The First Evolution

Chapter 63 Contact

In this case, I really can only use the tiger into the flock to describe it!

A AK gunman was directly thrown away, then Banggarah jumped! The bullet can only chase it and eat it.

And this guy spurted blood directly on the neck, and blood is a fierce spray state, which is obviously five or six meters, which is obviously the bite of the inch of the neck.

Then, the next one is also a gunner. This guy actually wants to take a shot, but bit it by the bite of Banggara, the head fell out, and she hit into the house next to it.

There is a road to see the doorway, and the foreign lines are lively. Fang Linyan noticed that when attacking two gunmen, Banggara did not jointly attack the people around, but directly jumped next to it.

This shows that even if it is in the event of change, Banggara can still maintain its own ration, not to be controlled by powerful objective.

In the face of such a fierce beast, the people of this tribe are much more, but it also can't stop the claws and the raids of the claws, and the dead hardships who dare to resist are just a few seconds, they will live directly.

The next attack is the person who dares to stand, but these unlucky guys have only leather injuries and they are not dead.

In the last two minutes, there is no one standing in the scene, and the remaining is on the ground.

Then, the huge white tiger once again rolled again, and then researched into Banggala, Fanglin Rock also wanted to see the scene of this guy, but when he turned over, he has been re- Put on a gray cloak.

The Banggarah is taking a big step toward a scared elderly man, and the guy's hand pinned a tree, and a few colorful feathers were adhered to the tree. This is probably the original Is the power of tribe?

Banggala, asked a few words, this old man was trembled, and the Banggarah took the questions, the two mutual questions were almost five minutes, and Banggaus was just a while, and then came back to Fanglin Rock Road:

"This tribe is relocated from the Mount Marubes, and they are a sanguine, and even the customs of being eating when they are hungry."

"They were migrated from the mountains for two weeks. When they were migrated, they hit the people who lived in the Qiki of the Kan, and kill the people who could not cooperate. It will be used as a slave. "

"Because they have always lived in the mountains, the style of acting is tending to barbarism, so this is the reason why we are attacked."

Fanglin Ranki said:

"How can there be AK?"


"There are only four people who will use guns, they are four brothers, and they are also a long son."

"The ethnic old guy is still a bit idea, using a businessman who knows, sending two sons going out to see if it is long, and this person is not a good bird, selling these two guys to Libya. cannon fodder."

"Finally, these two guys live very hard, actually lived on the battlefield, then kill the businessman, brought a few guns back. Of course, they can learn from outside, that is, robbery and killing. "

"With these two guys took the lead, this tribe felt that there was a strong force to expand, which is already the second village they are robbed."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Since people who have lived here have not been killed yet, then we are not white."

Banggarapot point:

"They were detained inside the cave next to it, I found someone to take us."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Mukla ..."

Banggara shot his head:

"I haven't saved, I have seen it, first do it."

At this time, Banggara shows that it is indifferent to human feelings, but from his tribute's survival conditions, it can be seen, you want to live here, you will always face death.

These deaths not only come from humans, but also from monotonous food, barren life, fatal bacteria, terrible beasts ...

Banggara has faced the death of hundreds of people, so he can keep rationality now, place the interests of Fanglin Rock at any time.

Fang Linyan took the lead next to the big olive tree, pressed his hand on the bark, then closed his eyes, try to use the power inside the body and tweet.

But unfortunately, there is no response, but the only thing that can be determined is that Athena's power is passing in this large olive tree.

Therefore, the conclusion is that this large olive tree growth is amazing is definitely related to beliefs.

Then I have to go to the cave to see it. Fanglin Rock certainly don't want to be as chaos that fly, then they must ask the specific location.

Soon, the Daman family of Daman, was also convened, and they looked very bad, and they were wounded in the general body and also afraid of shrinking.

Looking at these people, Banggara does not speak, he is a person who is good at expressing his own purpose.

Therefore, the Banggarah is dragging three bodies.

When these slaves see the appearance of the body, their faces have become a lot!

Obviously, these few thugs of Maru gave them a huge trauma, and the death of these three people is undoubtedly a happy people.

When the slaves, the three mutters were killed, the Banggarah was faint:

"I have a few questions to ask you, if someone can answer up, I will give a money, let him re-gain freedom, get rid of the current slave life."

When this sentence, I made a few people at once! I called:

"what is the problem!"

"What are you talking about?"


Half an hour later,

Fanglin Rock has already paid on a trail with Banggaish.

This road can be said to be very rugged, and there is no grass above, and there is no one for a long time.

Two people in front of the road are two lucky people inside the Dachan, they were selected as a guide, thus got rid of the Mauri national claws.

At this time, Fanglin Yan suddenly laughed:

"Banggarah, you can see that you are a very love tribe, since you have such a powerful force, why not let them have a little better?"

