The First Evolution

Chapter 46 Trading

Fanglin Yan looked at the newly synthetic equipment and nodded.

At this time, Teda Hill's new branches increased significantly.

Add a little power than the previous additional strength and a little spirit.

Not only that, but also a very critical treatment skill: the big tree! This skill can be used well, but it can reverse the battle.

More critical is that the above tips are obvious, this stuff is upgraded to the II order, and it is clearly written. If it encounters the right item, it can also increase it again!

After reading this, Fanglin Yan couldn't help but show it. I look forward to the new tender branches of the next stage Teda Hill.

At this time, Fanglin Yan stayed in the lounge for a while, waiting until 6:30 in the morning, we decided to go to Ximin Temple Square.

After all, there is also a bag of magic cores in his hand, and the only two uses known to this stuff is to exchange reputation and sell shops. The key is that Fanglin Rock is now in great demand for Jin Gabung, so it is best Still maximizing the benefits of contracter trading.

It is worth mentioning that Fanglin Rock came from the ancient spirit to go to the nearest public magic fireplace, so it has to pass through the riser.

He couldn't help but looked at it, and found that the Bo Jinbok Magic Shop has opened his portal. However, it seems that it is bombarded by life. At this time, there are many people who are onlookers there, and have a few The people who have emitted dangerous breaths into and out.

At this time, Fang Lin Yan knows that the retaliation of the Malford family seems to be quickly launched, and their intelligence network is also very popular, and has already touched this seemingly unrelated place in Bo Jinbok Magic Shop.


It is probably not used for more than twenty minutes. Fanglin Rock returned to the square in front of Xitense Temple.

At this time, it is already about 7 o'clock in the morning, and it is also a time point of Fanglin Rock. Because the biological specificity of the internal region of Xitense Temple, it is clear that it is much better during the day, and the risk can drop at least 30%.

Then it is not difficult to calculate, if it is a slightly mind, the leader of the Royal Dragon cavalry prestressed, then it will be set at 7 o'clock in the morning, then have breakfast, and do the preparation before the war, exchange work ... .

After waiting until these trivial things, it is almost at 7:30. For the bad weather in London, this time is already dawn, just start a day of hunting task.

Therefore, Fanglin Rock came to Xitense Temple Square to do business, then this is the most suitable.

When you arrive, Fanglin Rock's heart is a happy, because people above the square are more than they expect more, just like become a vegetable market, and more These people look at the contractor, and some people here seem to be 42 contractors who have previously prompted.

However, it is also normal to put a contractor in the spatial batch towards the adventure world.

For example, in the joint trial, Fanglin Rock is obviously late than the rest of the people, of course, this is likely to be because of Mobius imprint.

Another situation is that if there is a mutual competition between contractors.

For example, one's main line task is to protect Robs, and the other party's main line task is to do it, but the strength of the two confidues of the contractor is difficult to flatten. So the space will use some other way to make up for both parties. The strength is poor.

Let the strength of the strength first entered the adventure world for a while, one of the means of compensating the imbalance of strength.

Of course, Fanglin Rock as a humble temporary worker, cannon gray ........ R300 space once again put contractors and he also don't have a half relationship, I don't know if he is not a rare thing, after all, After two hours of free stay, if the mercenaries can't get out of 2000 universal points, they have to go back.

Not only that, but also because of the emergence of supply and demand, there have also been seven or eight scattered booths. It seems that the occupational businessman is a hero using the hero.

Fanglin Rock browsed it, and found that only four of these booths were sold, and the rest were clearly markedly specified to acquire the magic nucleus or the rest of the equipment.

Not only that, but he notes have a good store for selling TK to throw the wooden handle as the main sale of the goods. The lowest price is 1200 universal points, the highest or even the potential point. change.

The only way Fang Lin Yan felt regretful that he did not see people selling the magic nucleus, such words could not let him have an intuitive pricing for something on them.

