The First Evolution

Chapter 38 Luobi's granddaughter

Fanglin Rock said softly:

"Say knowing the truth, it is exaggerated, but it also learns to go to the Iceberg, but the things behind it have been shocking."

Ivan sighed slightly, Fanglin Rock probably understands his mood, telling the truth, everyone will be worried about killing his own murderer! Is there a sentence not to say good? Even if you die, you have to make a clear ghost.

However, Ivan has been wronged for thirty years, and the face is gentle, but this is vivid in the heart, it is estimated to be accumulated to the extreme.

However, it is the case, the refusal of Fang Lin Ran, Ivanti still restrained the negative emotions in my heart, then smiled and laughed:

"So Mr. Wrench, since it comes to the Garden of Eden, let me take you to our showroom."

Fanglin Rock knows that this is definitely the routine of Ie Wens.

There is a way to kill the father's hatred, and the hate of his wife. Yi Wen Si's hatred is more special, I want to find a murderer to kill myself ... This hatred is not inferior to the previous two, and this breath is depressed in the heart, and it will not give it casual. .

However, if you come, you will be safe, and Fanglin Rock does not want to help at this time. The reason is very simple. The chips that I Wen Si are not enough!

This old man is also uninterested, actually wants to recommend a person want to know the truth in this, how can it be!

If he can take out a legendary equipment or dozens of universal points or ....... well, he can't get it.

The two came out of the meeting room. After a long corridor, the two came to a three-storey building. After entering, I found that there was no light, and there was no light, completely dark.

Yi Wen Si's slight cough, I saw the lights on the walls of the wall quietly lit, this first layer is almost two thousand square meters, all the shelves, placed a lot of items above .

The thickness of the walls are covered with thick cockroaches, which is clearly to keep the dry and humidity in this, which is convenient for preservation.

Taking Fanglin Rock will go up and see, actually surprisingly found that the things stored in this first floor were identified, and all the colors were unknown!

Next, a series of data will be written, such as where this is discovered, who is the founder who is in the process of discovering the process.

Taking into account the characteristics of the X organization, it is not very strange to get so many unknown things.

Not only that, Fanglin Rock is more found that there is a common point in this layer, that is, the price selling to space will not be higher than 8 points.

So 8 points of merits should be a threshold, and something above 8 points should be placed above.

To be honest, there are still many things that have a lot of things in Fanglin Rock, such as three ore, and the acquisition price given by space is only three to five merits.

However, Fanglin Rock is a metal tactile talent. After a touch, it will know that in this three ore, there is a metal called cobalt copper.

This metal may feel that it has already been a chicken rib, but it is a very good adjuvant. More critical is that the earth is not producing this stuff!

If Fanglin Rock will bring it, then bring it back to the earth, then some rare metals received before, in line with their own manual build technology, you can make your own mechanical laboratory more steps, completely surpassing the Earth Technology Thirty The level of the year!

Of course, Fanglin Rock will not easily express the ideas in his heart, but a sinking:

"Do you have only unknown to sell?"

Ivinez nodded:

"Of course, it is all in the second floor, unfortunately, Mr. wrenches, you are not our official member, so according to permissions, there is no way to take you."

Fanglin Rock nodded, then said:

"Since this is the case, then I don't delay time, this is ready to leave."

Ivan smiled, once again sent Fang Linyan to the living room, Fang Lin Yan looked at the snowman fur paved on the ground, Shen Yichen:

"Jazz, Ivan, you are still learning more, the story of the snowman just telling, is indeed helpful to me."

"I don't like to owe others, so I can only reveal a name to the name of Jack with Ripper."

"So, if you say this, this person will be among the best."

Ivan smiled and said:

"Appreciate further details."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Molesi Bishop."

The expression of Jazz, Ivan is suddenly stiff, and it will react after a few seconds.

It is very shocking that this name makes him shock, and when he is going to say anything about Lin Yan, Fanglin Yan has finished the name, and the box is scattered in the box. Then raise the long.


After returning to London, Fanglin Rock has already returned to the opposite side, and then bought a common bat magic pet, directly wrote a letter, letting this bat over the address to deliver the past.

Where is the address of Fanglinyan? It is his Noah's imprint.

