The First Evolution

Chapter 48 Attacking Chilo

So after five minutes, when the wine was so concentrated, when the urine was so urine, a strange needle tube did not enter his back, perhaps because of the relationship between Carter's nerve being alcohol, let this injection process abnormally smoothly.

Needle tubes and anesthetics are taken from Bukinson.

Because of the data feedback, Carter and Damon are ordinary people and have chronic diseases. The body has been hollowed out. If they go out, they can kill directly, so I have to use drugs. .

High concentration anesthetic quickly took effect quickly, and Stunt, who lost their consciousness immediately tilted forward. He fell in the toilet next second, but he was dragged by Fanglinyan and reopened his body.

Then he was dragged into the toilet by Fanglinyan, quickly taking off the clothes of the clothes.

And when you go out, Fanglin Rock also deliberately sprinkled some water to his hair and increased the physical feeling of silica gel mask.

After he returned to his own box, he used to avoid what flaws in his own, and he fell directly to the wine, and then kneelted on a table.

After a few minutes, Fanglin Rock broke the face, and fell directly to the wine bottle and screamed. The girl who scared the side fled, and even the door to open the box.

"Fucking, when I want to wait until I wait."

After such a trouble, the Nabel of the Nabel attending is also sitting, no matter what to say, here is the nightclub in the door, can't stop the atmosphere in the field because of his premium, can only appease the camouflage Fanglin Rock a few words, then hurried up.

But another buyer sitting opposite his opposite, but looked very calm, but did not stop Carter, even cold-to-face, and the two attitudes formed a strong contrast.

It's just aware between Carter and Dammon, it is not familiar. In addition to being awkward, there is no intention, even if the sound of Fanglin Rock has a subtle change, he can't hear it, only When it is drunk, it is normal.

Soon, the heart is returned, and it is gloomy:

"Mr. Carter, the boss invited you, but you have to pay for us today! A total of three gold!"

Fang Lin Yan glanced at him, I took the three Jin Gabung to him, arrogant:

"Front of the road."

Soon, this heart belly took directly to Fanglin Yan directly on the fourth floor.

However, after I came to the fourth floor, I actively came to the end of the corridor, and I went back to a elevator, and I went down the second floor.

Then I walked 50 meters in a passage on the second floor, I estimate that I have left the nightclub, I only have a fan-shaped ladder.

At the end of the ladder is a gorgeous gate, and five or six are stunned outside the door.

This is a gesture for these handles, let them open the door:

"This is Mr. Carter, the boss wants to see."

Following Fanglin Rock, after a strict search, then through a large metal detector, it was received in Nabel's room.

After entering this approach to one hundred square offers, Fanglin Rock immediately smelled a strange taste in the air, and it seems to be the taste of the tobacco mixed with a faint smell.

It has already gathered five or six dancers in the room, and the purpose of the dancers here is self-evident. They are all arranged to get Nabel, meet his energetic.

It can be seen that the dancers who are recruited are almost all kinds of goods, all the blonds, naked lying in all corners of the room, the underwear bra is smashed, one It is confusing, apparent that these women have taken a lot of prohibited drugs.

Nabel's physical physique also surprised Fanglin Rock, because the Nabel's photo before he saw was sneak shot, which was equivalent to the photo, only one slightly skewed front photo.

At this time, I saw that the present will be found in the future, that is, the meat hill piled up, the ugly chest also hangs two more than women, the belly drums are generally disgusting.

The Nabell's head still returns a sinister bald scorpion, as well as the cadres like a broom.

Fanglin Rock did not expect more than so many people in the place where they met, in this way, there will be many variables to add, so Fang Lin Yan brows wrinkles, facing the neum of Swai Miya:

"Hey, Mr. Nabel, you know what we talk is not suitable for being heard by the outsiders, should you let the girls leave for a while?"

After a smooth and happy, Nabal is still naked, as if the whole body is irrigated by sweat, exudes a strong body odor, the smoked smell is unbearable, which is undoubtedly the body odor from Nabel.

This obese Buddhist man listened to Fang Linyan, I wrinkled, it was obviously a bit unfortunate, but she was squatting and waving:

"The girls, our carnival Party is over the first half, now the middle court rest time, hurry up, I have something to talk about it with the guests."

Waiting for the women in the room, Fang Lin Ran is to do, but it is found that the back door behind is opened, and I went out of a magic robes, just like Indians, hugged the head with headscarf.

