Therefore, Fanglin Rock smashed the Binson's magic fireplace, he retreated to the streets of London, then pinched his golden pin, so familiar suggests appeared in front of you:

"Dear VIP, I am 314, the customer service manager in the world, can I serve you?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"I want to see Lord I., do you have time?"

Soon response is coming:

"Ivantian Month is waiting for your big driving."

So after half an hour, Fanglin Rock once again saw the Lord Ivan, very simply in the Garden of Eden, very simply:

"Dumbledo, I am veryaring your feelings, so I came this time, I told you the truth I know."

"However, my news intelligence source is far a hundred years ago, there is a six or seven or seven years away from you, so I don't have to expire, not only this, but there are I personally infer, of course, there is something that I personally experienced. "

Ivantian Month point point:

"Ok, but my age is also very big. It is estimated that you can record what you talk about, I may recording, then slowly listen to the detailed listening, can you accept it?"

Fanglin Rock Road:


Then, Fanglin Rock said, from the night of thunderstorms, a mad scientist called Victor. Ferrancunstein's experiment was successful, manufacturing a bio weapon called Finn .... ...

This time, the story of Fanglin Rock spent two hours, this is not because he talks, because the Lord Ivan is listening, it will not stop proposing the relevant issues, and also called a servant to come over.

This servant is very funny to wear a pumpkin head, nor does it know that it is a bad taste of the Lord I., or his special needs, but his body is strong, and the body is extremely strong! Fanglin Rock estimates that its strength is absolutely not inferior to Banggarah.

After Fanglin Rock finished, the Lord Ivan did not raise a problem. In the huge meeting room, there was a silence of the dead and average, and Fang Lin Yan was waiting. It was clear that this old guy did not expect his death. It involves so much thing.

After a long time, I'm laughing and said:

"I am very sorry, you bring these intelligence too critical, saying that the truth is really incredible, if you are not because of your identity, I will definitely doubt the true and false of these messages."

Fang Lin Yan smiled slightly:

"You can rest assured to this, I stand in an absolute neutral point of view, and I can guarantee that you can't get more detailed news in this world, then this, my friend They are still waiting for me. "

Ivantian Month point point:


Fanglin Rock is very simply looking at him:

"My person doesn't like to owe others, then ....... we have two clear?"

Lord Ivan is very simply point to point:

"No, not two clear."

Fanglin Rock smashed the head, the question of the eyes of the eyes wanted.

The Mind of Ivan smiled slightly, and the servant of the pumpkin next to:

"Heier, Mr. Wrench I went to the collection room of the A, please pick three things as a gift."

At this time, the Lord Ivantian looked at Fanglin Rock smiled.

"You pick a gift, this is two clear."

Fanglin Rock is very refreshing.

"it is good!"

He now and Ivine think is a simple transaction relationship.

You gave me a boss, let me take the goddun Erymedi to take away, then I will come over to give your feelings but it is ------- Anntone, no one thing, Just come over and chat with you.

You have to add code at this time, and I will continue! Don't take it, don't take it, I don't expect to have a relationship with you to climb your relationship!

Under the leadership of Pumpkin head servants, Fanglin Rock quickly came to the Collection of Ivan's No. A, and found that this is the first floor of the Exhibition Hall of the X organization you visited.

Not only that, when you come, it is equivalent to only half. After this time, Heier also opened a partitioned door next to it.

Fang Lin Yan went in to pick up, find that most of the things inside are unknown, small part can't go out, and there is no problem with hundreds of Jin Gabung on the black market.

Old things were born in that very senior aristocrat family, the eyes were quented from the top luxury life, plus this nearly a hundred years of experience, can pick up the collection, where is it?

Fang Lin Ran does not quote, picking three unknown things, all are rare ore, which can be extracted from the metals that are not on the earth, which has a great advantage for Fangliny's own studio.

Then Fanglin Rock wanted to leave, I didn't expect Yiti once again, looked at Fanglin Rock smiled.

"Mr. wrench thinks that this is satisfied?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Very good, very good."

Ivan looked at Fanglin Rock, seriously:

"So, if I want to ask you to help me, the remuneration is the top B collection room and the C number, and you can take two things free from inside, have you have any questions here?"

Fang Lin Yan Shen said:

"I mean that there is not much time in this world, it is estimated that the top 4 is about 40 hours."

