The First Evolution

Chapter 52 God of Mountain Shield

In the face of the threat of Fangli Rock Red Fruit, the muscles on the Qillo faces a few times, and then only bite the dental road:

"The conflict between magic and theology, in fact, I have long been rooted, not adjustable! The medieval Roman Holy Tinnate has set off up for a three hundred years of hunting witch, starting from the Pope British Nash, Religious Judicial Krama "

"In this dark moment, more than 700,000 people died of fire, and most of these seventy-thousand victims were awakened by people of magic talents."

"In this tragic war, the turning point is from September 13, 1687. On that day, the Xue Mo's degree of the study was observed that the astronomy of the tongue, and the nine planets of the solar system were arranged in a straight line --- --- Jiu Xingliang! "

"Since then, the magician is ........ loose! The magician before this, no matter how talent, the mastery is some only known as the obedience, the play of the drama."

"Dealing with two or three ordinary people, under the suppression of the church's Templar and religious referee, it is completely crushed! However, after that day, many magical surprises have discovered, you can learn , Show higher levels, more powerful magic, and finally got the power of protecting their own! "

"Of course, loosely does not only have magic masters, and all kinds of creatures, they begin to have a sudden change, and the lizards begin to suddenly become dragons, and some invisible genes in the ordinary human body have begun to wake up, and they are wolf."

"At the same time, the sub-place included in the main position begins, and the aura in the sub-face is more abundant. Naturally, it is encroached by the magical creatures of those variations, and Hogwoz is also built into such a child. These sub-faces are also called the secret, belonging to the ban on Muggle. "

"The emergence of a great person like Nikuli, making the church began to take the defensive defense, and then with the power of this, the gods begin to gather the final power before the end, that day is called all God's dusk. "

"Of course, after the battle, the gods fell, and finally died. In the fifty years, the Magic Department organized a secret action, killing the last gods in the sleep, and that day is called the end Date. "

I heard here, Fang Lin Ran is a foot and then smiled.

"Everyone knows something, you told a lot, there is no public thing, you have brought it, do you be a fool?"

After the Fanglin Rock storm, after the Qillo, it took his left hand and index finger, and he was directly broken:

"It doesn't matter, you can slowly grind with me, ten fingers are all folded, don't you still have ten foot finches?"

Fanglin Rock is displayed, but it is not a cruel. It is necessary to kill each other, but because Qilo will also be able to recover MP values ​​over time.

Therefore, he is in the surface of poisonous Qilo, in fact, it is also to take this opportunity to continue to consume the MP value in his body! So he really can't accumulate the MP value.

As for Fanglin Rock Quality asked him to avoid light problems, in fact, Qilo said that the East and Western Lin Yingdoms have not heard, the so-called, all the like, all of him is used to scam each other!

In short, the Fanglin Ran is questionable. If Qilo can't pick anything wrong, or if it is possible to pick it up, then I don't dare to talk nonsense.

After eating hard in Fanglin Rock, Qi Lu is really the first time I encountered such a heartbeat, and more people, but also, the life is still in someone else.

When Qi Lu was broken at this time, it was broken, and his hysterical shied:

"I won't let you succeed! Barbet, you will kill me directly after you want, you will be able to get what you want from my mouth."

Fanglin Rock said softly:

"You can rest assured, I don't kill you, then say, if you don't cooperate, you will die now, with me, at least there may be no died. See how you choose."

When I heard Fanglin Rock, the muscles on the face of Qilo were constantly twitching.

So after he took a few feet, Qilo finally asked the news that Fanglin Rock wanted to know.

It turned out that when the world of Qilo was in the world in five or six years, he came to Madagascar, and he intended to find a creature called a bliss bird here, but it did not expect people who were being invited by the Ministry of Magic. Make a clear cult activity.

The original Magic Ministry found the clue, saying that there is a resident in the evening to open party, and then hold the relevant religious ceremony. At this time, the hatred between magic and religion, and there is already a pile of hundreds of people. Wan people live, it is already not dead.

Therefore, Qilo is directly involved in it, this process does not have to say more, nothing more than killing torture.

He helped his own things in the future, but he didn't expect to actually escape at the time! Chlor has chased it. After all, everyone is not almost returned. This speech is a lot of things.

Qilo has to know that the root of this religious rise is that a olive tree next to the town is suddenly developed! After the rain, the rainbow will appear on the olive tree. If you come to the tree, you will get a gratitude.

Of course, this olive tree was suddenly cut down.

However, this guy who caught Chilo Chagulan, but it belongs to the heart of this temporarily, the heart of the goddess, so I know a big secret. ,

It turned out to be below the olive tree, there is actually a underground cave, there is a secret church in the cave, and the olive tree can see the spirit, because its roots spread to the icon in the cave.

The Pope called Babura was originally a shepherd, but he was in order to find a missing mother sheep, misbere a cave in the mountain.

This cave is in a deep and more detachable, and the Basla is lost in the road. It actually misunderstanding and looking for a ground dark river. Finally, I met the gods, and then I have established a secret church here. Holy Land in the mouth.

After I heard that this is, Qilo will force this poor Chao to pull him to the mountains. Of course, Chilo found the secret church and then destroyed everything there, and he saw a statue of the gods.

This statue is amazing similar to the Athena anthology that has emerged behind Fanglin Rock!

This is also the reason why Qilo is able to say his life of El Gong.

Not only that, Turogula also told Qi Lu, the statue of the spirit is originally a large shield, but I don't know why it will disappear when I go.

Hearing here, Fanglin Rock can hardly conclude that this large shield should be the goddun Ezi Siki you are looking for!

When you tell here, Qilo's heart is fascinated:

"I really don't deliberately hide what, but I am afraid that you will give me a lesson after you have explained this experience. After all, you are a godman."

