Then, a guy wearing leather is walking from the back seat of Cadillac.

This guy is strong, and the hair is dyed green, wearing a metal lip ring, and there is a cigar inside the mouth, and the hand is still a thin waist.

The woman's smoked makeup is very strong, the lips are bright, it looks like a demon.

"Is Lawrence?"

Fanglin Yan is in the team channel.


"Yes it is."

After Lawrence appeared, it was a big thorn to go to the front of Edward, directly reached out.

Obviously, for Lawrence's villation, Edward is already accustomed, he is pulling a fist size from the waist and throwing into the hand of Lawrence.

Surprisingly, the money bag is not big, but it is very full. It is even more powerful to hold Lawrence's hand, and it is almost can't get it.

He smiled satisfied, put the money bag into Cadillac, then took out another same money bag to give Edward, but the other money bag looks clearly, as if it is eighty Old bich's **, dry crumpled.

Seeing this, everyone directly understood that this money bag should be magical props, it is self-contained in space, but it cannot be ignored, otherwise it is estimated that it is estimated that it is nothing to make anything .... ...

After the two traded, Lawrence touched the girl's butt, and then directly drilled into Cadillac, and went directly.

At this time, the shadow of the vulture has already sneaked into the trunk of Cadillac, and the vehicle is of course leaving.

After the enhancement of vultures, the shadow is 500 meters from the body, the body lost the ability to manipulate the shadow, at this time, you can choose to collect the shadow or let the shadow perform the last command after the shadow.

If you don't recover your shadow, then your body can only feel the approximate direction of the shadow, even if the shadow is attacked, you can not make any response, you can only get related battle records and data.

Because Oki is here, she is afraid of playing a snake, after all, Lawrence has a potential (with the perspective of the deputy director of the Magic), if there is no half-point prevention, so her next information It is very simple, to rely on vultures to get the first piece of information.

Everyone clearly has been prepared for a long journey, and the results have been chased two kilometers, and the vultures have resumed the existence of the shadow!

Obviously, Lawrence is really arrogant, there is no heart thinking to hide anything, it is estimated that it is convenient to pursue convenience, and the location of the transaction is directly adjacent to his nest.

One sentence is called the desire to destroy, first make it mad. This guy is so do not know how to converge, it is estimated that this time will not be stared by Fanglin Rock, but also by the rest of the person as a fat sheep.

Soon, everyone got the information shared by the shadow. It can be seen that the shadow should be hidden in the shadow next to the table. The arrangement inside the room is a typical bar style, the wall is the Poster on the wall. A jazz of the deafening soul next to it.

A group of men and women are ridiculous, with alcohol and contraband anesthes to themselves, Lawrence is also a woman who is squatting with two thick makeups, seeing that it will leave in a short time.

Caught this opportunity, the shadow began to explore reconnaissance in this bar, and found that all kinds of magic security equipment here is really strict, probably because of the perspective of the vice president.

On the third floor of the bar, there is a long corridor, it looks flat, but also people come and go.

However, after the shadow is approaching the past, the vulture feels the danger of creepy! Obviously, this corridor should have a magical trap, but the vulture is insufficient, can't find it.

Next, the vultures found that there were three similar magic traps in the bar. After the exploration of the shadow, Fanglin Yan also made the structure map among the bars, and a man discussed, or decided to be low-key, don't attack .

However, it is estimated that at least it will be mixed here at least in the early morning, and there is not so much time with him, so the goat has made a constructive advice. That is to go to the toilet to block him.

This Lawrence looks a old alcohol, drinking is dry to the cup, do not push it, there is a way, then there is, then you must go to urine.

Lawrence looks a good color, so the waist is not very good, and there should be a lot of time to go to the toilet.

And this place is his old nest, Lawrence should go to the toilet should be very casual, this is a good opportunity to grab him.

As a result, when a man was in full swing, he did not expect several black sedan to suddenly, and they stopped at the gate of the bar.

Then jumped out of the sedan for more than a dozen people wearing a black suit, only listening to the gunshot, these people directly kill them all the way!

Everyone is very surprised, but does not have to look at Omi, Omi shrugged:

"This matter is nothing to do with me, I don't know what is going on."

After looked at this group of gunmen, Fanglin Rock and others were closely focused on the relevant movement. The shadow was also tightly followed by Lawrence.

