At this time, Qilo finally recovered from the state of the soul.

He scared, suddenly broke a big black smoke.

And this smoke is thick, like his life, constantly rushing, spread to the area of ​​hundreds of square meters around the moment, and suddenly loses his traces.

Among the smoke, the visual is limited to the ultimate, Fanglin Rock looked up his fingers in front of him.

The smoke has a strange behavior, it seems that it will be moved toward the nostrils of Fanglin Rock, and the ear is drilled in the ear, and it can be said that it is the evil door.

Such a smoke has been feeling away from the gaseous, there is a bit of solid feeling.

Not only that, Fanglin Rock's ear is also faintly comes into a strange voice, just like a mixture of mourning and wind, it is straight to knock down.

But in the face of this situation, Fanglin Yan did not panic, took out a high-tech thing, that is, the infrared night view! This stuff is his high-tech product from the real world.

This stuff even if it is a house that can be directly imagined, unless the smoke released by Qilo, this smoke is close to the human body, so it is really easy to find someone in this smoke.

After wearing an infrared night view, Fanglin Ran was very easy to discover the traces of Qilo, he actually stood in a place where Fanglin Rock is five or six meters, standing there, seems to be waiting for.

Not only that, Qilo is even a waving, and there is something thrown in another direction. Soon, then "Shasha" is energized after landing, just like someone walks.

Seeing this scene, Fanglin Rock is really admired that Qilo has courage, and after the enemy falls into the black fog, it will find that it is limited to the vision, and will definitely listen to the movement near, and he arranges this small organ.

If you really go to, go directly to kill him, so unfortunately, you can find only dry soil and stone.

At this time, Fanglin Rock certainly won't be with Qi Lu waste, and directly got to go.

Chivuli is obviously in this black fog, it can be seen by Fanglin Rock. When he actually bite his teeth, think that Fanglin Rock hit a dead mouse.

Fang Lin Yan took the success of his mentality. After he got a few steps, he suddenly turned and walked next to him, and suddenly let the knitted Qillosong has a breath.

However, after Fang Lin Yan walked a few steps, he walked over again. When Qi Lu, he was willing to panic in the heart, and his heart was in the silence. "I can't see me," I can't see it. "One hundred times.

Fortunately, Fanglin Rock went a few steps and turned and turned into the past, and it seems to be attracted by the voice of the distance.

Just when the Qi Lu's heart is relaxed, Fang Lin Yan turned, and a strap flashed to his head. Differently dizzy, and then rushed to Shi Shun: Wing Chun: Even the Japanese-Japanese words!

He just as if the cat is the same as the mouse, it is not all necessary to paralyion, in fact, there is still a very important reason, that is, the skills CD ...

Fang Linyan's fist is intensive, and it is also a lot of negative state to Qi Luo, and will hang it.

Not only that, the place where Chilo is hit is also blue, and his MP value is also burned violently.

After being finished by a set, Fanglin Ryna has used his own shoulder skills, giving Qilo hung a trap, and continued to chase and hurt him at the same time!

At this time, there was probably no magic value of Qilo injected. The black fog was quickly scattered. You can see the place where Chilo stayed, there is a stone building! Look carefully, this building is actually a temporary gathered from the earth, it looks like ..... fireplace?

Fanglin Rock's mind is moving, suddenly awake, Qilo must be afraid of himself! So I plan to get a temporary fireplace directly, then flee it in time with the flying flour.

Look at this fireplace has been formed, it is estimated that it will succeed in fetaping for five or second, with this , there is a bizarre voice of misleadors, if there is no high-tech help, he is delayed for five or six seconds It's really easy.

More critical is that Qillo's life is also a magician! In his heart, you can force yourself into the desperate situation, and it is also a cattle who is Dumbleo.

So, the most disgusting means of this black fog is that Fanglin Yan heard the sound of the mixture of mourning and the wind.

This sound is actually imitating the soul of the soul, the sound of the moment!

No magician is willing to succeed by this terrible thing, because it will take all the positive emotions in the hearts, simple, equivalent to the depression of people! Then I broke myself.

Therefore, most of the magicians, even Dumbledore who didn't say anything, but they will definitely show the spell of "calling God" in the first time. Soul.

In this way, Qilo can retreat with the whole body.

However, this older who found Fanglin Rock didn't know what to be a soul ... Not to mention what "call God guard", it is equivalent to the most proud of Qilo carefully designed to be ignored by him. .

A pair of eyes throwing a blind man, Qi Lu is really defeated to God.

At this time, Fanglin Ran fell to this fireplace, and then slammed again, and the beauty added it once again shine again.

When I lost the wand and the right arm, I was really caught in the sky. The way was not in the sky, and I was slowly consumed by Fanglin Rock. After almost ten minutes, the magic value was finally thorough. Clean net.

At this point, Fanglin Rock is seen from the battle record, because the magic feedback skill has been tip, causing 0 damage to the enemy because the enemy has no MP value can be absorbed.

At this time, Fanglin Rock went up and then turned the Qi Luo. After the truth, he bundled him a five spending, which dragged it to the factory building, and then the Malayska Sitting next to it, trying to look at Qilo, but it is not sent!

Chivo was originally a heart, I feel that I really will die this time! But by Fanglin Rock, the other party did not move, it is inevitable that it is seen in the heart, but it has also resemble a new hope, can't help but take the initiative:

"You ... what do you want to do?"

