The First Evolution

Chapter 59 travels to Madagascar

Suddenly, Fang Lin Yan's eyes were bright, because he saw a large man who saw a big man like a burlap pocket, this is like a intestine, but it is better than the intestine. many.

But you said it is a stomach, but it is too small, and it is much smoldering!

Fang Lin Yan quickly went up, the wrist was turned over, the Di teeth had appeared in his hand, the sharp blade passed the surface of this organ, and suddenly dried directly, then flowing a lot of light yellow liquid, The smell is very heavy.

With the continuation of Diothy kitchen, these sources of pale yellow liquids also saw that there are several ruptured eggs in this organ. These pale yellow liquids have come out from the ovulation.

However, Fanglin Rock found a few sizes of inequal eggs, and the big idea had a coconut size. The small is only a table tennis size. At the end, I found it, a total of four.

The name given by the darkness of this stuff is called: moonlight!

When the goat was talking to them, he said that Fanglin Rock may take a material on the dragon, and Hermit. Nikawa and Albumin believe that this is a matter of course, because they think they are It takes a lot of cheap in this trading.

If it is a rookie, then this is inexpensive. The problem is that these people are quite amazing, more importantly, they also know Hag, of course, there is also the person behind Hagger ...

So, when they feel that Lin Yan actually picked this thing, it was also quite surprised!

It turned out that this place is actually the unfained dragon egg, also known as the dragon follicle, Fanglinyi scored that something called the palace,

So ... Dortmun is actually a dull!

Every parent is actually destined to produce 40-70 follicles in the body, and these follicles will start in the leverage with the growth of the parent. The order is matured in turn, and the size is different as maturation is different.

Then after the sperm of the male dragon, the follicles turned into a fertilized egg, thereby born new dragon.

If the follicle is in a mature state in the sequence first, it will automatically break after it is not fertilized, and then absorbed by the eibluine, it is a nutrient that is parental growth.

Next, it is the remaining follicles.

This physiological structure, actually similar to humans, because human women's eggs are also born, bringing limited numbers from a lifetime, and finally, it can only discharge 400-500 eggs. .

Dragon follicles do this thing do you say? In fact, it is still a bit used, it is said that it can be used to make a ointment, apply it to the belly of pregnant women, so that the fetus grows more strong.

But the disadvantage is that it must be applied for a long time, and it is not necessarily effective.

And this ointment needs to use the material on the dragon body, and it is certain that the price is not expensive, so the price is not high, which can directly restrict its sales.

It is clear that the dragon follicle is definitely not a very valuable material.

Because of the wonderful habit of human beings, the most cost-effective material can be stamped with the aphrodisiac, or you can touch the beauty.

Seeing Fanglin Rock finally selected this, Hermit, Natinwa, more embarrassing, repeatedly persuading Fanglin Yan again selected a one.

Fang Linyan is not strong, just say that he is soon to drive to Madagascar to find the same thing (the relics of the goddess), if possible, please ask the two help, introduce the related person.

This kind of thing is really a hand to the two, and immediately cheered in their body.

Hermet. Nasocuri, this beard is directly called a big man, this big man's shape is very sharp, wearing a white skin, the appearance of the fierce, the muscles of the arm, one It is the kind of powerful player.

"Dear friend, this is my good helper Banglash, he is not Druid, but a natural Animag, who focuses on his life.

He is as familiar with Madagascar is as familiar with home, please note that this is not a joke, because his hometown is on Madagascar, so do you have anything to find him. "

Fang Lin Yan listened to his eyes, so-called Animags refers to the deformation (animal), Hogwoz even opens the relevant course for this.

The born is that people with changes in the world, no posting, of course, this is also a capacity that can be practiced after the day.

Natural Japanese people have Ni Duo Dow Ke, Teddy Lu Ping.

And the day after tomorrow is more, such as Miller, McGe (Tab), Jame Potter (Hart), Red Spider (Fighter), Xiao Tianfu Brake (big black dog), Dwarf Star Peter (mouse), Ritta Skit (Beetle).

Followed by Hermit. Nassali, who took Banggarah to the side, Fang Lin Yan noticed that Banggara looked a silent and accustomed to the person who was obedient, in the face of him almost all There is no doubt, just nodding silently.

