The First Evolution

Chapter 53 of the Unicorn

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"You can find someone to kill Nabel, why can't he find someone to kill you?"

Binson almost didn't have a old blood, and he was so angry that he was really amazing, but he thought about it, and found it really a big possibility!

One thought and this, Bukinson couldn't help but gave a bone of Chilo's ashes, then bite the teeth:

"Betting, you can see it quickly, otherwise, let you try my means!"

Bukinson's mouth said that, in fact, this old fox is still a bit for fortunate, and the hatred is also reported. If you don't touch it, if you are Qi Lu, you will die in his hand, it is endless suffering. one thing.

Because I said earlier, Qilo's energy is very large. He will definitely be investigated after death without reasoning. And the magician always has some super conventional means, which is difficult to ensure that the truth will not be found.

For example, the guy of Chili is a bit like a high-profile student graduated from the Whampoa Military Academy.

Once there is an accident, there is a powerful principal.

If the principal doesn't matter, the director of Zhou and Ye will not ignore,

These leaders are relatively busy, and a group of students are also the power of the burdock! Maybe you will jump out of the fair.

The people in this package come to find trouble, who is TM to live.

When Fang Linyan squatted at this time, he did not talk, but he was watching the remarks of the retina:

"Warning, warning !!"

"This world's secondary time node, important drama characters Quiternas Chilo life value, entering the dead state."

"Quiternas Qi Lu died!"

"The milestone that has been triggered, the task line is directly erased."

"Qilo's fate line will be colleagues, Deputy Professor of Lats, Culture: Olga Teler inherited."

"Because of the 95% damage you suffered from Qi Luoz. So you will receive a trophy key that you will fall in Quilin.

"However, you can listen to some of the valuable intelligence from Quirin, and have no fatal hit to Quilinas, Qi Lu, so this war is reduced."

After seeing this series of tips, Fanglin Rock still felt quite surprised. In fact, he can get it in the world of Athena artifacts, this is already enough, this is involved in core skills: Athena's upgrade what.

Ming people don't say dark words, Fang Lin Yan's three seconds of invincible time have been long been! Can't do five seconds, real men, three seconds of real men are not lost!

At this time, Ming Ming Qilo is died in suicide, and can also give him a key, Fang Linyan feels that it is acceptable.

Next, it is of course a car back to Bujinsen. Fang Lin Ran is a bought one. On the one hand, he will help him get Nabel, and there will be help him to kill him.

Obviously, if Binson can't give a statement, then it is estimated that Fanglin Rock will let him take a smile with Nabel.

On the way backhaul, Fanglin Yan sat in the back row, just wanted to open the keys of Qilo dropped, but thought about it suddenly ended the action. At this time, he thought that there is a "eating brain hat" in the team. It must be opened again.

So after returning to the bar, Binson's old frozen strip is also a bit forced, and it is very simply in the future:

"Get, this time, you are clean, I can't say anything, you don't have to run a trip, you have the special spider of the eight-eyed giant spider, I will definitely give you after two days later. Come!"

Fanglin Rock stared at Binson's eyes:

"Bu boss, although I asked some rude, but I used this thing to save my life. If I can't get the goods, then I have to live!"

Bukinson's very simply pat desk:

"No problem, if you have any problems, I can be responsible!"

Fang Lin nodded slightly, then said:

"So very well, after I get something, let's die."

Bukinson, etc. is this sentence, and immediately nod:

"Let's do it."


At this time, I finally got the most difficult material. Fanglin Rock was also relieved. Then he asked, let Binson helped to find someone to open the door to London, he prepared and teamed.

Because of his judgment, the things here should also be implemented, while the main line of the Omima will also go to the crucial moment, if you have rushed it, you should also help.

After he passed the magical fireplace to London, Fang Lin Yan was casually found a cafe. As a result, he had just drunk the hot coffee, he received a relevant tip of the main line task:

"The magician Kentel has already spanned all the facts of crime, and is submitted as evidence."

"The Ministry of Magic recognizes your judgment and conclusions, successfully issued you to make a trial, and because you have completed the task 71 hours in advance, you have given you an excellent evaluation."

"A-level secret case: Cycova was officially closed by the case."

"Main line task: the dawn is complete! The task is S."

"Contractors ZB419, you have received 21000 universal points and 3-point potential points." (Legendary addition has been included)

"The team experience of the legendary team has achieved corresponding improvements!"

