The First Evolution

Chapter 54, Qiulu's Baotou Towel

The people present are not stupid, and the stupid can't live. These things that Fanglin Rock revealed that they don't know, because this must be a very professional expert to understand the secrets.

Can provide such information to Omi, only maybe Hag.

However, the relationship between Hagg and Omei, obviously do not have more tight between Fanglin Rock and Elizabeth, after all, the latter can be the relationship between the two generations.

And the understanding of the magical animals is only based on hobbies. Robie is exhausted by the enemy's efforts to drill the experts, so that it seems that the intelligence given by Fanglin Rock will inevitably It is also more accurate.

So everyone has accepted the statement of Fanglin Rock, and after these intelligence, Fanglin Rock continued:

"Vulture can you query, the specific judgment condition of our hidden main line task? I have no effective news if I have an estimated estimate."


"Ok ... I want to pay eight thousand general points!"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Cheng! Wrong wants to make a value!"


"Okay, you remember to reimburse it."

"Hidden Main Line Task Failure Conditions: The Black Magic Master is in three days, carrying the blood of the unicorn into the Wismin Cathedral of London."

Fang Lin Yan listened later:

"That's this?"


"Yes, this sentence is eight thousand universal points, and it is eligible to pay for this paragraph in the case of I have relevant skills."

Fang Lin Yan listened to the nod, then looked at Oimi:

"OK, I can think of and collect things are here, I hope to help you."

Omi is a little surprised to see him:

"Oh? Do you want to say anything else?"

Fanglin Rock is very serious:

"Inside a team, I can only have a voice. Since I have handed over the command, I can't pay back, let alone, I will still go to Madagascar Island, I can't follow this battle with this one hand?"

After listening to Fanglin Rock, the words suddenly turned:

"You kill Qilo?"

Fanglin Rock Road:


Omi silently said;

"That will open the key, after wearing the dead hat, the negative state will last for 60 minutes, we now have to cherish the time."

Fang Lin Yan looked at Omi, but the heart is very clear, this proud woman is with yourself! Previously, she saw her hidden main line in the world of dinosaur, so this time I had a stomach.

Now it is clear that she has also begun to focus on his SSS task!

Obviously, she feels that Fanglin Rock can do it better.

Of course, I will see it for this Fanglin Rank. I am still very willing to accept her leadership, even if she is going to work under her, even if it is my own. It doesn't matter if it is better.

Men, don't know anything bigger to women, forced the keyboard and I can kneel for two hours.

Then I can't tell, Fang Linyan puts on the eating brain, this is the first time I use this strange hat, and I feel that the brain melon is somewhat awkward. It is not only the case, but people are more disgusting.

This is like the first time, the person who took the plane took off when the plane took off, but it returned to normal after a few minutes, and the food-capped brain is very heavy. In fact, it feels very light after wearing it. It seems to be a top. Ordinary duck tongue is on the head.

Of course, another reminder from Fanglin Rock's retina, and is a negative prompt of red:

"Contractors ZB419, you have been affected by negative ability, your health is continued until it is reduced to 20%."

"Contractors ZB419, you have been negatively affected, your mobile speed will reduce 5% every five seconds until 90%, this negative effect will continue until you remove the hat. Hours."

"Contractors ZB419, you are negatively affected, the sturdy breath is affected, your full property is temporarily reduced by 25%, duration an hour."

Good at the last suggestion finally appeared:

"Contractors ZB419, capability: The seventh feels triggered!"

"When you turn on the key forging equipment upgrade capabilities in the next 10 minutes, the probability of low value options and items is reduced by 7%. High value options, probability of items in items to increase by 5%

After paying such a big price, Fanglin Rock chose the key to the opening of Qilo falling!

Among the light flashes, the first piece was drawn by Fanglin Rock. It actually shining the golden light!

Quylinas Chilo's bag headscarf (semi loss)

Quality: Silver plot (after repairing headscarf, improve the golden plot)

Introduction: This is a magic world as an evil and powerful presence refining, then handed over to Quilinas, let him temporarily adapt to the negative effect brought after wearing, it has strong The concealed ability and camouflage ability, just because of the intense battle, it was damaged by a strong religious type of attack, so some functions were restricted.

Tip: This item will only fall in the magic world of Quylin, and the young Tom Morovo Lidel.

Wear: When the entry is subjected to non-physical attacks, damage is reduced by 15%.

