The First Evolution

Chapter 68 Boarding Lin Yue

The stuff in Fanglinyi is a disposable product, but it is also a great amazing, its full name is called:

Nikuli's magic pack.

The instructions next to it are that in his later years, Nikuli has never gave up the exploration of unknown sectors. He tried to create an advanced conforming that automatically repairs the magic machinery.

This study finally caught the intelligence of this magical creation. It was simple to say that the CPU of this play did not have been developed. Therefore, it was finally discarded, and it was directly removed for sale. .

This magic consolidation is disassembled from the repair arm of Nikulme, which is available, but it is also a one-time item, and it is dangerous to use it.

More importantly, once the use, whether the failure is still successful, the user will suffer the out-of-control energy attack, powerful, and the user needs to press the hand in this place, toward the source of the source.

It is because there are so many restrictions, there are huge risks in the use process, so this is the point of playing to be placed in Tibet B.

Fanglinyi looks at another thing, called stealth cloak.

This stuff is very practical, and it will cover your body.

If you only put on your shoulders, you will be able to walk slowly, then you will see quite horrible scenes, that is, a head is empty, and then fly everywhere.

However, it is very clear that this is a flaw, otherwise how can I be put in the B treasure room?

Not only that, but the problem is a bit more, such as this stuff, although the name is called a cloak, in fact, it should be called: part of the stealth cloak that is torn.

Its size is also as large as a shirt, unless the user is a baby, otherwise, it must be incomplete.

Second, it also has the limitations of the number of uses. This is said that this stealth cloak can also use it for many years. If it is not torn, it is so bad, it still can continue to use two to three times ........ Ok, I am an honest person.

If you plan to use the third time, you must prepare for gambling!

Recalling the benefits of these two equipment in my mind, Fang Lin Rock stepped into the hotel, and then I found a man wearing a windbreaker standing up and greeted himself:

"Mr. Wrench?"

Fanglin Rock nodded:


"I am Ou Wen, Ilia called me to pick you up."

Iliya is the name of Omi in the world.

Fanglin Rock Road:

"Okay, you have a way."

The Owen is nodded, and then she has gone through the alley next to him.

Suddenly between Fanglin Rock, I got it on the back of Owen. Ou Wen hit his head at this time. Of course, I can't say, even if Fanglin Rock received a bit of power, this guy's nose was still hit If you are awkward, you have a painful covering your nose and squatted on the ground, and the blood flows out from the fingers.

Fang Lin Yan saw the scar, hurriedly helped forward, in order to hand on a few paper towels, I took a while Owen with tears, with a strong nasal sound pain:

"What are you doing?"

Fang Lin Yan sighed a mouthful:

"Sorry, I have been chasing it recently, so suspicious illness is very heavy, I want to take a test."

"If you have a ghost, then you will definitely be aware of me, then you can let you leak all this, just you didn't, so when I am preparing to get a hand, you suddenly turned over ... "

Ou Wen's pain:

"How is your suspicious disease so heavy !!"

Fanglin Yan shrugged:

"That's because you don't know what I have experienced before ....... ok, take the way."

Then Fanglin Yan stuffed five Jin Garlon in his hand, and smiled and said:

"Sorry, I am sorry. This is the medical fee I giving."

I didn't talk when I got the compensation, and I was quite satisfied with his expression.

After the two came, after a red telephone pavilion, the European instrument was coming in.

After two big men squeezed together, they suddenly looked quite bureau, and Owen vicked a coin in the next phone, then picked up the handset:

"Let us go to the ban."

In an instant, the entire phone booth was quickly calm down, but after the twenty meter, I flew into a black convertible, and they took them steadily, and then took them in the distance. Fly over.

At this time, Fanglin Yuli found that pulling the carriage, it is two-headed like a fly horse, but they are in the dark, thin bones, and the black fur is tightly attached to the skeleton, and the wings are showing batches. It seems to have one. A beautiful beauty of demon.

Among the whistling winds, Fang Linqi couldn't hold his nose and face, and the wind blowing blowing was really a grinding man. He couldn't help but shout against Owen (must shout, otherwise he can't hear the sound) :

"What is this stuff! Why don't we send magic closets?"

