The First Evolution

Chapter 34 Contemporary Xu Xian

When Raunns trembled out of more than two thousand Jin Gaulong, then put it in that magic money bag, directly gave it to Fanglin Rock, after they were ....... His mood is also nervous, after all, his The chips have been completely lost, and life and death are between the other party.

Fang Linyan smiled at this time, patted his shoulders:

"Is it very nervous, afraid that we are destroyed?"

Lawrence squeezed a smile than crying, and smiled nodded.

Fang Lin Yan smiled, then took out a cigarette, ignited it to hand it to Lawrence, let him use the dry lips:

"Reassured, we said, you are safe now, your life is saving."

"Because you have lost our utilization value, if we want to destroy, you have already killed you now."

"Although the injury on your body is heavy, but it is still unfamiliar, so it is no problem for a few decades."

Lawrence thinks like this, the huge pressure on the body disappeared, and suddenly directly sat next to it, and then took a smoke.

At this time, although he still hurts, Nicotine in the tobacco also began to paralyze the brain.

In this moment, Lawrence only felt that the beauty of life is too much, and the feeling of picking back a little life is really good! Even the cheap cigarette, which usually looks at it, and the taste becomes so sweet.

After two five times, Lawrence took a smoke in the greed, Fanglin Rock, they were standing here to count the golden Gulong, and there was a lot of money in this underground secret room.

At this time, Lawrence also knows that his own life is saved, can't help but hold the opponent Road:

"This smoke is really good, how did I have never pumped it, what is the name?"

Fanglin Rock haha ​​smiled:

"I haven't smoked it! It is called soft white sand."


"??? Soft White Sand ??" (Tongue starts to knot)

Looking at Lawrence's poor Baba's eyes, Fang Lin Yan wants to take more than two thousand Jin Gabung, always can't slap the door, not let people feel comfortable, the sure will lose the remaining half of the package to him:

"Take it, we are gone, let's talk, ask for money, you can't help you."

After that, Fanglin Rock and others turned and went, the mage outside the outside was still awkward, but they did not know that Fanglin Rock had dull Chen Cang and took them directly.


Lawrence will not be a table, but Fanglin Rock is almost two hundred meters, and the vulture suddenly shot out, while breaking:

"who is it?"

Then, I saw a person who came out from the trees next to it. This man's Fanglin Rock didn't know, but Lawrence should memorize her!

It is the dance of Duina, but at this time, her face is gloomy, watching Fanglin Rock, their eyes are also to spray out! Obviously, Fanglinyan's sudden killed suddenly disrupt her plan.

She was tied up on the right chest at this time, but it seems that I can't feel painful. I didn't take it directly, and I saw Fanglin Rock, I suddenly aligned six people. , then go straight!

Seeing this woman is so brave, Fang Linyan is also a little surprised, suddenly improved vigilance, is the dark road inside what big BOSS has been met.

Following the main remote firepower in the team as a team, I bounced it directly, and then he directly "lying in the groove", then enjoy the actual damage number when the team channel is in the team.

Actually only 9 points of the number! !

When everyone suddenly sinks, I thought I really encountered big BOSS. As a result, Dalina has been close, McSon does not let the new set shield will go up, directly with Arakat's greedy, But I'm not allowed to make it.

Not only that, McSshime will use the right hand of Arakat's anger to a counterattack. The sharp shield is easily rolled with the right arm of Dolina. The blood suddenly came out, let her have a pain. Calling a rollover escape.

Max immediately confused in the team channel:

"It doesn't seem too powerful?"

Then, according to the battle records of Mason's sun, this has a more than 70 health.

Then after a few tricks, Fanglin Rock quickly understood why this woman dared to rush, and she actually had a very bug, or it is very important to say in this world! !

This passive skill is called hardening skin, which allows the owner to completely immunize some low-level magic skills, and to advanced magic can also reduce the amazing harm.

And her actions are still very agile, and they are fascinating, which is a typical assassin.

Although the outer Tintang Rocky people have dressed in appearance, they can be young people from the exposed skin, walking pace, etc. It is a young person, so Duenna really judges that there is no mistake.

