Looking at the teddy bear throwing, Qi Lu frowned:

What is this ghost? Passed the hand, caught something?

Then, the Chilo Eye Beads had a sharp scene, and his own fireball was brought to the dead bird. Then it took directly to the flame, and flew out the wings from inside, it didn't look ? ! ! !

"My fireball is bombard, and the tanks must directly burn and explode! This is only a big thing to look."

Cho Luo didn't know that Hualo is a hurt, although its attack power is very scarce, but most of the one-time life value can only be lost! It is best to help!

Then the more horrible thing happened, that is throwing, the teddy bear, actually get bigger in the air, then the illegitimate flames of the flames!

A loud noise, the whole ground is like a projectile, the flame is tumbling, and Qi Lu is not directly hit, but it is also fainted:

A violent giant bears standing more than four meters were aligned with him straight, and they also burned the flames of the bears.

The violent Tiberns debut!

Chivo was taken out by Tessil's claws, and the slogan of silver was shining, and he sprigped a blood from his mouth, suddenly waving the wand!

Suddenly, a faint silver ray shot out, lived directly, Toubus, Suddenly, this group of silver light is instantly covering the full body of Teppose.

Tiberns wrapped in this silver ray immediately became extremely slow, as if the time flow rate was slowed down ten times.

Put the graduate! !

As the saying goes, the strongest power of magicians comes from the book. The more knowledge is, so the better the magician! In this critical moment, Chivo learned that Tubers was a creature of the summoned class, which should not belong to this plane.

So the exemplary exemplary can be said to be a very symptomatic skill, and the Tubs is restricted, and the last five minutes of duration is reached. Let the angry Tiberns are abolished.

Just at this time, Fanglin Rock's book has been directly crawling quickly along the fire water pipe next to the wall! Close to a place where you are only five meters from Qilo.

In the face of the rapid approaching the enemy, Chivo actually waving the pole, singing loudly, directly, the two consecutive magic is playing on Fanglin Rock,

The first magic is a blue water ball, directly hit the body of Fanglin Rock, directly hit the five or six meters, and the deceleration effect is also included.

The second magic is a lightning down from the sky, and the whole people are electricity from the whole person, and the paralysis is also included.

After these two remembers of the magic, Qi Lu is to jump directly to the third floor of the rear, and then in the half-air, they have grasped their own light round 1985, and quickly flew out of the distance.

Are you kidding, Quirrell also was the elite Hogwarts top students, among students that the next man, much appreciated by Lavin Straw boy genius, otherwise, there is no way to get to Dumbledore, led by the school The recognition of strong people, successfully stayed.

At this point, he has judged that Fang Linyan is non-sputum, but what is it? Still can't eat ash behind your ass?

Quirrell have the confidence, even Dumbledore this level of great power, then in their source water polo and Lightning Bolt, I had to honestly stay in place for five or six seconds to restore mobility.

However, Qilo found that there was a hair thunder in the half-air!

"See the ghost, is it shocking?"

"I thought I would still be active?"

Chlor two words don't say, don't go through, then close your eyes.

However, this hair thunder is a hand of ordinary!

The purpose Fang Lin Yan want to achieve is to make Quirrell eyes closed migraine of this action, so that my next thing is not to find it, although he is in the decelerating state of paralysis can not move now, but the action is aimed at raising his hand or no problem of.

So in the Quirrell about to soar into the sky when the situation got red red lightning hit in his head, his power was seven dirty eight elements, but why at this time he was still fully pushed Nimbus 1985 .

The equivalent of racing when starting pedal to the metal, the driver in this moment froze lost the ability to operate the same, so Quirrell then immediately a hit across the abandoned plant to go inside, which came just listen to the crackling series Loud noise.

Obviously, there is a tragic air that Qilo is the most unwilling to see.

Fang Lin Yan at this time is fear of the dark and dreary, a finger to the sky, Luo, already down toward heaven. Then, in the half air, it is directly deformed into a backpack, which is hung behind the back of Fanglin Rock.

Then, behind this backpack out a pair looks very precise and meticulous metal wings, feathers are scoring above hearted as new, up thirty-four meters!

Fanglin Rock is also in the third floor, and after the metal wings played two times behind, they directly gave the Qiulo "crash" place!

This is the gliding ability of his newly acquired, not only that, more than 500 points to get the extra life bonus it is doubly also has a sense of security.