Owen has brought himself a windproof magic at this time, and then began to give his nostril into cotton, then he only said:

"Because you have already gone too many magical closets, you are okay, through different channels walking between magic closets, but Ili, they have a lot of people, and there are many times, so it is simply renting a night.. "

"Of course, the most important reason is that Mr. Dumbledo has rejected Iliya to continue to use the VIP magic closet channel."

"This old thing is really small ..."

Fanglin Yan is in the heart of the belly.

Then he shouted directly to Owen:

"Let's give me your windproof magic, I feel very uncomfortable now!"

Owen surprised him to see him:

"Yes? Eliya has a big hope to you, why do you even have a prevention: this is a very basic spell."

Fortunately, he said that he will hold a prevention curse to Fanglinyan, and Fang Lin Ran is white.

"Mr. Owen, a person's combat power is strong, and will not prevent the relationship between a curse? Dragon class defensive curse? But this does not hinder it to board the top of the food chain ... .... "

Owen :

"You are the concept of stealing, sir."


While mixing his mouth, the two were carried in the clouds of Cang Black, and after half an hour, there was a large gray jungle, and white fog wandered around the jungle, it looked It feels very vivid.

Soon, the night is beginning to shoot the wings, after it is approaching, this jungle has grown a lot of dry twisted trees, and these trees have a part of death, the leaves fall, so the stretching leaves look It's more like a tentacle.

Soon, two nights fell to the ground, they can't wait to pounce a flesh and blurred body that is not far away, which should be a bull killed.

The flesh and blood brought a huge temptation to night, Fanglinyan looked at the scene of the wings to compete for flesh and blood, and suddenly, the two guys did not try to throw it down when they fly. Because of this, they There is also a big probability to harvest two pileston blood.

"Let's go." Owen Road: "Don't bother them to enjoy the mood of the night."

Fang Lin Yan is in accordance with the statement, but their two have done this, but there is no quick high-key!

The ground began to come into a slight shock, followed by a noble and proud wild beast rushed out from the mist, and the white long mane fluttered with the wind, the silver long corner horses, shining A little like a star as the stars.

However, look at it carefully, it has already had a very clear bore, there is a touch of scars as if the mercy of mercury, and even the end of the mane has a touch of blue green, which is a sign of poisoning.

It is the goal of Fanglin Rock this line: unicorn animal merchants.

And this guy is only afraid that it is not coincident here, but Omi is expected to come to his time, and it will come over.

Fanglin Rock immediately said in the team channel:

"I have seen the unicorn, what should I do?"

Omi heard the words of Fanglin Rock, immediately spatied:

"So fast? So I want to take a way to hurt it!"

At this time, this unicorn also saw the front of Fanglin Rock. It immediately switched another direction in the run, and it did not intend to contact Fanglin Rock.

But how can the meat fluttering of the mouth? So he very simply strong, and a blood red lightning is straight!

But this unicorn beast has two brush. In the eyes, I saw that the gangma flashed to it. I actually shine on my head, and I suddenly "slipped" opened, directly Going to the tree next to it, I suddenly fell down on the spot.

(Unicorn anti-magic setting comes from forever, dear, great hero invincible 3)

Eaves of Owen suddenly eaten:

"Why don't you use a wand? Can you do it ... Don't you know that the unicorn is probably resistant to most magic?"

Fang Lin Yan is also lazy to get carefully, although the unicorn beast is successful, but its running speed is also slow, grabbing this opportunity, Fang Linyan has exhibited "interception" skills.

So his movement speed is in an instant, and the unconpened beast is directly rushed. However, Fanglin Rock did not expect that this beast actually appeared in the run, and then very simply turned. Body, buried your head.

In this way, if Fang Lincheng continues to rush, it is equivalent to the direct delivery to the door to hit it!

In this case, Fanglin Yan has chosen hard! Spak, do you have a little second?

So, next second, the longeng of the unicorn was roofed in the chest of Fanglin Rock, but Fanglin Rock waved his fist, which was also playing on the head of the unicorn!

Fang Linyan's "" is sprayed out, the whole person flew out directly, and his head came out of a big number: 871!

The power of this hit is weaker than he imagined. However, Fanglinyan looks at the battle record and discovery, it turned out that this unicorn animal moon is actually impacked, actually showed a trick. " Cranes "!

This creature of the unicorn is itself close to justice and sacred camp, and it is not surprising to show the evil spirits.

However, Fanglin Rock is now as a goddess Athena's licking dog. It is also not an evil camp, so it is not an extra additional bonus, but it will be weakened.