After seeing this scene, Fanglin Ran nodded, and the woman's woman is really a bit of things, and the self-guided self-playing came out of this big show!

But this time the main line task S reward seems to be a little less?

Just when he was so embarrassed, another line of prompt appeared:

"According to the fistate of Kentel, the Magic Department discovered a key clue, which involved the notorious black magic mage!"

"Hidden Main Line Tasks: Unicorn is triggered!"

"Task introduction: There are sufficient evidence that the Black Magic will protect the rare and beautiful protective organism in the near future, the purpose is to get its blood!"

"Task Objective: Destroy the conspiracy of the Black Magic Master, can't get the blood of the unicorn at least within three days."

"Description, the unicorn is a proud creature. Legend has only a virgin to get close and achieve its trust, so it is not easy to find and protect it is not easy."

"This task is hidden task. After completing the regular reward, you will get extra rewards as follows."

"Hidden Task Reward: Random Infrastructure Attribute Point 2-4 (Automatically randomly increases after completing the task, the higher the task evaluation, the greater the probability of obtaining high points."

"Hidden Mission Reward: Random Equipment (Quality Span is Silver Drama Level - Dark Gold Level) Randomly Extracted." (The higher the task evaluation, the greater the probability of obtaining better quality equipment)


Looking at the newly obtained hidden main line task, Fanglin Rock fell into the meditation, and then he saw a flying belief with his wings and flew over, and quickly came to him.

Fang Lin Ran reached out and found out that it was what Omei sent it. He has written a London address, which is undoubted, this is what he has to rush as soon as possible.

So Fanglin Rock hurriedly took the coffee in the cup and then thought about it, put it out of the magic pet on the body, and wrote a letter.

Then, he went out to call a taxi, and found that there is no need to have too much time, as long as it is ten minutes, then give a considerable tip, let the taxi driver uses the fastest speed he can do. Rush.

So soon, Fanglin Rock arrived on the address of Omei marked, here is a Turkish restaurant, business is very popular. Laughing, Fanglin Rock gave birth to someone who didn't have a legendary squad.

Until Fanglin Ran gave a small fee to the waiter, I got a big table just finished, Max and vultures rushed, and I saw Fang Linyan is also very surprised:

"Head, you actually come first?"

Fanglin Rock haha ​​smiled:

"I have a good luck here, actually the last time I came to the world, so I can actually play the use, so the relevant collection task progress is faster."


"Right, Omi specially let me explain, the hidden main line task is accepted for limited time, more than a minute will fail the default, so there is no comment on your opinion."

Fanglin Ryn Arts is laughing:

"This doesn't need to explain it, even if I am present, I will choose."

Vulture and Fanglin Rock have a better understanding, and they have a deeper and can't wait.

"Head of the head !! That time the time node, the important plot character Qilo is killed?"

Fanglin Rock haha ​​smiled:

"Yes! This time I summon the two condensation creatures very powerful, my feedback skills happen to make him a perfect gram, and I also used the big tricks. Otherwise, even if he fame but I, It must be escapped. "

Vulture admire:

"Hey, no matter what to say, such a cattle, you can kill, your war is really too powerful!"

Max immediately put the light at this time:

"So captain, do you have to open the key?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Of course, even if you are in my hand, you don't dare to use it around me, then the negative effect of the death is indefinitely, you will have my life."

To be hone, the eating brain hat is good, the negative effect is indeed domineering, especially in the crisis of four-rising adventure world, can not be used to use absolute safety, it is entirely equivalent to suicide.

At this time, the two of the goat and Omei were also arrived quickly. She only known that the original goat returned for two or three hours in advance, not to say, definitely it is Haggu to help him to get things about the Romanian corner dragon. .

Not only that, Haglian uses the way to send the past to the past to help them find it. ----- This distance reaches thousands of miles of remote transfer in remote transmission, it is not a good time, not there is a good time. Money can be done, so Hug is really trying to do our best.

When they chatted in the sky, the boss had quickly started from the food.

The first one is "Is Cantar Kebap", this is the dish of Alexander inventory, the practice is not complicated, as long as it is poured on the pizza with the tender meat with tomato juice and special yogurt, then poured The sound of hot cream, the taste is absolutely teaches the people.

Next, it is the legendary Millennium Written cake, which is most likely to eat, and brushed the butter. After the middle is sandwick, after the oven is bake, then the honey or sugar is getting angry. Syrup, eat very crisp.

