The First Evolution

Chapter 44, I saw Dumbledore

Four hours later,

The spirit of Fanglin Rock is coming out of the room, and it has formed a sharp contrast is the goat. The eyes are full of red silk, yawn, watching Fanglinyan envoyed:

"Head, you will remember to take me next time, I have to take me, that kind of gene medicine that can reduce sleep time is really important!"

Fanglin Rock haha ​​smiled:

"The medicine is to reply, but according to our current strength, even if it is a very violent robust to grab it, it will definitely get the hand, let alone, I don't want to go there again, there is a power there. And the naughty guy! "

Omi was also gone at this time, she seems to be a bit awkward, it should be no rest, watching Fanglin Rock, after a look:

"Are you ready? Harge should already get up."

Fanglin Rock is more than an OK gesture, and the goat is stuffed into the mouth:

"I am still not good, yes, I haven't given a gift from Hagger."


"Don't worry with your hand, I have already prepared it, but if you have something, you must know, that is, Hap said that today Dumbleo will come to him, so if you go to the time is more appropriate If you see him, you will see him. "

"Dumbledo ..."

Fanglin Yan is sewing eyes.

There is no doubt that this is the existence of the ultimate large BOSS.

Of course, there is no conflict between this helper and between him, and saved his heart.

Not only that, Dumbledo's act is roughly good. Of course, his old man is not a gentleman who is doing a one-glance. Otherwise, there is absolutely no way to stay in the position of the strongest white Magic Master is a few decades. .

Therefore, Fanglin Rock is now indifferent to his own safety, but looks at what is the benefit from this big BOSS.

Such old fox old fritters don't need him to give a substantive benefit, sometimes a sentence can benefit a lot.

When you are about to step into the fireplace, Fanglin Rock can't help but ask:

"Capture the Master Kentel really doesn't need us to help?"

Omimi shook his head, some proudly said:

"If you need your help, you will definitely say, since I don't mention this, you will be relieved."

Fang Lin Yan shrugged and smiled:

"Ok, no problem."

Soon, the two returned into the fireplace, and the Biki will also put it on the original finger cake prepared by Omi ------- It is said that this guy is hobby.


After a habitual spinning, Fanglin Rock supported the forehead to drill the fireplace.

It can be seen that a bead above this fireplace shines, and it is directly extinguished. This bead is a hub that the fireplace is open.

If the owner is not allowed, the remaining foreign people have no way to transfer.

The house where the fireplace is located is very wide, but it is full of full of good firewood, waiting until the two people go out and find that this one of these two people will be accumulated. Chai fires and forage houses.

Just 20 meters away, there is a very ordinary room with a look.

The shape of this room and the British country farm have no difference, and the dome of the birch bark is piled up. Directly use a circular tree to enter the ground, if the walls of the entire fence are generally built, the whole house style looks like a somewhat kawaii, the big chimney is being jealous. Blue smoke.

Here is the residence of Hagg: Hogwoz is a hut, the hut is located on an arc-placed hillside.

The hillside is on the hills, at the door of the hut, there are several great deer to graze slowly. It is obviously not too big to Fanglin Rock.

The two of Fanglin Rock looked at it. When they came to the hut, just when they were almost ten meters from the huts, the wind bell hanging under the roof suddenly dropped down, and then tied to the hut. .

At the same time, the wind bell can also send a child's voice:

Guests are coming, guests are coming!

Then, as if a bear is a lot of Hagg, it is drilled out from the hut. At that moment he bent down, the normal door of the hut is very narrow.

He is covered with a cave, wearing a windbreaker, looking at Fanglin Rock and goat immediately after leaving:

"Ah, my friend, I am so happy to meet you!"

Goat smiles:

"Early, Hap, I am also very happy to see you, here is the finger cake of the Vikins, or hot, I hope you can like it!"

The little eyes of Hagger have been great at once:

"God bless, that is, I like the store! I hope that you have a baby, that is the pearl on the Crown."

Goat haha ​​smiled:

"We brought three boxes!"

Haghahe smiled, hurriedly put two people into the house, and after entering the house, Lin Yan immediately found that this cottage is much more spacious than yourself, and all this seems to be derived. A varnish on the door?

So Fang Linqi couldn't help but turn to the upper side of the door. I found that there is a magical array with a faint light, just at this time, the light has been quickly extinguished.