Wear: Make the equipment of the equipment + 2 points, this top of the Human Towel with India's Dynasty Dynasty is still quite exotic.

Wear: Make the entry of the equipment + 2 points, when the evil and powerful presence, the powerful texture is carefully carried out, which makes it possible to have a strong bonus of the wearer's perception.

Wear: Make the spirit +5 points of the entry, it is clear that this equipment is when it is manufactured, it is destined to be worn by the magician, so Tom Morovo. Lidell used 13 times when weaving the headscarf. The intestines of the Rainbow Turtle, this strange magic material has a significant improvement effect on mental power.

Passive ability: flexible fog.

Make the real strength of the equipment into the fog, it is like a fate, it is difficult to ponder, even if it is a very powerful enemy exceeds the strength of the wearer, it is difficult to accurately determine its true strength, this effect has authority .

The fog fog addition effect (???) is not fixed, so it cannot appear.

This is also the exclusive secret of Tom. Morovo. Lidel, which is good at, even if it is more powerful than him, it is difficult to surpass him in this regard.

Negative effect: Shi Zhi, when manufacturing this equipment, Tom Morovo Lidel used a unique magic material: human fish, it can greatly enhance the enemy's detection, but this is also The existence of the soul of the human fish included in the equipment will continue to affect the health of the wearer.

After wearing this headscarf, the wearer's health will reduce 10%, and health will be continuously affected. For space warriors, each return requires additional 3,000 universal points to repair your own body. , Continuous corrosion of the poison of stone.

WARNING: This is an equipped with a semi-damaged state. You must fix it after you can get its complete property, before it is fixed, passive ability: flexible fog can't take effect.

Inscription: Not anyone has the ability and courage to make your soul into seven.


After seeing this equipment, Fanglin Rock is to disclose its attribute, but it is found that it will continue to be prompted:

"ZB419, your new equipment: Qiliñas Qillo's bag heads can be repaired, and you don't need any additional materials, you can choose to fix it now, but you need to pay 221771 points!"

"You can also repair it in space after you choose to return, you need to pay 115124 points!"

Fang Lin Yan saw this prompt. When I first felt a little amazing, but the back of the last ten universal points would be accepted.

In short, it is not rushing to use this place, this equipment is unquestionable, the power is in the fog in the fog, this stuff looks ordinary, but it is a good thing!

After Fanglin Rock shared the property of this equipment, he felt that this should be a vulture.

However, the vultures have been very simmeted after reading. It turned out that when he went to reconnaissance, he used the shadow. This place can hide in black shadows. It is extremely difficult to find that it does not need to strengthen in this area. .

Instead, this negative effect of this play is really snowing to anemia.

Not only that, in the Northern Suite in the vulture, one equipment is a hat, and the equipment of the headscarf is also conflict, so his abandonment is also reasonable.

Fanglin Rock said in this hat, and finally decided to wear himself. After all, the spirit +5 little knowledge + 2 points to reduce physical attack 15% is quite useful to himself, and will also try to send it, this kind of thing Canada selling goods.

Once some people like, then it is still a high price, but that is really to describe it with "ending".

After this series of things, a man was directly prepared to have a distant door. Of course, it is a remote door, in fact, it is just a few times through the magical fireplace.

However, such a transmission is not simple, listening to Omi said that even Dumbleo has come to greet ------ It is really trying to do this.

Fanglin Rock this time is a very embarrassing by Mc. I came to Romania. This is also a very helpless thing, and the negative state of the eating brain is too disgusting.

After a series of transactions, they stayed in the head in a room, and it looked like a hindenen egg, but this is also a side effect of continuous transmission.

After drinking a glass of lemonade, a man finally recovered from the deadly dizzy, and then walked out of the door with a welcome smile on a face, I found out that I have come. In the capital of Bucharest, you can see the street on the street, it is very lively.

Then, after they got out of more than two hundred meters, they entered a magnificent building. The building is full of modern technology, then this helper embarks on the elevator, it is worth mentioning, there are several The white-collarholders of the company also take the elevator together.

However, these white-collar workers are under the elevators, amazing is that there is no bright button, but the elevator still continues to climb.

Soon, the elevator actually crossed the top floor of the 34th floor. When it was stopped, the elevator did not show the specific floor. Fanglin Rock did so that the elevator was found in front of a corridor. After walking, it is a fan. A closed door.

Next to the gate, the "distribution facility" "high-pressure danger" "high-pressure danger" "room is heavy", etc., if someone is misunderstood, it will only be used as a workshop.