Suddenly, there is a huge ring, it is the hidden magician who is hidden in the bar. Directly kills several gunners, but the gunners are also mixed with the magic masters, and immediately put it. It actually hit the bar in the bar. This magician.

It was actually two magician sitting in the bar, so another magician was directly riding a broom, and then flew out and saved each other.

The seriously injured magician angry:

"Be careful, he uses black magic!"

Another magician heard the words, immediately manipulated the broom to the sky, the Black Magic Master helped his own hat, showing a weird laugh, directly chasing it directly.

The bar outside is in the magician war, and the box is also a sudden change of the elbow.

After hearing the gunshot outside, the people in the box immediately became nervous, the man went out, the woman was flattering outside.

Lawrence is already a bit drunk, whispered, took out the pistol of the waist to go out to give the balance color, losing to a woman persuaded, ready to leave the avoidance.

However, at this time, a dance woman who looked that the tremble was aware of Lawrence to go, suddenly violent, suddenly rushed, the two big long legs were in the moment of changing the props, but Wrapped in his neck!

At the same time, this dance woman's water snake waist is put, immediately, in an instant, I actually flew out of Lawners, and fell to his head to break the blood, painful in the ground.

Lawrence also has a bodyguard, one of the people, gotting the dancing girl, the talence looks very spoil, and the hand is even cold, holding a very sharp dagger.

The dance girl has made a hizzar, and she has eaten this person to a knife who is brought to the abdomen, and then bite this person's shoulder.

This person immediately lost his bones, soft and soft.

And after the dance was rolling on the ground, it was coming to Lawrence's side, and it was a wine bottle next to it, and slammed to the coffee table next to it.

Then follow the sharp edges of the wine bottle to the neck of Lawrence, and the face is revealed.

"Do you want to die or live?"

After that, this dance girl reached out a long and scarlet tongue. The key is that the front end of the tongue is still bifurcated like a snake, directly on the back of Lawrence, until the cheek.

At this time, Lawrence was fell to break the blood, and the tongue of this dancer was in his face, and his blood was directly rolled into the belly, and he couldn't say the evil.

Lawrence feels a gliped, cold things wiped from his neck and cheeks. It really had a disgusting disgusting, and the place that was passed was more difficult to describe it. Numbness feel.

This guy is still dare to kill, but it is a few years ago, since I did a white glove, I had a strong exterior, and where is there any fight?

At this time, I feel that my neck is tingled, and I'm afraid that the other party will be in the heart, I will cut my big artery directly! At this time, the lifeman, where to say more to half, can only be strong:

"What do you want! Duina! My tip, you have also taken a lot, I can not be sorry for you."

This dancer Duinena came out, and spit out a volume on his face again, greedy licking fresh blood:

"I don't want to do, I want you to be alive here."

Lawrence is not a fool, knowing that the other party is in this time, there must be afterwards, he will definitely not the oil light, can only be a bitterness of his mouth:

"Don't move, don't move! What do you say, but you look at my knees under the glass slag, all have been born to the meat, let me change a posture!"

Danger Duina's eye is very human, and when you look down, you will find that Lawrence's knees have been soaked in blood, because the time will be opened in front, so the broken bottle held in his hand is loose, but his mouth Or warned:

"Your action is best slower, don't let me have any misunderstand!"

Lawrence bitter face:

"I am doing this now, what can I do?"

Then his action is so slow, it is really unlike what the pattern wants to do, just when he wants to try to stand up, suddenly seems like a leg, a soft, re- "" is kneeling in the broken glass on the ground.

Lawrence's legs are soft, it is very realistic. It is also a fake, and suddenly blood is DC. He suddenly covered his knees.

Danced Duinena can't really wipe the throat for this matter, and put it down in the broken bottle on his neck.

As a result, after this move, Lawrence immediately made a counterattack, from his golden belt buckle, suddenly fell out of the thorn light! The ears of everyone also heard a sound as if ice.

Then, the fristic violent waves of the cold thorns is even more sweeping. The temperature in the room instantly reduces the minus twenty or 30 degrees. The people present were frozen, and it seems that even the thoughts are condensed by this cold.

The blood of the dancer Duina is even more unbearable under this cold impact, and the whole person is directly twisted, and the doubles are dull down to the ground.