Fanglin Rock is nasal:

"You ask what I want to do? It is you all chasing me, want to kill me, now I still put a harbor now?"

Since Fanglin Rock, I have a little dumb, and he suddenly felt like this. It seems that this guy in front of that this guy fled directly after killing Nabell. It is a face that I feel very wood. Then chased it up.

One thought and this, Qi Lu is really can't wait to give him two bars, and the scum of Nabel is dead, what is it? Now I am fine, chasing such a poor and fierce bastard.

At this time, Qilo can only be old and true, pleading:

"About one thing, I am very sorry, so this is good, I promise that there will never make such a stupid thing in the future."

Fanglinyan bruises and said:

"That's can't, to tell the truth, you are still difficult to clean up, do you think that I am fighting with you for so long?"

"You have seen it out. I am a godman. It is a god, so what is the essence of the art? It is the cost of the gods!"

"In order to kill you, I lost at least half in front of El Gon, just let you go, who is my loss to make up?"

Qilo listened to Tuli, rustic, hurriedly connected:

"I will make up, I will make up!"

Fang Linyan "" is a slapque, and you can play him:

"Make up? What do you make up? Do you know my god? Do you know the demand for my God? Do you know how much the price is it?"

Where is Chivay to have such a poison? Can only be lost with his face:

"That ... then I will lose ten, no, twenty gold Gabung is good! What tribute you want to buy?"

What is the heartman of Fanglin Rock, has been relying on the topic to the gods. In fact, you just want to attract him to talk about the intelligence related to the gods! This is the best attraction.

In contrast, if you come together, let him say everything related to Athena. It will let the other party be vigilant, maybe give you a bright one, it is not right, nine real holiday means, When the most critical time is misleading, it is the life.

Therefore, Fanglin Rock faced Qillo's counter / snooked building is quite unsatisfactory, and it is directly for a few slap in the past:

"Jin Qilong, Jin Qilong! And only 20 Jin Garlon!"

Fang Linyan smashed, one side grabbed the golden talge from the pocket to Qi Lu's face:

"My TM looks like a lack of money? Again, how can I like it, how could Jin Gulong can buy it, the mind is a good thing, why didn't you?"

After Kiuli was once again being poisoned by Fanglin Rock, it was completely a long flow of nose.

Poor his own magician, plus a famous door, wherever it is mixed, even the big figure of the volts / Dumbledo, is also added to him, where is the realm.

Under humiliation, Qi Lu can't help but call:

"Don't beaten, don't hit it, since El Gong God can be fake, escape the day before 50 years ago, then it will definitely be interested in the same thing!"

Fang Linqi heard that this is finally the real back to the right track, this is only to live, slowly said:

"Slow, your bastard is very trail, so don't talk so fast, you will come out from the day of the day before 50 years."

"I am also not afraid to tell you, I don't know if I am in this historical thing. I don't know if I have some things, you are trying to hide, even more wrong things, but As soon as I heard anything, I know something different, hehe. "

Fang Linyan said that the feet were directly squatted on the right side of Qi Lu, this guy immediately screamed, painful on the ground, rolled a few laps, the lips were almost bitten, the forehead was all It is cold sweat.

Fanglin Rock is not careful, his heart is very clear, Qilo this guy is now only transferred, if he wins, I am afraid that the body is cold now! When he slowed down, Fanglin Yan was not tired:

"Say it, otherwise, the next foot is coming again!"

Qilo still biting his teeth and didn't talk, it looked quite dying, it is estimated that he is very clear, once he said that the other party wants, then it is estimated that it is less fierce.

Fang Lin Yan stared at him, suddenly showed a smile:

"Right, I still have an identity, is Ao Luo, the Ministry of Magic."

Said that Fang Linyan took his temporary Ao Luo badge, handed it to Qi Lu.

Qilo is taking advantage of:

"One of the great proudo is nothing!"

Fanglinyan disdain:

"I want to tell you, I am more familiar with the Ministry of Magic, so of course I know some of the three banned ban, for example, catch the black magic mage at any time!"

"Although there are no few people who truly execute this ban, it is because this guy is afraid of death, I feel that I can't play the black magic mage, it doesn't mean that the ban is invalid."

Speaking here, Fangliny laughed at Qilo enthusiastic:

"I think, if someone eliminates a black magic mage, then hand it over, then this partner should be very happy to actively enforce the enforcement!"

The cold sweat on the Qilli head came out.

Fanglin Rock is connected:

"Do you know what it means?"

His finger pressed directly on Qilo's eyes, then slow down:

"The eyes are digging first, then the nose, the mouth leaves, can be used to state the contribution."

Then Fanglin's fingers slide the arm:

"The foot feet can of course take off ....... I can't stay here."

At this time, Qilo finally arrived:

"You this bastard, can you not be so vicious !!"

Fang Linyan smiled coldly:

"Nothing? No, I never do anything, the number of black magicians is still a lot, after you get your eyes, you will get your eyes, you are a meat spherical waste."

"In this case, after all, break into the magic department is still risky, as long as you eliminate your value, then this guy's companion will not take a risk to save a waste, I am a good! Let him be In the prison of the Magic Department, the old man is doing people, so you can regain new students in the future. "

When I said, Fanglinyan played the way:

"Do you just show me, is it a black magic?"

"Of course, you will not admit it, but it doesn't matter, let's make you a meat ball, then give it to God!"

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