The First Evolution

Chapter 65 Snape

Fang Lin Yan is in the words, then seeing the shiny beads in his hand, then in order to node light, put it on the surface of Eiiz.

Obviously, this is a great priest to use his own ability, will succeed from the desired wishes to successfully convert to the power, and then reinjective it to Erymedi, although the implanarity is not much, Also re-gain new.

Suddenly, the dead and depressed Erymedi appeared, it took a silver ray, a little infiltrated, letting it have the color of life instantly.

Not only that, put your hand in the above Fanglin Rankon, I feel that this shield actually begins to oscillate, it seems to be resonate in what something is intended.

Immediately, Fanglin Rock has seen the entire olive tree began to shake, and its blade actually began to become gray.

This huge olive tree is actually a resonance object!

Just after a short ten seconds, this huge trees flew out some light, put into the shield, and the body of the big tree was thoroughly petrified, turned into a statue of the gods! !

Obviously, the growth of this olive tree is abnormal, it is injected into additional energy, which makes it surprisingly strong, only spent a few years, and growing to the rest of the olive tree needs a few Ten years.

Now, the presence of such a powerful energy will be awakened, of course, will recover the power, and even deprive it together with its vitality.

Taking Fanglinyan seeing that there has been changing in the well in the central Dikara Village.

As mentioned earlier, a big miracle in Kadara Village is that there is a fish spring in the full moon, which can give additional income to local residents, so no matter which tribe in the village is, Spring is very valued, and it is diligently repaired.

There is even some kind of wild bloody tribe, which will directly kill the creatures to the water sacrifice to this spring.

Therefore, the surroundings of this spring water are actually renovated. In order to facilitate water, it is built, and there are slate, steps, etc.

At this time, you can see a fence next to spring water, actually fell directly, there is a lot of cracks, starting to fall down the grayish powder!

Then I actually smashed a light, like a snake, twisted, and then gave it to the Econi of Fanglin Rock, and did not get it.

Obviously, this is the soul of Murdado hiding!

Suddenly, the light is constantly shining, and then the hole in the Central Chuzi is beginning to fill up.

Only the cry of the crystal white, and Fanglin Rock began to think that it was very heavy, and it was clear that the reunion of the instrument was lacking.

Finally, this stone shield is like Aiiis actually makes a gray flat stone!

At this time, Fanglin Rock also gained a prompt:

"Contractors ZB419, you get artifacts: God Dun Ethi."

"The status of God Duns is: Sleep seal half damage."

"Under normal circumstances, there are only two ways to get the goddun Erythi."

"First, in the absence of external force, kill the goddess Athena, and the key is a big chance."

Second, in the absence of external force, after killing Zeus, there is a chance to open mission items in the key: SHIELDOFZEUS, and then taken through a series of task chains. "

"You are the artifacts you get in an abnormal situation: God Shield Ethiki, then this equipment will have two negative properties, and can only use it as an unknown to bring out the world."

"At the same time, this is a religious artifact. After the artifact is born, it will attract the strong challenge of the relevant enemy. I hope you have been prepared enough."


Because there is a experience that has got a green sword, these tips that appear are almost expected in Fanglin Rock. After he puts the Erymedi's income of private space, it is directly aligned with the far run.

To be honest, Although Hualo has no battle, its auxiliary effect is really quite powerful, especially after the passive ability of above Linyan and the shame.

Fanglin Rock has running with gliding, and the remaining in Huaro is directly running in just twenty minutes. This speed has been able to compare with the helicopter.

However, after the shoulders of Huaro from Fanglin Rock, after retreating into a flying bird, Fanglin Rock suddenly felt something wrong, then he sighed, took a piece of chocolate, chewing the big mouth.

He is very eager to be very urgent, so that it will take the water to take it.

After you have finished eating chocolate, Fanglin Rock has taken a beef, and the big mouth is eating.

Then, Fang Lin Yanyu jumped, he looked at the forest next to the forest. You can see it from the shrub to open, followed by two people.

