The First Evolution

Chapter 57 Dragon Blood


In the three front rows of the injury, Fanglin Rock gave Dort Mund is the largest.

He has the support of the foundation of the Belver LV10, first attacking frequently, plus Dort Mon is a general organism, and the small body creature has a congenital advantage, but it is not invincible in the melee attack. Many.

After the Fanglin Yan Chong went up, the speed increased by "first attack", hiding the three junction of more Unmun, the fourth time, more special, not easy to hit, but actually triggered a dodge!

There is a serious consequence of the dragon, and Dortmun has four consecutive claws. It is also a heart, anger is difficult, and finally seized the opportunity to give Fanglin Rock a slap + tear bite + sweeping package!

After Fanglin Rock eats this, it is immediately played, and the gray-headed face is expressed, and it is also a vomiting, and the life is almost half. The magic value is only one more than one quarter.

In this case, McSi shield will throw it out, knocking more Dizhen's steering, and then rushing out, and striving to Fanglinyan for five or six-second buffering opportunities.

With this precious time, Fanglin Rock, of course, fled into the forest next to the forest, which is very unfriendled in Dortmane, if you want to walk in it, those tall and hard trunks are It huge huge hindrance!

When don't look at Dost Montun, these trees have been broken as fudges under its thrust, in fact, it is also quietly consumed its power.

Gradually, over time, Fanglin Rock uses the gothievance of the wandering to send out the beauty of the shackles, and there is more and more, forming a saturation.

Although the damage caused by these monsters that are not afraid of pain and death is very limited, they are also very obvious, not to mention the real harm, then make more special pain. .

Pain and violent Dortmont once opened a big mouth, fierce, Dafa, directly swallowed a beautiful plus, the result quickly regretted his own move, this stuff is a tree, simple For example, the binding tree and the corpse!

After Detany will swallow, it will vomit it for only ten seconds, and I also take the opportunity to sneak it by Fanglinyan and others. It can be said that it is a small wolf.

Suddenly, Dortmont's body has become stiff again, and an unbearable virtual sense is from the deep body.

It issued a painful humming, fiercely, you can see its nostrils, the blood in the mouth is violent, and the more shocking.

At this time, the arrogant Dortmun finally felt fear, especially the increasing weak feelings from the body, and the courage to fight quickly disappeared.

Not only that, Duerade, Masis, and the Western Dragon (Sakura) at the Western Dragon (Sakura) on the body of Fanglin Rock, so that its instinct is extremely insincere, so in this case, it decisively follow Instinct, directly turn around to escape.

Seeing this scene, Fanglin Rock and others are also loose, and this monster is really a very painful thing!

Expensive supplies are consumed in an amazing speed, in just seven eight minutes, Fanglin Rock, Mcis, Cresbo's total value of drugs and food consumes more than 100,000 universal points.

Kresbo has a strong battle recovery ability, the key is that Fanglin Rock and Mesters have used food and drugs, it is really brushing brush in burning money.

According to Omi-developed combat plan, Dortmun wants to escape, let it escape, it is to pursue it when it is running with it! Because whether it is a person or an animal, it will be exposed to the enemy when the wolf is incomparable when running.

Sure enough, Dortmun successfully rushed out of the encirclement and running directly.

At the side of the peep, Albrovin and Hermet. Nikawa is already stunned:

"Hey, what did I see?"

"Escape! Escape, this proud boy is ran?"

"Heaven, the boss is still the bad dragon of the bismuth. That is irritated to six pro, and even the class is to bite the tyrant!"

"Hey, what are you doing, hurry up, our flying blanket is going to hit the mountain next to it !!"

"What! Why don't you say it early!"


I took it out of dozens of meters away, and Dortmaked fierce, and then I plan to fly with my wings.

And it really did this. At this time, Dortmun grievances looked back at the eyes. The memory of this small bug was firmly remembered, and it swear, after he recovered, it must be this Helping guys chewing everyone's bones!

