The First Evolution

Chapter 49 is recognized

After Fang Lin Yan, he did a good job in the air, and the whole person rolled down on the ground and stayed after ten meters.

Then, his back is over, on an iron frame, Fanglin Rock can even feel the scream of the steel shelf, then it is clearly harsh, then directly deformed, distorted.

After he took a deep breath, he strongly endured the hot and spicy pain coming on the big area, immediately played it from the ground, and then drilled into an operation between the side.

Obviously, this magician called Qillo as a prey, under normal circumstances, when the prey is out of its sight, he will certainly rush to see a good time. At this time, Fang Ran decided to jump out to him. Surprise.

This combat plan is very simple and there is no conspired component, but for Fanglin Rock at this time, it is already the most perfect plan you want to get.

After all, it will often lead to too many variables, and then make things complete!

However, the plan often can't change the change, and the wishful abacus of Fanglin Ran thinks that it is good. Unfortunately, he still doesn't know the battle method of the magician of the world, so Qi Lu's next thing can be said to be completely unexpected. outer.

First of all, Chivo did not rush to the factory, but first brought himself a stroke ------ first protect your life is just right!

Then, this guy's mouth has a resignation, and it is actually moving out a glass jar towards the ground.

This bottle "When" is "directly, it is a large number of sticky green liquids. After spreading out, it is spread to the ground, it seems to become a few squares of the square near the round. The wetlands.

Then, from these disgusting pale green liquids, they directly emerged a big head!

This head looks like a rooster, and the existence of a fat chicken, but the light green neck with the scales is fascinating to the skin of the lizard, and there are some copper bumbler.

Then, this strange creature made a strange hoarse voice, just jumped out from this big group!

Its whole body is similar to the adult ostrich, but looks carefully, its head is like a rooster, the body is more like a large lizard, and the wings are also growing with paws, and the claws on the feet on the feet are full. Twenty centimeter long, with developed muscles, it can be easily given a man.

This is the chicken snake beast, a violent, with a highly toxic monster, can also spurly live poisons!

After summoning the three chicken and beasts, Qi Lu is still still unfair, and still continues to sing magic. This time, the object he presents magical is a large piece of iron, it looks like the abandoned bucket in front of the excavator. .

This magic is obviously cumbersome, because this is a spell that is relatively cold: activation!

After the singing of Chilo, the big iron imitation of the iron was melted, and the creep is distorted, Qilo looks at the time, throw a gemstone in the melting iron, so this is slow Slowly form an iron magic image.

This is a standard consistent creature, high defense high attack power, and even the dragon is also very headaches on iron magic.

However, the disadvantage is also obvious. You need a expensive gem to do its core, and more critical is that in the battle between the magician, there is no use.

First, the opponent will not give you a chance to transform the iron magic.

Secondly, even if you attack others with a transformed iron magic, the remaining magicians will easily display the exemplary, or the experienchanics can cause hugeness.

This spell can not be rare spells, you can learn when Hogword is in the fourth grade, because it will appear lightly when it is present, some magicians will even be used as lighting bombs. .

However, when Qilo roaming the world after graduation, he was a very fast, that is, there is no useless magic, only useless people.

He was originally aimed at activation, but he got a horrified scene in a hunting camp.

A powerful Greenland island dragon in the strikes of the three iron magic, sorrowful! The next group of macloves is over, ending this powerful life.

It is also known that the adult Greenland is also afraid of the magician, it is also a tricky organism. Its thick skin has been able to generate a restraint.

And the territory will also consciously eat some ore when they grow, then take it on the trees, in this case, the ingredients inside these ore are mixed together, they can be very good. Absorbs magic damage.

And Greenland is also injured in the ridge on the ridge, causing harm to the distance from the distance. In this case, the three people usually need to join hands to hunt, and they will be directly Magic is getting it.

And this magician can still sit in a long place, just waiting for a quiet waiting to end.

At this time, Qi Lu was summoning two chicken beasts and iron magic images, and it was very simply coming to the top of a three-oriented building, sitting directly on a discarded sun shoy, pulling out A can drink, start preparing to enjoy simple afternoon tea.

In his expectation, when he was in the afternoon tea, the western mouse should be caught by these "bathers" who summoned himself, and then painful in front of himself.

However, he found a hoarse scream below, which followed, and half of the chicken, the dripping blue blood was smashed, and it was dying before dying.

After another two minutes, the wall next to it swayed, then she collapsed, followed by the cumbersome iron, rushed out from the inside, and after a few steps, it was stiffly in the original place, directly I started to re-create a large piece of iron.

The muscles on the Qi Luo face began to twitch, he could see clearly, the cat's eye was crushed as the core of the magic image, and he was still hovering a blood red electric light!

This is really damn, the enemy is actually magic? And is it the most restrained magic magic?

wrong! Should it be the magic scroll? Or is it stored in some powerful equipment for curing magic?

A series of thoughts flashed in the mind of Chilo, but he suddenly saw the enemy flashed from side, and then got the gunpowder weapon known as "gun"?

"It's really innocent ..." Qillo's face revealed a disdainful look, and then very simply stood up and started waving his own wand.

The bullets have been flying, but in addition to the five meters, it seems to hit a transparent wall, and the skew is flying out. This is the skewing force of Qilo to bother on himself. Physical attacks have a lack of effectiveness.

Don't say that it is a pistol bullet, even if it is a crazy sudden heavy machine gun bullet in front of this slash shield, there is only a place to fly.

In fact, since the gunpowder weapon was invented by Macao, the entire magical world had a close attention, because this thing is likely to cause the power of Macques to be above the magician.