Ivanti faintly said:

"That is enough."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Do you want me to help you revenge?"


"I hope I can see him in person, ask him about what year."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Who is he? Is Moleghi?"


"Yes it is."

Fang Lin Ran is in the same way:

"The Morgie Bishop has been almost seventy years ago, do you think he can live now?"

Ivanti faintly said:

"The Moleghi, the Molegi, which is intended, is accurate, is the Morgie Bishop, and now it is still in place, it is the Morgie Bishop, but listened to you. After describing, I am very suspected that they are actually a person. "Genius remembers this site address: https: //

Fanglin Rock said:

"Is this impossible?"


"When you left, I mentioned the Moleghi's bishop, so I had a careful investigation of him. I found that there were many people who had a lot of people and the Canton of Moleghi.

"For example, I like to use fresh blood to mount whiskey, and like obese women over the age of 50, I will eat a night from two in the morning of each weekend!"

"At the time, I feel somewhat survey, but now you tell me another key person: Ferran Kentan, just I also investigate the detailed information of this guy, then basically able to take this most critical puzzle Make up! "

When I said, I Wen Shou closed his eyes, and then slowly spit it out:

"You don't know if this crazy guy is getting out of the last five years!"

Fanglin Ranki said:

"Oh! Let me listen."


"He steals almost one hundred bodies, and then cuts all parts of these bodies, and finally combined into a new monster, then use the secret drugs and current that you have modulated, give this suture monster! "

"But this monster is finally out of control, and it is strong enough to rush into the urban area of ​​London, and it can even draw a strong power from the bloody kill. In the last magical department, he fell a few Ako Luo. "

"At that time, the Ministry of Magic even thought that this is the anti-flee event that the church is conspire, so most people have been investigated for a long time, and finally, although the suture giants are eliminated, Ferrankens is never named, even the magic The big thunder is very big, and it is useless to see the dead. "

"Because things have been a long time, I got the relevant case of the Ministry of Magic, said that the most likely guess is that Ferrankenstein has changed a body with this opportunity, and then The onset of aging is burned, and he turned into another person. Of course, no one can catch him. "

Fang Linyan suddenly wake up, this should be a famous scientific gentle event. He suddenly thought of a condition:

"It's not that the Ministry of Magic has completely destroyed the gods? So how do you still have a job in the big bishop?"

Ivan shrugged:

"Yes, these two are not conflict, after dying, fate These things are unwrapped, the religion here is not eliminated, the people of the Magic Ministry have destroyed the gods, but the church and believers are there. The way is forbidden, but it will not be banned. "

"This is a twentieth century. The Ministry of Magic can't demolish all religious buildings, kill all the clerics, so, leave these things as a scenic spot. Anyway, these clergy will pray again. Unable to get a response. "

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"Since you say this, the crazy scientist Ferrancunstein creates new life before eight or ninety years, and give himself a physical running road, then Moleghi's bishop can be done."


"Yes, these two people have a dark, and the Morgie Bishop is on the surface, providing resources for him, providing resources, and Ferrancunstein, in the back of the study, providing technical support, and two of them Almost a hundred years, such a deep friendship is also hard to stay ....... So, in the face of such a strong enemy, I am also unfolded. "

After all, you know, I am just a supervisor inside the X organization. The resources in my hand are not much, and must also organize the business services here, and the Bishop of Morgie The entanglement is a private matter, so I have to have an external force. "

Fang Lin Yan wants to think about it:

"To tell the truth, Mr. Ivan, you are so pushed, I also tell me, I want to help, I have three requirements."

Ivan nodded later, he has psychological preparation, he will ask, others talk to you, that is really sincere.

If you don't say it, you don't say that it is directly full of, or it is your kind, or it is a liar ...

Fanglin Rock has been the first finger:

"First, you have to open B and C collection rooms, let me see what is in it."

Ivinez nodded:

"OK, you are a golden pin holder, I will give you this example is not too violated."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"If there is no thing I look at it, then this thing is so."

Ivan took a deep breath and then slowly spit it out:

"OK, alright."

Fanglin Rock is connected:

"The second condition, I only have a 24-hour time to do this, your people must be responsible for the general situation of Morgie's bishop."


"I have been doing this, no problem."