However, in this moment, Dortmun suddenly felt that his body fierce! ! The heavy feeling of ghosts is coming back! ! !

No matter how Candle is crazy, it is very strong and fierce, which is all because I don't know when it's a translucent butterfly on it!

This butterfly just like it is similar, its essence is a god!

Before the Torton is taken, it is quietly passed away! !

This god is a temporary drawn of Omi, and it can only be temporarily drawn because its duration is only two minutes, one hundred and twenty seconds, and the material of this god is spent. 60,000 universal points.

Simply, this thing is burning!

Omei's existence has always been very low, even when they are siege, there is no shot, because this battle is aid to myself, it is auxiliary.

And still a single aid, that is, restricting the flying capabilities of Dragon Dragon Dragon.

Don't see that she only needs to do this, but it has been able to ensure that the entire team can win the chase in the advantage. When the disadvantages can be retired!

Under the continuing action of this god, the weight of Dortmun has changed directly from the original four-point three tons! ! Its wings are powerful, and it is not possible to support such a weight loss.

Of course, Omi's MP value is also as if burned!

"Boom", a terrible air crash happened again, more detailed hitting the ground again, but the injury is not light, a wing has a clearly stunned look, and when you look at multiple fractures, thorough Unable to use.

Not only that, from Dual Mono's mouth, it is like water columns, sprayed out of a large amount of thick hot blood, it seems that it is already in inside and outside, weakened.

In fact, it is displayed in the information placed from the vulture detection. After the name of this guy has come with four words (serious injury).

After this fall, Dortmong can't fly, it can only look around it, and it is a pity that the fierce swaying of Fanglin Rock is, but unfortunately, it is a pity that the bloody looks particularly to make people feel that we are doing. As if it is a negative dog.

At this time, Fanglin Rock and others have become more and more calm. Instead, it is not fighting with Dortmun. Fanglin Ran has not yet flashed, and Cresbo is not stopped using a war hammer throw, vulture It is used to use the vibrated vibrating flying knife and the movie and the other party to continue consumption ........

Du Tom is dare to chase, they will retreat, Dott, Dort, they will chase! This kind of dead biting guerrillat is relieved from the wolves, although ancient, is extremely effective.

Over time, more and more blood, coughing in Dortmont's throat, and its breathing begins seriously, almost half of the lungs are filled by their blood.

The difficulty breathing will of course lead to weak, exhaustion, weak, even coma!

At this time, Datai also felt that it was not right. Every breath is so tough. In the power of itself, it starts to be strong, and the warm magma pool is high, the feeling of panging magma is Such an eye-catching.

So, it shines with a greedy and expected light. Crazy roaring, I have rushed over my nest, no matter what happens in front, I can't stop it home!

In the face of Dortmun's sudden efforts, the legendary team is not surprised, because for it is, it is as possible to reduce the movement as much as possible, and the heartbeat is saved. So maybe there is still a violent Sports, then the more the speed of the heart is too fast, the internal bleeding is more and more fierce!

This is undoubtedly the way to die!

Finally, Dortmun directly squatted to the place where his nest is less than 50 meters. It is already able to smell the charming sulfur fragrance. It is already possible to feel the heat from the earth. You can already see your favorite. The big stone on the top .........

However, the distance from 50 meters of the distance is that he will not be buckled.

At this time, the goats were proud of the past, and the whistle was blown out. The half-horse violent person rushed out, and raised the ax and got a chaos of Dort Mont.

Although the blood of the goat does not have a mandatory requirement, he must be finally hit, but Fanglin Rock is clearly prompted, do not give up these details, because most of the time, success is made up of countless details.

As the goat, a fireball is smashed to its head! Dort Mont died on the spot!

The goat was immediately excited to blow a whistle, you can see, from his back, there is a dog's illusion, and fiercely pounced the body of Directo, then greedy breathed, you can see it. A large number of blood red fog is inhaled in the body.

Those blood red fog kept rebellious, struggling, and it was more desperate to die.