After the explanation, Hermit came to Fanglin Rock in front of Fanglin Rock:

"My friend, I have already arranged you, Banggara will come with you, you can find him!"

Fang Lin Yan laughed, raised his hand and touched Hermet, and then touched the Banggarah:

"In this case, then you have to trouble yourself."

Banggarash nodded Mercure.

Such a silent and robust person gives it very reliable.

So I talked a few words with Omei, after explanation, Hermit them took a big leather box. After opening, I took it out of a large shelf, and then put them in one by one. Pharmaceutical.

These agents cover auxiliary, treatment, toxin, etc., have a total of thirty-seven bottles, and Hermit them will search the nearby space, do their utmost to find a drug.

Omi and Goats divided these agents, first of all, the difference between them classified, can bring out the world and cannot bring out the world.

Obviously, it is not possible to bring out of the world, and can bring out four bottles of drugs, two bottles of treatment of water, a bottle of toxic, and a bottle of drinking pure entertainment.

It is worth mentioning that because this place is changed while changing the shape, it will directly ignore the impact of its own basic qualities!

This is very hit, I intuitively, after you drink this water, it is random, more destined, if you become a mosquito, it is really a mosquito! !

A gecko can also eat you!

This stuff is no longer, the last Fanglin Yan is all, it is because his military rank is high, the space is big!

Everyone else, it is gone, it is supplemented by the team's piety, then Tinyan left.


Of course, it is to leaving the channel of Lasgow import and export company.

Of course, Lasgow import and export company is a unrelated commercial company, so there is definitely one thing in place, it is commercialization.

Even if Hermit and Albrovignan are the core members of the company, using the company's resources must also pay, in an intuitive, the flying flour is self-contained, but also to the corresponding tolls.

Of course, the company's internal members must definitely make a five fold.

At this time, Fanglin Rock thought of the highway of the local world. The flying powder is equivalent to the oil added by the vehicle. The toll is the highway pass fee, and the smile service is a delicate toll girl, it turns into a five-year-old strong man.

Obviously, Hermet did the people who owe the old boss of Wen Yan, and it was sure that this kind of toll is thinking, and she will not let him go, so everything is Banggarah in the arrangement.

Fanglin Rock is also a heart-owned enjoyment, and his eyes are slightly squintted, because Banggara is actually rare before giving money, and the content is actually bargaining, then even tipping does not want to pay, To find money to the other party.

After I found this, the eyes of Fanglin Rock suddenly lit up. This is a lack of lack?

This is good!

I have hundreds of Jin Gabung, and this money is also a huge amount in this world.

Now I am on time, if he can show the capacity, let him make a good value.

So Fanglin Ran does not move, let the Banggarah take the road in front, and continuous "transfer" four times, and finally after drilling from the magic fireplace, it is a little dizzy, can't help.

After all, although he was very resistant to the battlefield, it was the reason for the blessing of Athena, not because he is high.

So Fanglin Rock can only fall into the sofa next to it, and slowly pressed the disgusting feelings of the chest of the sky, this feeling is probably a fancy and six or six times.

At this time, Banggala took over, very familiar, took a dirty wood cup next to it, and then took out a yellow fruit from his arms, it looked like it is just long. Big citrus.

He knocked the fruit on the wood cup, and the fruit shell was emitted "" crispy sound, just like knocking in walnuts, immediately after him, there will be a bit of cyan liquid from inside. .

Banggara squeezed the fruit, and then went to the wood cup to give Fanglin Rock, and did a drink for him.

Fanglin Rock is very simply connected, and he will not see the stacked dirt on the wood cup and then do one.

Suddenly, Fanglin Rock couldn't help but grin, the sour taste is really unusual, and the empty mouth chews lemon enough? But the state of Fanglin Rock now, it can only use a big mouth old vinegar, follow the same ten green lemons!

Fortunately, Banggala is also very understanding that Fanglin Rock is now the feeling. After waiting, he has given him a cup of water, and Fang Lin Yan will go to the mouth, and suddenly, I am surprised to find dizzy, I feel seven eight%. .

Banggarah is said at this time:

"Sorry, because because of the time, you can only use this way to let you recover."

Fang Lin Yan listened to the future time:

"Wash time? Are we not arrived in Madagascar now?"