Therefore, many genius furtia-in-law started to develop a new magic, the purpose is to restrain this physical attack weapon with high degree of penetrating.

The skewing force of Chilo is a magic of the magic that is thoroughly refined in this premise.

It has been made by many powerful magicists -------, including that shudible black magic martial arts ------- improved to the extreme.

Instant, velocity, perfect coverage, no dead end!

After ignoring the bullets that were boused, there was a magic in the mind of Qilo, and then waved his own wand to show it:

"Ciucio!" (Drill heart curse)

This is a black magic, but also a black magic of the spirit!

For Muggle, it will cause a very strong pain in an instant. Chivo has asked the victim. They will be full of horror after surviving.

"Heaven, I am in that moment, I feel that there is a hundred people holding a knife in the late my egg!"

"Can you imagine that the brain is suddenly tied to a hundred needles? And those needles are burned red."

"My wife said that a child is the most painful time in her life, then I am equivalent to suffering from her ten times, and I have already got ten children!"

"I think I was given by ten braids !!"

"Upstairs, weak saying, then maybe nothing pain, if you can adjust your mind to relax, then you will find a new door is being opened."


With the waving of the wand, the spell hits Fanglin Rock, but the next second, Qilo's pupil suddenly tightened, because from the back of Fanglin Rock, a smiling woman illusion was suddenly emerged.

"Ciucio!" (Drill heart curse) made a black smoke in instantization, and he was litter, dissipated in half empty, and its power is played more than 30%.

Therefore, Fanglin Rock is only frowning wrinkled, and he suddenly took it, and he rushed over.

Chilo surprised:

"Are you a godder? Yes !! Yes, this god behind you looks a bit familiar ..."

"You are actually believers of El Gong! How is this possible? All the gods are not annihilated before fifty years?"

"El Gong God?" Fang Linyan initially heard these three words.

However, he will soon recall it, the true name of the goddess is called: Athena Elgon!

At this time, I said that I said that Fang Lin Ran suddenly remembered a thing that was almost helped!

This plane is the homemade of the goddess of Athena Goddess now!

Although this Chilo seems to be more than its own judgment, but he looks like some of the gods that fall.

One thought and this, Fanglin Yan took a deep breath, and then watched the eyes of Qilo had been lighted, of course, there is a desire to hide.

After all, there is not much opportunity to return to the goddess!

More critical is that Fanglin Rock is mentioned by the big priest. When the gods of the gods came, the gods Athena chose to enter the state of sleep. In order to minimize the consumption of the power, she chose to seal the Shield Cirazi seal!

Although the power of this artifact is powerful, it is also amazing on the consumption of the power.

Finally, the gods were in a bad mist, and the Fanglin Rock brought to his home position, and the resurrection of the resurrection, Ali Si was not taken away, in fact, in this magical world is in the case of being sealed.

Before Fanglin Rocks were looking for a big priest to explore the news, the goddess replays a new Shenkui's cycle for at least three years, which is also based on enough materials, and go all out.

At that time, Fanglin Yan felt that he still had a hope, that is, in the foreigners who have fallen in the Lord World, there should be a goddera, such as Shenki, such a thing, can you get ready-made?

However, the big priest told him that according to the information record, the goddess in the main world has experienced a tragic junior, but this goddess in the holy war has not experienced it.

This kind of thing is not surprising, the experience of the two gods can understand two models, falling into two similar but not exactly the same pot, then these two seeds although the same source, The thing is certainly impossible.

In the junior jaw, Shenki Siki was hit hard, the goddess of goddess was also increasingly exhausted, so it would be dismantled, and the power inside was re-absorbed by the goddess. The rare material disassembled is put it. I replaced a holy thing in the God of China ...

Therefore, this moment, the status of Qilo's guys suddenly became more important in Fanglin Rock, or even a little bit of spider wire!

Because of this guy, there is a clue of God Shield Echiki!

So he smashed the past, unfortunately, Fanglin Rock's perception was relatively low, and the odd information received with Qiulo was very small.

Simply put, this investigation feedback information is that Fanglin Rock knows, and Fanglin Rock wants to investigate things, all is it? ? ?

This is really a sad thing.

Of course, this is not surprising. If Fanglin Rock can rely on investigation to easily obtain BOSS level biological intelligence, so that the N times is to strengthen N times, how is it?

In order to obtain the ability of "Golden Eyes", vultures have paid a huge price!

At this time, Fanglin Rock has already felt that Qilo 90% of attention has been concentrated on his own body, so his mouth appears a cold laugh, and then silently gives Waluo, which is swimming in the air.

So Qi Lu immediately felt that behind his back, he turned immediately, and found that there was already a hand thunder to think about it.

Chillow's mouth revealed a brunette:


The skewing field shield can only prevent the shock wave generated by the bullet, the crane explosion, but the shrapnel can be bounced in direct skew.

Even even the caster stepped on the mine, we can protect it!

Therefore, Qilo has paid the price for his own strength. The "hand thunder" is followed by his gaze, followed by huge sound and horrible glare, and suddenly destroy his eyes and ear.

When I face a strong enemy, I lost my auditory and visual absolutely not a good experience.

So Qilo can't help but panic, start crazy to borrow protective law, and then aligned next to the madness, he is still a scholar, not a soldier or Dumbledore A variety of old fried bars.

Fanglin Rock only used a flash bomb, defeating his atrium!

After the vision and hearing of Chilo, he had locked it in the air to fly in the air, and the wand in his hand was already a fireball.

To be honest, Qilo is already afraid that this bird will give himself a shock.

And his eyes in his eyes, but I saw the enemy downstairs agreed to throw it over ......... Teddy bear?

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