The First Evolution

Chapter 56 Wars Dragon

In the face of this dangerous moment, Hermit. Natinwai directly swallowed his complaint back to the scorpion, and the eyes did not go to the Gort Montanic position! The blood vessels there have begun to expand, and even the above scales have begun to reveal a violent bow.

It is the source of the dragon! !

In fact, before a hundred years ago, there was an exotion called Tina Goldstein once studied in depth, and he wrote a paper, very popular.

The title of the paper is called: shocked! Dragon is = beetle fart.

This paper introduced a insect called black carnical steps. This top multi-length scorpion, but it can prey in the body weight type, which is more than five or more frogs.

Don't forget, look very kawai, eat a delicious frog, no exception, all are carnivorous!

The strong secret of this black carnut meat step is that there are two different secreted glands and cabins in its tail. When it is not combat, a cabin is stored in a cabinet, and there is another compartment stored in hydrogen. Quinone.

When you encounter the prey, the black carnuts will shrink the abdomen, simultaneously squeeze the liquid in the two cabins, spray it, these two liquids are mixed in the air, then mixed up to 600 degrees White smoke gas.

In the usual frog, this is directly hit by it, the meat of the middle move will even become a three-class state.

Tina Goldstein immediately found that the power of the dragon is absolutely stronger than the black carnivorous step, but the principle is almost exactly the same as the attack pattern of this black carnick step.

Simply put, the fire dragon sprayed a haze liquid from its own sacred sac, then this liquid was ignited after contact with the air, producing a horror high temperature, and then burned.

Many dragons have a sustained combustion effect. The principle is that these fire dragons are too powerful in the injection. Some of these liquids are sprayed on the quarry when they have not burned. So the flame will continue to burn over. time.....

Dortmont's huge body showed an amazing flying skill at this time, just came to the front to fall in front of it, then began to put away his wings!

The next curtain Hermit. Natinwa has been seen many times, the horrible dragon is directly washed, which will directly cause a width of more than eight meters and up to 50 meters long!

If the slogan of the moment is quite violent, then the length of this flame passage can even exceed one hundred meters, and the high temperature and even stone will present a solution.

Like more dragons in the Adult Romanian corner dragon, it is definitely not the existing magic to fight, even if it is "that person" or Dumbledo!

They have the ability to let Romanian corner dragons have no chance to spray dragons, but once the dragons are sprayed, these two people must retreat.

However, the few people actually there are still the old gods, and even have a few hopes!

Just, the next second Hermit. Ni Xinwu's eyes are wide!

The turbulent dragon is in the eyes of Dortmake's eyes, it is estimated that the top more will spray in a second, and the group is still stupid to stand in place.

Just when this is one of the thousands, there seems to have anything in the first line, and the flame is actually quiet.

Immediately, the body of Dual Meng is slamming down! ! This sink is so resolute, you can understand that there is a transparent big feet in half empty, falling on the back of Dortmake!

So that the long neck of Directo is raised! Then I am ready to send an angry roar!

Unfortunately, it is at this time in the key dragon to spur, so this roaring is directly killed in the eyes of the throat, which is replaced by the dragon in the sky.

Not only that, Dortmun suddenly appeared in the fast dump, so it used to buffer strain time very short, probably zero a few seconds, given that there is no dragon to do the flying skills like a hummingbird , So the swearing of more Directors becomes a caravation ...

After the huge body, after taking the ground, Heng head sprayed the flame directly rolled a few laps, and then hit the spin into the woods next to the forest, and plowed a passage of twenty meters inside.

Suddenly happened, the root cause is that the Ou rice pre-arranged a trigger is triggered.

This is a secret silver dust, the comet tuberculosis, the blood of the devil, and the four materials of the 100-day red flower petals, the cost price is a general point of 3061. There is only one, which can change the designated area. Heavy gravity for three seconds.

After this trigger is triggered, the gravity in the nearby area is three times! Although this change has only lasts for three seconds, it is already enough to cause the magical world version of the air.

However, for the flesh of the skin, the situation is not a very rare thing when the flight is flying. Therefore, more only the "crash", it is only some skin injury, the most serious The injury is just a bone fracture on the wings.

Such injuries, it only needs to be soaked in the magma tank for five or six hours, you can recover a seven seven eight eight.

