The First Evolution

Chapter 55 is not big, called Dad

() Hermet. Najinwa, the beard looks very cheerful, take the initiative to say hello, and also delivered a hundred vine.

In the first time, Fanglin Rock didn't know what this is used. Until I saw Albow biting a vine head, she had sampled.

When Fanglin Rock bit bite, I found that this vine has some sugar cane, which is similar to the moisture enhanced version. It only needs to bite a head, then gently press it, it will take a lot of juice water, and the taste of this juice is more than sugar cane. Light,

Followed by Hermit. Natini, took several plants, then smashed it in the stone nest, add water, so that everyone will apply it on the bare skin.

This mixed liquid sauce is not particularly rich, it is only very special, and it is like a blamelessness of the blood oil mixed squid blood, it is very identified.

Simply put, after you smell this breath, you can think of this liquid that Hermit. Naxinva is prepared.

"OK, I have heard of it, your time is very urgent."

Hermet. Naixinwari patted his hand: "So I said too long."

"First, I have to tell you, your goal is an old Romanian corner dragon, its name is Dortmun, and it is also hurt in two months and three days ago, the location of the wound in the neck of the neck "

"The wound causes a high-carbon steel triangal thorn, with up to twelve small strips, and the groove on Mitsubishi also makes the blood continue to pass, this Mitsubishi thorn It is difficult to pull out unless it is a means of use surgery. "

"So, if Mr. Dort Mont has never been to the hospital recently, then when we find it, it must not be in the best state."

After hearing this news, the rest of the people also showed a relaxed color at the same time, but Hermit Natinwari said:

"But this means that it will be in sensitive, violent, irritating, crazy state, such a beast, once it is caught in it, then it is very possible for the entire team. Lost the first hand, then produce the disaster of the top! "

"Although you apply the drugs I have deployed, the medicament can only block the smell, can't resist Romanian dragon-kene auditory and vision ------ this is flying over 10,000 feet, but also see 50 kilometers away The scary creature of the flock of the grassland! "

"So, everyone must pay attention to it, when close to Dortmong neck points, be careful! Otherwise, you will prepare it to cope with its tasting high temperature dragon. Of course, you still have a choice to pray. "

The goat faces the point of dignity:

"okay, got it."

Hermet. Nikuri went out a hug and then drank a s day:

"Finally, I still have a negligible requirement. If you really can do it, please sell it to me, for this, I can return to you in full return to the guide fee."

"I have to explain that I am going to cut off some of the use of Dual Montagrai corner, then grinding into powder to make special ointments."

"My Deputy ---- The stupid Grom saw Dortmun in the last hunt, I screamed: You can kill me but I can't defeat me, then I am right. Directly rushed. "

"So, although he is very fortunate now, he still needs this special effect ointment to completely restore health. The rest of the scorpion part, I will put it in the showroom, after all, I kill Dortmane It is only the distance of 11 cm. "

Vulture curious:

"Why is it 11 cm?"

Hermit Natinwari:

"Is there a three-prism on Dorent?"


"Yes it is."

Hermit. Natinwa is very regrettous:

"If the triple prism, if you can go deep into 11 cm, you can get into the location of Dortmane's chest gland, although it is a strong beast, even the heart has two, but, Once the three-prosthetic thorns, the thoracic artery will be hit hard! The blood will quickly flow into the lungs along the channels manufactured by the three-prosthetic. "

"So, once the situation is deteriorated to the end, Mr. Dortmont is all filled with blood, even if it is a vitality of the dragon, it will be lived in his own blood this time ........ "

Cresbo couldn't help but hit the intrrance, and the tab was a sentence:

"How can you affirm it, can you play such a good effect?"

Hermit. Natinwa sighed a mouthful:

"Because, the triangular thorn is from my Austrian rifle ....... before pulling the trigger, I have prepared for this whole for this whole three months, and I personally dissected the seven Romania. The corpse of the corner dragon found such a weak point. "

Omite is very simply interrupting the discussion between the two:

"Hermet. Mr. Nassimar, as long as we can kill Dort Meng, its corners on your head are yours, you can also process all of the remaining corners while treating your buddy. After being hung on the wall, we will start it! "

Hermet. Nikuri revealed the state of courtesy:

"Thank you for your generosity, lady! But I still have to explain one thing, my right arm is still not good, and the Austrian rifle is very strong, so the gun is aiming at shooting, it is actually A big risk is very risky. "

"So, I am only responsible for the way, and once I entered the battle, I will evacuate first -------- this is also the condition we have in advance."

Albow also smiled:

"Affiliated to Hagger, I can help you with a rapid evacuation of hazards in the situation, but it is a very dangerous thing to fight with Dost Meng, I am hard to intervene, I am very sorry."


"no problem."

Kresbo is a middle road in the team:

"I think this elf is lacking confidence in us. Even if the Omi will give all the corners to him, this guy's tone is like being perfunctory ------ and the one side of the potato piece / as a face The drama / one side let me have an emotion of the girl! "

Max suddenly said:

"Brothers, I think you should find a reason for your own, I have never encountered a similar trouble."


"roll roll roll!"


Next, Albown actually took a flying carpet, and then all people asked all the people, and then quickly flew.

In the process of flight, they were also attacked several times, but they were all easily resolved by Albow, this guy is just a yellow-green powder, and then these bat creatures have sharp-eyed bats. It's horror and flying away.

Not only that, Fanglin Rock noted that the flight route of Albova's flying blankets also wonderfully avoided some strong creatures, and he was very familiar with him.

After more than a month to fly, it can be seen in the distance. It can be seen in the distance, and its shape presents an umbrella shape. The profile characteristics are very obvious. It looks like the peak lava coverage version of Fuji. .

