The First Evolution

Chapter 58 Last Soul

Omi looked at these people, but she picked up the key to Directa, she didn't want to soak blood.

Because she has already appreciated it, she will not fall below two hours after Dort Meng death, the temperature of the dragon blood will not fall below the limit temperature, this B + hidden milestone will take effect.

The result is very fast, the dead Dortmont's dragon blood begins to gather in a stone pit next to it. It is very close to Dortmun's nest, so the nearby terrain is completely volcanic terrain, nor anything Vegetation plant.

So, as the dragon blood accumulated in this stone pit is more and more, after a man is trying to try the temperature, it will jump directly, and one will be a bathhouse.

It is probably because the dragon is not a pure carbon base, it is accurate, it should be a carb-based mixed organism, so its blood is not countless, but the sulfur flavor will be more heavy. .

Omi is also busy at this time, directly, I only feel that the warmth is still very comfortable. If it is closed, I have a sulfur breath that I smells the face, I really have a little bit of hot springs.

When I was soaked in the dragon blood, Fanglin Rock found that I have gained two tips:

"Contractors ZB419, your dark chef is movable, you have dark food near one hundred meters, please look carefully."

"Contractors ZB419, your equipment is trembled, please check the reason for this equipment."

These two suggestions appeared, Fanglin Rock decisively looked at the dragon corpse of the high Ruo Hill next to it, no doubt, dark food is definitely on the body of Dual Meng.

As for the reasons for the bunch of the Sakura, it will definitely be the soul of the strong creature. At this time, there is two powerful residual souls. First, the first absorption is the alien wolf king. soul.

Then absorb, is the soul of the Three Kingdoms Xiahou En.

Obviously, Dort Meng as a dragon organism, and the original attribute of the bunch of the Sakura is very energetic. It is definitely the most suitable as the pressure axis soul, and the bunch of the Sakura is also wonderful.

Therefore, Fanglin Rock has gripped the bunch of the Sakura, and the prompt before returning the reticulum is also refreshed again:

"Contractors ZB419, the resentment of strong life, the bunch of your equipment, the bunch of the Sakura has resonated, and the force of the dragon is triggered. Do you need to absorb if you need to absorb."

Fanglin Rock has chosen yes, then take the bunch of the Sakua Dragon, in the palm of his hand, this place quickly floats quickly, come to the body of Datang, from the middle of the equipment, there is also a strange dragon. The shape of the creature began to be greedy downwards.

Then I saw another micro-red small dragon soul on the body, I actually fell to my teeth, and I was born to the bunch of the bunch of the Sakua Dragon, but the end is very tragic. Go down .......

With its behavior, Fanglin Rock is also a prompt:

"Your equipment: The bunch of the Sakura successfully swallowed the magical creature: the soul of the Romanian Dragon Dorundeng."

"Mondy is the Yalong creature, its soul is close to the soul of the bunch of the Sakura, and the quality of the soul has been added."

"The soul of Mombed is 9 o'clock, after the additional addition, its quality is 16 points."

"The bunch of the Sakura Dragon is successful: the current progress is 100%."

"The power of the dragon has been successfully concluded: three powerful souls have been captured (33)."

"The bundle of the Sakura is beginning to enter the transformation state, and the transformation status takes about 2 hours. During the transformation, the bunch of the Sakato will not be used."

After the transformation is completed, the quality of the Sakura Dragon will change, from light green growth equipment into mature forms. "

After reading this series of tips, Fanglin Yan also had a long gas. After the growth equipment will be obtained from the Arctic Circle, it will finally improve the extent!

In fact, Fanglin Ran is also very clear, you have to get the most perfect growth in the bunch of the Sakato, so it is best to let it swallow the soul related to the dragon. In this case, the final improvement should be able to reach the legendary level.

But now you do this, first absorb the soul of the Wolf King, and then absorb the soul of Xia Hou En, it is already a little bit of the taste of the mixed, quite a taste that is hunger, so the legendary level should not think.

