be very much."

"And they have to face, not only Dumbledo's anger, Jin Nie, who is killed by them, is also a relatives, attacking Harry Potter's sickness will make them fall into more people's hunting."

Kresbo listened to a very simplicity in the future:

"Hey, this pitiful child is buddh! If I am their words, I will return to the space directly, or immediately escape to the Antarctic or the north of the old man hide, otherwise it is really a small life. Guaranta! "

At this time, Omi looked at the time, then stood up and patted it.

"Since I have done a foreign affected, then we are time to solve the economic problems, let's go, let's go side."

After a man left the bar, he went directly from Omei to the corner alley. Of course, after entering, he went a postal dress.

Here, Fanglin Rock is not the first time. It can be seen that it looks similar to a hundred years ago, but the popularity is obvious and more strong.

It should be in this 100 years, the base of the entire world population becomes bigger, and it is also a lot to promote the number of magicians.

However, Fanglin Rock also pays a thing, and each store is equipped with a guard. These guards are human beings. Some are magical creations. In addition, there are even several teams that seem to be a lazy guards.

At this time, the goat has said:

"This place looks not good to public security?"


"how do you know?"


"For a while, I went to China to play in China. When I stayed at the hotel at night, I saw the slogan to be strictly prohibited by Mai Yinchao."

"So Ling Machine, if not, how come it? So decisively pick up the bed, call the front desk, there is no fast food."

Seeing the goat is too late, the vulture is rushing to ask:

"and after?"

Goat smiled slightly:

"Later, I often go to play there, because the snack of the hotel is really delicious, I like some of their fried chicken."

Omi has been in a frequent vehicles that often run wild in the team, can only face non-expression:

"The security here is not good, and the place we have to go is even more, so everyone is careful."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Isn't we going to turn over the alley?"


"Yes, where you know is a underground black city. Now because of the unregistered of the Ministry of Magic, it is almost a pin."

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