The people of the legendary squad are all amazing, and the dish is a roasting lambar and two roasted bull legs. They cut the meat with a knife. It is like this, and it is also very easy to be eaten.

Fanglin Rock is like the cream pine rice sadepilav, fragrant, not greasy, hesome, boss plus fans, with olives, eggplant, eagle, meat, and fragrance taste very strong, use cumin, Bailiang, almond, cinnamon and pepper, etc., taste is rich.

The use of this spice is used, and even the dark cuisine skills of Fanglin Rock have been successfully improved.

When I was eating, I flew in a magic pet from the window. Fang Lin Yan passed, opened the letter inside, and sinking for a while, I will be against Oimi:

"How is this hidden main line task?"

Omi is very simply said:

"Take your own way, let others don't walk!"

After listening to Omi's answer, the rest of the people were surprised, and McS was protected:

"Omei, do you mean? First start?"


"Otherwise? Always like a fidum, do you have the beast?"

"If you can do this, then it will be, the key is that this unicorn is very difficult, it is difficult to get its trust!"

"With this, it is better to kill it directly, first control his blood inside our hand, let the black magic marty are almost."

Cresbo immediately asked:

"Although the task does not require the unicorn to be survive, but kill it after the task evaluation will inevitably decline, but in fact, it can be changed, directly killing the black magician who intends to do this, this is, it is also a criminal before crime. "

Omi looked at him and faintly:

"But the problem is that the Black Magic Master covered very well, and they still have more than one internal should be in the magic department. If you do this, you will not be caught by the Black Magic Master! You The idea is good, but it is very difficult to implement it. "

I heard Oimi said that all people outside Fanglin Rock were all stunned, the problem was indeed so serious.

Fang Linyan sank once at this time:

"Is there a replacement this unicorn beast? Is it only a unicorn in this world?"

Omi looked at Fanglin Rock:

"Of course, it is just that the rest of the unicorn is a group life, and this moon is more special, it competes with the leadership of the own ethnic group, and wants to capture its leaders, but is expelled out because of failure. "

"Most of the unicorn is difficult to survive too long after being expelled, but only the moon is an exception, but it is not only living, but also lives very well, and will return to the ethnic group every other period of time. ""

"So, from the quality of the hunting target, there is difficult to say that this moon is the highest cost performance! Choosing the rest of the unicorn is not only a huge risk, but it is not necessarily to get such a high quality unicorn. Blood. "

Fanglin Rock Road:

"This task wants to take high evaluation, it is clear that it is not enough to stop it, it is best to grasp the black magician of the hunting unicorn."

Although Omei didn't speak after him, although he didn't talk, there is no doubt that he is telling her mind: you are talking nonsense!

Fang Linyan Yang's letter paper, then said:

"When I received the task, I wrote some relevant news for an expert."

"There are two parts of the blood of the unicorn, the first is to join when refining a cursed medicine, can make the curse of the drug more effective, and the side effect is that if the victim is hurt, the body is hurt before being cursed. Then, it will allow him to heal the wound healed. "

"The second effect of fresh blood in the unicorn is also the most useful effect, which is used to make a mysterious agent. This medicine is very rare, and there are not many people who will refine, but can increase people's vitality, Especially for the elderly who have exhausted light, there is a very wonderful effect, which can make them live for two or three years. "

"However, this mysterious drug also has side effects. This person will be cursed later, this curse is very subtle, will feedback to many aspects, experts have not detailed."

"However, it also mentioned a critical news: the blood of the unicorn is a silver-white viscous liquid, just like mercury, and the age of the unicorn, the better the effect, this place inside The magic of the moonlight, so as long as you leave the body of the unicorn, then its magic will continue to pass. "

"Just like the moonlight will not stay for a long time, the clouds will be annihilated in the air, so, unless they are directly outside the unicorn in the laboratory of the magic medicine, then face the preservation of the unicorn. Blood this problem. "

"This expert told me that the best way to save unicorn is very cruel, it is to use living people! First give this living person directly into corrosive agents, this agent can destroy his digestive function, Then bring it to the unicorn, let him drink the blood of the unicorn. "

"In this way, the digestive function of this person has been completely destroyed, and the blood of the unicorn can't absorb, and the blood in the body can maximize the magic of the unicorn."

"Of course, this living person will eventually be alive, and he lost the digestive absorption function. The ending must be deadly dead! Finally, it is a key point, this is used as a carrier It is Muggle. "

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