However, the left of the legendary team will no longer give it five or six hours! At the moment of Dortmund, they have already flicked!

In just a few seconds, a large number of attacks have fallen on Dortmont, Hermit. Natinwa, I have already seen it, watching Dortmun, who lost the balance, issued a burst. The sorrow, even even the expression of Albovo.

At this time, Hermit. Nikawa suddenly lost his voice:

"Not good! He is too anxious!"

At this time, Fanglin Rock has been deceived by Dortmane's chest. At this time he can be clearly seen, in the position of the Dort Mont neck, there is a plate size of scales that have been broken!

In the center of the scales, there is a thumb and thick wound. The flesh and blood at the wound are still blowing, but it has been black, and some bloody liquids are flowing from the wound, and there is a little disgusting. Odor.

Here, it is Hermit. The wounded wounded before Natan, there is a distance of more than a dozen centimeter!

Fang Lin Yan has never been attacking, it is for this moment, his purpose is also very simple -------- Help this triangular piercing to the place where it should go! !

So, the next second, Fang Lin Yan wrist, it was already taking out a straight steel strip with a small point of finger, the length and even reached a meter ------- This thing is Fanglini listened to Hermit Natinwa told this wound, it took a lot of mind to find it.

Then Fanglin Yan did not say, raised this steel strip and gotting it out of this wound!

Under this stab, Fanglin Ryna can clearly feel what hard objects have encountered the end of the steel strip, and then drive this hard drive.

In this moment, Dort Meng was shaking in this moment. I sent a screaming, and the huge power of fierce, and the wings were flying out.

In this moment, Fanglin Rock is just like a golf ball. It is far away. It is far away from almost twenty meters away, and then slammed a tree fern!

See this scene, it seems that Sswen's Albrovin is directly swearing:

"Damn, I promised Hap to bring them back!"

After that, I will directly control the flying blanket to fly over the side, Hermit. Nasinwari hurriedly stopped:

"Hey, my friend, Dome, a wings, a wings, is enough to die! The guy called the wrench is not preparing for any preparation at the time. He broke the probability of the neck ..... "

Just when Hermit. Naxinwa, I was a crazy Dortmont that was stunned by a painful pain, and it was going to take a re-off! However, a "small bug" in its eyes stood at this time!

This small bug is Mes! He whispered in his place. He shoted a greened green light from his hand. At the same time, it actually formed a fierce snake, and bitten in Dortmake. head on.

Xu Dera's blood! !

This is the ability of Max's set shield, after use, directly throwing Arakat's anger to the enemy in the enemy.

Of course, there is only one enemy at this time, that is, more special, so the ejection cannot take effect.

However, after the attack of Arakat's wrath, the dizzy effect of 1.5 seconds is avoided, this is the natural blood pressure! Strong nine-headed snake Xu dera is also a dragon organism, and it is clearly the one that belongs to the top of the food chain.

Compared with it, the strength of the strength barely entered the legendary order is just a small lizard.

Not only that, but after the anger of Arakat, the passive ability is highly poisoned.

It can be seen that the scales that the Dortmont head was hit have been corroded, and the white smoke is also taken out. In addition to causing harm and dizziness, it will make it slow down. 25%, can also cause terrible pain.

So the painful Dort Meng saw Messe, I felt very irritated, and I used it as a spikes in my eyes!

Therefore, after waking up from dizzy, a paw is aligned with Mc.

Max is shining, because at this time, he is using the single-handed shield, and the external parties have a huge body difference, so in the friction of the diaracic paws and shields, they are hit four or five meters. far.

Then Dort Meng took a step, once again, Max continued to bite a teeth, although it was repeated, but still kept his own balance while being slammed.

For Dortmont, it only felt that every paw is smashed on a red iron, and it hurts!

When Dortmun also wants to continue chasing, it suddenly felt that the rear of the uncomfortable part came back, and the fierce roaring turned, and the tail was scattered with the two despicable sneak attacks into rolling hoist. Two people in vultures and Kresbo gave this dragon to kill it!

For the baubles who dare to explode, Dortmun will definitely be regarded as a nail, so its horror giant has stopped vulture, and it was dripped by a painful pain. It took a few claws.

