The First Evolution

Chapter 39 Puzzle Little Girl

Fanglin Yan stared at Elizabeth to see half of:

"No, you are too small, and I am lacking now is a older with rich experience. If your grandfather is still there, then he is definitely no problem, but you are far away!"

Elizabeth is uncomfortable:

"You have to tell me what is!"

Fang Linyan recognizes the truth:

"I need to buy some materials, Machi World No, very rare materials, most of them should be related to the magical animals."

"And the key to the problem is not enough to know these materials, and this world is too many! Under the helplessness, I will even want to make their profits to explode, but these guys are still tireless. Want to pit me! "

Elizabeth's eyes suddenly lit up:

"If you are really for this, then you will find someone!"

Fanglin Yan doubts:

"Don't you think you can compete for this job?"

Elizabeth proud said:

"Of course, I have been teaching biggest from the grandfather from the little! I published the first papers in the Magic Team! Then the winter holidays and summer vacation were taken in the magical biological life. The secrets of the Middle East are running in the Middle East, so far, the new species found in my hand are mostly eleven. "

Fanglinyan semi-skeptical road:



"You don't know? All the magical creatures, including some famous magic buildings, are built in the secret attached to the main position!"

"The magic of the secrets is more energetic, and it is more suitable for cultivating magic and magical organisms. Hogwoz is also built in the secret, nine, three-tartary platform is the entrance of this big secret!"

Fanglin Ranki said:

"Is there such a thing?"


"You think about it, now Machi's technology is also very developed, airplane, satellite, nuclear weapon!"

"If there is no secret, the magical creature should be exhausted, and even the magical buildings are difficult to maintain mysterious."

Fang Lin Ran wants to think about it, and it is true that it is so truth.

Elizabeth is going to talk, but the door came in a man who wanted to buy pastries. She three times will be sent to the two, and then pulled down the door to hung up the signboard.

Then, let Fanglin Rock, etc., she went upstairs to take a box of a foot basin.

After opening this box, there were more than a dozen newspapers, and there was the papers published in Elizabeth, and even the people who even had a moving portrait.

The bottom of the box also has several gold medals issued by the Animal Protection Society, which is to praise her to discover new species.

Fang Lin Yan roughly looked at it, suddenly looked at Elizabeth:

"Do you seem to be very lack?"

At this point, it is not difficult to see, Elizabeth is a slight dress, and there is a plastic jewelry on your hair, and she is really wrong when she is looking for a change, and she is telling this.

Elizabeth is a little hard to have a little bit:

"Yes, so if I help you get what I want to buy, can I ask me to eat ice cream? I know that the store will be 20% off after 9 o'clock in the evening."

Fang Lin Yan noticed that Elizabeth said that the ice cream hot pot, both eyes were glowing, it seems that this little girl is still a food! He didn't answer this question positive, then followed by Elizabeth:

"I feel that in accordance with your family conditions, there is still personal abilities, should not be lacking."

Elizabeth sighed a sigh:

"Robobi died, Mom and Dad broke my economic source and told my friends not to provide me."

"They want to force me to do a lawyer, but my dream is to help Robie completed the magical creatures on the tip of his tongue, so I have turned it with them, now I can only rely on bakers in my classmates. Working hard. "

Fang Lin Yan nodded, then took it out of the things you have to buy:

"Can you help me get a few props on this list?"

Elizabeth immediately grabbed the list and looked at it carefully. After a while, he only said:

"Three pieces! At least three pieces!"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"How much does it cost?"

Elizabeth thinks about thinking:

"At least 80 gold Garangons!"

Fanglin Rock is very simply raised a slap in the palm:

"My budget is 500 Jin Gabung, you can help me get three materials, the remaining Jinjialong is yours!"

"How much can you finally add money to Robbie, then look at your bargaining."

Elizabeth is shocked:

"You, what do you say? Five hundred Jin Gab?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Yes, I believe that Robie must have told you ancestors, the handsome wrench, he is a very generous person! And his value is stronger than his generosity."

"And I am also a very generous person, so when can we go? I hope to get this thing as soon as possible, then, maybe you can ask you to eat a ice cream hot pot!"

Elizabeth handless way:

"Don't need it, I really don't need so much!"

Fang Linyan waved his hand:

"So, after you get this money, you will get the will of Robei, let the magical creatures on the tip of the tongue officially published, and then you will return the remaining money."

Elizabeth looks still sorry, but Fanglin Rock is very simply:

"When my ancestors and Mr. Robei were born together, when I fight, I was not like a mother-in-law, I'm going to leave, give me a little more time?"


one hour later,

Elizabeth took Fanglin Rock to a ship on the Thames.

This ship seems to have a small year, the mottled huge hull, the big chimney of black smoke is the first impression it gives people,

Elizabeth is like a thin and timid girl standing in front of the ship escalator, and even gives people a feeling of a weak woman.

However, it is obvious that Elizabeth is not the first time. She is like a narrow channel that is narrow, and the narrow channel is coming to the bottom of the cabin.

Here is a large group of rude and dirty sailors are playing cards, their yellow teeth, the odor, and the chest and tattoos will make any little girl, but Elizabeth actively and he greeted them:

"Hey, bad teeth, how is your luck today!"

"Improve sail, be careful of your golden teeth."

"The old sea dog, it is time to throw your jug, you have to consider the life after the shore ....."


Surprisingly, these sailors have also responded to Elizabeth, and some have to shake their fingers, and some will give me a metal jug that carries yourself.

Finally, a guy who looked that the fierce phase was blocked in front of Elizabeth. He looked at an eye mask, and his left hand was directly a sharp iron hook. Fanglin Rock has tightened his muscles at this time.