An old man wearing a gray mage robe,

And his side, there is also a hook nose, a middle-aged man in a face, this man still still leaves a shawl hair, it seems quite greasy and .

He is wearing a black robes, and his face, see who is a one who owes him a million.

Seeing these two people, Fang Lin Yan relaxed down, smiled:

"It's really clever, Mr. Dumbledore, we met again."

Dumbledo looked at Fanglin Rock and dignified:

"But ... I really don't want to see you here."

Fanglin Yan shrugged:

"Maybe this is the arrangement of destiny."

Dumbledo slowly said:

"Look at you, I will give you an opportunity to explain. Of course, every word you said, you must test the decision of the magic!"

Fanglin Rock is very refreshing:

"Don't use it so trouble, you want to know what I tell you, I don't guarantee that I will answer, but it is guaranteed that every word that said export is true."

Dumbledo looked at Fanglin Rock and slowly said:

"Quilinas Chilo ......."

Dumbledo has not finished, Fang Linyan smiled and said:

"He is murder."

Dumbledo stares in Fanglin Rock Road:


Fanglin Rock Road:

"I went to find a villain Nabal's trouble, Nabel This person did not make evil, and she had to die, but I found that Qilo was mixed with him."

"I didn't plan to put Qilo, in fact, I have seen him for the first time before this, but he regardlessed all of the chasing me, and I also use the chicken snake beast and iron magic. ! "

"So I kill him, yes, I can let him be a horse, but I am very sure that if he can kill me, I will not let me, so I just unsatched his neck. "

Dumbledo turned his head to the middle-aged man:


Snape faintly said:

"He may say that there is a fake, but I haven't seen it, but what he said is sail, it is not difficult to query the authenticity."

Dumbledor Multi-point:

"Second question, what are you doing here?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"And the gods."



Fanglin Rock Road:

"There is no way to specifically, this is the secret of the family, Mr. Dumbledore."

Dumbledore shakes his head:

"I am sorry, Mr. wrench, you have to say it clearly."

Fanglin Rock said softly:

"Mr. Dumbledore, I am very clear that it is a secret. If you have repeatedly, there is a gentleman's style. If someone repeatedly asked you to see the details of Green Divo in the bed, would you say clearly? ? "

Fang Lin Yan knows that this battle is unavoidable, so it is very simply do not leave the situation, and the speech is sharp.

Dumbledo's eyebrows slightly wrinkled, still did not speak, Snape is already a step forward, the wand is a finger, Fanglin Rock immediately felt that a huge force felt! He spoke, repeatedly retired a few steps, and then showed a brids in his face:

"Is this only this ?!"

Snape's wand draws a triangular symbol in the air, but how does Fanglin Rock be a person who can't fight? On the back of the back, I went over, and the electric Pushed was in a coma.

However, the next second, Fanglin Yan suddenly became a sudden shine, this is the case, and his chest has also been opened for a long bloodlette, under the spray of blood, a strange and sharp triangular runes have passed!

This is the magic of Snape: God has no shadow!

Obviously, Fanglin Rock's counterattack directly interrupted the opportunity to chase Snape, and when Snape was still dizzy, he has been directly forwarded.

When Snape retrafes the wand, Fanglin Rock has been rushed to the ten meters of Snape!

If the ordinary magician faces this scene, it is already busy. Because the standard battle between the Magic Master is far away from a distance of waving the wand, then the brain guess the magic of the opponent, trying to make a croaker.

However, Snape is not a newbie. He has a rich experience, and the rest of the magician will not give him a victory to try to use his fists to determine the battle, but the magical creature.

Therefore, Snape is very simply showing a usual use of the most priced magic:


From his wand, shooting a large blue-green ray, and then a strong airflow was aligned with Fanglin Rock.

For this hit, it is very confident, because even the huge eight-eye giant spider is in the face of this magic, it will be directly hitting a head! That is more than two tons, which can drain the shipping truck.

Fanglin Rock is also hitting more than a dozen meters, and he looked at Dumbledown in half.