However, the other party looks more than a chaos. If the funeral is funeral, it is actually slippery, and more attacks have fallen!

But finally, the enemy was forced into the dead end, and the junction of the claws, even the great mouth of his Lienssen was also slightly opened, and it was obviously a bite.

However, at this time, a shadow has been obliquely hit from the side, and it has come to the vulture before the paw is photographed, and the hands are actually a more Diantun.

It is Fanglin Rock launched to intercept in time!

And he is not a simple hard anti-multi-special sweater, but when the sweating is about to be in the hands, press the hands before the hands and hard students!

It seems that it is actually doing self-tempered, as if the big trees are general, it is necessary to have a hard angle force in front of this monster!

In the next second, Fanglin Rock was unavoidable, but Dort Montama was like a paw to sweep the rock, mourned, and it was too late, which was obviously a light shock.

I saw this scene, Hermet. Nikawa's mouth has been Zhangcheng O-shaped shape.

Alban can't help but say:

"Hey, my friend, you don't mean that this guy's guy's neck break is very big? So how can he be able to take a more Thamun?"

Hermet. Naixin Tvan can't help but say:

"This guy is a monster! I doubt that he is an adult alone, but it is only a human deformation !! How can normal human beings competed with the dragon?"

It's no doubt that I have no doubt that I am very angry, and I'm going to use my most powerful weapon dragon again!

However, this time, Fanglin Rock has a hand, it is a hair loss, it is really a clever! Whether it is the anger of Max's shield Arakat, or the Holding of Fanglin Rock's Sakura Dragon, it has a close relationship with powerful dragons.

Whether it is too ancient creatures, or from the West, directly in the name of the famous country, the seven knives of the artifact, is the existence of the long-selling multi-special, so in the blood pulling It is suppressed to death.

So the skills of these two equipment triggered, can play the fullest in Dortmont, whether it is harm or dizzy, can play the ultimate effect, not to say that it is resistant.

Therefore, in the moment of Dort Monton, Fanglin Rock flashed up, and it took 1.5 seconds directly.

In this 1.5 second, it happened to avoid the dragon, and the dragon categorned the swing, let the dragon show a greater fierce operation.

With this 1.5 second buffer, after Dottont recovered from dizzy, it was anger that these small bugs actually scattered, and some even continued to make their own blood. Chrysanthemum is close up.

It can only have a little wolf, then roar loudly and rushed up, but this time is Cresbo, he can also use a single-handed shield, and a hammer is in the paws of Dortmane. .

We have witnessed the mixed battle below, and Albowa suddenly said:

"Hey! Drilling, you didn't say it almost gave more special fatal hits? People wrenher listened to you, and directly took the three-rightened top, and also a blow, result Dortmon now, the more dragons! "

Hermit. Natinwari seriously:

"I just said very clearly, the three-prisms once in the dangerous area, it will cause blood into the trachea, and then there is too much in the lungs, it will cause it to be drowned by their own blood,"

"You look at how big Dormon's block, how much blood does it take to achieve a step, this is definitely taken! This is not like a murdereous neck, immediately see!"

"You see you, don't you have a significant effect now?"

It turned out that when the two were chatting, Dort Mong, who was in a battle, then hung nose, then dramatically got, can see it from his nostrils, there is a dark red blood, there is a few regiments Dark brown blood clots.

In the case of the intelligence shared in the vulture, it shows that there is a state in which the legendary Romanian Head Dolongo is called "continuous deterioration of the injury".

Specific introduction is that the multi-Dual lung function is continuously deteriorated, and it will be affected by 25:0/5 seconds of bleeding, and when this damage has accumulated by 1000 points, the injury will aggravate, and Dortmun will fall into 3 Dizziness, while bleeding damage will be increased to 40 points / 5 seconds.

And every time, such bleeding is once again broken through the threshold.

In this case, Fanglin Rock certainly does not have to discuss, directly to the Lord, mainly this war is not fast!

After all, the goat's fireball is to tickle this Romanian corner dragon.

People are born in the magma. They are all masters of playing, if they can't break defense is a bit too much, but they can only play fur and rain.

At this time, the strengths of the front of the team are reflected, and the three people in Fanglin Rock, Mcis, and Cresbo are turned around.

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