Abruptly crashed through the glass plant that moment, Fang Lin rock with both hands, stand in front, and he found behind the wings will actually shrink up automatically at this time, brought him to avoid additional barriers, it would be for him The unexpected is happy.

Among the scattered glass, rock saw Quirrell Fang Lin positive clutching forehead ground up waste from a machine next to corrosion, to ride crotch "light wheel 1985" are directly deformed distorted, emitting array Black smoke, see that when falling, it is not fine ........

This is also a scene that Fanglin Rock wants to see, because the next Qilo wants to escape, then it can only rely on his legs.

Taking advantage of this moment, Fang Lin Yan has direct rushed up, apart from anything else is a mind "Wing Chun. Serial word on boxing" direct boom of the past!

It can be seen that the intensive fist fiercely falls. Whenever you hit the body of Qilo, there is a faint blue ray shining, this is the skill of "Magic Feedback", is fast to settle The value is burned.

However, Fang Lin Yan also clearly felt clear when attacking Qillo, his fist is like playing a flexible rubber, most of the power is shocked, and there is only very very One of the real efforts can be acting on the other party.

This should be that Qillo is also an item that is similar to the harm of the magic shield, or is a skill, which is expected in Fanglin Rock.

It is not very good if the Qi Lu, who is hit is not very good, even in the heart, it also has a faint fear.

This fear stems from him that his mana value is in an abnormal speed.

The world's magicians have formed two major elements of "systemization" and "flowing lines". From small children who have magical qualifications, they can simulate the nature of the Magic, and directly enter the temple of the magic.

So, even if Qilo is only thirty years old, it is also known as a senior magician who has seen a wide range of people, but he thinks, it does not think of known magic, there is anything like this to achieve this. The effect of the magic value.

And unknown, the source of fear!

His magical value in the body did not obey the fast lapse offered a particular fear!

Therefore, after Qilo recovered the body's action, there was a difficulty in mind, and he immediately bled a fireball to Fanglin, then biting his teeth and continued to sing magic, completely lost the previous passage. .

However, Fanglin Rock now has a total of more than 500 health of Hualuo, which does not care about this guy. You hit you, I am playing me, wrinkle the brow, I will lose!

Therefore, after the two sides, after a while, Qi Lu is really a shocking, suddenly a trick, a slow water ball is playing the body of Fanglin, then turn it!

While escaping, he also showed a magic in the body, so when you escape, you as if there is a skateboard, the speed of the running road is extremely fast, and there are still several remaining shadows behind it.

It's just in the face of such a situation, Fang Lin Yan smiled slightly, if it was the previous one, and some worried that the guy will run away, but after this time, after the addition of Hualuo, chasing the enemy completely became a relaxing exercise!

Seeing that Qilo is like a shocked mouse, three under the next two places behind the corner.

Fanglin Yan did not worry, and it was a bandage to restore his life in an orderly, then he ran up. On the wall next to the wall, the metal wings were already fully launched, and after the shooting, the whole person will board it. The top of the factory next to it.

Then Tang Rock jean it, it has directly entered the gliding form. I originally escaped the five or sixty meters away, I appeared in front of him!

Next, Fanglin Rock has entered the pursuit of the cat and mouse, and the erase is flashing with the other side. After the beauty is addicted, it means that Qilo's nightmare just started!

Originally Fanglin Rock thought that this war should end, Qi Lu's final destination is done by himself.

But he did not expect it. In this case, Chivuli seems to have induced despair, sending a madness, Fang Lin Yan also suddenly felt a strong unknown atmosphere from his body,

This kind of breath is dark, a grand, more pure, if it is a careful feeling, that is, put a lot of pain and maliciously, then concentrate together!

Such an unknown atmosphere directly allows Fanglin Rock feels dangerous!

Accurate, it is extremely dangerous!

In fact, Qilo is actually the ultimate BOSS of the world, the heart of the volvence, after the fall of the food, the Volden Devils appreciate him, so he gave him a powerful black magic talism to protect the body!

At this time, Qilo took out the tricks in the bottom of the pressure box ready to be desperate.

And Fanglin Rock is more unknown, in the sizse side, Qilo actually identity is not the same, and the identity of this world is also one of the important time nodes, and then two years, and even have the protagonist. Harry It is also almost died under his criterion.

If you can know these things, then Fanglin Yan will definitely consider it before you work.

