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Fang Lin Yan hesitated, then said:

"Elizabeth will be responsible for this, only what she recognizes, I will pay for it."

Sea Wolf Road:

"This is nature."

So, within ten minutes, Fanglin Rock also took the blood of the waswolf and the tears of the unicorn, and the successful acquisition was successfully acquired.

This progress is really a feeling of Waterstone to the stream, and I can't help but ask Elizabeth:

"Just do you deliberately go out? In fact, from the beginning, you plan to be here and his trading?"

Elizabet nodded and kept him low voice:

"Yes, because we only buy one thing, then it is a simple business."

"But now, there are more than a dozen things that you need to buy, because this is not just something you want, and there is something I want to buy, these things are robbed, Some is someone who looked at the money inside. "

"Plus what we bought at this time is almost all the best rare goods on the market. The usual transaction volume is in accordance with the grams, and it is not very comparable, so this list is smashed, it can be stirred The whole market is in the wind. "

"It is even if it will affect the investor, the various stocks of the futures, such as I just inquired, the number of night hobs in the last three months is one hundred and sixty four grams, unicorn There is no turnover in tears. "

"Let's go on this list, I have already risen again in the high-peak price of night unity, and the tears of the unicorn immediately have more than two orders."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"The price of the night unity can understand, our big buyers have entered the field, indicating that the bull market has not passed, and the two orders of the online pre-order mean?"


"The tears of the unicorn now is 70 gold Garon, these two pre-purchase orders are equivalent to the price of 63 golden plus a grain, and the testive to eat two capsules, with lower market price 10 Price, this is obviously a speculative list. "

"The reason why there is such a single child is that the businessman who smells the wind finds that our big buyers are eating the tears of the unicorn, they will have a new quote in this thing."

Fanglin Rock said:

"I understand, this big transaction that can be shake the market, if you come out from the Haoyi, then his identity status can get the corresponding changes! Don't say, you still leave him in the middle. Have a certain profit! "

Next, Fanglin Rock wet another hour, actually acquired three diamond-shaped deformation, and after he promised to get fifty Jin Gar, the sea wolf took the chest and said tomorrow, at least it will be at least. He found ten ...

And the highly toxic purple nose is also a eyebrow.

The importance of the channel reflects this time, Fanglin Rock is afraid that it is a big hour to shout, saying that he is 200 Jin Gelong, it is estimated that it will only be treated as a madman, because there is a capacity to sell this, no one will believe you. .

However, after the channel of Elizabeth, the sea wolf, and he directly hung up a homo of 80 Jingaron / Bar, and there were three people to grab.

This is really a joy of surprising.

The only black spider silk (an ounce) without a breakthrough, but an oz, this place is actually a very popular commodity in the market.

However, Fanglinyan continued to contact the seven or eight related stores, and the goods took out have not met the needs of Fanglin Rock. This is even if Elizabeth does not know.

After all, Fanglin Ran himself can't say what black spider silk, and finally can only hang mouth, saying that his family is old, and once it is close to the materials you need, this secret will automatically change the heat It's hot, this is only pushing.

It is also a lot of trading between the sea wolf has reached a transaction between Fanglin Rock. In Fanglinyan, he earned more than one hundred gold, knowing that he is telling the truth.

Otherwise, replacement is the rest of this story, the sea wolf will directly pull the knife under the hand, please go out, please go out, let him put it, let him send it to the mind a bit.

Finally, Elizabeth and Fanglin Rock were in another shop called "old man and the sea", which found the answer, an old man who has been old to teeth, I heard that this is later:

"Specially precious and rare eight-eye giant black spider silk ??"

"The black spider silk circulating on the market is overlying that three kinds, this stuff as an important material for the magic medicine, has been sold in the market for more than 100 years, basically there is nothing to develop Variables. "

"However, special rare black spider black spider, I think it is a kind of, but this thing is not precious, but it is worthless."

In fact, there are a lot of things to be black, and there is a layer of paper. After being smashed, everyone suddenly realized.

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After this old man said, Elizabeth he looked hesitially:

"Don't you say that the pattern spider is?"

The old man nodded and looked at Elizabeth:

"Under normal circumstances, the black spider wire used to modulate the octopus of the octopus is to use the above paralysis."

"Because the creatures sticking to the spider silk will soon be due to the sake of toxins in the spider, the magic can also use this perfect rather than conflicting paralysis to reduce the pain of drinkers. "

"However, when the eight eye giant spider begins, the black spider on the shot, there will be a touch of white texture, this is because this time the eight-eye giant spider will enter the defensive stage, and it spoke out The nature of spider silk has also appeared subtle changes, completely used in defense blocking nests. "

"Before the bisetest spider, the female spider will be turtled in the nest, depending on the nutritional day that is stored in pregnancy."

"This time, the spider is still black, but there is a touch of white texture. More importantly, the above toxin type has also changed, and some people have taken this spider wire to sell. After that, the final modulated magic directly smashed, died of four people, this matter also observed the news! "

Elizabeth listened to the next time:

"Yes, there is such a thing, I was 11 years old, so after that, there was no pattern spider on the market."

