Since Fanglin Rock has got enough funds, he went to a coffee shop next to it.

This cafe is actually one of the entrances in the corner, and its entrance has opened the crossroads of the car horson.

If you can't see the door of the cafe, you can only see a hard building wall. Only the magician can know the illusion and see the door of the cafe.

Such illusion is not unpleasant in this world, such as the famous King Cross Station 9 and 3/4 platforms is similar.

The café is filled with a sour coffee flavor, and the renovation here is a typical retro style, which is not a lighting light, but wiped clean horses.

The corner is placed or the vintage flared gramophone, the song played is a opera: Ralier.

Cough, this is a opera who is popular in the seventeenth century. If you want to describe, it is equivalent to China's : Ten ambush / Guqin: Plumber's status in the Chinese music world.

It is worth mentioning that this radius looks old, but it is the palm of the two black rubber, will give himself a magical version of the black rubber.

Cafe is a young man who is silent. It is almost like a robot. It will never say more than halfwords, which can be said to be a word like gold.

In addition to selling coffee, there will be things such as spirits. Several people seem to be drunk, smashing in the table, even emitting snoring.

After waiting for almost half an hour, the door of the cafe suddenly opened again, but I walked in an obese man, this man is ragged, forty years old, and the beard hair is also very loud, walking. Looking carefully, it is actually a fake leg made by wood.

After the man went around, the man was tired to Fanglin Rock, and they came from the side of the side, and they left to Oimi.

"Little girl, is you want to buy an information?"


"Yes it is."

The man nodded and grinned:

"I just came to send intelligence, but before this, you have to ask me to drink a cup."

Omei nodes:

"This is no problem, Mr. Murt."

As a result, this guy called a cup of most expensive gold wine, and he dreamed! Then patted the table and said, then came to two cups.

As a result, this Moody is probably the hard relationship, so there is something that actually fell directly to the table when I took the table, and I looked carefully, it is actually a bead!

Everyone was shocked for a few seconds to see him deeply into the left side of the eye, which came back to God, this guy actually even a fake ...

Moody is not intentionally, put the false eyes in the glass of the wine in the glass, then returned to the eye old, and the wine glasses will do one, and this is satisfied with laughter:

"Okay, five Jin Gabung! You want the information here."

Omi waved, throwing five Jin Gabung out, then got Moody's card in hand, Moody's direct growth.

Everyone came to see the card, and found that it was actually recorded a piece of image in it. It is Dumbledore personally shot a group of people to shoot, and some of them are still familiar. It is a King team. Those members.

Obviously, in front of Dumbledo, which represents the top combat power in this world, the King team guys can be said to be a fart and rising urine, and the head rat is smashed.

Don't say that Dumbleo is not a person. His friends and students are also coming to seven or eight. The King team is even if it is decisive, and it is also a heavy casualty.

After this card was read, the automatic burning, turned as the ashes, should be careful to avoid leaving relevant evidence.

After seeing this scene, the legendary team of the legendary squad is also a breather. Now the King team will be almost exploded, even if they have the heart to retaliate, and the power of the rest is not from the heart, can only be killed.

In this case, the legendary queue is also no longer worried, you can do with boldly.

Of course, don't look into the world, the whole legendary squad is a smooth water. It can be said that it is Omitei.

She has entered the brain juice, strategizing, paying a lot of time and energy, and then use the people who have been paveled in this world before.

If there is no Omi, now Fanglin Rock is estimated that it is still in the headless flies, let alone go all out to do your own collection task!

Omi is also spit out a long airway:

"Okay, now the King team is getting it, and it has also got enough money, wrenches, you and goats are busy with your own things."

"The main line task is given to us here."

Then Omei is the two envelope:

"This is a magic letter, the price is not cheap, but you can fly to the target, so once you have anxious thing, you can use it to contact."

The goat sighed a sigh:

"Unfortunately, we have come to a year. I remember that the mobile phone is next year, that is, the last year of 1986, it seems to be called Vodafone. If there is a mobile phone, then the remote contact is more convenient."

Omi shook his head:

"That is your world, it is not used in this world. This world is because of the existence of magic, so scientific is suppressed. Many things are much later than you think."

The goat shrugs:

"Well, then I will flash first, and there are some relevant tips on the blood task."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Wait, we went to visit Hag at about a time, and now it seems to take some talents, it is best to take a time tomorrow morning."

Goat nodded:

"No problem, tomorrow, eight o'clock!"

"Omi, give us the way to Hagger."


"If you go there, you must use the flying powder, you have to use the flying flour to go to the 31st node, then ........"

"Right, Hagli likes sweet, so if you bring some small snacks, such as Apple, Durian Cake, and he likes to listen to some strange biological secrets."

"I heard that you have to go to a hilly giant, half-horse world, you can chat with him, basically Hagger can treat you as a good friend."

Goats have been very simply um, and Fanglin Rock is still not easy for Omei's babysitter's Raiders, this is really intimate to feed their mouth ... often plays The role of the directors, at this time, it is really not adapted after the chess.

Soon, a man hugs, and Fanglin Rock stands on the streets of the fog with a thousand Jin Gabung. Look at the bustling people and vehicles. I don't know why, I always feel that some heart is not good. It is difficult to concentrate on the spirit.

He probably stands for a few minutes, blinking his face, has quickly planned the things you have to do.

First of all, it must be to go to the alley and diagonal alley again to see if there is anything on the list.

Second, before leaving, the X organization also gave him a letter: the golden pin, if there are them in this world, then you can get the reception.

Next, it is the channel of Hap, which will be activated tomorrow.