This is Lawrence carrying the purpose of life, Ice interest, although he is just a Muggle, but this kind of warming magic props that triggered use is still preparation.

I saw the enemy was controlled, Lawrence did not say that they fled their way!

Although his legs were injured, he walked away from the road, his blood, left a distinctive blood road on the road, but this time Lawrence also knows that life is criticized, not a little bit, so I still bite my teeth Going forward.

But Lawrence didn't know, at this time, his one fell, all fell in the eyes of Fanglin Rock and others! !

"The opportunity is coming!" Fanglin Rock immediately.

The rest of the people are also waiting for a little anxiety, immediately grinding the palm is ready to shoot, Omei looks well, but the words will stop, because she feels that this fire has not arrived, Lawrence's top card should have not exhibited.

But slowly have a slow advantage, there is a quick benefit, first step by controlling Lawrence, this practice can not be said, Omi is just that the comments have not been said.

Lawrence did not notice that when he was on the building, his shadow was a black shadow, which was only a fist size when the black shadow was originally, and then it quickly expanded like it.

After ten seconds, this black film made a human form, quietly.

This black image is the shadow of vultures, quietly silent when walking, almost difficult to be perceived.

After Lawrence walked out of ten meters, some supported a little supported, and the alcohol before drinking has been completely turned to be cold sweat. It is full of dense venue, so it can only support the wall. .

At this time, he suddenly felt a cold in the waist, and he didn't have time to return to God. He felt that it was cold after cool! The instinct, Lawrence immediately painted, and the opposite hand touched the past.

But under this touch, I caught the sharp blade, the shadow took the blade, the three fingers of Lawrence directly flew straight, but also feel that the pain between the waist is more violent, the whole person is immediately in pain. Soft.

Waiting to Lawrence slow a few seconds, the shadow squatted, holding a deep plug in his waist, whispered:


This piercing the dagger into the body of Lawrence, but there is no bleeding tank, so as long as you don't pull it out, the damage of the body is still within the controlled range.

However, the hand can make it a severe pain in the visceral of the puncture. It is like a rushing sheep, let the guys in the stab are old and old.

Lawrence violently breathed, then pleaded:

"Wait ..... Waiting ... ah !!!!"

At this time, it has directly launched a touch transfer, tune the position of yourself with the shadow, how can his old fritters will be confused by Lawrence's slowdown, hold a dagger's hand, immediately let Lawrence want to die And the old man stands up.

After the vulture stickers in Lawrence, the right hand held his dagger in his waist, and the indifferently pushed him into the unmanned room next to him, then took a bottle of medical spray to spray his wound. .

This medical spray can be said to be immediate, very effective, after a spray, immediately stop bleeding.

This is not a vulture, but feeling that blood will disclose Lawrence's whereabouts.

In this room, staying in this room for almost five minutes, Fanglin Ran is also slipping in, smooth and concurrently.

Of course, in this five minutes, the vultures are not idle, directly and Lawrence play truth, with dagger in the fingers of Cherorers.

Vulture is also a spicy, and a finger of Lawrence is cut by him. It is already directly collapsed, and now there is a question.

Fanglin Rock came, the information obtained is that the wealth of Lawrence is in the secret room in the basement, plus the money saved in the previous period, a total of more than 2,600 Jin Garlon! This can be a lot of money.

The Lawrence this guy is also a bag. At this time, he only went to save life, very cooperated, just seeking this nightmare, hurry.

For him, as long as you don't die on the spot, Judebus does not fall, then more money can earn back.

Not only that, the money he takes is not all existed, some is also taken out to spend directly, buy a house, yacht, jewelry, etc. Real estate.

Even if you take all cash to these people, you can still continue to live on extravagant life.

Then, one person, of course, let Lawrence take himself to take the money, and clearly tell him that this money is your life, and you don't have to die. Do you believe in this matter, you have to kill you right away!

Lawrence has also been unable to listen to it. This is actually obviously not available. You can only choose to gamble. Lin Yan speaks to count.

To be honest, Fanglin Yan also didn't have to kill him, and the two sides were innocent, they were only asking for money.

Although Lawrence is a slave business, it must be full of blood, but as long as he is willing to cooperate, Fanglin Yan is not a guardian, and people who have not known are slave victims, and they are also possible.

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