The First Evolution

Chapter 61 is difficult

Originally entered the way! The sixty-year-old dusk sixty-six chapter road is difficult to look at the additional attributes, and Fanglin Rock has a lot of smile.

Although it is powerful, the side effects are also huge!

He is most satisfied, or to strengthen the power of the future, because the gangma is swallowing Xia Hou En, it is enhanced into a 50% chance to trigger real harm, and it has achieved the power of this time. In the future, it is also necessary to cause a critical effect while 50% of the probability of triggering true harm.

Although it is doubled, the explosive force becomes particularly amazing! Especially for those high-defense guys, each lightning will bring plaist and trauma!

It's more than two hours, I can feel the speed of the flying wing ship is obviously reduced. This is the upcoming sign. After all, if you continue to carry high-speed gliding, then it is easy to hit it. On the reef, let the entire vessel are shredded.

At this time, the sky is black, still rain is crazy, but the shore has been as being able to see a lighthouse, and the ship began to go to Hong Kong.

A crew came to the room of the two people, cold and cold.

"Now you start packing things, wait until the ship is stopped, the red light inside the room will light, you must hurry to leave the ship, because next we have to hurry to return to the shipping freight back."

"Remember, you only have four minutes of debunching time. Time will go to the red light. If the door is automatically closed, you can only follow the return kara -------- Of course, you have to pay back. The cost, or you can also choose to travel back. "

Fanglin Yan looked at the corridor and found that there was obvious export instruction, and nodded.

Soon, you can feel the boat, then slowly stopped, the red light inside the room also lit, and the buzzer next to them came out:

"Please go to the boat as soon as possible, and the offshore time will be closed." Duplicate sound.

Under the leadership of Banggara, Fanglin Rock quickly walked outside. It was only for 20 seconds, and it took directly to the deck. The next Fanglin Rock felt the poor weather here.

When the rainy rain, he gave him all the time. The feeling of ice cockroaches was really bad, the wind swept the rain, hit the face and hurt!

When the ladder of the ship quickly passed the ladder of the ship, Fanglin Yan found himself with a group of people, this group of people wearing a black special dress should be a waterproof windbreaker, and another big child is covered.

And the posture of this big child is very strange. He has a huge cylinder with his hands. It should be a stone tank, then burn the flame of the bears, but it is fixed in the flame, but there is a giant egg showing a dark black!

At least three people touched the wind-resistant umbrella, struggling to obscure above the stone tank.

I saw this scene, Fanglin Rock was a bit awkward, and Banggarah saw he observed some entry, gently pushed him, and screamed quickly.

After the ship, Banggalash is the opposite Rank Road:

"They should have a flamingo egg. This place must have a females to hatch, and the male bird is responsible for foraging."

"In order to continue the descendants, the found food must give priority to eat, then the remaining can give yourself."

"And the flamingo is even if it does not enter the battle state, its feather surface temperature is more than 100 degrees, so once the flamingo egg and still caught the female bird, it must be put in the flame in the flame. Wen, otherwise, the flamingo egg will soon lose vitality. "

Fanglin Ranki said:

"Since this is the case, why don't they prepare something similar to the thermostat in advance?"


"It is possible that their past goals are not flamingo, just accidentally hit, there is a possibility that bringing a constant temperature box, but accidentally damaged."

"I want to think about the scene of fighting with Dortmun, if it is not lucky, any equipment taken may be destroyed."

Fanglin rock nodded.

At this time, I suddenly had a huge wave next to it, and the balance of the entire ship lost, almost set off a thirty-degree corner! The people of this group of ships issued a series of angry intersections, so it's hard to steady the pile.

However, this is just a start! When the strength of the huge waves, the vessel returned to balance, and when the heavy start was shaken, this group of people couldn't support it. Someone directly fell into the sea, and the guy of the stone tank was obviously an ordinary person, tooth bite Gure, dead, on the back railing.

At this time, it was a wave that rolled over, rolled up the deck, and instantly filled the colloat directly half of the sea, the flame inside was obviously extinguished directly.

Fangliny's eyes are very good, even when you can see the sea water, when the giant egg shell is cracking in a white gas, then he will be dragged directly by Banggarah.

Of course, the frustration of the unlucky guys is visible to the naked eye.

After coming to the dock, Banggaish's light cars brought Fanglin Rock to a hotel, because there is almost no one in the hotel, only the boss sits behind the stunned light.

At the beginning, it should be backlit. The boss did not recognize who, but when she saw the face of Banggara, she suddenly revealed an angry, bitter and then mixed helpless expression, barely laughed:

"How can I come back this time?"