After entering the world, Fang Lin Yan can't hold it when I entered the world, and I have intended to help myself, and then recalled that he left the owl contact information, so he passed Noah's imprint. Send a message to this contact information:

"Old friends, are you okay?"

The owl contact is actually a category of mysterious schools, which is equivalent to passing this information to magic pets, and the magic pet receives this message through the magic mark on his own body.

Then the magic pets serve as the seller of the US Mission, and convey this news to the owner.

But what if the magic pet is dead? Then, if the original owner focuses on the magic of the magic pet to the magic book, this information will convey this to the magic book.

After a hundred years, if Rob is still alive, the at least 120 is 120 years ..... Fang Lin Yan can respond to this information, it is really no information, I didn't expect to reach the Garden of Eden, actually Come back, the reply is only three words:

"who are you?"

Fanglin Rock has been reluctant to consume three thousand general points to convey the news, so I will buy a bat magist pet. He wrote in the letter:

"I am from Himalaya an ancient family. Under normal circumstances, our people will not leave the family's territory, but recently encountered an urgency, they must come to London."

"I have got a brochure before leaving the family. The above is three contact information, the family's family of family said, if there is some problems in London, then you can make help according to the contact information."

After this letter sent out, soon Fang Linyan got a reply, there is not much to say, but give an address:

"No. 831 Mass Road, Si Roky Square."

Fanglin Rock immediately called a taxi, then found the past according to the address.

The taxi took a 40 minutes. Fang Lin Yan came to the place where the address is located. This is a pastry store that can be seen in the street. You can smell the egg, cream, flour, baked in the door. Sweet flavor.

After pushing the door, you can find it. The store is divided into two advances before and after, and it should be the workshop, and the front is divided into display / cash regions and dining area. The place is not too big, but the green plant will eat The district is divided into open, and the guests with meals have a certain private space.

The cupboard on the table is beautifully made, but the shape of the small animal is mainly, very kawaii.

The curtains are beige colored, and the pink cloth is prefixed. There is a mirror frame on the wall. Most of them are the photo of wild animals.

It is very careful to see that the owner is in place, betting a lot of hard work.

At this time, the store is very prosperous, five or six guests, the most recently of Fanglin Rock is a young man, is talking in the whisper.

Fanglin Rock also took the real identity of the people, so he went to the bar to find a cashier to have a cup of Cabcula.

The cashier looks a teenage girl. It is estimated that college students come to the summer vacation, with a maroon hair, the figure is flat, it looks thin and small, there are many freckles on the face. It seems that it seems to be in the middle of the society, and it is very born when I wait for people.

Then Tangyan found that the cashier 's cash register was actually served, because when he sent Cabculalo, it was also included with a small dish finger.

Fang Linyan hurriedly said:

"I didn't point this biscuit."

The waiter said:

"You point cappuco is the package, will bring a handmade gift."

Fanglin Rock, I found that Cabculalo's taste is general, but the gift of this finger cake is very good, eat crisp and delicious, long aftertaste.

He sat in the store almost an hour, and found that guests were almost walking, wrinkled and frowned to stand up to check out, then said:

"Sorry, do you have any remaining guests in the store? I gave me a friend who met the unsatisfactory friends. He gave me an address ...."

The girl is a bit incredible to read him:


Fang Lin Yan listened to the way, suddenly shocked:

"It's you?"

Girl shrugged:

"I didn't expect it. My mysterious master in the Himalayan secrets said, it is a young man like you."

Fang Lin Yan sighed a mouthful:

"Then what do you think I should?"

The girl is thinking about it:

"Black and thin, wearing dark red robes, hands with wood beads, maybe there is a neck, there is a neck, the waist is doing a strange device created with white copper .... .. "

Fang Linyan turned over white:

"What you said is the bitterness of Tibetan Buddhism, thank you ....... I am a wrench, I am very glad to meet you."

The girl is surprised:

"How do you also called a wrench? I have said that my grandfather said that the friend I met later called a wrench."

For this question, Fanglinyan has a short manuscript, and he has said:

"There is a rule in our family. As long as people who can trial through the soul, they will automatically give up on this name. From then on, they are called wrenches. The wrench is a title representative of glory, similar to the church of the church."

The girl has a way:

"It turned out to be like this, it is a curious custom, I am called Elizabeth, I am very glad to meet you."