"Mr. Dumbledore, I don't want to be enemies with you, don't force me."

Dumbledo looked at Fanglin Rock, slightly shaking his head:

"You kill Qilo, it is killing it in a fair environment, you can say that it is true. However, I have the reason for this, but because the Ministry of Magic is inform me, saying is the detection of the gods. The magic pool appears out! "

"And the appearance of the magical pool is the position of Kaudara, and the location of you. At that time, I also felt the fluctuation of the power of the gods. How do you explain this?"

Fanglin Rock is very simply said:

"I have not explained."

"Because I am in my own, it is the believer of the god! I don't want you to say that I can kill Qilo, survive from his black magic, and rely on the gods of the gods."

Fang Lin Yan noticed that when he said, "Black Magic" three words, Dumbledo suddenly frowned, high voice:

"dark magic?"

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"Of course, it is a historical vicious curse."

Obviously, the people in Qilo actually implicated with the black magic, which is completely expected to Dumbledo.

Because Chilo is in most impressions, it is a big boy who is slightly taking, some shy boy, usually very enthusiastic!

Dumbledo, of course, knowing that everyone has two sides, but I don't know if Qilo's contrast is so big.

However, when Dumbledo thoughtful, Snape next to him is already in the midwone:

"Since you are the gods of the god, then what else is there? Mourned in the fire!"

After Samep was finished, the wand was once again, and Fanglin Yan watched him deeply, actually did one thing, then turned and fled!

He fled, and Snapu's "decomposition curse" was played on a big tree next to it. The place where the big tree was hit in an instant to decompose a large piece, pale yellow Wet wood brunette is blinking, and the trunk of the big tree has a strange big hole! !

Looking at Fanglin Rock in the Linshin, Snape was laughed and looked at the sky, and then he didn't say it on the broom and poured the past.

His personality is ignorant, in addition to the face of his true feelings in the face of Harry Potter, the rest is completely a cold mask is doing people.

Sometimes the mask is dicked, and even it will change directly into a person's face and integrate into this person's soul.

I don't know why, Snape is not like it, this is because this is originally a kind of control, and there is a love, you have to look at the eyes of the pig's foot before death, the reason is the eyes of the pig's foot and His mother Lily is exactly the same ...

Therefore, for those who have a very low charm of Fanglin Rock, Snape is of course an idea of ​​unreasonable ideas, not to mention the Yu Yu, which is chasing the gods, is the responsibility of each magician?

Therefore, he is very paralyzed.

Dumbledo stood in the original place, the face is dignified, and Qilo is good at black magic. This is like an opening of a piece of cloth. There are many bad things below the following, these things are inside, There are Dumbledo's most taboo!

At this moment, Dumbledo's old fox's mind thought of a lot of things, Qi Luo is good at black magic, then a few people who have a good relationship? If it is believed, is it not to explain that the forces of the food is already like the plague generally spread?

Therefore, Dumbledo thoughtfully thought, simply served by Sinap.

Of course, from another perspective, Dumbledore also employs themselves, for him, the wrench of a zone, it is impossible to let him join hands with Snape.

Otherwise, if you pass, if you go out, no matter how the ending is, it really only uses shakes to describe it.

In the face of Snape's pursuit, Fanglin Rock is very calm and dodge. If you can't hide, you will use the magic shield hard to resist. At this time, he has roughly assessed the strength, and even the strength of the guy, even Previous Qilo!

However, this is nothing to do. Fang Linyan is very clear, he can't help the child, you want to take the Shield Erymedi, so it is necessary to pay the price! This is the artifact!

If you want to take a mortar, even if a contractor doesn't use the artifact, it will inevitably pay the huge price!

Artifact! It is the power of human beings to have the gods, so the sacred object, can you also be worried about people?

In this case, Fanglin Rock has been playing running, deeply won the ancient inheritance of the Minnesota forest wolf: and the war and retreat, his only counterattack is to use the vapor, but there are more Snape bacsoils, this guy Actually, I went down a bottle of magic!

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