If you are a group of young magicians of the world, you really have to be left directly by her!

However, the only Omi and goats of the Magic Skills are relying on the magic skills. The remaining is the assassin such as vultures, or the Fanglin Rock and Kresbo are directly shaped and your well-faced warrior career ....

Therefore, Dukena quickly discovered, how can someone don't talk about Wude!

Even if you are unlocked, you will run your own fists who have mentioned the sandbags! I don't want to say, and I have a thickness of the shield, the hammer, the murder of the hammer!

After she was hoped, she couldn't stand it. I couldn't stand it. I found a chance to play. I actually turned into a black grain giant snake in the process of rolling. A probe bites directly! ! !

Snakes are not agile because of the reasons for creeping, only when the probe comes out, then the speed can only be described by four words, electric stone fire!

It is even more vivid!

After all, the frightening of snakes, hunting, all relies on this rapid bite.

Fortunately, this bit of Duena is a choice of object. It is aimed at Fanglin Rock, and Fanglin Rock just triggered the first attack when he was attacked, so Fanglin Yan avoided the throat of throat, was biting a wrist on.

Under the bite, I suddenly felt that my mouth has actually came out of an abnormally flexible rebound, and the hardships will be directly eliminated. Therefore, it will finally act to the body of Fanglin Rock. Already there is nothing left.

This is of course the effect after the nour of Athena! Duene didn't know this, and the pattern of snake hunting is also very routine. After a bit biting, the whole body is entangled up, then a little contract, directly will kill the prey!

So she found that there was no great effect under a bit, and she was also gotting with Fang Lin Ran. Fang Lin Ran is let her entangle, but also the rest of the person should not attack, block the surrounding route. Patent.

Results After Dynlenna wrapped in Fang Lin Ran, the instinct is a shrinkage, and the results suddenly feel uncomfortable!

It turned out that she was in this shrinkage. I found that my own wrapped around is not like a personal body, but a hard iron bar, but I didn't trap it, but my muscles were stunned!

Duina didn't know that if Fanglin Rock is calculated in accordance with normal judgment, his strength (counted in judging) is more than 60 o'clock!

The "strand" that Doly Dina is now related to the determination of the power. After she is, after the incarnation giant snake, the power is almost forty, and there is no Fang Lin Yan, then I still twisted?

At this time, the Dolina, which is not allowed to hurt Fanglin Rock, has become a living target, and a man is over, it is a way to kill the master's way.

After that, after chemical, Dolina also became a lot of skin, simple, simply, switched from the type of assassin into a mince shield, but it was also played and opened, and rushed to Ran. road.

But it is now going to run, Fanglin Rock can't stand it, and then hold the tail of this giant snake directly, and then live, and hold the posture is quite embarrassing, the position of the crotch is top The place of the snakes' breeded holes.

If there is a achievement, it will flash four words "contemporary Xu Xian", and then float in the top of Fanglin Rock.

Dorina is just a elite in the state of the snake body, and it is only a elite. Fanglinyan's strength of the group of people is outstanding in the contractor. Therefore, it is soon being beaten.

Unfortunately, this woman should be severely brainwashing. At this time, I still think that I am fierce, and I feel that I want to stelate at any time.

The goat looks most exciting, and keeps persuasion she wants to surrender, it is clear that this guy has a bold idea!

The vulture is standing by side, laughing at him for the name of the world, and the goat is very simply back:

"What do you choose Dolinna and a female giant?"

The smile of vultures immediately stiffly on his face ... After three seconds, he immediately joined the row of Dolina.

Just this woman is completely oil salt, crazy struggle.

Finally, in the sigh of vultures and goats, Dolina's seven-inch part was finally crossed by Mc., and suddenly sprayed, and turned into a snake. Dolina crazy struggle, then gradually Quiet, finally zombie on the spot.

After she died, the snakes were quickly narrowed, and the upper body was also starting to quickly restore human shape, and finally look similar, the difference is that the difference is that it is the monster of the snake, and it is even like a mermaid. .......

I saw the look of Dolina, and Omi walked to take a closer look at it:

"I have already viewed a volume in the Magic Ministry. Before more than 100 years ago, there was a black magic mage called Burt in the underground remains."