However, Fanglin Ran can do not come out of the past, in order to pursue the perfect growth of some piece of equipment, it has led to the restricted growth, this is really not advisable.

At this time, Mcis is also exciting shouting, original B + order hidden milestone: The milestone of the blood is finally got, start to pop up the title: the property of the blood.

Title: Bathmone

Description: You have successfully bathed the whole body with fresh dragon blood, no matter what the era, this is the universal reflection, the only beauty is that you kill this dragon strength.

Equipment (title): Make your defense +10 points, flame resistance + 15%, power agility +2.

Obviously, the title of the blood drowning is B +, but because it is a hidden milestone, the property is so amazing.

If Fanglin Rock has the race of royal academicians, it is necessary to have the title of this title by this title.

At this time, Omi also put on the brain hat, turned on the key to Dai Di.

Unfortunately, this guy strictly said that it is the mission of goats, and the chance of falling well is low, and the external roof rock is still sucking with the bunch of the Sakura. The dragon blood is also taken to complete the milestone. ......

Of course, the most fundamental reason is estimated or Omi is not the Emperor. The last thing is miserable, only a leather can be seen, the remaining is the direct store's loss of money, the income of adds only 30,000 More general points, six people are all furry.

However, for the legendary team, just the title of the blood, it is enough to make this line back, the rest is pure profit.

At this time, Hermet. Nixinwari and Albrovin are also rushing. They look like the gray face is very wolf. The reason is of course, the Alba's manipulator is too much attention to the battle of this. The blanket directly hit the next mountain.

Then both people trample in the military ants in the process of running in the wolf .... So I was late, and when I was in front of them, it was a stunned, and there was no. The fierce guy who is expected to go to Dort Meng has been done directly.

"You ... what do you do?" The thrive of Albou looked at a dry man in the blood pool.

Goat laughed:

"In our legend, you can use dragon blood to make a knife and guns!"

Alben suddenly said:

"That is the tradition of Ni'an, I really didn't expect you to be their descendants."

Hermet. Natinwa I listened to it immediately.

"Yes? There is still this kind of saying, friends, do you mind me to bubble?"

For this refreshing elf, a man is still very sensible, and it nodded. Hermit. Nikawa, three, five eloquence, The face is rampant, excited:

"To be hunt, in my hunting career, I have lost a lot of big pieces, including the dragon and hunting three heads, but it is a little bit of death! Finally, I often find their body. Irrigation is incomplete, don't say that blood is not cold, never do this directly, "


"This is because the vitality of the dragon is often very stubborn, so is it difficult to kill on the spot?"

Hermet. Naixinwarli nodded:

"Yes, this is the same, the dragon is a creature that can be flying, so it will not take advantage of everything before they are dying, and then flee far away."

Fang Lin Yan stood up at this time, you can see the red dragon blood on his body, not sticking it, it is not sticky to the body, it seems like dew drops on the lotus leaf, no trace of.

Then he walked to the body of Di Di, pulled out the Di toothfruit, and directly started using the passive ability of the Ding Ding cow to divide it, but Fang Lin Yan didn't have five minutes, Hermet Nikwa And Albrovin two people called:

"Stop! Stop !!"


Fanglin Ran suddenly turned back:

"what's happenin?"

At this point, there is still a blood in his hands, and this image looks like a bit of gods.

Hermit Nikawa, I can't laugh:

"I think you use a peeled knife to come to a good hand, but why do you know about the division of the dragon?"

Fang Lin Yan is more embarrassed:

"I don't know anything?"

Hermet. Naociyan jumped up, rushed to Fanglin Rock, hatened iron did not have steel:

"You see the dragon skin in this part, it was complete and not damaged. After you are so everything, it will shrink half!"

"Also, this keel is removed by you, and you will lose it on the ground. You know that you can sell at least six Jin Gabung after sucking in the bone marrow!"