Not only that, it is very different from the surrounding, this mountain peak is inch, and it is a black red rock everywhere, and the top of the black smoke, even the spring water flowing around is milky white, still non-stop Bubble, exudes a strong sulfur flavor.

Hermet. Naixinwarry low channel:

"Prepare to land, there is a lot of Chang, usually, it will bathe in the magma pool above to alleviate the pain brought by the wound."

"Of course, just alleviating, because the metal of the triangrow arrow is penetrated into arsenic and chromium, so the two elements will continue to release, and the source is constantly letting more special injuries, which is more painful. "

"The principle of high temperature mitigation pain in the magma cell is that high temperature makes Dormon blood flow accelerates, faster to take the toxin, but but these toxins will be stacked in its liver, and the symptoms may be alleviated in a short period of time, but time For a long, the toxins in the liver exceed the threshold, and the health will fall in the hazard. "


"Okay, understand."

Soon, the flying blanket stay behind a large rock, and here is in the lower wind of the nest, Hermit Natinwa looked at the rapidly scattered Fanglinyan and others, and took out a jug for a bite. Finally, curiosity:

"What are you doing?"

At this time, Fanglin Rock and others are surrounding the surroundings. Omei is a serious face, looking at the distance near measuring, and looks at the rule of the hand.

Only Mes is talents in the limbs, and I heard the guys of the inquiry:

"Prepare for fighting."

Hermit. Natinwari was surprised:

"Then your hunting equipment! You have to deal with a dragon, your alloy steel rope net, your crossbar launcher? You used the asbestos cloth that shakes the dragon!"

At this time, it happened to pass by, and the mouth was inserted:

"We hurry, no time to prepare those things."

Hermit. Natinwair Zhang Dazhao said:

"Guys, I admire your courage, but you do this undoubtedly it is suicide!"

The vulture watched Haha smiled and shrugged himself.

At this time, Alben's face is also serious, seriously:

"Dear, you have to face, is a terrible killing machine! Its weight exceeds four tons, the wings will not be less than fifteen meters, the flame temperature of the spray is more than one thousand seven hundred, which can be easily Gold melting into liquid, when it is impacted, even a main battle tank can be overturned! "

"I owe a big man, so I promise him, no matter how to keep your life, but I think it is likely that I can't do it ....... um? You, you want do what!?"

At this time, Albin's tone was rare, because he saw that Omi took out a very strange horn from his arms.

Some of this corner, should be made in what animal's corner, but it is also engraved with a rune, under the grip of Omi, these runes have lit up, shining with blue light!

Then, Omi will put it in the mouth and blow it! ! !

"Ohh Ohh ohh!!!"

A vast voice spread directly, and this sound passed, the birds that should be flying seem to be bound by an invisible force, and the head is buried under the wings.

Solve, the rest of the beast is also the influence of this sound, and the nest has returned to the nest in the nest, and the nest will immediately find a hidden place to drill in the nest.

The name of this corner, in the instant, in the mind of Albawen:

O'Shariti! !

Only those who alchemist Orashali family can refine this mysterious horn.

Its material is the horn, the focus is on the seventeen mystery runes tried above, and after implanting the magic, the seventeen runes will make different sounds depending on the amount of magic injection magic.

Of course, use a few times (usually without more than five times), the horn will be damaged, so it is a consumable product.

These sounds from the corners are very close to certain dragons or magical creatures, such as the sound of the doll, such as an angry snoring, of course, can simulate the challenge -------- Yes, it is this time that Omei blows out! !

I intuitively, this is a sound, as long as the Romanian trokte is not a deaf, it will know that there is another trampal dragon in his territory, and it is directly very arrogant to the nose provocation:

Big, called Dad!

In most cases, Du Dual's reaction is to pounce, and take this dare to challenge your majesty, then take it directly, then eat it, then eat it, the blood is full of the territory, this can calm the anger !

Albah's face changed, immediately re-throwing the flying blanket, screaming out:

"Go! Come up!"

Hermet. Nasinwa, this short-strong guy is even more agile, almost jumped on the flying blanket with Albow, and then shouting to let him mount the flying blanket.

However, this helper is in the same place, but Omi has blows out a challenge!

Among the long-distance dragon nest, I suddenly explored the head of the head, which is the Romanian corner of Dragon Delum, then it is locked here with the old eyes of anger, followed by the wings. This is diven down.

At this time, Albin found that the previous pre-procurement was still too conservative. This guy's wings show at least twenty meters. In the early days of it takes off, a lot of fire red magma falls from him. At this time, you can see its black-green scales shine with metallic colored light.

The most eye-catching, or the three pairs of golden light of its heads, this is both a weapon and a tool for the doll, just like the tail feathers of the male peacock.

It can be seen that its bronze puping has locked here, although this guy did not see the same kind of kind, but it also saw the human beings here ------- this is also Dortmont is very unlike a creature! Because these guys tastes very general, the injury on them is caused by them.

Therefore, the frequency of Dortmont's wings has become more fast. It has been forced to want to pour your dragon in these humans. They have a mourning sound from the flame to make great Dortmunner's mood slightly slightly. Pleasant is a little bit.

I have seen Dotun, I have been quickly aligned here, and Albovo does not say that the flying blanket will leave.

His action is so urgent, even leads to Hermit. Naiminwa, this guy has some mementers to fall, but the short-lived guy seizes the sage next to the flying blanket, which avoids falling. fate.

Hermet. Niki Mali has not come and complains, and he heard Dortmun's low roar. This sound sounds and is not strong. It is similar to the "" sound of the stranger. It is still low.

This is also a characteristic of the Romanian corner dragon before making a vomity!

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