"This curse is called the blood magic, but it will curse the whole family. The curse is more inherited with blood, and its effect is an animal every time, but the woman turns into a snake. The case is mostly. "

"In the period of human infants, the blood curse will not appear at all, even if there will be an exception of individual people, it is very short of the snake, and it will only have a few minutes a few minutes, but most of them will be in three. At the age of ten, it began to get on the disease. Over time, it will become longer and longer as animals. "

"Under normal circumstances, the people of this family are difficult to pass over forty years old. Why do you have to spend this word? It is because they are still alive, but they are worse than death, because the blood magistrate is, After the humanization, it will also respond to the human form after the animal, and the reason is all lost, becoming a beast. "


"This curse is very vicious! It is almost unpredictable until the age of 30, then this family will always have luck."

"Not only that, men's love, is the nature of people, people who have not passed men and women after 30 years old, that is, the probability that this cursed blood circulation is great!"

"This is the blood of this family to constantly spread, but it is cursed in the generation!"

After being broken by the vulture, everyone looked at the corpse of Dolina also had mercy.

Omei faintly said:

"You look at this blood magic curse is a vicious curse, but in the eyes of the black magic master, this curse is lurking the great benefit!"

"After infecting the blood magic curse, the body is equivalent to mixing the blood of the beast, although not obvious before the age of 30, but it is actually existing, so people who are cursed have a common feature. That is to have tenacious vitality, and it is very little sick. "

"The Black Magic Master has caused many damage to the body when he is studying the black magic. When this curse is found, although it is four years old, it is already weak, and the top is more than two. The life of the year. "

"So, for him, although this blood magistrate, although vicious, it is a good medicine that has been delayed. If you can improve it, let the blood magic mantry hidden in the field blood of the wild, and then live ten It is no problem in the year. "


"This is very powerful, is he successful?"


"Success, he improved this blood, successfully continued his ten years of life."

"But people are not as good as the day, although this black magic mage ends with this curse, it has encountered a starry genius when he is evil, and finally it is directly dried. This genius name is called Dumbledo. "

"After killing this person, the magic notes of the Black Magic fell into the hand of Dumbledo, but he did not have any interest in this improvement, and he would be free. However, this thing is It was seen by another person, this person is Dumbledo's most intimate person, Grindevo. "

"The same thing, the value is not the same in different people."

"The Black Magic Master of the Development Blood Mortie is also talented, but the blood magcies are vicious to returns to him."

"For Burt for life, the value of blood mag clamps in his eyes is a treasure of delay."

"For the ambient, dissatisfied status of Grindevo, the blood magcies represent a force of another way!"

I heard the last sentence, Fanglin Rock was angry:


Then he looked at Duena and the body of the snake, and suddenly understood:

"Could it, such a beast, is actually the blood magic why is also improved by Grindevo?"


"This should be."

After a man was discussing, he heard the lack of the siren came from the back, and then picked up the keys dropped by Duina, and hurriedly left.

However, after almost ten minutes of their leave, there was a huge black shadow in the ramp, but it was very lightly next to the bodies of Dolina.

Then, the black shadow touched the nose of Dianna, and it was also silent after she died, and I copied Dianna's body.

You must know that after Duenna died, it is also a half-snake, more than ordinary people, this huge black shadow only puts the body with one hand, it seems very easy to look, it is very easy to see Its monster is amazing.

More horrible is that after the black film picks up the body, it will bite down!

Only listening to the "click", there is still a skeleton that is chewed. After this bite, Dolina's body is actually one short.

After this huge black shadow chewed a few times, he bite on the bodies of Dolina, and a body is for it. It's really not going on.

Then the huge black shadow stands on the spot, and the two red eyes are actually shining out some pictograms. If you look closely, you will be the scene of Fanglin Rock and Duina fighting.

It turns out that this huge black shadow actually has such a weird ability! After eating the body, you can read the memory of the body before, this memory is close to death, then it is clear.

Soon, this huge black shadow jumped up, came to the alleys next to it, you can see it quickly make human form, then take a long and big cloak, directly In your body, go far away.

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