Then, the dog's headman began to huddle after smashing the dragon, turned into a giant egg.

The ovary of the ghel is a fire red, with a strange pattern above, it looks almost like an entity! Soon, after the egg shell was broken, it was born, and the fire red creature of the flame is born. It is slowly hidden to the body of the goat.

At this time, the goat suddenly flew, and it was very happy:

"It is! I am now evolving from the blood of the dog head to the flame lizard, which is a very powerful velon blood, and the potential value of this blood reached 83%, said that I still have 83% of the chance. Purify the blood! "

Vulture admire:

"What is the increase in your own properties?"


"Of course, I have now a choice for the original blood, it is a bottom card! The passive attribute is small to enhance my flame resistance, fireball harvest, etc."

"The initiative attribute is actually a spray hierarchy! This thing is physical harm, but the number of tips is limited, one is generated, up to ten."

"After activating the original blood, I will incorporate as the Yalong form, the defense power increases by 20, and the value of health is 400 points. It is only 20% damage to the flame-based attack. And all of themselves It has increased by 50%. "

The vultures are shocked:

"This is the cattle, yes, what is your spray tipping, hurry to give me."

The goat reached out, it can be seen, in his finger front joint position (that is, the place where the Diamang wolf claws ", giving a sharp spike.

When not launched, this spike is probably only protruding from half a centimeter of the skin, and does not affect any flexibility of the hand. There are growing in the front joints of the five fingers. Ten fingers should correspond to ten tips. !

After the goat tested it, he found that his power is not good, and it has the three effects of "penetrating" "fire" "correction"! It can be said that it is quite easy to use.

Among these three effects, penetration can ignore the 50% defensive power of the enemy. After the fire is hurt, the enemy's wound will show blisters, redness, ulceration and so on, is similar to the effect of burnt.

The most worth mentioning is to correct this effect. It is actually very simple. There is also a parentheses behind the goat. It is 1 meter inside, then the corrective value of the hook that is injected is 1 meter.

Simply, the goat only needs to ensure the point of view of the sight of the target, then the remaining things will be given to the space to correct, the tip can be automatically tracked, the most accurate hit target, which is avoided The goat must be specially launched for this ability .......

Just when the vultures and goats chatted, Fanglin Rock, Mcis, and Cresbo has been aligned with the body of Dual Meng, can see the hot dragon blood still in the source of Dortmake. The big mouth came out.

The three people directly remove the barefoot, and then took out the towel and wipe it with the dragon blood.

When I saw this scene, Omidon was also awakened, they would want to intend to complete the milestone.

B + order / hidden milestone: Bath blood, killing a dragon with a year of ten years old, apply blood to the whole body, the temperature of the dragon blood must be higher than the Hua's 84.2 degrees, and the flow will not be heated by any situation.

Obviously, Dualian Dragon Blood is perfect for this standard.

Especially the old age, McS, directly put the wet-pending towels, this kind of great and simple feelings of their brothers, it is estimated that many wind and rain in many lives. I have a deep understanding of a lot of boulevard (this metaphor, plagiarism, plagiarism).

Then Mcsp made a scream of killing pigs! It is also very simple reason, that is, a freshly baked dragon!

Dort Mun can make a bath in the magma. It is clear that it is certainly not carbon-based creatures, so in normal circumstances, there are no problems in the body of two or three hundred degrees!

Even if I am in this time, I will die. Fanglinyan has also talked with the goat for a while, and the dragon blood on this ground is estimated to have seven or eighty degrees.

Misis Directly with a towel, the dragon blood is estimated that there is no temperature. If you are angry, please ask the little brother to make up, and the result is not to say, it almost caught the famous dishes of the Sichuan Zigong.

Hot bell ...

If is an ordinary person, it is just that the whole person will be abolished, so he is also MT, the skin is thick, so it will soon find that the basic function is found out in addition to being boiled red. Also, so you can only be careful to start being applied.

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