His pupil is miniature, and suddenly, this suddenly appeared the identity of the magician, it should be the Qilo that was invited!

At this time, Nabel has already looked at Fanglin Rocky.

"Time is money, my friend, let's talk about your source ..."

At this time, Fanglin Ran's heart has already flashing a number of thoughts. People who have been dizzy in the toilet may have been discovered that Nabal in front of them is not unfair, and Qi Lu seems to be in their own body .... .

So he is in Nabal Road:

"This time I found a great business opportunity! My friend, this profit I dare to guarantee that you will only encounter it in this life!"

Nabell is impatient:

"Stop! Stop! Carter, you will say this every time, but there is no honor, I have heard you."

Fang Lin Rock looked at Qilo at this time, this guy looked out to take things, it is unhappy to move to a table, so Fanglin Yan is very simply pulled out a big gold Galang:

"No, this time is true, a idiots prepaid me all fifty gold Garlon, he is looking for a good dealive fire dragon, and the result is taught."

Nabel stayed:

"See the ghost, I also heard this matter, but I heard that this guy is very savvy, actually being cheated to be such a big prepaid?"

Obviously, the idiot in Fanglinki is the goat, Nabel is indeed a message, actually detecting the related news of the goat.

Next, Fanglin Yan has begun to tell him how he makes "the idiots" into the year, saying that the mouth is flying, the sky is chasing.

When the Qi Lu expression is indifferent, after returning to the room inside, Fanglin Yan is facing Nabel Road:

"There is almost five hundred Jin Gabung in the idiot hand. Now he wants to hunt a fire dragon. If there is no one, he will take the next time, it takes a kilogram of fresh fire dragon blood, leaving the body's time can not be more Twelve hours, and always keep the dragon blood boiling state. "

"Because I have to have to be too urgent, I can only come to Mr. Nabel to think about it."

"Five hundred Jin Gaban !?"

After listening to this number, Nabalton's heart is blooming. The number of profit numbers in my mind has made him difficult to speak, and at this time, Fanglin Yan suddenly looked at his surprised road:

"Dameng, how come you?"

Nabel is somewhat awkward ------- ourselves have not called Dadon! The place of his eyes, but the closed door, where is someone? At this time, Nabell's heart suddenly emerged as an unsatisfactory fear.

He is going to call the police, and the right foot is taking the right foot to step on it, it is the switch that triggers carefully arranged magic traps.

Not only that, Nabel's right hand is a pull out of the drawer, and there is a weapon that can protect your own!

It is also seen that Nabal is really a quite unhealthful person, and it is slightly wrong, immediately carrying two effective actions in just one second.

In his common sense, you can kill your own enemies is nothing more than a gunner and a magician.

The gunman is no way to carry the guns through the metal detector through the gate, and the magician has no way to hide the wand when they searched, and this is the necessary conditions for the precede of the magician.

Because of this, Nabel has only demonstrated so lax.

However, he has already paid a heavy price for his own strength. Fang Lin Yan has stepped forward, and then a punch is on the back of Nabell.

After the human back, it can be said to be quite fragile. After Fang Lin Ran, after this boxing, it is terrible that the other party is not dead, and it is also a way to take advantage of his brain.

Under this hit, Fanglinyan can even feel the same depression of the other's skull if the chicken egg shell is depressed. After all, the elbow bone is one of the most hard bones in the body. After exercise, even the elbow hardness of ordinary people can reach Amazing 6 degree.

You can refer to it, the hardness of ordinary carbon steel is 7 degrees!

This is a training-trained professional Thai player, which can directly use one of the reasons why the steel pipe is bent.

What's more, this elbow is a place.

Needless to say, Nabell immediately opened his eyes, and his eyes did even protrude up to several centimeters. Therefore, his eyes showed a lot of death on white, and then as if a fleshy is like, it is directly to the front. under.

Fang Linyan grabbed him, avoiding the wine glass before he had fallen to make a sound, and he was on the big channel when he was shot:

"Mr. Nabel, I have something to see you."

Although his sentence and the previous "Dameng, how come you come" this sentence can't be connected between the statement and the language, but Fanglin Rock did not think about any logic at this time, only to buffer a few seconds. The time of the hour.

Sure enough, Fanglin Rock found that his voice was successfully concealed, especially his fist smashed his head.

At this time, this fact has successfully proved that the world's magician is not a superman. They are just a group of ordinary people who have mastered mysterious magic power, and they can't make eye views.