"Because this thing is unprofitable, it will be laughing."

The old man nodded:

"Yes, it is such a thing."

Elizabeth pointed to Fanglin Rock Road:

"But Mr. Old, he is from distant oriental, belonging to a big family in the Himalayas footprint, so their family's use of these magic materials is likely to be very different from our academic system."

"So, can you tell me, where can I find this special spider silk?"

The old man shrugged, and every store in the market has its own unique supply channel. This thing is its own lifeline, resolutely can't leak.

This old man touches the old fritters of a lifetime in the market, and the characters in the same time, affirm that the words and deeds are very cautious, slight smile:

"Sorry, my old man has been dealing with magic materials in the decades. The things about channels is really love to help."

Elizabeth also suddenly wake up, I felt that I had some taking the liberty, I nodded, throw a gold Gabung to him as a information fee, and then took Fanglin Rock to leave.

In this regard, Although Elizabeth has been in the past two years because Rob is derailed, there is a person's own person, and then let it contact.

After released your own magic pet attempt, Elizabeth said:

"If you want the spider silk is really the kind of pattern spider, then you have trouble."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"What is this?"


"Normally, the way the harvesting team gets the black spider silk of the eight eye giant spider is very gentle. They will catch the two cows, and they will be filled with the eight-eyed giant spines directly."

"Eat eight eye giants are very lazy, will climb back to the nest call, then the harvesting team will take the opportunity to collect the spider silk."

"But the eight-eye giant spider that has already begun is very fierce. It does not eat foreign food. Once try to collect spider silk, it will think that someone will try to attack, for future generations will launch crazy attacks."

"In this case, you want to get this spider silk, or you have to pray that your own luck is very good. I met the eight-eye giant spider in the nest, or I have to kill my giant. Preparation of the spider ------ This is a very dangerous thing. "

Fanglin Rock Road:

"What is it is negligent?"


"When the female octopurized giant spider and male mating, it will vomit a large silk bag, then it will produce all the eggs inside the silk bag weaving, and then put the silk negative in his back. This is called a long behavior. "

Fanglin Rock Road:


Then he sinked him:

"So, I will give you a hundred Jin Gabung's activities. You first fully work, help me finalize one thing, that is, you will find the specific location of this pattern spider silk to make it white."

"As for the next, it is looking for someone to hunting the eight-eye giant spider that kills inside, or I personally do my hand, it is all said."

Elizabeth Note:

"Okay, then it is said!"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"OK, I look forward to your good news, there is something to contact me directly, I have to do an urgent matter now."


"Okay, where are you going? I will send you directly with the flying road."


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"London City, the bustling place is in place."


Half an hour later,

Fanglin Rock has directly packaged a hotel, and he will clear the chef, guests, all clear.

Of course, these people are joyful, because Fanglin Rock directly took money.

Next, he entered the kitchen of the hotel and started to take a piece of work and prepared to start modulating his first dark dishes.

Prior to this, Fanglin Rock also saw a few recipes. I feel that there is a foundation in the recipe. It is very pair. The above says that the compatibility of traditional Chinese medicine claims that the monarch is made. It is also true that most dishes are the same.

First, we must determine the main material of this dish, then the accessories, and finally the ingredients.

It is almost like this, such as back to the pot, the main material is pork, accessories garlic or green pepper, ingredients are nothing more than the salt soy sauce gazelian.

Of course, there are also meat as accessories, the rest of the ingredients, such as Papi tofu, minced meat eggplant ...

There is no doubt that Fanglin Rock is more than the material in his hand, it can be used as a main material.

The corpse is too old and the lungs of the Wolf King.

Fang Lin Ran wants to think, can the corpse are too old to do something?

tofu? Konjac? jelly?

After a while, Fang Lin Yan decided to start from the lungs of the Wolf King.

Because from the beginning, because of the things you have to eat, Fanglin Rock directly pulls the Cantonese Cuisine and Jianghuai Cuisine from the list of reference!

Because these two dishes are the original taste, and walking is a light route ... Fang Linyan makes a dark dishes. If you use them, then I am afraid that the dark dishes made no one don't say it, I don't have anyone. Not good, you have to fight for ten years!

So, Fang Linyan feels the most suitable for dark dishes, it is the Sichuan cuisine and Hunan dishes who do Kung Fu, in addition to this, the northeast dishes of heavy oil heavy salt sauce can also be considered.

Holding the easy tooth kitchen knife for a long time, Fanglin Rock's hand was knocked out of sweat, which started to operate.

First of all, it is definitely the most important thing. That is to try to go to ingredients. Why don't you eat internal organs and a big food?

It is because they don't have any operations before they are deeply processed for the ingredients, what is the water, the code, and the artillery, which will not be! Of course, it is definitely desperate.

Because the private space comes with the preservation effect, the lung of the Wolf King also maintains the state that is just taken soon.

Fanglin Rock directly puts the thick trachea in the faucet, then Irrigation, and then keeps rinse, and use a toothpick to thoroughly thoroughly in the lungs.

This process is almost an hour. Until the blood in it was rushing, and this lung was also cleaned and white.

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