The First Evolution

Chapter 66 Trading

It is not possible to say that the two will turn your eyes at the same time.

It is only a stone that can actually throw down the mechanical lane.

Really killing, when two people turned around, Fanglin Ran brings to trapping, the vine nets thrown out of them!

The Arctic Circle was not wonderful, and he hurriedly became out. As a result, he was hiding this hood, Bill was covered.

Fortunately, his power value is located at 10-20 points, and it will not be left directly in place.

But the negative effect of the deceleration 50 is from being inevitable! Immediately can only advance with turtle.

Seeing that the rear of the rear of the rear is already rubbing, murderous, Bill can't help but call:

"Head saves me!"

The muscles on the front of the Arctic circle are constantly trembling, and they must be decided down at this time.

He suddenly took out an oval that shines black rays, and then slammed next to it.

I immediately saw the crows hovering on the top of his head, immediately flying toward the egg,

The meter of the Arctic Circle actually shines out of a bit of light, then formed a armor like a cold ice,

His speed is also a sharp increase, and it is rushed out in front of it.

Fang Linyan, immediately wanted to control Ruberts to shine and bite.

As a result, although the other party entered the range, it came:

"Tips, have been locked for the enemy, but the other party is in the main body state."

"It will therefore have a key impact on your summoned fierce bite."

"The damage caused by your summoner will be absorbed 50, and the dizziness that comes with it will be immunized."

Seeing this prompt, Fanglin Rock is also shocked.

You know, based on the bonus of the five-sided blame, all the capabilities of your calling goods are prioritized.

Rubs is a unclosed elite creature. It is immunized by the fierce tear bite which can be reduced and the dizziness is immunized.

This escape skill from the Arctic Circle is very sharp.

However, I took a closer look at Fanglin Ranai reaction, and the immunization is only dizzy.

Injury is not reduced, just absorbed part of the frost armor of its body.

It is equivalent to the Rubens biting, ignoring the total injury of defense 40 points.

The Arctic Circle was only 20 o'clock, and the remaining 20 points were not reduced, but it was just rohated on the frost armor.

It can be understood that the frost armor and the Arctic circle are one, and the two share the health.

After discovering this, Fanglin Yan knows that he can't stop the Arctic circle.

So just let him leave, you will save a little energy.

At this point, Fang Ran looked back, and it was found that unlucky Bill had been rushed to the circumference and died, drop a bloody key.

Because Fanglin Rock is also dealing with him, so he is inexplicably a bit of bloody value.

At this time, Fanglin Rock has been pulled into the team, then the person who got the key instantly summoned the treasure chest, then shouted that I was a big red hand and then opened the treasure chest.

For the first time, very good, well, and the Shuai Fu mineral water bottle.

Second extraction, good, black seed (cast material) X5

Third, medium-sized treatment water X1

Don't tell, the team's channel is immediately a mad spray

When a jealous man meets, of course, it is necessary to have a good narrow, and McShaha laughed over and gave Fanglin Rock a bear.

When the Omi reached out and the Fanglin Rock came, he was first and down, he gave a few eyes.

Then the corner showed a smile of a slice, and Fanglin Rock said that the woman's heart was very deep, so she laughed some hairy.

After talked a few words, Lin Yan said, the original Messe, they found there in the county city about the definition legend about the crow, so they traced it back.

With the operation of Omi, I found that this is actually a branch mission hidden, so I have done time and energy.

As a result, this task is the last step, asking to save the eggs of the crow demon,

This finds that this damn task is actually a PVP's opposition task!

Their mission goal is to rescue the eggs of the crow.

The objective goal of the Northern Rod is the objective goal of the crow demon, and the eggs of the millet demon are alive in the hands of the demonstrators!

So I can't tell, the Arctic Circle This helped people inserted a foot, grabbed the eggs of the crow!

Once this task fails, everyone who accepts the task must be deducted, so they are certainly refused to give up, and they directly pursued.

It is good to stand in the crow.

Therefore, the north pole circle of snacks will be cured by the crow demon soul:

Moving speed is reduced by 20, and there is a probability attack loss when fighting.

This allows Messe who have the opportunity to bite each other.