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Third, the two old guys are also old foxs to support the present, definitely a very powerful force. During decades, the scientific geeks made up, the magical department is fade, so ....... If we want to deal with them, the power of the individual is too weak. "

Ivan silently said:

"So what do you mean?"

Fanglin Rock Road:

"I mean very simple, double-managed! On the one hand, weaken the enemy, on the one hand, strengthen itself!"

"Since you can throw Dumbledo's whereabouts, let the Ministry of Magic to stare at Moleghi's bishop them should not be difficult! This kind of words, there is a magical department to intervene, this guy is a 10-year strength can only play Out of 50%. "

"Secondly, I can't do this, you have to move anything, I think that your servant Haier is very powerful, not only like this, I have been touched by a guy called Banggala, he is Lasgow import and export company. "

"This guy is very strong, more importantly, only spend two hundred hundred gold in Gabung can get it, you call him, our strength can be strengthened, take a word, this time I can be from Deng Brycher's hand escaped, thanks to his help. "

Ivan listened to Fanglin Rock, and suddenly had a bit of interest. Fanglinyan said two hundred hundred gold, Gabung, said that it was precisely, that's because this stuff did not have anything to him, but it is not necessarily for Ivan. He wants to stay in this world.

What is interested in Y Wan, or the last sentence of Fanglin Rock, this Banggara can help him escape from Dumbleo, which can be said that it is not possible.

Ivine s nodded:

"Yes, you can agree with you, three conditions I can promise you, but you have to give me more time to recruit people's hands! Not only that, this ten hours also included people with my contact Magic time."

Fanglin Rock nodded:

"Okay, no problem, then I will leave first."

Ivo thought it wanted to follow:

"Finally, I have to add a little, what are the two or three gold Gabung Garans, don't you have to do it?"

Fang Lin Yan Shen, he is a human mind, immediately laughing, laughter:

"Of course, I spent so much money to get him, it is absolutely not me, I have to give him so much money, I want the result! After the war, he will be willing to stand to the results around me!"

"As long as you can achieve this result, then you have a good thing to spend a gold."

Ivine s nodded:


Then he slammed the bell:

"Heier, Mr. Wrench to B, C Treasure Room]."

The pumpkin head servant silently reached out and did a hand gesture.

Fang Lin Yan followed the Pumpkin head servant.


Half an hour later,

Fanglin Rock retreated to the streets of London. He has already contacted Omei, telling her that he has ten hours of idle time, and see what can give a team.

Now Fanglin Rock's destination is a hotel called "Munich 1744", and Omi will send people to meet there.

After taking a taxi, Fanglin Rock got on the car, but the heart was still pondering before the B, C Treasure room saw in the treasure room.

"X organization still has a good thing ..."

Fanglin Yan is in his heart:

The most expensive things in these collections, Fang Linyan remembers very clear, is a huge skull, the name is a mountain monster's fossil skull. After the stuff will get a task, this task is also very concise -------------------- Please note that it is not simple!

Directly transfer you to a virtual space, this space is the consciousness of "evil spirits" attached to the fossil skull, and then the holder must fight in this space and is a single battle.

After winning, you will conquer this "evil spirits", it will become a soul, and this skull holding this skull has a high probability to become a legendary equipment.

The use of this skull is a throwing attack. After hitting the enemy, it will automatically fly as a meteor hammer, and the power is amazing!

But Fanglin Rock is also an old fritter, and it can be very clear to see two shortcomings.

The first is to use it, learn to learn an advanced basic capability: double throw.

The second is that its attack is very embarrassed, 30 meters, this distance said that it is not far away, it is not close to the close, in fact, it is very easy to seize the opportunity attack.

And this East Western Lin Rock estimates that you are still not so easy. After all, I Wen Si's old thing is limited. This mountain monster's fossil skull is also posted on "treasure" label.

Here told Fanglin Rock at the time, if you want this thing, you have to do related tasks.

Therefore, Fanglin Rock has given up this place directly. He really looks at the two things, but not in the C-Tibet room stored more precious collection, but is a treasure room in the second floor.

He looks at the first thing, it is actually a thing that is like a break, it is like a rotten sheepskin scroll, which writes a few strange spells, the most unique, this curse Wen seems like a human blood book, which is still flowing, so it seems that it seems to be self-living.

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