Banggarah silently said:

"The power on my body is not getting it in the day, but I am in love, do you understand what I mean?"

Fang Lin Yan Shen said:

"So ........ is blood?"


"Is there a secret in Madagascar Island?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"of course."


"The passage of the secret is not always in a stable state, and occasionally there will be some temporary cracks, and the magical creature inside will slip out to the home plane."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"I also know this thing, I ... my ancestors have experienced a maximum crack event, which should be in London, Xitin Temple, even alarmed the Royal Royal British."

Banggarah stars:

"The crack events in Ximense Temple in London can, of course, can be extinguished soon, but the fracture events on Madagascar is often calculated by the time in the year, and even more than ten years is also possible. "

"My ancestors are victims of crack events, and a powerful magical creature has been drilled out from the crack. It doesn't want to leave the secret, but because it doesn't do it, then it will die."

"This seriously injured magical creature is only insecured for two years. It has a strange ability to illusion. In these two years, it does not want to leave your blood, so I am. Zeng's grandfather was born. "

Fang Linqi heard here, I only felt that this magical creature is really dead, it is called a early past! If you can live for a hundred years old, it can't make fun of a race with a self!

Banggarah is certainly do not know the belly of Fanglin Rock, and then said:

"However, his body did not show any strange, later I knew that this is called a hidden inherited, then, when I first gifted, I found out that my body change, no teacher The master of this is the power. "

"At that time, I lost in this power, but I didn't know any power, I will pay the price. After half a month, the tribe is plundered, and the blood and killing directly let my body in my body. ....... "

"When I wake up, I found it all the bodies of the people. This is the reason you see the man in the tribe."

Fang Linqi heard that after the statement of Banggara, he was touched by his "any strength to use the price", and the heart has a heart:

"You are right ........ Yes, then you have just killed people?"

Banggala shook his head:

"The beast is irritated, and it is natural, it will not be mad, injured or macrolid will not, let alone people have the way to die, my heart is quiet and not in trouble."

The two people walked back, and they didn't have a mountain. There is an abundant rain in the rain, the vegetation is lush, and people who walk in the front need to open the road with a machete.

Fortunately, there was a small stream in front of it, and it was able to see it in a hole in the mountain wall, but that hole has been blown up.

Two villagers shrugged:

"The place you have to find is here, we can only bring it here, there is no road in the cave inside, just go in."

Fang Linyan nodded and gave them a paid, and then took out a soldier shovel to start excavation. He and Bangalash were a humanoid excavator, and the power was very amazing. It only used the district for more than ten minutes. Just dig the landslide position and walk into the hole.

It can be seen that this cave is a stalactite everywhere, and you can say that it is beautiful.

Fanglin Rock is smashed in the ground. It can also see the traces of the righteous path on the ground. It should be left behind, followed by the past, Fang Lin Yan is bright, because in his In the eyes, there is still a big pile of hanging! It should be that the goddess that is destroyed.

Of course, this Bang Garlash must not see, because this is the festival of condense to stick to the goddess, Fang Lin Yan can see, of course, because he is different, but the goddess Templar.

After coming to the wreckage of the goddess, Fang Lin Yan took a sigh of relief, and the willingness of the stars wreaks from the wreckage of the goddess, gathered to him.

Fanglin Rock himself can't digest these willful, but he is still a container to carry.

Dedicated to this wreck, I found that there is no trace of Shenshi Sikiis in his hand. Fang Linyan is in the heart of the heart, and it is closed and supported the support.

Because I have already connected the goddess of the goddess before, this time I ask the connection soon reached, but not only the case, but also because I transferred into the temple knight, the connection fee has been played 50%.

Fanglin Rock also knows that time is precious, directly open the door to see the mountain:

"The big priest, I am doing things in your hometown."

The big fear stayed, it should be understood in understanding Fanglin Rock, and then a rare exposed breath:

"Do you have there?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Yes, that is the dusk of the gods, your believer is completely annihilated by magic."

The big priest faintly said:

"Is it true that it is completely annihilated?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Yes, I cut into the time of this world. After a hundred years of painting of the goddess, I have shown the latest information, the last god is already falling before fifty years, then One day is called the end of the day, a new era is coming. "

"All temples and buildings with religious mean have become attractions, repairing, maintenance is no longer believers, but the staff holding government salary, the magician has ruled this world."

The big priest is silent, and it will have endless sadness in his heart.

Fanglin Rock Road:

"I contact you, because I suddenly have a discovery ......."

Then Tinyan told the big priest for 151 ten, and the big priest was very simply in the future:

"Your judgment is not wrong, you can make this, only Holy Shield Erymedi, but you have to be careful, because it is now very likely because of the extreme lack of power."

Fang Linyan is surprised:

"What do you mean?"

Big sacrifices:

"Do you know? The original use of St. Dun Ethi is not used by it as a shield, but seal!"

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