However, under the leadership of a suit, everyone walked into this door, and quickly found that the surrounding metal channel quickly became a rock wall, then in a cave, when they came out of the cave. I have already founded it to another world.

In this world, the most typical thing is that there is no blue sky and white clouds, and there is no sun, but there is a layer of light on the sky, it looks like a cloudy.

The location of the cave is on the half-mountain waist, you can see the mountain rolling, there is a lake star, the mountain is steep, and the line is sharp, it seems to be able to draw the light blue sky, the laminated waterfall is in deep Among the valleys.

The surrounding plants are also more madroad, both large naked plants, tree fern, and a large number of gares, giant trees, it seems that the vegetation is extremely rich, and there are some things in the sky as if the bat is like wing hands. Dragon's biological flight.

Among the bark next to the bark, it was drilled out a beetle with a large pair, and glared at his own black eyes to watch Fanglinyan a few seconds, and then retracened back.

But in a moment it turned, it was a big dragonfly than the bird, and I took it directly away.

I saw this scene, and I couldn't help but said:

"Wow, it is amazing. He is still in the big city of the car, the next second, in the next second."

When you hear him, the suit man smiled:

"This is not surprising, gentleman, there will be the only reason for this situation, that is, the channel of the connection is just here, just like the opening of the Hogwoz secretary is located in the nine-quarters of three stations. "

"Welcome to the secret of Tadjo, Romania! I am a director of your guidelines, Albova, Lasgow import and export company, is also a friend of Haggra! I hope that we can have a successful journey."

Then Albrovin specially gives Fanglin Rock three people stripping ceremony:

"Mr. Cadle, Mr. Vulture, Mr. Goat, Your Miki is a prosperous, today I have seen three in my own eyes, it is really proud."

Obviously, this is the legend of the legend.

Goat picks up his eyebrows in Kresbo, the latter face is very ugly, but Omi is also a faceless expression, but this proud woman is estimated to have a breath.

Vulture asked:

"Is there only one exit between the secret and the main world?"

Albow smiles:

"The relationship between the secret and the main world is very very complicated, but the most mainstream school is that the main world is like a towering tree, and the secret is the fruit, it is the essence of the Tiantian tree."

"The channel we enter is like connecting the handles between the fruit and the big tree, is the largest and most stable passage, unless there is a big problem between the two, but, when the air is coming At the time, the barrier between the secret and the main world will become weak, and there will be some unstable temporary channels. "

"In this case, some of the courageous magical creatures will enter from these temporary channels, and then appear in the world of Muggle, which is often reported in the world of Muggle, saying that there is a supernatural event. the reason."

"Then the Magic Ministry will move people, lap the magical creatures or drive away, block this temporary space channel, this badlier we have to kill is the main world through the temporary channel, and then successfully eaten Seventeen people and thirty-three cows! "

"Loss the Romanian dragon has the habit of homing the nest, otherwise, the destruction that it is only afraid will be bigger!"

Vulture suddenly said:

"Oh, it turned out to be like this, understand."

Albroen Road:

"There is also a harsh condition than the temporary channel, that is, the tide of time and space triggered the resonance of space abilities, and then leads to the shallow face to overlap, this kind, even part of the secret will overlap with the main world."

"In this case, the situation will be out of control directly. Different kinds of magical creatures will have a large number of disasters in the main world, and of course, it is also the Magic Ministry to conduct all the mobilization."

Fang Linyan suddenly thought of the last time I entered the experience, I can't help but said:

"Is there a huge change in Ximin Temple in the area of ​​Xitin Temple?"

Albow is surprised to see Fanglin Rock:

"Yes, that time the shallow face is quite serious, according to the record and even dispatched the dragon cavalry, it seems that you have done a deep investigation before this!"

Fang Lin Yan smiled slightly:

"It's really clever, I listened to the scene of the turnover, I heard that there is still thunderous bird, so the memory is deep."

The vultures saw him.

Alba is surprised:

"Oh? Is there a thunderbird in the battle? This is not recorded!"

When a man is talking, it will come to a sparkling big lake. You can see a beard, this guy is short and strong, and the beard combed into a small scorpion, the thick arm There is also a strange strange tattoo, Albawen introduces:

"This is Hermit. Mr. Nassi, he is a well-known hunter of the world. We are now going to hunt this Romanian corner dragon, which is found and responsible for continuous tracking."

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