He is in the shape of a brand that is going to play a "purchase of the magic nuclear" to spend the market, suddenly heard a exciting shout sound from the distance:

"Hey! Wow! Take a look at who, wrench, my dear wrench, finally see you!"

When Fang Lin Yan turned back, he saw the previous round of black Daniel excited to come over again.

Fanglin Rock greeted him, then smiled:

"It has been a long time. How are you?"

Daniel's mouth:

"Really, it's not good at all ... they really should listen to your persuasion, the mother of the cave is too terrible! In fact, I also think that this is very dangerous. But Ligpur is A stubborn person is also lonely by the walnut lobby. As a result, our adventure is quite unsatisfactory, almost all of the previously earned it. "

Fang Lin Yan shrugged, he remembered very clearly. At that time, Daniel's guy was born next to it. Tryed that Li Pug entered the kids of several lead / elite magic creatures, and even optimism called mobile treasures .. ....

However, I don't say that I don't say it is the basic principle of being a person, and the iron rhythm after breaking up is "Seeing you can't do it."

So happy Fanglin Rock is very thick, there is no salt of Daniel, and the withered this topic:

"Well, okay, I see a lot of people here,"

Daniel's advantage is that as long as you give him a head, he can surround this topic for a long time:

"Ah, is you talking about the group of seals? They have entered the twelve hours, the mixed eggs headed is that the former special soldiers stay in the seal troops, so the sealing style of the seal is just like it is Like the soldiers, but they are doing things. "

"The most annoying thing is that the group called the big white shark team, the horizontal hegemony is disgusted, and our team has a loss in their hands."

"Fortunately, the seal team has a conflict before the people who have the big white shark, and the two sides have even seen blood, so now the people of the big white shark have left, go to the area of ​​the big bell, which seems to have similar monsters there. "

"But the truth, Xi Min Temple has been developed for several days, with some detailed information, which greatly reduces the risk of exploration, so the big white shark team will be able to kill it at any time."


Fang Lin Yan took again listened for three minutes. I found that this guy has already brought the color of the big white shark team members to talk ... I hurriedly ended this topic and then said:

"What is your team here? I have brought a big batch of goods recently. I don't know if I can eat it?"

Yes, Fanglin Rock has found some situations and found that behind the businessmen at this time, there is often a team as a support. It is not a safe space inside, so if you want to go out, you want to go out. Then you must take into account the possibility of being black.

Although the murderer in this world is very small, the other party can also take your life to make chips. After the knife holder is above your neck, the other party can do not want your goods, but you dare to say that a Laozi doesn't want your own life? ?

Now Fanglin Rock does not have the strength of a person to counter the strength of the entire team, so you must maximize your interests.

For Fanglin Rock, the Fanter West team is good, and it is also a good understanding of the handling of the team. It is also a roughly understanding of the quality of the members of the team, and before, in the case of his own clear opposition, they entered the West The imitation of the temple failed, which undoubtedly increased his persuasion inside the team ...

After considering these factors, Fanglin Rock decided to choose the Fanterxi team trading.

After hearing the words of Fanglin Rock, Daniel was surprised:

"Good goods?"

Fanglin Rock low channel:

"Who is the highest royal dragon knight in your team?"

Daniel Road:

"We have tried to go to the monster that hunting those elite levels, and the results failed, Darn was still dead, Ligpur also used a group accelerated scroll that was acquired at the time."

"However, after this setback, we are not idle, just don't dare to in-depth dense fog area, and ordinary small monsters, such as flying ants, flying snakes, poisons, this kind of thing will fall Nuclear, of course, the probability is small, and the quality is very low. Now the highest prestige is Lilipur, because the resources of the entire team are also concentrated in him, should soon be revered. "

Fang Lin Yan listened to him, then two people slipped next to:

"I brought it, it is a magic core, um, quality is good, there are about ten or so, almost allowed Lilipur to worship."

Daniel Zhang Da has a mouth, his eyes look like a copper bell:

"What? Are you a joke? Are you doing you want to tease me?"

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