Banggara has walked to his face, very simply:

"My old rules, then give him a cup of white."

The boss is almost the face of the face at this time, and there is nothing difference. At this time, Banggara continues:

"Also, you are called Normen, Anncht, Razz, I have time, just wait for half an hour."

Then Banggarah took out the money bag, directly from the inside, and put it on the desktop.

In the eyes of the boss, I showed the ivo look. The Banggalash guy is not so messy. I have been hung in my own accounts here, and I still have a large half of my own. Profits have become debts.

The key is that this guy is coming, and it is very strong!

Poor, horizontal, strong!

These three words are together, it is really a murder that ordinary people can't afford.

The boss saw the three people of the Viuson gang by the Banggara, and then throw the bar. The key is that the three people have found a dozen people, but they are still the same......................................................................................... .

In the face of this kind of person, I really dare to anger.

Therefore, the boss has been unable to recognize the money on the Banggarah, it is a distressed number.

Fortunately, Banggarah is often drinking here, and it has brought the benefits of a little bit, that is, the guys who seem to be like the dog don't dare to look at it, just like the tiger's place, there is absolutely no fox, and there is no fox. I will always make the boss.

But I didn't expect it. Today, a big rain at night, Banggarah actually took out two golden devils! !

Of course, "Golden Devil" is the title of Muggaro to Jin Gabung, which means that this gold coin is like a devil, which is as good as the deceased.

Jin Qilong as a standard currency in the world of magicians, is definitely a very popular, and it also spreads some of the Muggle world.

Obviously, as a currency used in higher levels, Kim Garon is naturally better than US dollars, and the euro is high.

More importantly, this thing is done with the golden gold! This means that this currency itself is valuable, while the dollar is in the property of the currency ------, such as the government announces this stuff, then it is a waste paper!

So, based on these two elements, Jinaungung even is a very precious hard-selling! Especially in the case where it also has a typical magic security identification.

This has led to inquight supply of Jinjialong, which also has risen to Jagullon's hollow exchange rate.

I intuitively, Banggala is still bonds with two Jin Gabar, it seems to be clear, but it is only the exchange rate of the official price.

In fact, no one will go to the official exchange rate of Golden and Muggle currency. This thing is like Japanese "selling spring prevention law", it is full of furnishings.

Therefore, this time, Banggarah, at least makes the boss to earn half of the money, if he can indulge the gas and then hold Jin Gelong half a year or one year, then the profit can double it is no problem.

As the saying goes, there is a mother. The boss immediately laughed to see the teeth, let the wine next to Zhang Luo wine, get it in person, take it on the table, followed by a local specialty: fried Sweet Cavigato tablets, it is satisfied with this big customer.

Then, according to the statement of Banggara, call the Noumen, Anncht, Razz, these three people can't say, they are also a creditor.

After these three people came over, Banggarah took out the seven Jin Gabung's old debt, then took out five Jin Gulong to pay them as a deposit, and then put itself with them. Requirements.

This is a fascinating golden devil. It is completely nod to take the sky, and you will be able to do things directly after you get the money.

The result was that the three cars were stopped outside the bar, one of which is a pickup, and the other two cars are old-fashioned trucks, and the car is full of goods.

These three cars have no brand, because almost all parts of them have been changed, and the engine may be Toyota. The steering wheel may be Mitsubishi. The gearbox may be Ford ...

Because these vehicles are being shipped, they are assembled from the discarded parts of the developed countries. If the door does not meet the specifications? That's too simple, just use the tape to stick it, the part does not match? Directly grinded with hand! Anyway, the artificial inexpensive inexpensive is about to die.

However, it is this to break the rotten assembly, but mixed with fish in the continent of the Africa, the bad road is not able to block their wheels rolling forward.

Under the schematic of Banggara, Fanglin Rock drilled into the pickup. He quickly found that although the car's car is old, it is very clean, and in addition to the oil flavor, there is no imagination. Sweat and smoke.

Driving is a middle-aged black, nodded against Fanglin Rock, and then smiled and launched the vehicle.

At this time, Banggais did the opposite Rank Road:

"My tribe is two hundred kilometers away. In such a ghost weather, I want to go to the night in the night. I can only find the Noumen, but I owe their money before, so I can only take me first. Bonds are cleared, do yourself. "

Fang Linyan smiled:

"I just as long as the result, regardless of the process."


"Before 5 o'clock in the morning, we can see Murak, and then start to explore the news you want."