Because he felt that the robbery was about to happen, and the victim is a buyer who is not easy to find.

However, this one-eyed dragon is in Elizabeth with a very different tempered tone:

"Hey, the little bell, you have to stop, because the boss talks about business in it."

Elizabeth Yang Yangji Road:

"Who tells you that the sea dog does I can't go in when I talk about my business?"

One-eyed dragon shrugs:

"Of course you can go in, but that is in your case, but today you have brought a stranger!"


"He is not a stranger."

Dioe Dragon is said:

"Oh, what is he?"


"He is a big buyer who can make your boss."

Years of dragon shakes the head:

"Sorry, the little bell, I didn't pick up the notice of the head, saying that I can let the strangers go in, then he can't go in."

At this time, Fanglin Rock has some impatient, and he decisively took out the small money bag, and then reached out and got it from inside.

Looking at these jumped golden wizards, people present are stupid, they certainly meet these hard-selling, especially after Fanglin Rock caught another golden Gaolong, their breathing They have begun to become cloudy, obviously have some bold ideas in the mind.

However, immediately they heard a strange "" voice, and then could not be betted in the past.

It turned out that this time Fanglin Rock has already collected the money bag. He grabbed the door handle next to it. This sound was from the door handle that has begun to distort the deformation!

It is not something else here, but the following cabin of the freighter! Because the problem is to be taken into account, the door handle is very strong, but the steel forging, or the kind of rotating water density door!

It is not used here that a dry sailor's eyes are almost the same, and look at the eyes of Fanglin Rocks.

It is a magical world here, even the Muggle has already begun to adapt to the existence of supernatural ability. For the terrorist performance of Fanglin Rock, the response of these guys can understand, and will also be afraid.

This is awe of double, on the one hand, based on money, on the one hand, based on strength!

Then Tangyan took directly to the alphabet, directly lifted his legs and went in. One-eyed dragon is dark and swallowed. I don't dare to put a fart.

After walking into the cabin inside, Fang Lin Yan slammed steep, because he did even have an illusion that came to the vegetable market:

Because this is very unparalleled in front of this, it is very dense booth, and even the smell of the air, there is a large number of people talking about, and there is a variety of the market.

And the difference is that the vegetable market is vegetable. It is sold here, it is a variety of smuggling products, contraband! !

At the top of the market, there is a tangled tag, which has three words in Camton, but it can be seen from this tattered tag. It is about three-thirds of it. Save.

It is said that when it is complete, the tag is written on Kamton's limited import and export company, but no one cares about this, so this ghost is called "Camton Supermarket", or "Kam "".

It is a huge illegal market that will move, which is also the secondary cause of the magic department to sweep more.

As for the main reason, of course, it is a protected umbrella inside the magic department of the millennium, and the umbrella is very amazing from this.

At this time, Fanglin Rock is only trust in Elizabeth, because at least proves that Elizabeth at this time is correct.

Down to the lack and the traitor boss in the Nikha Lane do a retail market, and where they purchase, it should be in such a wholesale black city! If there is anything you want to find here, then Fang Lin Yan really recognizes.

I took a few steps in the inside, Elizabeth spit tongue:

"Wow, just your look, it seems that you are familiar with this underground market."

Fang Linyan smiled:

"Our family is still very powerful on Himalayan, and smuggling, the gray industry, etc., you have to give us water, otherwise the words can't open it."

"This is a good thing, but it is also the essence of a businessman. It's a good time to see money. If I have a good time, I am most worried about spending money, but spending money and I can't buy good goods. This is going to rely on you. Help me turn off. "

"Right, why is people here call you small bell?"

Elizabeth lifted his eyebrows:

"Because Robs called me a little bell from a child."

"When this is a smuggling, it will inevitably encounter some ill, injured, the famous, will come to Robs to help treatment or tame, Robie will bring me, so I will go to it. I am very familiar with this for this. "

"Right, then I will bought what I want. In this case, it is more convenient to compare the price."

Fanglin Rock is very simply wave:

"Five hundred Jin Gabung budget is casual, I just take the three materials inside the list."

Soon, Elizabeth took Fanglin Rock to a cold and clear shop, this shop is very large, but the goods posing outside are very small.

Seeing this scene, Fang Linyan is more in the bottom. This market is so lively, the rent of the store is definitely inch, and the facade is large, and the sale is less and less cold, but it can still survive here.

Then you can only explain one thing: the boss here is either money, or the business is only a scorpion, and the big business that is really making money is hidden.

Elizabeth came to the door of this shop, a lazy big man sitting in a lazy big man looked at her:

"Small bell, I heard that you are all chaped by people in the house. Last time, there is a thorny fish is dead. If you want to find you, I can't find someone. How come today?"

Elizabeth snout said:

"Don't you think the Wales is good? What are you looking for?"

That big man laughed and said:

"Isn't this better than your share?"


"Ha ha......."

After listening to them, after a few words, Fanglin Ryna has a question in his heart, that is why Elizabeth claims to be a magical creature, but falls to the bakery shop?

It turned out that she was still a newcomer, and since she died since her grandfather, the blank market left, and the melon was divided.

When Elizabeth find that the family does not support himself, and if you want to take the way of breaking the economy, the time has been a whole half a year.

Good name in Rob, is very big enough. It is also a high gold content, so Elizabeth returns to the market, and it is also the latter continuation to receive the relevant list, and began to gradually "restore the land".

But the peer is a family. She wanted to kill it at this time, and they will definitely violate the interests of some people, so a guy called Wales will pick up to Elizabeth.

Little girl knows that people are sinister, they will be trapped directly, and the six flutes of the treatment will be clean!

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