The First Evolution

Chapter 37 Open Hand Jack

() After Fanglin Rock drunk three cups, nodded silently, then got up:

"Yes, let's go."

Butler smiling nodded:

"Okay, sir."

After that, after I finished, I took the way in front of it. This time Fanglin Rock found that it was not brought to the garage of the parking car, but went to a session of the third floor.

This session seems to be very ordinary, but there is a fireplace on the wall next to it, which has already ignited a green oil flame that sprinkled into the flying flour.

At this time, Fanglin Rock has become accustomed to this passage of the magic world, and then enters the fireplace under the reach of the housekeeper.

After a dizziness, Fanglin Rock once again stepped out of the fireplace, it was found that there was a wide lobby. This hall is full of panoramic floor, you can see the snow peaks even below here, there is also the side below. Clouds around.

This feeling can only think of five words: a list of people!

In this hall, in addition to the fireplace used to truly pass, there is a real fireplace that is almost two meters high, four meters wide, and the dried pine is being burned in power, there is no smoke in the air. However, there is a touch of loosening.

Not only that, I don't know what animals on the ground, it looks like the polar bear, but the width has been over, not only, the white long fur and fluffy in its surface, the length is almost halfway The feet, step on it, as if it is in the cloud, very warm.

On the chair on the window, sitting a old man wearing a cyan handmade suit and dressed up meticulous.

All his hair has brought the past, the oil is slippery, the leader on the neck is also just right, and it seems that the time has left traces on him, but these traces have made his temperament more noble.

"Welcome VIPs to our organization: Eden, I am very glad to meet you, I am the Lord I."

After this old man saw Fanglin Rock, she stood up and stretched out his hand.

Fang Lin Yan sighed in his heart. If there is a choice, then he is definitely unwilling to deal with such an old fox.

Because such an old fritters raised their hands, all the words have passed thousands of hammered, all expressions, smiles, frowning, sigh, etc., are all his tools, the real idea will always be buried in the bottom of the heart!

But now I haven't gotten, Fang Lin Ran reached out, and is also very polite with Lord I.

"Nice to meet you."

Mr. Ivan smiled slightly, attracting guests to sit down, but Fang Lin Yan looked to them if they didn't come to ask yourself, but directly gave a cup of coffee. It seems that he has requested that it is not small. Prouch .......

So this time they resolutely no longer have more words, lest to the opportunity to play Fanglin Rock.

The coffee next to Fanglin Rock drunk, suddenly the eyebrows, because Noah's imprint actually passed a news, he quickly finished, but he did not move.

I have never speaking, I'm sighing in my slight:

"I heard that Mr. Wrench came from London?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Yes it is."

Ivan is a little bit of a little missing:

"That is also my hometown, I have never heard the Sonata of the big bell again for thirties."

Fanglin Rock is curious:

"This should be the foothill of the Alps. If you want to go to London, it is a way to fly the way. Why did you come back to your hometown for more than 30 years?"

Ivan showed a spoiled voice:

"Because I was dead before thirty years, I was still able to live in the world, and enjoy the food, cold wind, the scenery, the price of women, that is, there is no way to leave Eden half a step, use my little negligible knowledge Come to organize service. "

Fang Lin Yan stunned, suddenly had a higher evaluation of X organization.

He is also good with another huge organization: the relationship between capsule technology is also good, but the technology of capsule technology is obviously biased towards technology types.

The feeling of X organizations gives people is a comprehensive type, and even ghosts can recruit themselves.

When I thought here, Fanglin Rock decided to re-occupied the initiative, and looked at the blanket on the ground, then took the initiative to ask:

"I also think that I have seen it, but I have never seen such a strange beast in memory, and the fur is so soft and good. I don't know what organism is? Is it a special product in this world?"


"This is a snowman's fur, which is very special, with a unique ability to shuttle, but will only settle in a plane with the presence of magic law."

"So, although there are many scenes of snow people in many faces, I actually really caught a lot of somewhere."

Fang Linyan ate a shocking:

"The plane shuttles! Is the snow actually have such a powerful ability?"

Ivan smiled:

"Snowman's own shuttle ability and space's position shuttle ability is completely different."

"The space of the space shuttle ability is the real plane shuttle ability, and this ability of the snowman is more similar to how to take, or the fish will swim, and the birds will fly in the world."

I heard that Ivan said, Fang Lin Yan is more intense, hurriedly:

"Appreciate further details!"

Ivinez nodded:

"This is said that most people can feel the world, is the world of three-dimensional space."

"And from the four-dimensional space to view the plane, you can understand the vessel of the drifting in the long run, when the two places are close, even overlap, it is equivalent to temporary relying on two ships. Get together. "

"At this time, although human beings can't feel this, it has been eroded by foreign planes, and there will be some strange phenomena."

"For example, when the part is 784, there has been a bit overlap, which directly leads to the big outbreak of the flexible event. At that time, the Japanese did even move directly to the peace in the monster! This history is also called a hundred ghosts. Night. "

"For example, in the fifteenth century to the eighteenth century, there was a period of spiritual outbreak, and the number of witchs in this period reached the three million in terror ..."

