The First Evolution

Chapter 32 Black Dark

Fang Lin Yan listened to Omei, stunned, then quickly captured her ideas:

"So our money is a big plan, is it black?"

Omei turned over and deeply saw Fanglin Rock:


Fang Lin Yan hesitated, it seems to have something to continue to say, but this time Kresbo has taken the lead in inquiry / bar in the team channel:

"Our strength is very strong in this world, but there is no power to fight against the power of maintaining this world order!"

"The Ministry of Magic, Dumbledore, Grindo et al, has the strength of us."

"So, our hidden dangers after this time, it will be very big, especially in the case of the number of golden gallon we need."

"We want to get Jingul's purpose is to save trouble, but if the troubles brought by Jin Daglon are more than the effort to save, then it is not worth it."

Omi has some angry look at Kresbo, it is clear that she has not adapted to this bar guy, I haven't adapt to this bar guy ...

However, Omemi finally patiently explained:

"In fact, I can't do it in the sea, let the people robbery will not start."

"But I can guarantee that this time can be delayed enough time, because this grabbed object I is carefully selected, and its background is very special. If our plan is smooth, the real scene behind the scene makes at least Waiting for four days, I will find that this huge sum of money has disappeared, and then use it for ten days to find the truth. "

"At that time, we should leave this world as much as you."

Cresbo asked:

"If you fail?"

Omei faintly said:

"If we fail, we will evacuate immediately. The other person wants to trace our identity will be difficult. I can't guarantee that the drip is not leaking, but the truth is at least for more than one week."

Crespoots nodded, no longer talking, but there was still a significant question in the eyes.

I can see that Cresbo's questioning makes Omei to be annoyed, so she looked at the people around, then said:

"So, have anyone having a problem?"

Fang Lin Yan smiled slightly and did a hand gesture for continuing.

Omei shakes his head, silently riding the road, and then entered the overfoldiang alley, and there is a letter in the incoming time, and immediately let the people around you will go, look full.

After walking out of the overwhelming alley, Omi stopped the footsteps:

"See the store in front of it? Hang a pumpkin head in the door, here is the Opa rally, it looks like a collection of a shop and party bar, in fact, in the back, it is illegal Petty products. "

Fanglin Ranki said:

"Here, it's the opposite side, selling it is illegal product!"

Omi shook his head:

"What is sold here, it is the kind of unacceptable that some black magic masters feel unacceptable, because here will sell human slaves."

"Ha?" Goats were stunned: "How is this possible?"

Omei faintly said:

"Why is this impossible?"

"Is this worldwide, the magician and ordinary people are the opposite!"

"Until now, most of the magicians will also call ordinary people as Muggles, this is the difference between the black people in the black ghost?"

"Even from a few years old, pure blood, children will be subtilized, and ordinary people are Muggle, which is another kind of thoughts of poor species."

"This is not my letter to open the river. The biggest victim of this idea is Dumbledor, Professor, Schpene."

"He is a child who has born with Muggle and the magician, which is discriminated against by his own blood, is marginalized! It is stunned by his friends, hanging on the tree."

"You want to think about it, Schpen, a half of the magician, suffering from this discrimination, what is ordinary human beings in the eyes of the magician?"

Down by Omi's long story, Fanglin Rock and others are also silent, and it feels nothing to say.

Oimi will also say:

"Since most of the magicians are discriminated against Macallmous, and the more energetic black magician can imagine the attitude of Muggle."

"For them, the use of Mapgeta is very extensive. It can be used to make a living experiment, test the latest magical medicines, can be used without psychological burden."

"Finally, even if it is tortured, the body still has a lot of value, such as the fertilizer used to cultivate the magic, such as being used to feed the magic pet!"

"There is information in the Magic Department, in the last twenty years, the fire slave boat from Africa has begun to fight ash, especially after the 1980s, the Magic Ministry of Magic Springs has soared rapidly from 1981. In 1984, it was 71 ships that were reached in 1984. "

"Please note that this is just a vessel that is in the decayed magic department! It can be imagined that it is obvious that the number of ships that are not checked to the lavess ship is obviously ten times here. "

After hearing these things, the goat couldn't help but a swear, then said:

"I really damn, these bastards are not afraid of being reported?"

Omei faintly said:

"As long as there is a rich profit, even if you are afraid of death, you will only go to hell, this guy is only awkward!"

"And the European rally in front of us is one of the important places to sell slaves! I have got a great reputation in the black magician group hoped to get the slave."

"According to the information I got, every ten days, the boss here will always put the accumulated profit, first transferred to: Stanford import and export company office, finally, this profit will purchase The name of specialty is included in the bill. "

After the goat listened to this operation, I immediately realized the meaning:

"So this is launched? The bloody income of the slave is directly transferred directly, and the exchange of the coming from the Sistone Import and Export Corporation is stored in the bank."

"To be honest, this way is actually very rough."