Banggara shot his head:

"The magic fireplace involves the space magic, and the space of Madagascar is not very stable, the organization and the Ministry of Magic have tried to build a magical fireplace four times in the island, but very fast is destroyed, even the life is the most One of the long, only for three months. "

"And the magical fireplace wants to build, it is actually quite expensive, so even the magical department or our organization, before engaged in understanding the truth, it also stopped the trial to build a magical fireplace again."

I heard here, Fanglin Rock immediately captured the focus and then very simply said:

"How far is the Madagaska Island now?"


"Five hundred kilometers, this is also in the Strait of Mozambique."

He said, one side has shown that Fang Lin Ran follows himself:

"It is 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and the last class of boats to Madagascar in Nakala will start at around five o'clock, and we are now 95 kilometers from Nacara, so we only have one and a half hours. Hurry over. "

"So, if we missed this shipment, we need to wait until nine o'clock tomorrow."

"Ninety five kilometers? Isn't it enough for a half an hour?"

Fang Linyan

Banggarah stars:

"Here is Africa, only Cape Town will have high-speed kilometers."

Fangliny's face suddenly changed, Africa's road condition is even more than 20 years, nothing is expected, not to mention it is still 1985?

However, Fanglin Rock's thinking is still very agile, and suddenly I thought of another possibility, but he had not opened it yet, Banggara has said:

"In fact, we have a way to fly directly, but I didn't enter the official magic school, but by the teacher dial, so I am very general in the flight."

"But this is also the reason for talents. It is like athletes in the Quiiti competition, it is not every magician to take it?"

Fang Lin Yan smiled, nodded, followed by a morning waiting next to Bangga, this car is a Mitsubishi Pajero, which looks quite old from the appearance, but it is After being cleaned, they took a bus after getting on the bus, and the driver took the throttle and the vehicle roared.

After the vehicle opened, Banggarah then said:

"In fact, if it is only driving the technology of driving magic, it is nothing, but there is often a heavy rain near Madagascar, thunderstorms, this reason I also know some, it should be the island's birth paradise bird in Kukulu There have been some problems in the secret. "

"You should have heard this kind, the secret is like the fruit on the tree, and the question of Kukulu is that the fruit hand of the fruit and the fruit tree has a problem, although there are people to reinforce, but often there will be The breath of the different space is scattered, directly leading to the change of the sky. "

"So, in this case, the sky flying near the Madagascar is actually a big risk, because the thunderstorm is a big probability time, especially this thunderstorm is still caused by the different space, Lightning will become extremely violent. "

"As far as I know, there are guys who don't care about this matter almost every month, and their endings are not very wonderful, so I now take your route is actually the safest route, the only one Disadvantages, you have to pay more than four hours on the road. "

"So, in the past two years, don't say that it is to use a broom to fly, even the airport established on the island is also turning it. Once I don't even turn off half a month, I am very unfortunately, now the airport Also in a closed state. "

"I understand, simply, short-distance use of magic to sweep the flight, but the long-distance road use this thing, it is to be dead."

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"So how long is the ferry we take in the strait?"


"We are not ferry, and the ferry has already stopped."

"Some magical creatures are very precious, but they are quite fragile, they must compete for the second."

"I will send it into the magic laboratory early an hour, I can exchange dozens of gold Garlon, and I will only pour the stinky ditch in one hour."

"So, organize to continue to ship the goods outside for convenience when the airport is closed, and the relevant high-speed flying wing boat will only take more than three hours from the recent place."

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"no problem."

The car and driver of Banggara found that Mitsubishi Pajero did not see the speed at speed, but it can drive water like a fish on a bad road in Africa.

What is even more rare is that this driver looks unmarried, the car skill is very good, just like a one-way old horse, open and fast.

There are still many black people who want to trial to stop the car along the way, but the driver is like seeing these people, and the direct fighters rushed over, and the black people who have eaten a bit of gray are called. No, even picked up the stone on the side of the road.

Soon, there was a more consensitive thing in front, and the two obviously the stone barrier became controversial, and several people who were standing around it were a black man who was idle.

After the driver saw this scene, stopped the car in advance, Fang Linyan watched the brow was going to help, he is now in time, this driver can't be there!

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