After the stroke of this series, Fang Lin Yan returned to the magic market of the Nikha Lane, and then it was as if it was in the same way.

After three hours, Fanglin Rock sat down next to him. At this time, he hasn't cared about anything, just wants to lying.

In just three hours, Fanglin Rock feels that he is like fighting, it is exhausted,

The key to the problem is coming, it is so exhaustion, and Fanglin Rock actually found the halftails on the list! The Blood of the Wolf is 1 ounce, and the list is required to be 2 oz.

In this British largest magic market, the most difficult Fanglin rock is not something on the list, but almost every shop will smile and tell him, guests you have, you want something, you have all ..... .

After entering the first store, Fanglin Rock heard the feeling of this sentence is excited, but when the boss took the goods, his heart suddenly sinked, because the task was not prompted at all after the start of the mission after starting. !

Just take the exclusive treasure of this boss, "The Tears of the Unicorn", this stuff is really extremely excellent, sealed in crystal, and uses the lights and even sends a colorful color.

Not only that, the boss and the promise of the vow have downside!

However, if this stuff is true, Fang Lin Yan will take a hook after the task option will play a hook.

However, Fanglin Rock Sanzhi three puts three, and there is no change in the task option.

Fang Lin Ran does not move, and the results have begun to become exaggerated in the things that the boss takes out. The so-called highly toxic purple nose is even climbed, and there is still a trace of purple.

I am embarrassed to be turned around, but the boss is also a good hand of the boss, but the next bottle is on the ground, and then grasp Fanglin Rock will not let him go, He lost money.

When Fang Linyan didn't care in the mood in these two days, it was very inexplicably irritated. When I met this kind of cultivated, I took a fire! When the foot will go back, then the face is a fist!

The owner is not going to slowly, only a strong wind wiped the face from the face, and then the whole store swayed, the dust slag fell!

At this time, the owner saw the eyes of Fanglin Rock, and the kind of indifference was revealed with a trace of emperor! !

Then he saw a deep punch on the side of the wall.

There is no doubt that the boss is, because he knows that the true desperate is encountered, and if you can't let you kill you! !

He is a happy and rolling meat, or a guy who is really afraid of this kind of life, immediately raise his hands and says:

"Well, okay! This is not right, what is it?"

"Mr., if you feel that being affiliated, this Jin Gaulong is my compensation."

On the side of the boss, the cold sweat on the forehead has flowed out, and the buddies who have been smelling next to the help!

Because he is very clear about what is the color of your own hand, the splash can, but the bones cannot be more hard than the granite bricks next to it! ! !

This looks like Sswen 's young people will hit it, really just fierce, and if this fist is not escaped, then it is bound to die. .

One thought and this, the boss couldn't help but plan more than two Jin Jialong came out, because the other party was unfortunately, this is not good, it is your own money.

Fortunately, Fanglin Rock has also restored rationality. I know that it is easy to kill a profiteer boss. I want to cope with the follow-up to hunting, after all, I still come to buy things.

So he took a deep breath and took it out of the bronze badge of the proud:

"I am not coming to robbery! I am coming to find you to buy things, I want genuine! Is there any goods in TM?"

The boss saw Fanglin Rannan and then talked to himself, and finally, there was a breath, smiled and said:

"There is, it is, but the things you want are very scarce. I have to pay first, then I will slowly find you, at least wait for a month, if it is not lucky, I am not very unfortunately. "

Fang Lin Yan took a sigh of relief, two words, did not say, turn around, the boss only felt that she had a small life, and she did a lot of things here.

Next, Fanglin Rock has also encountered a similar encounter, but he is in the chest because of the bronze badge of the proud. Those professors have converged some, there is no matter what to buy strongly sell.

However, Fanglin Rock also fell into a variety of routines, which made him really dizzy, defended, if it is not a space self-confident identification ability, then he has already lost the words and scams in the big ** merchants:

At the shop that was just coming out, this boss was polite, and there were many shops. The service is also very thoughtful, but let Fanglin Rock is really exhausted, and brain cells are estimated to die millions. What is the owner of the store?

Fang Lin Yan entered the machine and asked:

"Boss, do you have XXX and XXX these things?"

The boss with professional smile:

"Of course! Come come, please come here."

Fang Linyan is already an old driver at this time, numbness:

"You told me where!"

The boss smiles:

"Of course you have!"

Then this is a few trays:

"There are three kinds of black spider you want, there are three kinds! What kind of? This is a bantar giant spider, this is a daily giant spider, this is snow Eight high-eyed giant! "

Fang Linyan suddenly dumb, he said:

"I want to touch it."

The boss shook his head:

"Mr., the spider silk of the octopurized giant spider can not be in contact with the air, you don't say it, it is to open the laying of the layers outside."

Then he took out more than a dozen boxes:

"These are all diamond-shaped deformation insects, and the three big boxes on the right is still the true variconium in which I have acquired it! It is also a rhombus blower!"

"I don't know what you buy this is what is it used?"

"If it is a magical experiment, then I recommend this bow-deformed insect. If it is used to treat the disease, then the cone-made insect is the most suitable, and it is best to be the best in Alaska.

Fanglin Yan looked at the creeps in more than a dozen boxes. It is clear that the boss is definitely in the heart, but he can't find his flaw!

This is also no wonder, the common statement is specialized:

Fanglin Rock can easily distinguish dozens of parts, shape, material, tolerances, and the sound of the engine can know where it is damaged.

The goat, this guy only looks at the waist of the little sister, can you tell what kind of jade beads, what kind of phoenix nod, what is more fish kiss ...

Therefore, this boss's trick is also very simple, it is a very poor way to burn. Don't understand it.

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