At this time, he suddenly came back to a steward and mild voice:

"Very keen perceived, young, this is a simple zooming method called the world to enlarge the law."

"It is actually very simple, you can make the biological volume within the influence of the French, but please rest assured that this shrinkage is harmless to the body, and the room who leaves Hag will recover."

The goat heard and thought it was Hagger, so he said:

"So, it is actually not the internal space of this house becomes bigger? But we have become smaller when entering it?"

After Fang Linyan heard this voice, immediately turned to see, I found that it is an old man, it is white, long beard can even drag it to the chest, and wear a brown leap in the head. The body is wearing a gray dress.

However, this old man seems to be a somewhat, the chest has obvious oil stains, wrinkled the fingers wearing a bronze ring, it looks not big, but his eyes are very clear, There is a kind of strange charm that can see through people.

Of course, the most quite is that this old man seems to have a strange shielding ability. If he doesn't take the initiative, Fanglin Rock and goat will never notice that it is actually sitting alone.

It seems to be their own thoughts, perception, eyes are blinded by the unique gas field of this old man!

Combined with Omi's statement, Fanglin Rock immediately guess the identity of this old man in the first time, and immediately serve his trip:

"I have seen Mr. Dumbledore."

Dumbledo smiled slightly:

"Please sit, Mr. Wrench, there are Mr. Goat, I don't seem to have two Ding Ding?"

The old man looks very strong, directly looks to Fanglin Rock:

"I heard that Mr. Wrench is a mysterious family from the Himalayas?"

Fanglin Rock did not expect himself to take a word, actually introduced into the ear of this strongman, and it is really true, can only smile:


Dumbledo smiled slightly:

"In fact, in the past 100 years ago, I have heard of this legend, and there is a mysterious village in the Himalayas, called Kamaji Village, where there is a very different system with our magic."

"I am very energetic when I am young, and I am very curious, so I will go to the Himalayas Mountain, but I have never found the village in this legend. I only heard that there is a mysterious breath in the East. After nine times, I will breathe nine times. Take another breath once ...... long, you can extend longevity. "

"But I am sure that people tell me that people will not lie to me, because he tells me something very reasonable, and logic, but more importantly, he was in my true curse, there is no The way to speak! "

Fang Lin Yan Shen gave a little later:

"Tell you the person of this matter is Victor. Dr. Ferrancunstein or Mo Leghi?"

Dumbledo smiled:

"Victor. Dr. Frankenstein, not only this, he also gave me a magic painting, the above people look like you ......... and this is also my morning. Hap is waiting for your reason. "

"So, can you tell me where the Kamayi Village is?"

Fang Lin Yan smiled bitterly:

"Can I not say?"

Dumbledor smiled:

"Of course, you are the guests of Hag, and have not made anything wrong. This requirement is just a curiosity that is not satisfied from the elderly in the old man of the context ..."

Fang Lin Yan sighed a mouthful:

"Mr. Dumbledore, is actually not I don't want to say, just a lot of things, it is really incredible, you may not believe it."

Dumbledo touched his beard and was interested:

"You don't say how I don't believe it?"

Fang Lin Yan sighed a mouthful:

"Well, before telling my story, I have to ask you a question first."


"Oh? Please tell me."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Have you seen a snowman? Or, believe in it ??"

Dumbledo reveals the color of thinking:

"Snowman? I am convinced that this creature is existent, because I have seen it's related fur, but I have never seen it."

Fang Lin Yan nodded, and then the relevant information of the snowman who heard it heard is 151.

After listening to these things, Dumbledone showed an amplifier on his face, and a look that suddenly realized, and he listened to Fanglin Rock continued:

"So, I don't dare to conceal Mr. Dumbledore. Before the 100th year, I was really me, it is really me, just after I have been finished, I re-pass the space channel discovered by the snowman, returned to the family."

"You can't find Kamaji Village in Himalayas, because it does not exist on this place."

"And the time flow rate of the two worlds is different, so after staying in his hometown, after five or six years, after the passage came to London, it was already a hundred years, and the human people were more dying."

Seeing Dumbledo's dissolution, Fang Lin is very simply selling Robbie.

"Of course, I know that I said that there is no done, but someone can prove the true and false of my words."