After the unicorn, Fanglin Rock is also uncomfortable, it is simple, it is the cerebonal melon.

Not only that, it sprinkles the momentum stopped, and the head is constantly stepping on the hoof, and the posture of walking is also awkward.

After the unicorn recovered, Fanglin Rock once again reached again, and it was a dragon and flashed! This time, you can see that the current of the vapor flashes can be said to be exceptional, as if a bloody flash is hit down.

This electricity penetrates the magic resistance of the unicorn, and the heavy play is on its fur! Suddenly, a pungent scorpion was passed out, and the unicorn was even more screaming.

Obviously, the gangma flashed to it!

Not only that, but the battle records of Fanglin Rock have a clear tip:

"Contractors ZB419, your gap flashes" the effect of special effects: the attack attribute becomes true harm, and must hit, inevitably hit! "

"Contractors ZB419, your enemy has passive ability: natural power, your dizziness is offset, you can't take effect on any deceleration effect on it, this passive ability has a high authority "

Looking at the prompts, Fang Linyan suddenly understood, no wonder the layout of Omi, took this guy very headache!

Don't eat slow down, don't eat halo, good at run, fast! No wonder poisoning can run so fast.

The Mcis this guy is a shock against the unicorn, and the problem is that his mobile is a short board.

Omi this woman is really proud, if it is not asked, she is estimated to bite his teeth and refuse to help.

After a gap, the unicorn is obvious that the opposite Rock has produced some fear, and immediately turned and ran.

After Fanglin Rock came out of twenty meters, it was estimated that it will raise the speed to the highest, and suddenly, it suddenly showed the words, and the hand finished, and the way:


Suddenly, on the front of the unicorn, it suddenly stabbed a stalagmites!

For a long time, Fang Lin Yan knows that the best use of this place is to use the auxiliary, directly to the enemy's body is very poor, but it is used to change the environment, but it has an effective effect.

Not only that, the previous words are second-order, and the summoned stone bamboo shoots only have a bowl, and the length is half a meter.

Now that it is raised to the third-order temple, the summoned stalagmite is full of bucket thickness, one meter length.

Poor this unicorn is accelerating running, how can I think that there is such a thing in front of it, I will hit it directly, while the stalagmite is broken, and the ash smashed it also issued a painful screaming. Fly out.

At this point, this scene, I made people think of the race in the runway, and then lost to the scene, the car was destroyed!

Needless to say, Fang Lin Ran immediately rushed up, and he smelled a faint sweet taste, and the unicorn, but also came out of the white silver, as if the water droplets, this is The blood of the unicorn.

In the face of all this, Owen was shocked. Seeing Fanglin Rock has already hurt the injured unicorn bravely, it seems like a hungry tiger, and immediately lost his voice:

"Be careful, the blood of the unicorn is cursed!"

How can Fanglin Rock manage these things? What curse is like, can you clear it in the space? I am so hard to catch the opportunity to do this, once gave it a chance, then stood up and escape?

This unicorn is a big, high-priced resistance to magic, do not eat slow down and dizzy, running the thief!

I rely on God's hardships, I have been successful, and I can't come back, and then press and hold.

It is not to say that Fanglin Yan directly as the words of the ear, seeing this guy is about to turn over, just ride it, then the punch is a fight!

At this time, the body of the unicorn is obviously high, although the block is running fast, but once it is close, it is hard to resist.

Just like Zhao Xin, a Picheng policewoman, Zhao Xin, who was purified six gods, a roaring: the long gun is brought in the chrysanthemum, if you don't run, if you run, if you run, you are ** flower! It's really a fight against tears, and even counterattacks have a luxury hope.

Seeing that the unicorn has strong supporting, Oimi, this helper finally arrived, one by one, as if it is like a dragon.

This unlucky unicorn made a unwilling sorrow, completely overwhelmed, and the four legs were crazy, and the wet ground stepped out of several obvious pits, but it was obviously nothing. .

After Omi arrived, it was obviously loosened, and he began to take out a singer and sing. It sang for more than ten seconds. This is only effective, and the three gold chains are in this unique The corner is tied to a few laps, and the sharp end of the chain is also in the body of the unicorn.

If the unicorn is capable of avatars, then this bundled art, I will carefully describe it, I can reach the extent to which I have reported.

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