"Elizabeth ??" Fanglin Rock said: "I am also very happy to meet you."

Then Tinyan raised questions quickly:

"Right, I just listened to your mother of Poem, called outside the grandfather?"

"Yes!" Elizabett.

Fanglin Rock Road:

"How old are you this year?"


"22 years old."

Fanglin Rock said:

"But according to what I know, before the ancestor, my ancestors have fighted side by side, and the deep friendship has also been established. At the time, Mr. Rob is also 26 years old. "

"So strictly say, how did he do your grandfather?"


"My grandfather also said this, he also said that it was because of the conversation with your ancestors, so he had to write a copy of the magical creature on the tip of the tongue."

"In the same time as your ancestors, my grandfather got a lot of money because of solving the problem of Xitense Temple. Of course, I may be called a sealing fee for a little more appropriate, so he has a travel trip. Capital. "

"Then he started to explore magical creatures everywhere. Of course, it will taste it in the case of conditional conditions."

"It's so happy for five or six years later, Robs suddenly heard a rumor, that is, the snowman suddenly appeared in the Central Asian area, so Robs rushed over."

"When he tracked the snowman, accidentally lost, fell into a deep abyss, and in the scene, he did not wake away from the water. When he woke up, he found that he was in a cave, and the cave is like tropical. The appearance of the rainforest is very different from the environment in the Polygonia. "

"Bring Robs, it is a very ferocious giant beaker. It is necessary to use him to feed his own cub. Under the helplessness, Robs can only counterattack, and finally, the giant bear, I found it no Any variety known to be known. "

"After a month, Robbia suddenly had a flood in the rain forest, not only that, he also found a plastic bottle in the flood! So Robbie speculated that the upstream of the flood should be returned The road to the human world, so he will go up. "

"After a trek, Robei found that there was a huge white creature that was fishing next to the flood. He knew that this should be a snowman who is hard to seek."

"The snowman is very fast, then quickly leaves, Robie follows the trail of the snowman, and finally successfully returned to the Central Asian region, and it is even more incredible. It is already a whole 50. Year! It is already 1935! "

I heard the things of Elizabeth, Fanglin Rock immediately wake up, the snowman has the ability to find a plane channel, then shuttle to another one.

Obviously, Robbie is in tracking the snowman, and then with its misrgent to another interlaced place, then because of the different relationships at the time of the time, he thought he only stayed in another place. One month, but this is over 50 years!

In this case, it is not difficult to understand why the granddaughter of Rob is only twenty-two years old. Fang Lin Yan even sorry, why don't he stay in another two months, then, do you have it? See him?

Just I don't know if the snowman is staring at the horse, I can't see this guy. Of course, I will be on the floor of the Garden of Eden ... .

After you think of this, Fang Linqi can't help but sigh, then it is very helpless:

"Ok, just like this, I have something to be busy, first left."

As a result, he turned, Elizabeth hurriedly called:

"Hey, how do you gone?"

Fang Lin Yan turned to be stunned:



"You have used the newsletter of my outside the bus for more than a hundred years. It means that you must have any urgents in this side, you must do it."

"Then why are you eager to go?"

Fang Lin Yan smiled bitterly:

"What I want to do is really very important, so it is not your little girl can intervene!"

Elizabeth rushed:

"That is not necessarily! You don't say something, how do you know that I am helping!"

Fang Lin Yan suddenly thought of a thing, suddenly the machine moved:

"Yes, your parents! Where is your parents, I can find them help."

Elizabeth angry:

"They can't help your busy! Because they are all Muggle!"

Fanglin Yan said:

"how can that be?"

Elizabeth disdain:

"Is this impossible, my mother inherits the grandfather's magic talent, but she is not interested in magic, but is drunk on music, now she is already the chorus of the Royal Theater."

"Since my mother didn't learn magic, then my father is definitely ordinary people."

Speaking here, Elizabeth is quite self-sufficient:

"And my magic talent is better than my mother, so my grandfather is like to avoid repeating the same mistake, so I am going to teach me like a small child."

"There is no doubt that he is a great teacher, and I am the smartest student he taught."

"So, what is your problem? You can find me! You see, my grandfather has left me even his magic book. Is this still not he recognized?"

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