Fang Linyan nodded smiled and said:

"that's enough."

Banggala refers to two car cars behind:

"I have a very lack of matter in my tribe, so I bought some supplies and essentials to bring back, but you can rest assured that these two cars have a problem in half a road, our car will not stop waiting, etc. They, everything is prioritized with tasks. "

Fanglin Rock haha ​​smiled:

"Nothing, you don't have to tell me these, I said, I only look at the results."

Probably because Rasgow import and export trading company often goes into the secret of Madagascar, so they must have a road to repair the road, and the initial dozens of kilometers are quite good.

However, when I left the road between the secret and the port, this road condition suddenly became bad, and the like of the mud cannon bullets, so that the drivers were habits often, and the road conditions were also operational. There is more than the blade.

When passing some of the town towns, the people who will even take the way to destroy the road, so that the driver must hire more than a dozen people to cart.

Of course, this "Road" will also see the starting price of the goods carrying the vehicle. For example, when this is called "Bo Jin" town, they have opened a high price of tongue, and the reason is also very wonderful:

You have many cars!

Your goods are good!

Dad, my mood is not good today!

In the face of such an unreasonable requirement, Banggarah has directly mentioned a pistol and then directly aims to the people! !

The gunshots sounded, this helping the grandfather immediately as a bird, only the rest of the two unfair eggs were struggling on the ground.

Banggarah came to the rear of the vehicle that was caught in the mud pit. A person was lightly written, and the three cars were pushed out, then came to the two injured unlucky egg body, one person lost several banknotes.

This money is very thin, but the local consumption level is also very low, so they are enough for them to do things.

After the vehicle is reopened, Fang Lin Yan smiled slightly:

"Good gun method!"

He saw very clear, the two guys who were hitting the legs were very special, neither hurt the bones, and did not hurt the big blood vessels, but they were unclatted.

Obviously, the gun method does not have two brush, can't play such an effect.

In the next journey, I have encountered two similar things, and a group of people have been scattered after seeing the Banggala scold.

Another group of people actually took out AK.

Then Fanglinyan found that the Banggarah's gun method stops "two brushes", the opposite side of the road is three AK, and the conjunction is not to be built, directly by Banggarazhe Fell down on the ground.

And all is a bomb!

"When you leave, you will stay, you don't hesitate when you are handicapped!"

Fanglin Rock's evaluation of Banggara has been a bit higher. This guy is in love with the road in the two legs, because the other party did not threaten the ability of his own person.

At this point, the three people are headed directly, because they have a weapon in their hands, even if Fanglin Rock and Banggara are not afraid of bullets, but the driver on the car is also afraid, or a shuttle has changed the car. What should I do?

After this sudden incident, it seems that there is a very poetry, and the rain is quickly stopped. The muddy road is still difficult, but after the three car engines make a sound, it is still crushed the past. .

When the sky, the three cars turned into a small road next to Banggara, it should be that this road is almost not crushed by the car, so the car is actually still Not a few.

At this time, Fanglin Rock noted that the Banggala face is calm, but the breathing can't help but have a little urgent, not, this, he seizes the handle of the handle, it is obviously whitish, it is obvious, return to the old home to give him The impact is definitely not small.

Soon, there was a whistle sound in front, then I lost two men from the jungle next to it, and the weapon is still the arrow, which looks quite original.

Not only that, Fanglin Yan was still around five o'clock in the morning, and there was already a value of sending people. It can be seen that the people in this village are very strong, definitely what threatened, and this threat is still a Banggarah to solve it. of!

In the face of interception, Banggarah jumped off, directly came out of them, then they showed a stunned look, then joyful rushing to the Banggarah, hitting the nose.

Soon, the vehicle stopped in a small village, the people of the entire village were all called, and they were sleeping, looking forward to looking at the two trucks.

Then, a large amount of banana leaves were cut down on the ground, and then began to unload, Fanglin Rock did not know what the goods on the car, now it is a lot to see it is soap, salt, match, flashlight, plastic basin, etc. necessity.


Hey, our Sichuan's five author five people promised me to sleep for a night, I will give him a new book.

Although he has already slept by many people, I still plan to try to live, oh.

"I am eating monster in the town demon"

Qin Shaoyou crossed a world of demon and crisis.

He is also a member of the town demon of the town.

Looking at a weird painted skin, the sly fox demon, terrible snakes, and pretending to be a fascinating demon ghost ...

Qin Shaoyou flows out the water you want to eat.

Close, burn water, we have been eating today!

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