The First Evolution

Chapter 62 transformed

After the darts released the pigeons, it was already a heart.

Then he yelled in the sky, his wrist was turned over, the left hand held by the fire rope gun has disappeared, appearing in his hand, and it is a strange short corner of a curved.

This shortest is similar to the corner of ordinary goats, but the texture is very strange, just like it is made with obsidian, the surface is shining, and there is a strong evil!

Then, the darts will fight against this strange short corner to the mouth of their own heart, and immediately take the black flame of the tumbling, and there is more in the air. It is particularly uncomfortable.

Even Fang Linyan felt that his mind has passed a big strange whispering, that sound is made up of many complex syllables, not what he has heard,

However, Fanglin Yan can clearly understand the meaning of this language to express, is a simple and rude word: "", "obey me"!

After listening to, Fang Lin Yan felt that the head was faint, and there was a disgusting point in the chest, and it was difficult to attack the darts.

At this time, the pupils in the binocular darts also disappeared, and it was replaced by a blood red. At the beginning, two strange bumps were started, and the skin of the body began to appear and thick scales. The morphological evolution of the anti-joint,

Not only that, its vertebrae, fists, and knees began to take a row of spurs, and the out the lips,

It is clear that the skin of its neck begins out of a row of blood red twisted words. It seems that it should be a prayer that thicker, and there are white gases around the text. Zi's ​​ .

It is these prayers to press the power to invade the brain of the darts, so that he can keep a sense of reason, not to be completely occupied by the devil.

This devil's shortcoming is that the darts have come to the world. He came to the town in Europe, and the results were inadvertently heard in the bar, heard a mysterious disappearance, and curious.

Then the darts came to the clues, and finally involved the mysterious privileges.

After several studies, the darts found that they want to get the biggest benefits in this task, but they are not finished after completing the task. The meager reward .......

Instead, killing the story of the task that triggers this task, represents the old town of justice: Jim! !

Jim's true identity is called Carl. Winsley, perhaps this is not a name that makes people like thunder.

However, Carl. Winnsley has an adventure in the youth, in the adventure process, he is fortunate to serve as a famous figure, and fight against it in parallel.

The name of this big figure is called: Fan Hai Xin.

The darts set up the original meaning of Winnsley. It is the silver story weapon that you want to get this guy: Fan Haixin's handcuffs ----- This is Calwin Sili before and the latter before, the latter is given to him. As a commemorative gift.

However, things were willing to violate, and when the darts started with Carl. Winnsley, I found that this guy has been killed in black and dead, and sold the soul to a powerful devil messenger.

Therefore, the weapons that final darts wanted did not have to succeed. After the remuneration of the Arctic Circle and others, he got this special props called: Chasts's corner.

This thing is very dangerous. You must insert your own chest during use. You can enter the magic state!

In the magic state, the darts will get an additional 200% of health bonus, and its health will reach an amazing 400 points, and all basic properties temporarily increase 25%, and their skills will also be polluted by the devil. .

After entering the magic state, it will also be treated with evil treatment. It will be completely cured by the body's skin injury, and the moderate injury is mitigated as a slight injury.

Its body surface will also cover a layer of magic flame, and anything close to its one meter will suffer from 3 o'clock / 5 seconds of flame injury.

However, in the magic, the health of the darts themselves will continue to fall.

It will be 30 points per minute, but when the health is less than 70%, it will drop 60 points per minute, when it is less than 50%, even 90 points per minute.

This is also, usually, after the darts, very few enemies can have to have two minutes in his hand, so this decline is not in the heart.

The most memorable thing is that after the magicization, the devil's whisper will not move around the ear. This feeling is really crazy, and even mental illness, and there will be mental illness, and the personality division is demonized.

In response to this negative effect, the darts gave a devil prayer in the body. The purpose is to suppress the negative role of this special props. This is the case. After you enter the magic state, it is also difficult to guarantee the style of rational battle.


At this time, I saw that the darts suddenly began to transform. Fang Lin Yan also took a breath of cold. He felt the extremely powerful oppression of the opposite enemy.

So I don't say that I will run directly and run, and I will make the elite machinery to block the door of the small room for time.

At the same time, it began to count at the heart: 1, 2, 3, 4 ...

As a result, in 17 seconds, Fang Lin Yan received a prompt:

"Trial, ZB419, your summoner: Exquisite machinery has been destroyed, this skill will enter half an hour's cooling period."

"Trial, ZB419, because you are the call to use the mechanical core, so the skill cooling time is halved, you only need to activate this skill again after 15 minutes."

After hearing this bad news, Fang Lin Yan did not surprised, and the eyes were bright:

"After seventeenth, I destroyed my elite machinery. The attack power after this guy turned into the way is much lower than I imagined."

"Not only that, this guy has turned into a more bloody, but it seems to have lost rationality. Otherwise, the elite machinery will be taken off directly, then directly chase me? My elite machinery is a speed I have been hard injury! "

At this time, Fanglin Rock has made an indication of the goat, let him do another thing, and Fanglin Rock people are rushing all the way to win the second, soon, it will be close to the export.

Just at this time, the darts after turning into the rear, he was agile, agility, agile action, and the basic attributes after the evilization of 25%, but also make the speed increase!

It is about more than 20 meters away, and the darts will run directly and take the left hand. Use the ancient fire rope gun to aim, and then open the fire!

"Boom" sounds, this is a fireball that is wrapped by the devil flame, it is a fireball, and the flame of its surface is black, and it hits the meter of Fanglin Rock, and it will explode. It's a few meters long.

Not only that, but the black flame is also sticking to the surface of Athena, it is extinguished after a while.

Fanglin Yan looked at his MP. It was simply a short of water, and it was also a strong skill that the king of this king was too much.

Fortunately, I also fly out of this fireball and made him change the distance from the export crack.

After Fanglin Rock landed, he successfully came to the exit, and the ladder who pulled up and got on the ladder. I made a carture of an antifogenic, and I lost it in the field of view of Devil's darts. .

But only a few seconds in the area, the darts came to the crack, sprayed from the two long white steam from the nostrils, and the air immediately came out of a strong sulfur flavor, and then climbed Live the ladder, quickly climb up.

However, when the darts just took their heads at the exit, they were hit by a high-tech grenade, although he could barely immune to the flame of the grenade, but the shrapnel and huge impact still shocked it down. .

Following the darts, I sent an angry roar, and the fierce played up!

At this time, his head is there two long horns, but it can be seen in the field of vision. There is a boulder that weighs at least half tons.

At this time, the darts is being in the process of climbing, and immediately was smashed. I sent an angry mourning, and finally fell.

At this time, it is of course not Fanglin Rock. Although he is amazing, it is impossible to take these half tons of the boulder to do weapons casually.

The shot is that the experimoctive clerutant who is controlled by him!

Before the clerutant was hit by a few variants of the snake, it was actually the way Fang Ran and goats were doing. At this time, the situation is critical, don't say that the elid can get out, even the variation of the tail snake can come out Help Fanglin Rock.

However, in this way, the two-five-five-five identity of goat will be completely shared, so I don't have to use this trick.

In fact, in the initial planning of Fanglin Rock, it is strictly, the clerutta should be a synonymous body. Once you participate in the darts, it is likely to cause the spoils to shrink. .

The strength of Nai's darts is really much stronger than the Baixin Ran, and the bastard is now turned into the way!

So now Fanglin Rock can only consider the problem of the whole body, as for the problem of the quality of the trophy, there is no way, go home, let's talk.

At this time, the darts attacked continuously, and it should also be thrown in fierce, from the bottom of the roar, and climbed up with the clerivian attack.

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