Albrovin is even sigh:

"These are small things! Don't you find that the blood of the body is going to dry? At this time, you should hurry to cut the spine, then take out the dragon brain is, otherwise, this rare alchemist will follow Its nostrils have dropped out! Then I didn't get into the dry rock below. At that time, your losses were high. "

The goat listened to them, suddenly the way in front of him:

"Sorry, please forgive me for taking the liberty, is the dragon brain is expensive?"

Hermit. Nairi's eyes widely:

"Of course, fresh dragon brain, it is the main material of refining life dew! The legend of life dew is the magic medicine found by Nikuli, although a person can only take it once, but it can get an extra three days. To three months of life! "


"Why is this increased span?"

Hermit Natinwari:

"Because of its health of the people who bonused and taking, only people who have a breath, only three days, the body is strong, so you can live for more than three months!"

"Of course, there is one of this stuff to sell expensive, that is, if it is dying patients, this life can make people live very quality, such as even if you are a disease, take it I will sleep for about a day later ------- Delivery time is not scheduled to extend life. "

"Then when this person woke up, won't want to sleep again. The disease in the body is completely suppressed, and the health people are exactly the same. You can drink meat, or even ** jade, play, is equivalent to being The last come to a hysterical carnival. "

The goat listened later, sincerely:

"This is really powerful."

Then he turned his eyes:

"Big beard, I see that you have said heads, then it is definitely a study on this."

Hermet Niki Lui shrugged:

"The study did not dare to be, nothing more than ripening, it's okay, everyone is a friend of Hap, I will let my partner help you divide!"

"To tell the truth, it is very difficult to decompose such a big Romanian corner dragon, especially it is still dead!"

After the goat listened, I immediately said:

"Come come, we discuss something ........"

So the goat took the doubtful Hermet. Nikawa and Albowa have to go to the beside, the result is only five or six minutes, both sides, oh, no, the tripartite has successfully reached an agreement .

The legendary brigade will sell this one you can't sell, of course, not selling the golden Gabung, who is not lacking, but successfully exchanged a batch of agents.

In the process of drying Dortmong, the entire team's supply is very amazing, there is such a batch of agents, which is alleviated to the current stipulations.

Not only that, but also selling Hermit. Nikawa and Albavan, the two of them are the big people in the Las Ge Import and Export Association, whether it is from the person or the channel, it has very Powerful resources.

Before two people were just in order to return to Hagn, they helped Fang Linyan, but now the two sides have interest entanglement, and the exchange of each other will be more secure!

Don't forget that Fanglin Rock will follow the trail of Madagascar to find the trail of God Dun Ethi, this is not a simple matter, and Omi will have a team to complete hidden main line tasks.

In these two things, they can help!

So after an hour, here, I came here, there were almost two or thirty people, and the surprises were getting surrounded by Di-special bodies! They seem that the progress is not progress, but the division of labor is very obvious, the efficiency is high, and various tools are all.

It can be seen soon, the body of this fire dragon is like a pork that is sent to the pipeline, one by one is completely cut.

What they impressed by Lang Rock is the two hearts that Dortmun is cut. The hearts of these two basketball size actually beat them at this time, and it can be seen that their vitality is strong.

And their processing method is also very unique, directly filled with a magma next to the metal box, and then soaked in these two hearts. It is said that this will make these two hearts to maintain the time. More than three days.

Therefore, this stuff is also called "The Heart of Life", which is very sought after, in an intuitive, even can be used as a selling point, and convened a high-end auction.

Because of the prevalent statement, the heart of life contains extremely abundant vitality.

After sedation, you can eat a few pieces in a sashimi, you can effectively supplement energy and vitality, which can greatly enhance male sexual performance.

However, the acute frozen must be valid in the dragon heart that is jumped, otherwise it is not good for the body.

The curious question of goat is really still fake, Hermit Natinya tells him that supplementation and increases male sexual ability, but there is no basis for supplementing vitality.

This is the case, the heart of life is still widely sought after, but usually in the case of the Dragon, the mainstream method is to start with the heart, so it is very low in obtaining the heart of life.

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