Dumbledor's spiritual channel:

"Oh? Is there such a thing?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Yes, this person is called Robbie Lazier Fidel Skamand, once wrote a book called the magical creature there."

Dumbledo immediately suddenly:

"Is it him? I remember this book."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"The specific thing of Robei, I don't have much to say, the bias is dark, listen to the people, in accordance with Mr. Dumbledore, you should be a very easy thing to investigate."

Dumbledor Multi-point:


After that, this old man stretched with a hand, just like a magician, grabbed a owl, and then wrote a few lines directly, and sent it directly.

It can be seen that Hag is very respectful of Dumbledo until they finished talking. Harges launched a pot of coffee, and then started to share the fragrant finger cake with Fanglin Rock.

Before this time, Fanglin Rock and others have studied Hag's character. I know that this person will not have any heart. As long as you get his friendship, then you don't have to sell Guan Chi, and you will open the door to see the mountain to say the demand is.

So the goat takes the lead:

"Mr. Hap, in fact, this time I want to have a problem, please ask you."

Hagle, the way:

"Okay, you said."


"Do you know where you can find the Romanian Long Croad Dragon?"

Hap stunned:

"Oh! That is a very dangerous big guy! My friend, they temper and full of aggressive, close to it is taking their own life!"

Goat shrugged:

"I know, but there is no way, I have to find this big guy now."


"People find the purpose of the Romanian long-range dragons are usually for its horizontal corners, even more fortunately, in last year, the Magic Department has issued a disabled, and the corner of the Romanian long-range dragon is included in the grade. The trade commodity is. "

"So I strongly recommend that you take a way of buying instead of hunting, this is actually the most secure."

Goat shrugged:

"My friend, I also want to do this, unfortunately, the family is not allowed."

"They told me that every life in nature is worthy of respect, but there are some devastating creatures, but it should be purified, just like falling leaves, it will be in the dust."

"I got here, the Romanian Cornron is a rude guy. On the last year, there was one hundred and thirty-eleven injured reports. As for the old cattle and sheep harass, swallowed, more than three thousand Many cases. "

"Not only that, the Romanian long-range dragon is hungry, and even people will eat! More terrible is that more than half of the Romanian long-range dragon is eating people, after taste the taste of human meat, I will be fascinated in this Feeling, for them, human beings are still a prey that can be found at any time ....... "

After listening to the goat, it was also scratched. The head of this guy was also falling, fell into the coffee cup in front of the coffee cup, but Hap is endless, continue to take a bite:

"I know, since it is the case, I will give you to ask you, these dead big lizards are really excessive, I have seen the pastures that have been smashed by them, the Food of Romania is not very Large, the top of the two cows have been eaten once. "

"However, only two Romanian long-range dragons that attacked the pasture, but they killed more than 60 cattle and sheep, they were happy from this kind of killing."

Goat nodded:

"Yes, this is why I want to choose their goals."

Harg spots:

"So well, there should be no problem, you will stay here, you should have a letter when you are."

"Now the people of the Ministry of Magic don't do anything, it is really a lot of bad dragons everywhere, really, this help ......."

Hap looks full of complaints to the Ministry of Magic, but his spit suddenly stopped, and then shrugged toward the tongue toward Dumbledo, and obviously received relevant warnings.

The goat listened to Hag, of course, is a little grateful:

"That's Mr. Hagger."

Harger is not cared for a reminder:

"Don't forget to go to the Magic Ministry to get a hunting certificate, although it is nothing to get, but it is also unpredictable."

The goat nodded now.

Obviously, there is no great progress in the effort of the goat, but finally, most of the hopes is on Hag, and Hagger is not expected.

"Omi is really a good leader, not to say that it is as God, but the road to finding is at least very precise."

Fang Linyan's heart moved slightly, suddenly had such an idea.

At this time, Dumbledo suddenly smiled his beard:

"Two young men came together, wrenches, are you coming with your goat, or what is going to find Hag?"

There is no heart of the city, but does not mean Dumbledo.

Fang Lin Yan said in the past, unlocked a huge mystery in Dumbledor's heart.

The old man is old, and it is also something that the old man should also be there ------- After all, no one knows how people are more than Lao Deng ----- The old guy is not willing to owe people, so I want to give this person on the spot. .

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