Fanglin Rock is only a gesture that has a gesture that has a gesture, and Dynamic Qilo continues to talk.

After smashing the secret church, Chivo is a cautious person, he also afraid of suffering from the retaliation of the mad believers, so he also went to ask a number of senior magic masters, but the answer is all consistent, that is All the gods are all completely entered.

Answering this question includes a strong man in a number of magic worlds such as the star elephant, prophet, Dumbledo.

A person may have a mistake, but it is impossible to have a lot of things to see.

As far as the religious recovery phenomenon will occur, it is the remaining wave that the gods will be in the future.

There is a hundred insects to die, not stiff, and the god is a special life that has a thousand years of special life, even if it is human, after suffering from some irreversible chronic diseases, the process of stepping into the death is also a few. Year.

Qilo Remembrance was that Dumbledo had answered him at the time. The two were the topic talked in the forest, and then Dumbleo's eyes stayed next to a large stump.

"Qilo, do you say that this tree is dead?"

After the large stump was cut, its diameter did not even reach a little five meters, so it was still conceivable to see it in the forest in the forest.

Chilo is very simply:

"There is no doubt, the principal, it has been completely finished."

Dumbledor wandering nodded, then took Qilo to its front, you can see that there are some new buds around the tread:

"Yes, children, it is indeed finished, but its tenacious vitality will still try to make some resistance, these buds are its final stubborn manifestation."

Qilo is a bit awkward. I don't know why Dumbleo wants to talk about this topic. It is good in Dumbledo's next sentence, let Qilo suddenly realizes:

"These tender buds that are long around the stump are similar to those of the gods that will still have some religious activities."

"According to our research, after the gods fall, some artifacts of the refining still continue to persist, and some stubborn insuers of the god can still continue to be in the world, but these are already a wood, passive Water, like soap bubbles, something is broken. "

"As long as we insist on these dynamic extinguishing, you will find that these abnormal phenomena will be less and less, fewer and fewer, and finally annihilated."


I heard these tells that Qillo's story, Fanglin Rock is also a great realistic, he basically determines that there should be very little moisture before Qillo.

Not only that, Qi Lu deliberately concealed him to find the location of the underground cave, this shows that he also judges that the purpose of Fanglin Rock, so it is specifically left, regard this thing as a life.

But he didn't know that Fanglin Rock only needs to know enough to be in Madagaska!

Two Keywords of Qilo said: bliss birds, olive trees, can ensure that the correctness of this location in Madagascar is not a letter to the river.

Because of this magical creature of the bliss, only the two secrets on the earth, a secret in Greenland, another secret in Madagascar, and olive tree this tropical plants, it is impossible to appear in ice and snow Greenland.

Of course, if the continuous poisonous Qilo can still have a teach at this time, come up with enough news to pit yourself, then Fang Lin Yan also recognizes!

After a sigh, Fanglin Rock looked very somewhat, turning to the sky in the distance, seems to have an abnormal fire after heard of the relevant news.

At this time, the eyes of Qi Lui Ren, the eyes of his face, this guy bites the teeth in the heart:

"You damn idiots, as long as I get freedom, I will report you this god in the magic department !! I have to send you to Azkan, let you taste the kiss of the soul. taste!"

At this time, the distance came from the distance, you can see a few cars, and Elizabeth and Binson jumped from the car.

After Skinson, Qilo's pupil was contracted. After screaming, he suddenly took out the black flame of the bears, and he was right to fight against Fang Ran fierce!

After seeing the black flames on Chililla, Fang Lin Rhen actually came out of a strong threat, and immediately retreated.

It can be seen that in this black flame, Chillow's skin is frozen, dry, his entire person seems to become a flame fuel, quickly evaporating, from Qilo distorted, painful face Out, his own feelings are not good!

After a short ten seconds, Chivo thoroughly became a grayish embers, and the black flame of his body still as if he gathered together, it turned a few meters long black flames. The snake is rotating on the ground.

It is, the soil on the ground, the sand is directly turned into a dissolved shape, and it can be seen in the temperature of its temperature!

At this time, Fanglin Rock was also retired early, Binson and Elizabeth saw this shocking scene, but also for it.

At this time, Fanglin Rock is looking at Binson Road:

"Hey, old guy, can you explain? Why did Qilo's guys see you, don't hesitate to commit suicide?"

After listening to it, Binson heard the earth and turned down:

"What? You said that he is Qilo Qiliñas, Qilo?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Yes, I don't think you haven't recognized him?"

Bukinson is not a good way:

"Of course! This guy seems to have been hit by people, and the nose is swollen, and how can this guy?"

When I said, Binson walked forward, malicious spitting a bubble water against Qilo, then took a deep breath:

"My son died in the age of seven, only one of my little looked at the nephew and I was worthy of life. As a result, my nephew was died in Qilo's hand!"

"Then I tried to kill him, the result was not successful, and the forces behind Qilo were amazing, he was famous, both with Dumbleo's giants, and even people in the dark world to let him Three points. "

"This is also what I clearly in the industry is extraordinary, but I have to open a bar hidden in such a broken place."

Binson said that Fang Linyan suddenly understood the reason for Choos Suicide.

This guys have a hopes in the world, and I hope that I can abide by the promise to put him.

However, Binson, he knew that he was never plentiful, what is it still not suicide? Waiting for being sin?

At this time, Fanglin Yan suddenly thought of a thing, sinking for a few seconds:

"Old, since you treat the dead Nabal as the nail, then he is definitely impressed with your impression?"

Bukinson faintly:

"So, if we have entered a room at the same time, we can only have a person who can live out."

When I said, Bujinsen suddenly understood the meaning of Fanglin Rock, and it was unexpectedly:

"What do you mean, this Qilo is rushing on me?"

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