After a few seconds of buffering time, Fanglin Yan took another mask from the arms to her face, quickly smashed two times, immediately avatar for Nabel's unlucky partners Stanff.

Of course, this is absolutely unable to see, and I will take it directly.

Then Fanglin Rock is very simply, pick up the pistol inside the desk of Nabel, then grabbed the body of Nabel to the door, and the back of his back is "" "Two shots!

This is also thoughtful for Binson.

Otherwise, even if he changed his face, he was successful, and the success of Stanv's face was rushing out. Later, I checked the death of the Nabel was killed by a handful of skull ------- such a horrific way must definitely It's easy to make the suspicion.

Before shooting, Fanglin Rock has already thought about the next action process. After the gunshots, immediately pushed the Nabel's body toward the front.

Obviously, Nabel's body hit the door of the front, then fell to the ground, and then rolled down in front of the ladder.

The outside of the hop's appearance looks like a leisure, but it is still quite well-trained, and immediately put the gun ready to shoot, and then they will discover that is their boss's naked body!

When this scene suddenly fell to the bottom of the valley, of course, the firearms held in your hands couldn't help but let go.

This scene is also in the pre-judgment of Fanglin Rock. He deliberately got out of the launch of Nabel's bodies after three seconds, this time is just that these hands identify the body identity, the moment of laverse .

Then when Fanglin Yan stepped out of the door, he has already lifted guns, then slap the trigger, shoot!

More than 50 power determination, it can make him almost completely ignore the rear sitting force of the firearms, and the foundation of the LV4 can guarantee that he is in the short range of shooting of these ten meters, maybe not do every shot, but directly His a few people are still not going on.

In just two seconds, Fanglin Rock opened six shots, directly knocked down four people, leading to the tragedy of three deaths and one injury, and one person is an old fritter, I have seen this behind the scene is completely shocked. , Turn around, and scream at the same time:

"Intruder! Help !!"

After a few seconds after a few seconds, this guy should see a reinforcement, and it has begun to scream.

"It is Stanff, it is this born to kill the boss!"

And Fanglin Ran is the effect, and the mouth is slightly raised. It is already directly broken the window to escape, although this is the second floor, but for him, it seems to be a walk.

After falling into the courtyard next to the courtyard, Fanglin Yan quickly passed through the wall, came to the street, directly jumped on the side, and arranged a car away!

At the same time, he also heard a great rang in the distance, Nabel hide the old nest, and felt a flame, immediately saw a broom. From the inside Live.

Then, after a circle in the air, the opposite was chased.

This person is not someone else, it is Qilo!

Obviously, he was very angry at this time, not because he and Nabel's relationship, how deep, but this guy is clearly under his eyelid, but it is killed by others.

Such a behavior is not in the face of his face?

Seeing this scene, Fanglin Rock is not angry, because this is the result of his wanted, from the beginning, he is playing the idea of ​​Qilo from hiding.

Tiantians and,

The land is a very important part, which can seduce this guy from the nest, and there is a good one of the tactics.

Fanglin Yan directly stepped into the bottom, the engine of this snow-dragon car immediately issued a screaming, forciting the speed to more than 7,000 to more than 7,000 yuan, this car age over ten years of sedan clearly maintained good, from the tail The tube is sprayed into a thick black smoke, and then starting crazy speed.

In this way, Qilo is also instantly locking the goals you have to chase, driving a broom quickly pursued up.

After ten seconds, a fireball exploded a few meters next to the car, and the power was simply similar to the shelling of the mortar.

Fortunately, on the high-speed flying broom is not a matter of easy things. If you still have to keep an attack, it is even more difficult, so Fanglin Rock only looked unhappy, then continued to drive .

After about a dozen kilometers, Fanglin Rock found that Qilo had stopped the fireball attack. He immediately felt nothing in his heart.

Obviously, the other party either calls the reinforcement, or it is in the brewing!

Therefore, Fanglin Rock immediately slammed the steering wheel, drone in a few hundred meters away from a few hundred meters away, and the car who took the high-speed car hit the rusty iron gate, and then rushed into the dust. The factory is in the factory.

In the moment of entering the plant, Fanglin Rock determined that Qilo's look was temporarily blocked by the wall, and then opened the car door.

At this time, the speed of the car exceeded 80 km / h, for ordinary people, this is a very deadly behavior, which will directly lead to the consequences of multiple fractures and contuse, and even more than half of the chances directly killed on the spot.

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