"And the snowman has a strange ability that can be observed to overlapping the two places, and find the area of ​​the two places, successfully entered another one."

"Then it will forage in another place, explore, but when you leave, you will return to the local."

When I heard Ivan, Fang Lin Yan suddenly felt that Hawran was cheerful. He suddenly remembered one thing, that is, the first soul equipment that he seized in the past: Black leather bag.

The way of unlocking this stuff seems to be related to the snowman.

At this time, Fang Linqi heard that Ivan's related secrets of the snowman were that it was very wise to use this thing directly and the Arctic circle. Otherwise, if you listen to the description of Yifu, you know that this snow is really It is very difficult to consume a lot of energy, it is really unwise.

After two people chatted for a while, Fanglin Rock reversed the sensory of Yi Wen Si. This old man will experience a Wen Wenya's elderly style. This style is combined with the special temperament of the British nobles. If the spring breeze, I am smoked.

After talking about a laugh, Fang Lin Yan stepped into the topic and said this for Ivan, and then took out the list of relevant materials.

Ivan took the list and took a closer to see it:

"Mr. wrench, your golden needle is actually a very useful item. If you use it here, some waste is wasted."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Oh? What is this?"


"This golden pin will only be issued by 30 per year, and the holder can get the organization's VIP treatment, not only that, if it consumes this golden pin, you can also ask us a request."

"As long as this requirement is not higher than B, then we have to satisfy."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"These materials are very important to me. If you can help me collect, then it is not a waste."

Ivan smiled and shook his head:

"I just criticized, the total value of these materials you requested more than 1000,000 platinum Kran (the currency inside the X organization), which can be said to be the requirements above A, so, even if you consume golden pin, We can only help you collect, and you need to use universal points. "

Fang Lin Yan frowed:

"How many general points do you want?"


"The estimated total price will exceed 400,000 universal points."

Fang Linyan took a breath:

"So expensive."

Ivan smiled:

"I have two suggestions."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"You say."


"If you still insist on buying materials from us, then you can accept some of our X organization's related tasks to enhance the reputation in our organization."

"The prestige of our organization is different. The remaining organizations will set up friendly, respect, etc. The stepped prestige mode, but our organization is more relatively relatively free, and it is more commercially, and it is actually equivalent to a currency. Directly deduct the general point of purchasing items. "

"Then, according to your consumption amount in your organization, the division of ordinary members, senior members."

Fanglin Yan microphone said:

"Another suggestion?"


"You list these materials, in fact, it is the specialty of this world, that is, it will also circulate on the market. If you don't have so many general points, you can find some of the world's currency: Jin Qilong buy."

Fang Lin Yan listened to the sigh of sigh:

"In fact, I also have a similar idea, but I'm going to override the alley and the opposite side of the road, I know that the expertise involved in this can be said to be very complicated. I have a dazzling feeling, which is full of dazzling, fundamental It is a war. "

Ivan smiled:

"That is to say, now you lack a qualified buyer to help you acquire goods?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Can say this, Golden Garlon is not very big for me."

Yi Wen Si and Word:

"So I have a proposal: You don't even need to consume this golden pin, just need to help me a little busy, how is I help you collect a qualified buyer?"

Fang Lin Yan hesitated him:

"Sorry, I have to know what this is busy?"

I Wen Si smiled:

"I don't know if you have heard of the story of the opening of the Jack?"

I heard "Ripple Jack", Fang Lin Yan suddenly stayed, only a lot of memories were porn, he couldn't help but he was in the heart:

"Of course, I have heard, and I have also manipulated Finx, personally passed the jack!"

Of course, this kind of thing can't be said, because Fanglin Rock didn't know how to start Jack, Morgi, a big bishop and Victor. After Dr. Ferranne, Dr. Ferranne, did something.

In case of these things, what should I do if I don't talk about people?

The key is that Ivan is strictly said to have a collection with the era of ripper Jack. Once the two have had conflicts, the identity is not very embarrassing?

Therefore, Fanglin Rock only silently nodded:

"Well, have heard."


"I have got a map before death, and the above is the hiding of the opening of the opening."

When he said, he silently got a little later:

"Then, I will die."

Fang Linyan's heart seems to be 320 years ago, Morreghi's bishop and doctoral two still continued experiments. It seems that the strength is still very powerful ... but the surface above the surface has to be loaded. I don't know how to say:

"Oh, that is really a unfortunate thing."

Ivanti followed:

"If it is not the introduction of my skills at the time, I brought me to the Garden of Eden, I have done a lot of time in this world."

"But this matter has become a heart disease I am worried. I don't dare to say that they are conspicuous, and I have not had half the strength of the year, let them go to harm them."

Fanglin Yan looked at Ivanti:

"So do you want me to go?"

Ivanti slightly said:

"Yes, I can see that your strength is far more than ordinary humans, and even those powerful magicians may not be your opponent. This matter is just to raise it."

Fang Lin Yan shakes his head, very simply:

"Mr. Ivine, I am not only known to Khaki Jack, I know some deeper things! This is involved in the inside, far more than your imagination."

"So, I have to say sorry to you."

Ivan stared at Fanglin's eyes:

"Do you really know the truth of Jackie?"

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