However, at this time, Fanglin Rock also felt the threats of Qilo, and understood that the other dog emergency jumper wanted to fight, he was slightly hesitated, thinking that the enemy King team in this world has been directly persuaded, and suddenly Delivery:

"Mom! Who has no big card?"

So I took a sigh of relief, and I didn't say my big kill directly.

Of course, it is also the ultimate that he dares to challenge the opponent!

In the eyes of Fanglin Rock, the steep shines out of the two-point thorn!

Then, everything between the heavens and the earth seems to be empty, only the rest of him and Qilo,

A huge goddess of the goddess of Athena, which is going to be, it is awkward from Fanglin Rock, and finally when the goddess is stopped, his pair is just in the palm of the palm.

Then, the left and right sides of Fanglin Rock, while shining out the illusion of "the future" "future"!

Two illusions plus this show showed the distribution of "product" characters, huge power gathers on a point in front of the three, and then shot out!

This is the ban on the sigh of the goddess:

Athens is amazed! !

In this process, Qilo is also killing by the Shenli of Athena, which is not able to move.

A light shining, Fang Lin Yan's figure slowly disappeared, and then appeared, it was already behind Qilo! !

His attack point is not to align Qilli's throat, heart, etc., but the right arm of Qilo.

Qilo is a storytelling of unclaked.

Holy harm,

Extra damage bonus,


Inevitably hit,

The four major injuries of A.E will be triggered! !

Chivo does not have sacred resistance, so AE's injury will be 253 points,

He is a drama, meeting additional damage bonus, it is 506 points!

The next thing is to look at the face. Look at the three-in-one damage, 80% of damage, 4 times damage, 15% chance of 5 times hurt!

Then, the heavens and the earth have recovered normal, and Fanglin Yan saw Qillo's head. He turned out an amazing number: 2024 points, you know that this time you can say that it is not good, it is not bad. It is a 4-fold damage to 50% chance.

However, even after this, Qi Lu is still dead! Instead, it has been in the state of five seconds, and his face has appeared extremely painful.

During this time, Fanglin Rock directly squatted on the right arm of Qilo, and suddenly came out a blunt fracture, and then tackled a few punches, finally got it. Late tip:

"The target enemy magician Qi Lu's right arm suffered devastating blow!"

"Qillo's right arm is in a disabled state, loss of function!"

"The magician Qillo's wand entered the damaged state."

And after this prompts, Fanglin Rock most wanted to see the scene, the wand held in the right hand in the right hand, finally dropped directly, "bar" fell to the ground.

At this time, Fanglin Rock finally made a breath. He noted before, the magician in this world had a very critical weakness, that is, the dependence on the wand!

Once the magician has no wand, the fighting power is not a general, it is like a soldier who has no firearms!

So he once had a bold idea, is that the wand in the hand in the hand of the magician is not going? But later, I learned that this idea is too real.

It turns out that the world's magicians often have their own wands before they are ten years old, and they will have their own wands, and they will have their long-term holding. They are accompanied by the evening. It can be said that they are eating, sleeping, looking for it. The girl is also inserted in the waist.

In the long run, the magician took this wand for a long time. The two sides naturally produce a touch of Xuanzhi, for them, the wand has become part of the limb.

So even if you don't have to hold your right hand, it's just because it is necessary to make a corresponding casting gesture, this is still holding a plan.

However, the outsiders want to directly fight the wand to abolish the magician, then I really don't realize that I can automatically fly back to my hand.

I am afraid that I can't steal, because the wand is equivalent to the extension of the magician body, others touch this wand, the magician can know immediately.

Unless you can master the corresponding "In addition to your weapon curse", the link between the magician and the wand is directly cut.

Of course, there is a method, that is, use a powerful attack to abolish the right hand (idiom hand), in this case, the other party does not come out of the gatter gesture, can't afford the wand, you can say that most of the magic will not show Out.

This seems to be that the tiger is pulled out of the claw, and there is no seven percent of the deterrent.

It is also a loss of Fang Lin Yan asking, he originally wants to focus Athena's horror power to focus on Chilo's head, the pursuit of the pursuit is directly to attack, one hit must kill,

But after thinking about it, this guy's strength looks quite strong, and his heart attacks him several times, it has been resolved by him.

Athens's amateur is the strongest base card. If you don't have your head, is you not former?

So Fanglin Rock gathered his power on the right arm, so, can abolish each other eight-to-attack power, then the next is not the meat on the chopping board?

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