"But now the corrupt magic department only needs such a rough operation, you can do it, because many of the bastards are too lazy."

Fang Lin Yan Shen said:

"So what about our chance?"


"The true scene of the European rally, is the deputy director of the Ministry of Magic, Bes, but he usually show people with a clean image, and this old guy is still a feathers, because he is still a magic The position of the minister! But it is necessary to start PK with several powerful competitors. "

"So, in order to avoid caught the handle by the rest of the competitors, it is still very cautious, let his wife's cousin Lawrence to do their own white gloves, to supervise the work of Stanford Import and Export Corporation with the name of the supplier. "

"So, this money is sent to Stanford import and export company, in fact, it is actually necessary to make it in the hands of Lawrence, and then deposit into the ancient spirit cabinet, if so, even if there is anything, Not on his body. "


"In this case, the focus is on this guy in Lawrence?"


"Yes, when the initial, Lawrence is still working hard, but people are selfish!"

"When someone finds that Lawrence will have a huge cash flow every ten days, Lawrence suggests that Lawrence uses this money to do some short-term lending, private fund's private life, and give Rauns's rich return."

"In the first time, Lawrence is a battle, but he tasted the sweetness of the sweetness. The key is that Jude is often a one or two months to check the account for more than one or two months. Inquiry Lawners, let him save all kinds of accounts well. "

"So, Lawrence is almost a lot of money, will transfer it into your own private account, so that these golden little cute came to earn enough profits for themselves until Lawrence came to check the account, will will put him. That one is taken out. "

Fang Lin Yan listened to the future, the eyes said:

"If this is the case, after we moved Lawrence, Jude is at all, because Lawrence is a pustule of a pointer! If you want to be too investigated, it is entirely not worth it."

"Because although it is possible to recover the loss, it may be directly to the roots, even the position of your deputy director can't keep!"

"On the contrary, if it is a matter of interest, Jude feels that his loss is just a turnover of ten days. It is not paying more attention to it, but does not know that Lawrence's loss is his family."

Oimi nodded, faintly:

"Yes, I think so."

"It is now 8:45 in the evening. Under normal circumstances, the Opa rally will send Lawrence to Lawrence's ten days ago."

"What we have to do is keep up with him, then find Mr. Lawrence, go to him a better in our own health products."

After the goat laughed from the heart:

"I took the hand."

Vulture smiles:

"I think people who want to convince this, or I have to go."


"These things will be said later, they seeing that there is no, people who send money come out, that is, the little beard, wearing a leather with a laptop scarf."


"Okay, I will keep up with him."


"This person is called Edward, very embarrassing and ferocious, his place with Lawrence trading is not fixed, so you are careful when you follow, you can use the shadow directly, otherwise, once he found us being passive."

"However, although Edward is alert, Lawrence is a unclatted grass bag, so I derive is just as long as they follow, and they are finished."


"No problem, give it to me."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"What should I do with the flying powder?"


"If you use the flying flour, you will still leave the clue to be tracked by the people, and it can be used as evidence."

"If you only go once, then there is no problem with the flying flour, but Edward is fixed once in ten days. For the sake of peace, they still choose the regular transportation."

So at this time, the vultures were traced, and a man is far away, it is entirely outside Edward's sight.

At this time, the vultures have a powerful ability to latenate in the darkness, so it is really a ghost.

After the follower left the overdrawl, this person directly got a tram. It was mixed into the crowd. It can be seen that this guy has a strong anti-performance awareness. Once I came directly to the side of the door, wait until the station Just directly under the car.

If someone is tail, then it must be directly getting off at this time, and the results of Edward get off after getting off the bus, but just on the platform, it is in the moment before the tram door. Reversed up.

In this way, it is really unsailed. Even if it is a tail, there is no chance to return to the back, and if there is an immediate, it must escape the eyes of Edward.

This is the reason why Omi is not dare to act here. She didn't grasp the relationship between Edward, and the relationship between Edward, and I couldn't find a suitable person.

This trick played by Edward is useful for the rest of the people, but it is not used by vultures.

Because his shadow is hidden in the shadow of Edward, just how can you play a means, just can't get your shadow, then take him!

After the habitual play, after the two-handed track, Edward was successfully got off and then came to a square. At this time, it is already 11 o'clock in the evening. There are very few people in the square, and the bench around the square is either a couple. Or, it is a tramp that is a bed that will be a bed.

And Edward is also sitting here, sitting here, igniting a smoke slowly absorbing, the red smoke is in the dark, as if it is like a beast, the same.

Fanglinyan and others looked at Edward's one fell, I only felt that I was really rich, and I didn't have a flaw in it. I also feel that my group is cautious.

Just look at this love Dehua knows that its strength is extraordinary. Although it is not known, it is really nothing to grasp.

Probably Edward is almost ten minutes later, and suddenly came from the sound of the engine roaring, and then I saw a luxurious Cadillac opened, next to the seven or eight riding Harley Motorcycles. Rider.

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