This is also the reason why you want to throw out the derries when you escape.

Seeing that the time limit for completing the task is getting closer and closer, and a man is preparing for the worst.

In this time, Fanglin Rock actually appeared in the magical, and helped them stop the Arctic circle, so everyone owed Fanglin Rock.

At this time, Mcis also needs to return to the rewards in Gu'an County, and Fanglin Rock is of course in the same way.

Fanglin Rock always felt that the woman in Oimi is in the way, and the penetration of the line of sight is strong, and the fur is toned.

In short, now I have entered Gu'an County, so I am very simply speaking.

As a result, when Fanglin Ran would like to take a way, Omi actually launched a person and came directly to Fanglin Rock.

Then I am very simply waving to Mc., Max looks at Fanglin Rock with the eyes of sympathy, and then roll.

The rest of the people are very honest, leaving an exclusive space to Omi and Fanglin Rock.

Then Omi looked at Fanglin Rock, holding gray glasses:

"The last thing, thank you."

Fang Linyan laughed:

"Labor to raise your hand, raise your hands."

Omi stared at Fanglin's eyes, with a light tone:

"You seem to be very nervous, it is my look very horrible, so do you think it is very afraid?"

Fang Lin Yan also felt that he seems to be a bit too nervous. Just loose a breath, he heard the faint way:

"Well, but you see that I should feel some fearful, you are right, Fang Xiaoqi?"

I heard this sentence, the muscles of Fanglin Ran were tight, and then the surrounding did not relax after they did not threaten.

Then he looked at Omi and smiled his eyes:

"I know that I am a small seven, you can't move?"

Omi is very serious:

"I have an assessment of the chance of killing you, but there is no more than 30%."

"Usually, there is no more than 70% of the taste, I will not do it."

Fang Lin Yan smiled slightly, smiled:

"No, you can see me so much?"


"According to the intelligence I collected now, first, the remaining three square families have a strange ancestor skill."

"I believe that you are no exception, and you are still a contractor's identity, our hurt is halved for you."

"If you rely on this, kill your chances should be 2%."

"Secondly, you have just helped us, Max is still your friend."

"If you turn your face to you, Max has more than 90 opportunities to withdraw from the team, with his maintenance, drying your chances at least 40%."

"Finally, you are also a very dangerous guy!"

"To be honest, you can finally trigger the battle of Xian Nia and Gaqiu Mountain in the joint trial, and finally be successful, which made me up with two grades of your evaluation."

"So, the probability of success is still going to cut two%!"

Speaking here, Omi is naturally concluded:

"So, only 20% of the battle of success, I don't want to take this risk."

"What's more, once you start, I will pay the huge price of the team's core member?"

Fanglin Rock haha ​​smiled:

"Listen to you, I really feel that you don't have a wise choice for me."

Then Fangliny is curious:

"Yes, I am a small seven thing should just be passed on the mouth of a few people. How do you know?"

Omi asked:

"Why can't I know?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Know that I have double identity, I should only have three people."

"There is no exception of these three people, it should be the big man in the team, this time in the space battlefield."

"They have four people to kill me a trial, and the result will not only kill me, but it has also broken one of them.

"This kind of thing is said, don't they face?"

"More than the hidden value in this intelligence is a lot, in this way, others don't want to get the sour grapes, the three guys will not say everywhere."


"Oh, it sounds a little reasonable"

"Four team leader levels of contractors kill you, you actually retreat, but also kill one person?"

"Then there is only one possibility, you have given a lot of power!"

"And even in the space battlefield, the enemy who has such power is also the number."

"Is it the power of the pig demon?"

Fanglinyan exposed the color of admire.

From the few words of my own, I have to influence such things. Ou rice women's ability can be seen, it is no wonder that I was asked for the Chiqiu Mountain.

He looked around for four weeks, and there were no people around the surrounding, and the sound said:

"You know that after the identity of our small seven, if you have a heart, then you should arrange the human hand in the first time, where the wild is in the wild, one Ma Pingchuan, just right to kill."

"At this time, I haven't happen yet, then the chance to do it will be unclear."

"So, I don't care how you look at me, now I only want to make a deal with you, I don't know if you dare not pick up?"

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